~The ways of unexpected love~ fire-wiki

Raynare remained mostly the same, expect for the bulge in her pants. The girl was sitting in a chair holding a tablet, where she had gotten from, who knows. "Jesus you guys are still asleep...." the girl said looking away frim the tablet for only a second. "Hmmm. Yeah this device is boring me." clearing her throat she look at Issei and Raynare sleepin forms. "WAKE UP!"
" How the fuck....are you still here....you asshole..." as her voice seemed to be a bit high but not noticing anything yet. " did last night even really happen? Even I still don't remember a lot." As issei sat with a yawn stretching her arms now just paying attention to the fact she was still here. " wait...why the hell does my voice sound so damn weird?" As the now girl just stared at the other.
The girl giggled evily in playfully manner. "Yes why does your voice sound so weird." She sarcastically said as she rolled her eyes. Raynare opened her eyes and rubbed them, she saw Issei and gasped, she put her a hand around her mouth trying to keep a laugh in. Her face was red as well. "Well seems your girlfriend is laughing."
The now girl turned around to the other, " h-hey!!" Again turning back to the first. Soon standing up isseis boobs bounced a bit as she quickly stood up getting the new weird feeling as she covered her heat then pushed her hands in a bit, " my voice and my chest? Everything..." with that she ran out of the room for the bathroom to look at herself as issei just laid on the floor quietly not knowing what to do now seeing that he saved a girl who gave him this now.
Raynare looked at Issei, she saw the girl walking off murmuring about sleeping. "Well I guess she's going to go sleep." Raynare said as she walked over to Issei, she slightly moaned and blushed as her new male organ rubbed against her pants. "So we both have dicks." Raynare said bluntly as she sat down next to Issei. "Would you wanna have sex?"
" h-hey I didn't ask for this that bastard! And what a with you so suddenly...I mean not like this though..." as she pulled her shirt out a bit to see she had small boobs as she covered them up, screaming in embarrassment. " God I can't even imagine school too..." shaking in the corner.
Raynare blushed. "Well i was just eaply emotional yesterday... But i understand if dont want to do it now." she looked at Issei breasts. "Well Issei, or do i call you Iris? Your breasts are very small, i don't mean to sound rude or anything, just saying." Raynare said. "So weird question. Sorry if it grosses you out or anything. But uh... How does it feel to have a vagina now? Again sorry if this sounds weird or anything, just curious is all, i mean i know how it feels, its just i wanted to know how it felt for you." the fallen said as she blushed a bit.
He sighed with a blush just staring at her, it felt like she was a bit like the other girl but judging her more now as she looked away with a blush. " I-if your gonna be like that then i-I'll handle it myself.." as she stood up and went downstairs, " I need food...and I'm gonna check if we even have school today..." not remembering what day it was as she walked out
Raynare followed Issei or Iris, it hadn't been decided on names yet. "I'm sorry if I upset you Issei-kun, I didn't mean to. Ok god now I feel like an ass." Today was quite the start for Raynare, and it didn't help that she felt like an asshole now, but hey who could help it, things happened and well Raynare was caught in the middle of it, she saw Issei, or Iris looking at the date.
" do we even have school today? I really started to lose everything." as the now girl turns to the other, " I really just hate the fact that I'm like this, just please don't say much about this at least yet...." as issei walks over and lean in close where their foreheads touch, " would you even still love me like this anyway? Do you even like girls.."
"Issei, no matter what gender you are, what you look like, i will still love always and forever, do you know why? Because your persoanlity and how you treat people is the reason i love you, and to answer your question. Yes i do like girls too." Raynare answered Issei, who turned to look at Raynare. "I love you with all my heart." Raynare said as she leaned in, and kissed Issei on the lips, her hands snaked down to her girlfriends back, and began to rub gently. She felt Issei tongue enter her mouth, her tongue touched Issei own and the two tongues dance in a way.....
The girl blushes as she started to kiss her, feeling the warmth between the two in her heart hoping that she could feel the same of course as jumped a bit feeling her hand so low behind her, causing her to fall forward until both were on the floor with her being on top.
