~The ways of unexpected love~ fire-wiki

"I understand Issei, its my first time dating as well." They two began playing, Raynare (Yuuma) pulled the trigger, hitting one of the appearing enemies, she fired again hitting another. "Wow this is fun Issei-kun." She said as she fired st more enemies as the progressed further into the games level.
He simply continued giving a small nod as they started to play more seeing that he didn't really have anything to ask or talk about for now and not worrying about anything since they already had stuff to do for the date then.
Raynare(Yuuma) smiled as they completed the level, and carried on to the next one, the next level ramped up in difficulty, but they pushed through with pure teamwork. "I wonder if there's any bosses in this game?" She wondered slowed, as she shot at more enemy's. One of the enemy's head was shot off. "Thank you Issei, for showing me such a wonderful time."
"Well that's what a date is." As they would pass through more levels seeing as nothing really happened before it showed a boss round. " well there it is now, maybe we could play one more after and maybe some ice cream or something too..." offering a bit as more time would pass them and eventually he would be taken out as he put the gun in and watched.
Eventually Raynare(Yuuma) won the game. "Yay! I did it, we make a great team Issei-kun." she said happily, whilst she may have seemed happy on the outside on the inside it was a conflict, on whether to complete her mission or not."I. Uave to complete my mission, but i dont want to kill him, i mean he may be a pervert, but hes been so nice to me." She thought to herself. "Um Issei, could you win a purple bracelet for me from the claw machine?" she asked him. "Then we can head back to the fountain."
He simply gave a nod, " well I guess then..." as he walked to see if he could find a machine and slip some coins to see if he could get it. " I'm not really good with these if your wanting me to do it though..." as he started to try himself now.
Raynare(Yuuma) smiled as Issei tried to get the bracelet for, as she watched with intent, she subconsciously wrapped her arms around him and pressed her chest against his back.
"H-hey! How am I supposed to try this when you do something like that...." as he felt her push up against him, her body soft as her chest pressed back against him, trying a bit as he managed to get one after two tries. "Hell yeah!!!!" He yelled as he got the bracelet and the for she wanted as issei slowly took the bracelet out and gave it to her.
Raynare(Yuuma smiled happily as she gently took it from Issei hands and slid down her own hand then arm. "Thank you for wining this for me!" she exclaimed and hugged Issei tightly. "I guess its time to head back huh." her tone going a bit sad. She was kind of upset and conflicted. She really didnt want to kill Issei, little did the two know that there date would not end in death.

The girl grunted a bit as she was flung back a bit, her body hitting the wall, blood leaked from her wound. "I'll give you that Byron, you've gotten stronger."
"Sure..." he told her turning around as they starged to walk out slowly, the sun already low in the sky as it was already dusk and soon it was going to turn dark. " well it's really good we used the whole day cause I didn't really know much we could do after the arcade..." scratching his cheek a bit as he tried to think a bit for the moment as they were now walking down the street with the fountain coming close as they walked.
As they walled a faint groaning noise was heard from an ally, along with someone saying help. Issei looked in the direction of the ally and ran down it. "Wait for me Issei." Raynare(Yuuma) said as she followed after Issei, only to see him looking st barely covered girl who was bleeding pretty bad. "Jesus she looks really hurt." the Fallen Angel thought.
" what the actual fuck is this sick joke!" He yelled a bit frustrated and scared to see something like this of course. " that asshole!!! Whoever did this!! I wanna kick their damn ass!" Soon he ran over closer as he picks her up and let's her lean against him as his back was turned from the other girl now behind him. Slowly he took his jacket off and tried to cover the wound against it. " I'll try to call help then..." as he picks his out phone out and tries to call.
The girl that leaned on Issei shoulder grabbed the phone from him and threw it to the side. "Don't... You moron, it won't... Help." Mustering what she could say. "Out of all the things to be saved by, a Issei, and you." When said that she pointed at Raynare (Yuuma). "This is pretty funny, hey Issei." The way she said Issei was more akin to how someone would say an object. "Bring me to your house." It sounded like a order.

