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Adorkable Shy Love (MysteriousD & UnicornHorn)

"Deserve more praise? Oh, I think we are fine with what we have. There is no need for more." She said, as she didn't want to seem greedy. She doesn't need extra attention just because she is an Element of Harmony, more people equals more stress for her. "The stars are pretty to look at,"
"I kinda feel that most people don't apprecaite for what all of you did" Star Writer complimented to her with a smile. "Yeah, and I was wondering... if we were alone. What laid beyond the world that we call home and beyond the moon? Just what was... out there," he began as he looked up. "And thats what inspired my early stories and how I got my cutie mark," he finished with her.

"I'm having alot of fun so far and I would like to go on another date with you," Star Writer confessed to FLuttershy with a shy smile. He then thought of something. "How is your family like?" he asked her.
"Y-You...want another date?" She is surprised by this, he actually want to see her again, and her face flushed in a deep pink. "O-Of course, if you don't mind...y-you don't have to, I understand," She is flustered right now, and she wants to pass out right now. "O-Oh my family is nice, They live on Cloudsdale right now."
"W-well yeah, this is alot of fun!" Star Writer told her with a smile. He found her blush to be absolutely adorable. "I would love to. When wouldyou like to?" Star Writer asked her before hearing about her family.

"That's cool to hear! I bet their really proud of you," Star Writer told her with a smile before taking another bite of his burger. "What do you see yourself doing in the future, besides taking care of animals and being with your friends?" Star Writer asked her curiously. Though he figured that just two things were col just on their own.
Fluttershy became silent, this is very unexpected. Now she feels like butterflies are in her stomach causing an internal storm, as she turns away so he wouldn't see her face. "U-Uh....I don't know. I'll have to see..." She said. "W-well, I don't really see any other than what I am doing..."
"Uhh sorry if I said anything to bother you," Star Writer told Fluttershy as his own blush was growing at his sudden forwardness and for possibly Fluttershy in this awkward position. He began to focus on eating more of his burger to help take his mind off. "How is your pasta like?" he asked Fluttershy, hoping to try and make the conversation less awkward
"No, i-i'm sorry...its just that I didn't expect you to ask for another date. I would like to still spend time with you." She has to be brave, she has to be kind, she is kind. "Its pretty good, just how I like it." She said, as she tries to ease the tension.
"That sounds wonderful," Star Writer responded with a blushing smile when Fluttershy say she would like to spend time with him. "I'm glad you like it," he said with a smile as he began eating his fries with the ketchup.

"I heard you recently got an animal sanctuary built, that's amazing," Star Writer told her with a smile. "Congrats!"
"Yes I do, there is no need for congrats..." She is all flustered again, she is doing what she can to take care of the animals. "I'm just doing it for the animals," She said as she is happy that he does seem to be interested in her. SHe thought that things might became awkward, but she likes it.
"It is still incredible being able to achieve that," Star Writer told her with a smile on his face. "Not alot of people can do big things like that," he added. "Are there animals that you don't like or can be difficult to take care of," he asked. He figured because everyone had thtier limits or their little stuff that bugged the sauce out of them.
"I guess they couldn't, but it is for the sake of the animals, and I had to do it for them. Plus, it is something I do enjoy." The next question made her blink, then she thought about it. Is there an animal that she doesn't like? "Um, I never though of it...I don't think there is an animal that I do not like..."
"You really like all of the animals. That's amazing," Star Writer told her with a smile as he dipped some of his fries in the ketchup and continued eating. "Besides taking care of animals, what are some of the things that you like to do?" Star asked her. He was having alot of fun and he found himself liking Fluttershy,
"Well, besides that, I like to go around the market, having tea with Rarity...and also being a model for her dresses sometimes." She said, as she rubs her arms. "It was fun, but i'm not much of a model...and the I sometimes taste test Applejack's fresh cider, very tasty."
"Wow, a model. You must be even more beautiful then," Star Writer couldn't help but say with a smile before hearing mroe of what she does with her friends. "I hear alot about the Apple family cider here of Ponyville. Is it really that good?" Star Writer asked her with a smile as he finished up his black bean burger.

