~The ways of unexpected love~ fire-wiki

Issei still kept his weird laugh as he slowly went over and touch it, poking it a bit before slowly letting it sit in his hands. " are you sure you really want a weirdo like me doing this....i mean of course I wasn't weird about the kiss and the date but still I don't want to force anything..." as he looked up at her. He sat up a bit running his other hand through her hair as he just looked at her face with a small smile.
Raynare nodded. "Its fine Issei, its only fair for me to give you something, after all... Let's just get it over with ok!" She happily said with a rather take smile, she was still shook up from admitting to Issei about her mission and what she was.
He stood up looking over at the other girl, " but hold on though, it's still weird to me that I had to take this girl back to my house though. And I mean since we figured everything out and we're still dating I'd rather be alone with you then before I start my quest to get other girls with me too. It's just really weird to me she's here before the sexy times...." Soon the boy scooted closer to her as he took her hand just to hold it.
Raynare smiled and happily held Issei hand, as she limply laid her head on his shoulders letting it rest. It was nice peaceful even, Raynare truly liked Issei and it showed. "Oh my god just fucking bang or something god damn, hearing you to go mushy is boring." Groaned the girl from the bed, she didn't sound in pain that much, that much.
"Aren't you supposed to be acting hurt or something or did suddenly just laying there bored help you. If you don't need me then just go or something." Telling the other as he looked back at Ray. " and I actually care about a girl other than just perving on her body all day you know...." he sighed as he wrapped his arm around her leaning in to kiss her before going in too much and both of them falling on the floor with his face between her boobs, "ugh sorry..." he said slowly trying to get up.
Raynare blushed madly as she got off of Issei. "Jesus you two are the strangest Issei's or Raynare's I've met, also to state a fact numb nuts, I heal pretty well." Raynare raised an eyebrow at what the girl said, what did she mean by Issei's or Raynare's. It really intrigued the fallen angel. "Seems this Raynare is curious to find out just what I mean." The girl smugg!y said.
"Same here...now that you seem better why are you even still here though. Are you just gonna say and talk about stupid shit or what....." he really was not really liking her besides being confusing and a bitch. He stood up and stretched with a yawn as he sat on the corner of the bed to think a bit.
"Let me explain this simply if i wanted i coukd erase this world, alright numb nuts, im a all powerful being, and to clarify, none of the other gods know about me." she said seriously, Raynare eyes widen in panic. "Since im bored and injured im going to make a bet with you two, or deal." her eyes moved around the room taking in every detail. "So if you willing to do it, then say something if not be quiet."
" great I have a sexy ass girlfriend that's a fallen angel and I just carried a god who destroys shit back to my house who happens to be injured and bored....I mean still I have a sexy ass fallen Angel for me..." as again there was the dumb perverted look on his face as he thought about it for a moment. " what's your stupid deal that you want then..."
"I'll entrust yoy two dipshits with some erotic abilites, breast expansion, changing peoples gender, etc, then add the fact that your a Issei and you have the boosted gear, and well it will be fun." the girl said in a matter of fact tone, Raynare eyes widen even more as she heard what the girl said.

"Issei-kun has the boosted gear, i thought it would be a some low class scared gear, not that." she said with a bit of worry. "Wait so that means, i could've killed the red dragin emperor! Holy shit i would have lost my job!" there was quite a bit of panic in Raynare now.
" but I need a harem so that won't work much even having just one person... I want a lot of boobs I want them all I really do and I want them natural though. So screw that.." he simply said crossing his arms. " well whatever I'm gonna go take a bath then..." as he turns to walk out to the bathroom now.
The girl eyes went wide. "These oowers wont denie you the ability to get a harem, hell it will help you get one." she said as she played on Issei perverted nature.
He stops as he makes it past the door, powers made for a harem?!?! Powers made to get boobs and even change then if I wanted and they would still be natural?!?!" He questioned seeing that if she did say he could really do that then. " if this guy has the power of getting a harem then I want all of those powers!! I want everything you got then..." looking at her wanting to hear her confirm for him herself.
"I cant make you or Raynare a god, so dont expect that. Now both of you. Get your asses onto this bed and let me seee your backs." the girls ordered. Raynare seemed unsure and looked at Issei, worried. She didnt know what to think of this deal the girl was suggesting, it slightly worried her. "Issei-kun think about this." Raynare said to her boyfriend.
" if it can get me a harem though, I really don't care..." he told the girl as he turned and sighed walking back in. Issei looked over at Ray, " we're doing this together and your the main girl of the harem and the one I love the most..." trying to convince her with that but still not knowing much as he laid on the bed on his stomach, " I will have boobs everywhere and the girls will be fighting for love and maybe they'll cook with nothing on and just an apron or something like that..." as he imagines a bit waiting.
The girl smiled and moved her pointer finger across Issei back. A glowling black line began to appear on his back followed by a symbol, the girl moved her pointer aroind Issei back as more lines and symbol s appearead, power began to flow in to Issei. "This wont awaken your scared gear, so yeah... Also might want to change your name." the girl said in a awkward tone.

