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Adorkable Shy Love (MysteriousD & UnicornHorn)

"I know right?" Pinky said proudly, Rarity placed a box down, and opens it to reveal pieces of chocolate.

"This maybe a bit much, but these a rich chocolate truffles from Choco's Golden Candy shop! Enjoy it, as it is simply to die for!" She offers it to everyone.
Star Writer smiled back at the peppy girl before seeing what Rarity brought. "Oh wow, thank you!" Star Writer told her with a smile. He had to resist the urge to take a handle of chocolate truffles. He had a large sweet tooth after all. He picked one that looked like cookies and cream and ate it.

"We should probably head over to a good spot while we're all talking," Star Writer added since he saw more people begin to arrive.
"Of course darling, its one of the best places in Carnterlot to buy such rare delicacies!" Rarity said proudly, as she twirls around. They really have to find a place that is spacious for all of them.

"There is a good spot, right over there." Twilight points out a large spot that is under a blooming tree.
"I'll keep that in mind. I love my chocolate," Star Writer noted with a smile as he saw the fashionista twirl around. He also saw Spike stare at her with his lovestruck look and he chuckled a bt. The two were adorable together.

Star Writer goes to the spot, leading the group to the blooming tree. "This is a really nice spot," Star Writer says as he takes his stuff from the basket.
Raindow Dash looks at the truffles, and she takes one and eats them, only to give a wide eyed look. "Oh has a cherry filling..." She looks happy, then she sits near Fluttershy.

"Its so pretty, even the birds are singing in the trees." She said, as the animals are also enjoying the peace.
Star Writer chuckled a bit at seeing the blissful expression that appeared on Rainbow Dash's face before they all sat down next to one another, Star Writer sitting next to Fluttershy.

"Yeah, it does look like it's a nice picnic. I guess we put it in the center and we all take what we would like," Star Writer suggested.
Fluttershy is getting visits by the birds, chirping happily as she greets them. "Hello there, my little friends. Lovely day, isn't it?" She smiles, but they do fly away. "Good idea, I have brought a small snack..." She said, as she made berry tarts for the group of friends.
Star Writer observed how happy Fluttershy was with the little birds. She looked so much like a princess from fairytales and it made him smile with a mild lovestruck look.

Everyone put their food in the table and Spike even brought some juice boxes he bought with his own money. It was quite the wonderful picnic. "How is everyone doing?" Star Writer asked them all.
"Oh um..." Fluttershy thought about her day, then she smiled. "I have been taking care of the fluffy sheep earlier today, and their wool had to be cut for shipment." She explained, then has a dreamy look on her face. "Ahhh, if only you would've felt how soft they were."
Star Writer listened to Fluttershy talk about her day and he was growing to love to see her happy. Her dreamy look made him smile some more as she talked about the wool. "Sounds like it, though I feel bad for the people who are allergic to wool," Star Writer noted before he saw everyone begin digging into the delicious food and he began doing the same as well.

"I guess I just find it incredible all the accomplishments you've achieved," Star Writer said before indulging in one of Applejack's turnovers.
"I is a shame." Fluttershy pouts, as she thought about the ponies that would never enjoy the joys of wool. "But maybe, they would like cotton candy from Candy Sheep." She smiles, becoming happy again, eating the fancy chocolate. "My accomplishments? Oh, its nothing special..."

"Oh~ Speaking of wool, I think i'll add that to my winter collection." Rarity thought about it, taking a muffin.
"Well, it's the part of any allergies, like being allergic to peanuts or types of fruit," Star Writer noted before he looked surprise. "There's candy sheep?" he asked with a eaised eyebrow before he noted Fluttershy becoming modest. "Well, you did do that animal shelter," he reminded her with a smile.

"Miss Rarity, if you don't mind me asking, how is your franchisng coming along? I mean, it's gotta be ahrd aming everything yourself. Do you have an assistant or something?" Star Writer asked her. He figured that taking interests in Fluttershy's friends would help everyone, especially since he didn't have many friends himself and he'd like to befriend them.
"Yes, sometimes I tend to them when their sugary wool are too big and needs to be cut. It is delicious though, as I keep some just in case." She said, as she blushed. Rainbow Dash nods at that, as she hoped that Fluttershy would bring some, but she didn't.

"But I guess you didn't bring any?" Dash frowns.

"Sorry, there hasn't been any sheep lately." Fluttershy informed her.

"Darling, it is booming! I'm coming up with ideas all the time. Of course I'm not doing this b myself." Rarity said, flipping her hair.
"What other animals are there that are much like the cotton candy sheep?" Star Writer, wondering what sort of other animals could exist, much like a sheep who's wool is made out of sugar.

"He smiled hearign at Rarity's success, all while Spike was gazing at her affectionately. "How about you, Princess Twilight? What has been new with you?" he asled her with a smile.
"There are Pixie Sticks, Chocolate bugs, Taffy flies, and Gel Fishes. There are a lot of them I could name, but that would be tedious..." Fluttershy explained, as she is sure that he wouldn't want to hear an entire list of candy animals.

"Oh well, so far, things have been peaceful. Work has been light which gives me some free time. I do have a feeling that could change somewhere along the line." Twilight said.
"I can't believe there are animals made of candy. It sounds like something out of a children's book," Star Writer confesses with a sheepish smile.. He's happy that Twilight has been doing all right before looking at the others. "How about everyone else? How have your days been?" he asked them with a smile.
Everyone else has been describing how they have been doing these days, going from doing their jobs, to doing extra thing on the side. Rainbow Dash has been talking the most, as she is going on about meeting with Spitfire. Fluttershy has remained quite though, as some critters are starting to gather.
Star Writer was enjoying getting to know all of Fluttershy's friends and he noted how while she was very close to all of them, her oldest friend was Rainbow Dash. However, he then noticed Fluttershy was observing some critters. "What are you looking at, Fluttershy?" Star Writer asked her with a smile on his face as he adjusted his glasses.
"Oh um...sorry, i'm just looking at the animals. They look so happy, and I love seeing them this way." She said, as she looks down at her hands. "The flowers makes everyone happy, I love it." Futtershy smiles at Star Writer as she tries to explain.
Star Writer smiled back at Star Writer. Her smile was quickly becoming one of the experiences he was treasuring. "I know what you mean, it definitely looks like it's something magical," Star Writer said with a smile.

"How's everyone enjoying the picnic?" Star Writer asked them all with a smile as he took another bite of his turnover.
Fluttershy searched the trees, as she is watching them to hide the fact that her face is becoming red. Then something caught her attention, which made her stand up and take a jog away from the picnic, as she runs. Her friends became confused, as she just ran off.
Star Writer turned his head as he saw Fluttershy look over something before she went to jog away. From a quick glimpse, he noticed her was red-faced. "I'll check up on her," Star Wrtier says as he goes over to her quickly to check up on her.

"Hey, everything all right?" Star Writer says as he caught over to Fluttershy, concern on his face.
Fluttershy made it to the trees, and she leans down as she picks up something from the ground. "Star writer, look what I found~" she is holding a creature in her hand that looks like a pink fuzzball. "It's a sugar plum fairy!"
Star Writer caught his breath as he saw Starfire pick up a small pink fuzzy being. "Why do they call it sugr plum fairies? Are they kinda like breezies that eat plums mainly or something?" he asked her before recalling something.

"Why did you run? Your friends were pretty surprised by it. What dod you see?" he asked her.
"I'm sorry, I saw this little one, and I had to go and see it. It's rare to find these little guys, they are so cute that I have to go and see it." She smiles as she held the fuzzball. "You can touch it if you want, so soft."
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