"Speaking of your friends, how are they like?" he asked her, wondering. While not many are fully aware of what the Elements of Harmony have done to save the world so many times, he did.
"I-I don't think so, I never been on a runway before. She just needed someone to try her clothes." SHe blushed madly at his words, she doesn't think that she is that special? "It is the best, Every year people line up for Apple Acre cider, and the line can be pretty long."

"All of them are good friends, I can take you to meet them if you have the time. I do have other friends who are very great."
"MAybe we should try some whenever we can," Star Writer suggested to her with a smile. "Though from what I hear, it's not alcoholic. Granted, it'd be a bit funny seeing everyone in town act drunk," he said with a bit of a chuckle as he imagined everyone walking around drunkingly and buzzed.

"Oh wow, I would love to meet them later, yeah," he said before he saw the dessert menu arrive. "Would you like to get something?" he asked her with a smile
"I don't seem to be affected by it, I only have one drink and savor it. Others have more thank one, and the bubbles inside makes them dizzy." She explained, as she heard this from Applejack mostly. She blinks as she looks at the desserts. "Hm, an wildberry tart sounds good." Fluttershy smiles, as she looks at the mene.
"Oooh yeah, that looks nice. Maybe we can share it together with some vanillia ice cream on top," Star Writer said as he looked through the dessert menu. "Anything else, like maybe some coffee or tea," he offered to her. He was very much enjoying his date with Fluttershy.

"I'm having alot of fun and you're very nice to be around with," he told Fluttershy with a smile.
"ice cream sounds nice, I personally like either green tea or peach flavored. Oh but you probably like a different flavor, i'm not picky about it." Fluttershy said, as she thought about Star's preference for Ice cream. "I'm fine, thank you." She smiles, and when she is being praised, her face turns pink again. "I'm glad that you are having fun, I honestly thought that I would make a mistake, and you wouldn't like me."
"I like green tea ice cream too, though my favorite are the really sweet and chocolately ones," Star Writer told ehr with a smile. "Granted, vanilla is always a classic and probably a safe bet to put with the wildberry tart," he added as he smiled more on seeing the pretty pink on her face.

"I kinda feel the same. I often worry that I'll make a mistake and that you wouldn't like me as well. You're a very awesome person, Fluttershy," Star Writer told her with a smile.
"I like vanilla, maybe that would be good dessert after all." She agree to that, as she doesn't think that green tea would work on a dessert like a tart, even if it is tasty. "I'm glad that everything seem to work out, i'm sure that everything will be okay now."
"All righty then," Star Writer told her with a smile before the waiter came by and Star Writer ordered the wildberry tart topped with vanilla ice cream for both of them to share. "Yeah, this was alot of fun and I would like to go on another date sometime," he offered to her with a smile. "What would you like to do?" he asked her.
"Where? Hmmm...oh! There is one thing!" She perks up as she though of something. "There is going to be a cherry blossom festival in three days. You should come and check it out, I know that the others would be there." Fluttershy light up with excitement.
"Oh wow, I didn't know that Ponyville had a Cherry Blossom festival!" Star Writer said, looking genuinely surprised. He didn't know whether Equestria had any relations with Neighpon, but it looked like they did. Seeing her exictement at going, Star Writer couldn't help but look excited as well. "Of course, I would love to go with you!" Star Writer told her with a smile. "Have you ever been to it before?" Star Writer asked Fluttershy.
"You didn't? Its one of the best and popular festivals Ponyville has to offer. You should come and see it with us." Fluttershy offers, as she is excited that he will come and check it out. "How could I not? Its really fun while on a picnic, and there are tons of birds that wanders that also come to watch the blossoms."
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