Raynare raised an eyebrow at this but went back to making her decision. "Alright fine, I'll do it, i hope i don't lose my job for this, i could've killed the red drsgon emperor." she said to the girl.
"What the hell does that even mean?! What are you doing?!" Asking a bit panicked about changing the name because of something. " and how would it make sense for ray to need it anyway? I mean she would be part of the harem if she wants so there's no changing her accept maybe for those..." as he stared into her cleavage.
"I said i was. Giving you both powers." the girl said she was almsot finished with thr symbols and lines. "Well im just saying after im done finishing what im doing, well lets say you will have a new perspective... As a hermaphrodite.... And done." she said as she moved her finger away from Issei back, as the black symbols and lines glowed.
"Wait what NOOO!!!" He started to yell out, " what the hell man!!! I really wanna beat the shit out of you!!" As issei started to protest. " no you have better not have done that! I'm a guy getting a harem and nothing else! What the hell man!"
"Ok one, don't bitch and threaten me, because i might just destory Japan in response, two do you even know what a hermaphrodite is?" the girl asked the pervert, the girls eyes glared daggers at Issei as if waiting for him to say something anything. "Come on pevert wonder, tell me what is a hermaphrodite?" she waited for his answer. "Im waiting."
"Of course I know! What that is I mean studying girls is easy but there's always the parts you find the hard way. I've heard of it a few times and it's not good, but your doing that to her aren't you!? You sicko!!" Sitting up a bit as he turned to the girl, It's the same feeling you have when you find out that a girl is actually a boy but in this case it's the opposite I think. She has a normal body but now she has a no no place I don't like...instead of one I wish I could see..."
The girl sighed pinching the bridge of her nose. She stuck her tongue out and turned her head like a child. "To late Issei." she said his name like an object. "So while your withering in pain ir pleasure if reconstruction of your body turns you on, I'll be giving Raynare her powers. Have fun growing boobs." the girl taunted. Raynare sighed she wss going to regret this wasn't she? "Don't pout Raynare, you have it better than most Raynares."
Argh!! Dammit!! I want a harem not looking like this you bastard!!" As he gets up and takes the pain to try and straight up punch her and even try to knock her off the bed. " I want other boobs like hers not this sick thing! Don't you do anything to ray!! just run then!" As issei collapsed slowly trying to get up, " take these boobs away from me!" As he tried to punch again but is suddenly lmockes out by the pain.
The girl sighed. "Stupid fucker, god why does this Issei have to be stupid." she looked at Raynare. "Alright get on over here, all im doing is giving you powers, and also adding a dick and balls nothing else." she stated to the fallen angel and motion for her to get on the bed. "God im going to have a fucking aneurysm from your boyfriend, he's like almost every Issei, willing to sacrifice so much for friends." she said as Raynare laid on belly on the bed, the girl wrote symbols and lines across Raynares back, energy flowed into Raynare, above her pussy a cock began to forn and with it balls. The fallen angel passed out frim what she was feeling.

The two would wake up.
Soon it would be that until the next day would they be able to wake up with the boy having some new changes already as from the top of his shirt would be a bit of cleavage as well as a more girl like figure, though the changes not seem himself as even if he was knocked out he was someone not easy to be waking up. Now seeming to be two or three if the other still stayed then.
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