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Adorkable Shy Love (MysteriousD & UnicornHorn)


Star Fudge
Mar 9, 2014
It was a beautiful day in the small town of Ponyville. The sun was shining and birds were singing and it was quite a nice day. The various pony anthros were going across the town and spending time together, just having fun. Walking across the town right now was a relatively new denizen in town, a unicorn to be exact. He had a black mane while having light chocolate colored coat with brown eyes. He was a slightly stocky unicorn and he was dressed in casual ware as he was heading to a restaurant. His boyish face was currently looking kinda nervous.

Star Writer was a rising author, especially in science fiction focused in space. Of course, he valued his privacy so not much was known about him. His job earned him some nice amounts of bits, but he found himself lonely and was never good at talking to ponies, especially pretty mares. Which is why his younger brother, an earth pony, convinced him to go to this blind date. He was set up on this blind date by Twilight Sparkle, and it all started out when he went to give his book to the new library and she ended up setting him up on a blind date as thanks.
Fluttershy has never been so nervous in her life, why in Equestria did she even agree to this? She shiver as she sits at a table, watching for this blind date. She has never been on a date before, but she has been taught by Rainbow Dash, but it didn't really help her learn the fine points of dating. She sighs, looking at her hands as she flickers her pink hair as she shyly looks down.
Star Writer entered the restaurant. He found it to be a pretty nice place to say the least, the sort of place to go for a rather nice lunch in the midday. Which is why he was here. "Um hi, I'm looking for an appointment under Miss Sparkle," Star Writer asked the pony at the counter. "Of course sir. You must be Star Writer. Miss Sparkle said your date arrived just a few mintues ago. Right this way," she said before leading him outside to where he saw her.

Star Writer looked in awe at the very pretty Fluttershy there, waiting for him. He was more aware than the average pony, so he was quite knowledgable and respectful for the bearers of the Elements of Harmony for the commitment they've made in protecting Equestria. The fact he would be ona blind date made him even more nervous.

"Um hi. It's nice to meet you," Star Writer told her with an awkward smile as he saw down, looking at her. They were both dressed pretty casually. "My name is Star Writer. What's yours?" he asked her.
Fluttershy looks up to see a stailion coming towards her, and she gives a shy nod. "Oh...hello..." She simply said, as she already feel nervous. Rainbow Dash told her to raise her voice a little so that they can have a normal conversation. "My name is...Fluttershy." She said timidly, hoping that he could hear her. This blind date thing is not going as well as she hoped, and wanting to run away. "How are you?"
Star Writer blushed as he looked at her with a smile, determined to make the best of the situation. "It's nice to meet you, Fluttershy," Star Writer told her with a smile. "I am doing all right. How about you? How are you doing?" Star Writer asked her while he also looked st the menu.
"I am doing alright I guess..." She looks down, even though she tries to look at Star Writer, not seeming to be rude. Instead, she looks at the menu. "T-That's good, I am a bit nervous about this date though." She said, putting down the menu, as she perks up the courage to talk. "W-what is it that you do, if I may ask?"
"I know what you mean, this is my first date too," Star Writer confessed to her with a shy smile as he was looking at her. "I'm a writer. I write stories for everypony to enjoy. But my specific stuff is science fiction, in space. Big wodnerful adventures among the stars and picturing when we can all explore the stars," Star Writer said with a big smile on his face and grandoise expressions to show his enthusiam.
"Oh, you write stories? That seems lovely, what stories have you published?" She asked, she does read, but mostly if it concerns animals. "Science fiction? i'm not sure if I have heard of it..."It sound something that Twi would like." She said, as she smiles, putting the menu down. A waiter came by to order drinks, and she orders a cherry soda.
"The first one was the Journey to the Stars about how ponies could built some sort of starship to go to the stars and my second that I recently published was Secrets of the Moon, where some ponies explore lost secrets inside the moon," Star Writer told her with a boyish sort of excitement.

"Science fiction refers to the kind of fiction involving big science things like going to the stars or other things, kinda like the sorta-opposite of fantasy," Star Writer tried his best to explain. He then looked down to hs menu and he ordered a lemon-line soda.

"What sort of stories do you like?" he asked her.
"Oh, I like books about animals. I love anything to do with them, My house is full of them that need my care. I also babysit those who need it." She smiles shyly, she hopes that her talent isn't too weird. "It's what I do, do you possibly have one book about animals? I would like to read it."
"Oh wow, that's amazing. I've never been that good with animals myself," Star Writer told her with a sheepish smile before loking at her smile. He liked her smile; the moment he saw it, he found her smile adorable and soothing.