Raynare blushed madly as she pulled away, this feeling was such a turn on for her, it made her wet and well erect. "Is it ok if I call you Iris or Izumi, or do you still want to be called Issei?" She asked her boy or rather girlfriend. "I mean I don't want to be rude or anything." She could feel her girlfriend erect cock against her belly.
" whatever, I don't really care and I should really ask if I can at least turn into a full girl with having this weird thing now..." she really found herself pretty weird looking then compared to what Ray saw her as even when she said she likes her not for personality. Soon her breathing started to grow a bit heavy as there was a warmth between them and how close their bodies were pressed against each other.
"I'll call you izumi alright." Raynare said with a blush, she was growing Hornier by the second. "You should at least give this a try right? I mean what's so bad about this, you have still have your dick and balls, its just now your a girl... Also since we are already on the floor, would you wanna get down and dirty." Raynare said between her somewhat must driven mind, she wiggled her hips slightly in a sexy manner. "Oh this heat from our bodies are amazing!" She lowly moaned with a blush.
" well I mean it sucks because I want to have a normal girl though and my normal self, and ....please don't tell anyone but if I were a regular girl I wouldn't mind this a bit at all..." admitting to a fetish, " I really don't want to have this thing since I'm a girl now though...." complaining as she sat up a bit, " and why do I get a flat chest?! At least.."
Raynare blushed slightly at Izumi admittance. "Well how about if I convince that girl to give you some bigger tits, I understand you would want to be a normal girl, but at least give this a try. I mean think of the benefits, you can still fuck a girl silly." Raynare said her lust clawing at her, making her even more erect and wet. "Besides what's the worst that could happen."
" well then I want a way to have both but hide one of them then until I need it if I even get a chance..." rolling her eyes a bit knowing of course that Ray wanted it already right now. " I'd rather screw a normal girl though myself...." she sighed crossing her arms then, " fine, if you can but also tell her shes a bitch from me..." not helping but laugh for a bit and give a cheeky grin.
Raynare smiled happily as she planted a kissed on Izumi lips. Her hands snaked down to her still rippled clothing and pulled them down, her osnties were stretched and it didn't help they had a tent, moving her hands again. She took off her panties letting free her new dick, which stood fully erect and rubbed against Izumi thighs. "Izumi I love you so much, your the coolest person in the world." Raynare said to her girlfriend.
" jeez your such a weirdo..." rolling her eyes as she gave a beautiful girlish moan as she felt rays cock against her thigh. With hearing that she covered her mouth from her own moan, " what the fuck was that..." asking with a blush embarrassed of hearing her own girly moan.
"Izumi... I'm sorry horny." Raynare whined a bit as her dick rubbed against Izumi thigh again. "Please let's fuck, I can't good it anymore, I feel like I'll go insane if I do!" She said as she bucked her hips a bit, causing her dick to thrust up a bit and move in between Izumi thighs. "I'm so god damn hot!" She exclaimed with a blush, the look in her eyes said everything, she really wanted to fuck.
" will you not tell anyone though?" She asked softly as she scooted back with another moan before taking everything slowly off, " I'm not a boy, I was never a boy, I'm not a boy..." she kept saying as she looked up at her being naked as well now.
"I promise I won't tell, and your right, you aren't a boy, your a beautiful Hermaphrodite, just like me." Raynare complimented Izumi, her hands shaking up to Izumi small but perky breasts, squeezing lightly, earning her fair share of moans, Raynare dick rubbed more against Izumi thighs. The fallen angel noticed Izumi erect cock was a good ten inches. "Pretty big." She lewedy said.
"That's not helping either!! What the hell!" She complained still with a blush on her face and a pout as covered her lower parts, " jeez I'm not into not normal dicks, God damn this is so fucking weird..."
Raynare pouted as well, her dick now touching Izumi butt cheeks. "Come on Izumi lets give this a go, let's have some fun." She said in pouty voice, she moved her hips a bit, causing her dick to rub against against Izumi butt. Hearing Izumi she felt her jerk a bit, causing her dick to rub against Raynare belly.
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