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Adorkable Shy Love (MysteriousD & UnicornHorn)

"Of course! It sounds like alot of fun!" Star Writer told Fluttershy with a big smile on his face. He would lvoe to see such an event, especially to send som time with her. "Well, then we can prepare a picnic then," he added with a smile before he saw their dessert arrive. "I'm curious. Do any of your friends have relationships? I heard that Rarity was supposedly with Spike the Dragon," he said. He knew bits and pieces about them, especially as they grew more famous.
"oh...well, as far as I know, they are very much single. Rarity and Spike? I wouldn't say that they are's confusing for me since it seems that even they don't know..." She told him truthfully, but she wish that they would make up their mind.
"Well, maybe we can help them out with that later," Star Writer said with a playful smile as he let Fluttershy dug into the dessert first with a smile. "Is there anyone else that you know of or are they al still single?" he told her with a smile as he felt really happy being with her,

"When do you wanna meet up for the festival?" he asked her.
"help out? How so?" Fluttershy is no means a matchmaker, so she has no idea. "Umm, I say that the rest are single, or they might be hiding something from me...I don't mind." She suspects so, but she will let it drop for now. "The best time would be at noon, that's when it is the most beautiful time."
"Well, maybe set them up on a date or get some info out of them," Star Writer prposed as he was also digging in the dessert like she was. "All right then, noon it is. Would you like me to make the picnic for the both of us?" Star Writer offered. "What sort of food do you like?" he asked her.
"im not sure if I could, I'm not a matchmaker, " She said, she would be terrible at that sort of thing. "I could make a few things as well, and Applejack makes the best sweets on picnics. I like Fruit salads the most."
"I'll bring some sandwiches or something," Star Writer commented as he was thinking about it. "This place is very nice. It's a good place to eat and I'm having alot of fun here with you," he told her with a smile. "Don't worry about paying, I'll take care of it," Star Writer told her. He was a gentleman after all.
"we all usually contribute in printing food, but you don't really have to." She said, then when he offers to pay, she started to feel bad. "I have no problem in splitting it, it's no trouble really!"
"I would still like to so all of us could share," Star Writer responded with a smile. He was happ to be here with her as well and it was alot of fun to say the least. "Are you sure?" he asked her in regards to splitting for the date. "It's no trouble at all for me," he added with a smile as he adjsuted his glasses.
"I'm sure, it's only fair that we share the responsible." She told him as she brought her money with her. "This was really a nice time I've had with you...I kind of feeling excited."
"Likewise. This was an absolutely wonderful time," Star Writer responded to FLutterhsy with a smile. He took out some of his money to put for the bill as well as the tip. "I can't wait for our time at the festival together. I'm glad I met your, Fluttershy," Star Writer added with a smile.
"I've had fun too, I'll see you at the festival." Fluttershy gives a small wave as she leaves the cafe, her face reeling red as she races back home. She couldn't believe it, she talked to a guy, and it actually worked! Her friends would be very happy about this.
Star Writer walked out with Fluttershy with a big smile on his face as well as a large blush. This date was an absolute blast and he couldn't wait to see her once more.

Three Days Later...

Star Writer had arrived a bit early at his and Fluttershy's meeting point in regards to the cherry blossom festival going on. He has a large basket filled with goodies and he was wondering where she and her friends were and if he was at the correct time.
Fluttershy is walking behind her friends, as she is very embarrassed that they are teasing her that she had a date, and now that a fella waiting for her. She didn't tell her own family about it, because she is afraid of their reaction. She could see him waiting, and they all rush to meet with him.
Star Writer heard a trail of footsteps and he turned around. "Hey Fluttershy!" Star Writer said to Fluttershy with a big smile and waved at her. However, he then took note to see the rest of her friends. There was Princess Twilight Sparkle of course along with Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, and even Spike the Dragon himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Star Writer," he told them with a smile as he adjusted his glasses.
The girls found Star Writer and they greet him in return. "Oh, you must be him. It is nice to meet you." Twilight greeted him as she joins him. Fluttershy face turns red as she joins them. "H-hello...."
Star Writer blushed when he saw Flutershy, but still smiled. "Glad to see you and meet your friends," he told her with a smile. He took a note to see how the girls were. Most were by themselves and given him looks of anaylizing him except for Rarity and Spike, who were unusually close together.

"I brought us a picnic and I'm hoping you all enjoy," Star Writer said with a smile as he looked at Fluttershy. "I didn't know Ponyville had sakura trees," he commented.
"Oh, why thank you, Star Writer." Twilight and her friends join him as they watch the cherry blossoms. Fluttershy is being teased by Rainbow Dash, then the speedster turns to the stallion. "So... Star Writer, how pretty do you think Fluttershy is?" She asked.
"She's a very attractive person. But she's also absolutely wonderful, kind and just an all-around pleasant lady to be around with," Star Writer told Rainbow Dash honestly. He had know about her Wonderbolt success and he even heard rumors she volunteered to be in the swimsuit edition that some of the ladies and guys did. He did not bring it up though.

"Although, if I have to be hoenst, you're all pretty incredible. Facing off against all sorts of threats... to you six ladies and one young man... I say thank you. For keeping our communities, nations and world safe," Star Writer said with a bit of an awkward smile. HE was trying to sound grandoise, but he felt like a dork.
" that right?" Dash smirks at him, then to Fluttershy. "Did you hear that, Shy?" The blue Pegasus is just teasing her, but then the mares, and dragon has a mixture of being proud, and being flustered at the same time. "Oh shucks, we were just trying to do the right thing.." Applejack said.
Star Writer saw Rainbow Dash tease Fluttershy over what he said, before being surprised at how flustered they all were over his praising of them. "Yeah, but you all go above and beyond... it's incredible," Star Writer couldn't help but add. He meant every word of it. He wasn't sure if there was much he could do, yet their exmaple did have try and be more pro-active in helping out everyone.

"Hey Fluttershy, what do you think of Star Writer?" Spike suddenly asked as he recovered from the praise, especially since he was included with his friends.
Fluttershy looks at Spike, then look towards everyone else. "He is very sweet, and nice, I-I like him..." She touch her hair, as he Dash hugs her.

"Oh my Goddess, that is so awesome, Shy!" She cheers for her, and squeeze he.
Star Writer blushes at the sweet words that Fluttershy said, but he had a big dorky smile on his face from them. "L-likewise," Star Writer told Fluttershy with a smile. He smield at seeing how good of friends the seven were though he suspected Rarity and Spike were on track to be more.

"What did everyone bring for the picnic?" Star Writer asked them all as he was enjoying being with them all.
"Well, I don't mean to brag, but I have brought a tasty feasts for all of us. I have apple juice, apple tarts, apple slices, apple cobbler, fruit salad with apples-" Applejack rambles on, but Pinkie Pie cuts in.

"There is nothing better than bringing very berry muffins!" She shouted as she puts a plate of muffins on the blanket.
Star Writer had an awkward smile when he heard of Applejack bragging of her assortment of apple-based goods that she bought. "The apple cobbler sounds pretty good," Star Writer said with a smile. "Some actually use cinnamon bun pieces for the cobbler to add extra flavor and softness," he suggested to Applejack before seeing Pinkie pop up.

"Oh wow, that's alot of berries on the muffins," Star Writer said. "Twilight and I brought up some punch," Spike noted before wondering what everyone else ended up bringing.
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