"Not yet, but I hve been wanting to write a book on how animals could be like on other worlds because it could be really interesting," Star Writer elaborated to her with a smile. "Maybe youn could help me with that later," he offered to her. "What are some of your favorite animals?" he asked.
"I-I never helped write a book before, I don't even know where to begin. I do know a lot about animals though... so i will do my best if you need help." She told him. "A favorite animal? Well...if there is one animal I like...they are bunnies!" SHe smiles, as she reaches her wallet and shows him a picture of her pet. "This is Angel, my favorite bunny."
"Well, I would just go and ask information about animals and how they would be like with these sort of things, like some may be able to glow or having lighting on them," Star Writer said, happy that she agreed to help him with this.

Her gleeful smile when she talked about bunnies just made him smile more before he saw her reach into her wallet and saw her favorite animal, Angel Bunny. He was there with Fluttershy and he had a rather stern or confused expression. "He certainly looks a bit more solemn than I expected," he said. "How is Angel like?" Star Writer asked.
"Alright," She looks at the picture with her and Angle. "Oh, He may look like that, but he is really a sweetheart." She said as it is true. "He doesn't like strangers though, you would have to earn his trust before anything else." SHe warns him, even though she doesn't know why. "O-Oh, if you decide to meet with him."
"That would be nice to meet him," Star Writer told her with a smile. He was enjoying his date just from the first few minutes and he could see himself going on a second date with Fluttershy. He then saw their drinks arrive. "Do you know what you would like?" Star Writer asked her as he relooked over the menu. They were ponyfolk, so they were vegetarian by nature, with the exceptions being the thestrals (or batponies as casually called) who have bugs as part of their diet or anypony with griffin blood and thus require some fish or sea monster meat.

"I think I'll have the black bean burger with extra crispy fries," Star Writer said after Fluttershy gave her order, letting her go first.
"Alright, it would be nice...He is very sweet if you get to know him." She smiles a bit, and she does nod. "Yes, I would like a Sweet Pasta Salad." She ordered, then listens as he ordered something as well, and waited until he is finished. "I wonder, do you have any pets of your own, it would be an play date with Angel." She asked, as she would love for Angel to have more friends, even though he has plenty of them at the house, and other pets.
Star Writer turned to Fluttershy talking more about her pet bunny. "I don't have a pet. I've never been good with animals," Star Writer admitted sheepishly. The closest examples was whenever we would spend a bit of time with his younger brother's golden retriever. "My family never really had pets though my friends did," he added.

"How the pets of your friends are like?" Star Writer asked her curiously.
"O-Oh i'm sorry for assuming..." She felt silly about asking, thinking that he might have a pet. "Well, their pets are very much like their owners, its actually pretty cute. If you see the pets, you would understand." She smiles, still feeling sheepish though. "Um, so, if you had a pet, which one would you have?"
"No worries. Most people tend to have pets at one point or another," Star Writer told her with a smile. Her smile was stunning and he was growing more comfortable being around her. When she asked him about a pet, he went to thinking. "I'm... im not sure actually. Besides my brother and his dog, one of my friends has a ferret and his awuarium of critters while another works in a sanctuary with wolves. Yet another does have a black cat," Star Writer said as he kept thinking.

"Maybe a smart animal like a raven," he said after a long while of thinking and having a sheepish smile.
"Really? I would like to see them!" She is gleeful at the prospect f meeting with some of the animals that his friends have, if she were to meet with them. "A raven? I once took care of a nest of baby ravens. They come back from time to time when they grew into adults. They are really nice despite what otherponies thought about them."
Fluttershy' excitement made Star Writer smile more about possibly meeting his friends. "Sure, though both don't love in Ponyville. One lives in Horston up in the northeast and another lives across the sea in Deertania, " Star Writer explained to her with a smile.

"I would also love to meet your friends too. I guess I wouldn't mind having a pet now, but I worry if I'm good enough to take care of one," he confessed to her before he saw that the food had arrived for them.

((Horston is MLP Boston and Deertania is Britannia, so U.K. but with deer and ponies))
"I could help you raise a pet, I also have a few things that would help you thought. I have some things for almost all animals." Fluttershy said, as she nods about meeting her friends. "Oh, I have never been to those places, i'm sure that they are nice."
"Oh wow! Thank you very much," Star Writer told her with a smile as he saw his burger arrive and Fluttershy's salad arrive as well. "They are nice places," he said before requesting for the ketchup.

"You're very talented with animals. Is that how you discovered your Cutie Mark?" Star Wrter asked her, hoping he wasn't overstepping his boundaries.
"Yes, discovering that i love animals is how I gotten my cutie mark, but I soon gotten my first friend Rainbow Dash." She said as she starts to eat her meal. "It is a very good friendship, I never thought I would have more friends." Fluttershy is up making more friend, because of her kind nature.
"Oh wow, that's cool," Star Write told her with a smile. "I'm glad you have a lot of good friends. You and the other wielders of the Elements of Harmony deserve more praise for having saved Equestria so many times," he tells her honestly.

He takes a bite of the burger. He finds it very delicious, especilly with the ketchup and cheese added to it. "I discovered my talent when I wrote my first story after spending the night looking at the stars and I had to finish a storya ssignment back in school," he admitted to her with a shy smile.
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