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What's Your Username Mean?

In Arabic and Farsi the word for jasmine is pronounced yas-meen, so I just kept the "j" in that.
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Snapped Fingers is derived both from the user 'SnappedFingers' on Reddit, and their story, along with my former username of "Snapped_Senses". I also just like fingers and hands as a strong aesthetic tool for stuff.
It's uh... just sort of my name with a MBra at the end of it! Not sure where it came from tbh, but I like it! Rolls off the tongue really well!
"Carpe Diem" means "seize the day" in Latin. It is a philosophical approach to live each day as if it was your last and to always live doing what you're passionate for. It's more or less my handle wherever I can snatch it, which isn't always easy because it's, apparently, a pretty popular handle online.
The username I've chosen was a Deadpool 2 reference - involving a scene with the Zoo and Polar bears. That and it was randomly chosen, knowing it would get the occasional giggle from people.
I have a habit to just randomly hit my keyboard then add some vowels to make the end result look like a name of some kind. Someone once guessed that it was short for "Charm Alarm" so I'm sticking with that.
My internet persona is “Kit E”, it was past midnight and I had “Let’s go fly a kite, up to the highest height” stuck in my head… So, here we are.
My username is derived from Odogaron, one of my favorite monsters in the Monster Hunter series. Cool concept and design, and best of all the female armor set is just... *chef's kiss*

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