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Adorkable Shy Love (MysteriousD & UnicornHorn)

Star Writer went and looked at the little being. "Oh okay. Rainbow Dash told it was because she thought you saw a couple being intimate in the bushes or something," Star Writer ntoed. Admittingly, he was thinking the same thing based on Fluttershy's blush when she ran.
"'s nothing like that..." Fluttershy mumbles, how could Rainbow Dash even think about that? "Anyway, we should head back, I must apologize..."
"Well, the Cherry blossoms are a romantic event and it looked like you were trying to hide a blush on your face," Star Writer noted before smiling at her. "No worries. They just wana make sure you're all right," he added to her with a smile.
Fluttershy is bad at hiding her face, she looks at the fairy, then she released it, as it is carried off by the wind. "I guess this is romantic, just us standing here with the follows,and alone from everyone."
Star Writer blushed back when she mentioned the romantic atmosphere. "Y-yeah, I feel the same," Star Writer told her with a smaller and shyer smile. Just being here the two of them was definitely very nice. "I'm glad I got to meet your friends and I would like to also go on another date with you, just the two of us," he added to her with a smile as he couldn't help but hold her hand.
Fluttershy smiles, as her hand is held her face turns pink. He has big hands compared to her small ones, and it made her feel warm. "I would like that, where would go next? "
Star Writer's face turned pink like Fluttershy's did as he squeezed her hand gently. Her hands fit well into his and he felt utterly happy at being with her. "Well, the weather is getting warmer so I figure maybe we can go to a fair or something," he noted to her. A carnival and such would be pretty nice.
"A fair sounds nice...I don't know where it would be though..." Fluttershy thought about it, but she looks at her hand being squeezed, then her face blushed. "Umm, I could look at a few things to see.."
Star Writer smiled seeing Fluttershy's beautiful face blush. "I'll also look into it. Maye we can ask your friends if they know of any places that we could maybe go," he added. Carnivals and such would be alot of fun.
"That is a good idea, we should head back to let them know that we are ok." She said, as they have been away for two minutes, but she doesn't want to worry them. When they returned, Rainbow Dash pokes fun at them a bit, just teasing.
Star Writer nodded before he helped Fluttershy up and when they were walking back, they were holding hands, which got them some light-hearted teasing.

"Does anyone know of any upcoming events like fairs or something?" Star Writer asked the group as he sat down, still holding Fluttershy's hand.
"A fair? Hmm...well, I think there is one coming up pretty soon, you should go and check it out." Twilight suggested, as she believes that it's another date for them.
Star Writer smiled and nodded. "Thank you Twilight," Star Writer told her as he should go and investigate the fair along with other future acitvities they could do. "Once more, it's a pleasure meeting all of you today. I imagine you all have busy lvies besides saving Equestria," he added with a smile. He's having alot of fun, but he hopes he's not keeping them from anything.
"your welcome, and we can take it easy for the day," Twilight said, as she wants them all to have some fun. Besides, she wants her friend and Star Writer to enjoy the fair by themselves.
"All right then," Star Writer noted with a smile as he saw everyone relaxing. Of course, his more mischevious side couldn't help but point out something. "Remind me, do any of you other lovely ladies have special somebodies?" he said with a smile, wanting to see their reactions.
The girls didn't tense at his questions, as none, but they give a blushing face for a bit. "Uh...I guess we haven't really found that certain somepony...pretty busy with our lives for that." Twilight nervously chuckles.
While he noticed they didn't flinch, he did note how they were all blushing and so on. Star Writer did smile some more when he caught Rarity give a quick glimpse to Spike as she was blushing.

"You're all wonderful folk though. I'd figure there would be someone special awaiting you," Star Writer complimented them before he looked to Fluttershy. "What do you think, Fluttershy?" he asked her with a smile.
Fluttershy thought about it, there might be a chance for them. "I believe in you guys, you can find somepony out there whom will be there for you." She said, maybe a little too loudly as she didn't want to disappoint them and showing support.
"Maybe we should set them up on blind-dates at some other time. It worked well for us," Star Writer said with a smile as he squeezed Fluttershy's hand. He liked being with her and he was happy to have met her through her friends' blind date idea.

"What do you think?" he asked Fluttershy sweetly.
"B-Blind date? That does seem like a good idea...what about it? Would you all like that?" She asked her friends, which most of them blushed.

"Ahhh, I'm sure that I would mostly be busy..." Twilight said.
"Well, I'll take that as a yes. Fluttershy will help me find some perfect dates for all of you. After all, all of you helped the both of us so it's fair that we return the favor," Star Writer said sincerely. He was being honest in wanting to help them out.

He squeezed Fluttershy's hand in response. "I already have a few ideas," Star Writer noted. However, he then felt something on his nose. It was a water drop. He looked up and saw the sky did get a bit grayer. "Was there a rain storm for today?" he asked.
"We will? That sounds nice....huh?" Fluttershy looks up at the sky to see dark clouds in the sky. "'s about to rain!"

"Oh crud, I forgot to check the weather!" Rainbowdash frowns, as she didn't expect the weather to be like this.
"Looks like we better get going back home before the rain fully comes," Star Writer noted to them. "It was a pleasure meeting all of you," he told them with a smile. They had managed to pack up the picnic and the wind was beginnign to pick up. "Well, we have to get going though this storm is unexpected. I heard it's because the weather has been getting a bit more wild," he noted.
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