"Issei-kun, please be careful." Raynare(Yuuma) said concerned.
"Wait how the hell do you even know me? And don't be such an asshole that I even saved you, you know...." he didn't know or wondered if he ever saw her around before but whatever. " your lucky I'm not much of an asshole though you know..." as he slowly lifted her up in his arms and turned to walk back out to the streets as he would walk home, " you need me to take you home though or something ray? Or do you still have time to come..."
The girl struggled a bit. "God damn it, you fucker just bring me to your home, I don't have time to waste, stop talking with that big tittes fallen angel and get me to your home, do you have a fucking death wish!?" This girl had quite the mouth and didn't seem to care.

Raynare(Yuuma) flinched when the girl said Fallen angel, how did this girl know.
"" well that's not really big talk considering your the one who's hurt and can't save your own ass...jeez maybe if you were a little nicer we would have been back yet..." he sighed as he slowly turned, "fallen angel? What the hell are you even talking about....do you guys know each other or something?" He asked rolling his eyes not believing it for now as he slowly walks back, seeing that no one would be home for a bit as he took her to his room and put a towel out on his bed so she could lay on it. " there..." he told her with a grumble.
Raynare (Yuuma) approached Issei, taking a deep breath. "Issei I need to tell you the truth, I'm a fallen angel, sent to kill you." She said with a sad time as black wings appeared on her back, her height increased a bit tearing her clothes, she now stood at the same height as Issei, five foot seven, her breast size shot up two cup sizes, as her ass became a bit bigger, her hips expanded outwards a bit more, Raynare (Yuuma) was even more sexy than before. Her face still retained its beautifulness. A tear ran down her face.
He stretched with a yawn still facing away from her as he turned, " holy shit! What?!" As he backed away falling on the floor, " shit I'm dating a sexy ass girl for the first time and it turns out I'm dating a fucking killer....that's still sexy as fuck?!?! Shit I don't know whether I'm scared or more lucky but definitely scared though...." backing away as his back was against the wall seeing that he was trapped now.
Raynare slumped down to her knees years running down her eyes. "I don't want to kill you, please forgive me, I really enjoyed everything we did, I understand if you don't want to forgive me, I understand if you'll hate me." She said, as she began to cry, the way she said the words, they were sincere, she meant what she said.
He sighed, " well that takes the creepy away at least a little bit, well I mean i don't care what you look like as long as your sexy as hell and not...trying to kill...me." He thought a bit, " I mean I don't hate you, and I would be sad than anything that I showed you a good time and I don't get another kiss before I'd die then..." he sighed as he slowly crawled toward her and pulled her close to his chest, " then I believe you, but why though?" Wondering a bit, " I won't hate you or anything then...I mean dating a girl like that could have the biggest boobs ever like that and their mine..." he said as he made the grabby hands staring directly at them.
"Thank you Issei, also please don't call me yours." Raynare(Yuuma) blushed in embarrassment, as she playfully slapped the hands away. "I should tell you my real name is Raynare. Not Yuuma." Raynare said before suddenly she kissed Issei on the lips, she felt Issei tongue enter mouth, their tongues entangling with each other like a dance.
"What?" He frowned as she told him not to call her that her body was his " jeez..." as he looked back at her and suddenly felt her kiss him as he leans back a bit already starting to kiss her back.
Raynare moaned as she snaked her hands to the back of Issei head, as the two Kissed lovingly, minutes passed before the two pulled away panting. A string of slavia connecting them as it snapped and Raynare wiped her mouth clean. "Issei would you like to suck my breasts."
"Holy shit?!? Boobs?!?" He startef to yell out as he started his grabby hands again, " I like boobs!" Having the dumb perverted look as well of course as he waited for her to show them to him.
Raynare pulled her white shirt up, revealing her large busom which was held in place by a black lacy bra, she blushed at Issei reaction as her she undid her bra, her nipples were stimulated by the movement.
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