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Highschool DxD Erotic harem (Firestarter09 & xXRyuJunkieXx)

"Ah.....ah....this feel too good." Iris moan before she began to pant as she thrusted harder. Being that this was her first time ever with anyone and the first time she ever got to do something like this to a pair of boobs Iris didn't last long and came within a minute covering Mako's face and breasts with her seed. "Oh.....fuck....I-I'm sorry. That was my first time, and your boobs felt so good." She said her face red with embarrassment.
Mako licked her lips clean of Iris seed. "Good job Iris for your first time, didn't expect that much cum from you. Then again you're a Issei." She said as she put a finger to her left tit and dragged it across collecting some cum. She out the finger to her more mouth and sucked on it before pulling it out. "Hey should mention, that reality might of changed slightly because of you know, your new form, some people might not be affected, and the only guaranteed people not to be affected are the super natural."
"Wait what about my parents, my friends? How am I going to explain to them I'm a girl?" Iris asked. Hell she already knew how Matsuda and Motohama would react. They would be perving all over her. "Also I still feel horny. Not in my dick. In my other place. I mean I do have a pussy now right?"
Mako lightly tapped Iris on the head. "Were you paying attention, I said some might not be affect as for your parents." She snapped her fingers, "there both are sexy Hermaphrodites, don't worry their personality is intact mostly, though they might commit incest." She explained it somewhat calmed down Iris. "Now let me see that sweet necter pussy."
"Um....alright." Iris said before laying down on the bed. She spread her legs open for Mako revealing her dripping wet pussy. Her cock began to twitch and harden again. "Hmm....I wonder how my breasts feel." Iris began to squeeze her own boobs, playing with her nipples too. "Ah! My nipples are much more sensitive."
Mako inched her way to Iris dripping cunt, her face inches away from it, she stuck her tongue out slowly and began to lick slowly, earning moans from Iris, with each lick she began to pick up the pace, more and more and before long she shoved her tongue into Iris cunt, exploring inside of it, as her face was literally up to it.
"Ah....ah.....fuck." Iris yelp a bit as Mako began to eat her out. This pleasure she was feeling. It was so different but felt so good. "Oh.....oh....yes.....don't stop Mako." She moan as she began panting. Iris used one hand to play with her breasts and used her other hand to jerk her cock off. Feeling pleasure from both her dick and pussy and the same time was overwhelming.
Mako licked and deeper, she knew exactly where to lick and when, she felt Iris balls slap against her head, each time she jerked off her shaft, it was quiet pleasant, she felt Iris walls contract as a flurry of juices rushed towards her face and into her mouth, but that didn't stop Mako and she kept licking.
"Ah.....AHHHH!!!" Iris yelled out. She could have sworn she came from her pussy but Mako was still licking it overstimulating her which caused her arch her head back and she shot another hot sticky load of cum all over the girl. By then Iris was exhausted and was hoping Mako was done.
Mako pulled away from Iris pussy, the cum covered girl smiled happily as she moved her to Iris, slightly panting as she laid down next to the former male, she kissed her on the cheeks before deciding to cuddle with her. "Wow, I'm actually panting, is this what panting is?" Mako never once in her life had ever experienced panting.
"Yeah......that's panting." Iris replied with cuddling up next to Mako as well. Eventually she drifted off to sleep and didn't wake up till the next next morning. "Man......what a crazy dream....thought I got turn into a girl by some breasted chick." Iris mumbled to herself. However it wasn't a dream as she stared a pair of huge tits. "Wait.....that wasn't a dream." She then got up and looked down at her own breast. "I'm still a chick." She then looked at her alarm cock. "......Oh shit I'm late for school!"
Mako was still asleep, still covered with cum and a smile on her face, though the current situation with Iris was pleasant, most of the clothes were now girls clothes, the boxers were now mostly thongs and panties, with a few boxers remaining for some reason.
Seeing now that all her uniforms were now female ones Iris had no choice but to put it on along with a pair of black lace panties. Before leaving he left a note for Mako telling her she would be back later and to help herself to anything in the kitchen. "Shit shit shit." Iris said running her ass to school. "Man it's harder to run with boobs."
Sona sitri or rather Souna Shitori heiress of the sitri devil clan, stood at the gates of Kuoh academy, she was waiting for Issei Hyoudou, she tapped her foot in annoyance, as this was the second time this month Issei was late. Boy was she going to be surprised.
I really hope Sona's not waiting at the gate. Iris though. Sadly for her she was. Fuck! Then again would she even notice her. She was waiting for Issei after all, not Iris. "Um......hello there." Iris waved to Sona hoping she wouldn't realize that she was actually Issei.
Sona looked at Iris confused, she looked down at the paper she kept at the side of her hip and looked it, the paper read Iris Hyoudou, Sona could of swore that the paper had said Issei Hyoudou, but now it didn't. "Iris Hyoudou head to class." She simply said as she turned around and walked off, usually she wouldn't have let a student off so easy, but with the current situation, it was best to figure it out.
Iris sighed in relief. That was a close one. She thought as she headed to class. Her friends Matsuda and Motohama treated her as if she was still Issei though the other girls called her the perverted girl. "Hey Iris did you see Koneko?" Matsuda asked. "No I haven't yet why what happened?" Iris replied. "See obviously hit puberty within a single night." Replied Motohama. "Hell yeah! She got big in all the right places." Matsuda added. "What? No way." What Mako said, about Iris having powers. Did they really work.
The two had spoken the truth, Koneko moaned and groaned in pain, as she stood in the ORC room alone. Koneko by order of rias had been sent to keep an eye on Issei hyoudou, she hqd followed him home basically, during her essential stake out, she had started feeling weird. Koneko gasped as she fell over her legs lengthening more, she felt her hips push out more along with her ass filling in. "Fuck." was all she said, few students had saw her earlier on her way to the ORC club room, she hadn't been growing at the time, she had wanted to talk with Rias, but she wasn't here and thats when these second wave changes washed over her. She cupped her breasts while moaning.

"Yes way, my friend." Matsuda said.
Oh man I gotta check this out. Iris thought. It was then that some female blond came up to her. This person looked awful familiar. "You're Iris Hyoudou correct?" She asked. "Um.....yeah." Iris replied with. "Ugh what do you want Kiki? Can't you see we're talking here." Matsuda said. Kiki didn't bother answering the boys as she handed Iris a piece of paper and walked off. Of course all the girls couldn't stop swooning over her. "So.....who was that?" Iris asked. "Are you serious? That's Kiki Yuuto. One of the most popular girls in school. I swear every girl here would go gay for her." Motohama said. Didn't take long for Iris to put two and two together. Make had turned Kiba Yuuto into a girl a well.....or did she do it?
Mako hummed quietly to herself, she sneezed. "Is someone talking about me, eh whatever, wonder if Iris is met kiki yet, well whatever no more gender bending people, Iris will have to do that herself, no more freebies." She said to herself. "You hear that my dear representative, no more freebies like what I did with Kiba, you hear me, keep your powers in check. Also Kiki is aware of her changes, she is a part of the supernatural, so be careful." she said telepathically to Iris,

Koneko groaned as her chest stopped growing, she must of been a E cup, she grabbed a small mirror from the near by couch and looked at herself, her face seemed older, like 2 years older, did she age up two years, her clothes were torn and ripped, she moaned slightly at how the rubbed on herself.
After class Iris was told from that note to meet Kiki at the Occult Research Club. She had heard of the club before as it was ran by the crush of his.....I mean her dreams Rias Gremory. Still Iris was wondering what they wanted with her. "Hello.....anyone here?" She asked as she entered the club.
Koneko walked into the room with rias, the schools mascot was completely naked, she sat over to the side, Rias simply walked to the desk in the room, pullling . chair from it she sat down and looked at Iris. "Iris Hyoudou?" she asked Iris politely, her hands clasped together, she seemed concerned.
Holy......shit. Was all Iris thought when she saw Koneko. Damn did puberty hit her like a ton of bricks. Her tits were even bigger than Rias'. Though Iris knew better not to stare too long. She had heard stories of what Koneko did to 'perverts'. Her attention switched to the redhead beauty when she had asked her a question. "Um....yes that's me. Is there a reason you call me here?" Iris asked.
Rias coughed clearing her throat. "First lets get to the point, things are different around here recently, case in point Koneko." she gestured to her left hand to the naked white haired girl. "Theres also Kiba Yuuto, Kiki as everyone is calling her now." Rias look became serious. "Then theres you, Issei Hyoudou, or Iris as your called now, the former male of the perverted now, now female of the trio, or are you just the perverted girl?" she clasped her hands together. "Now let me ask you this, are you behind these occurrences?"
"Um....." Oh shit what do I say? Quick, Mako if you're hearing this what do I tell Rias? How does she even know? Iris thought. She was hoping she could speak to the erotic being like Mako could to her. Of course Iris had no clue that Rias was a devil.
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