Hogwarts: After (Magik x DonV)

"Don't know how the hell I'll get through potions class without these 'colors' people talk about." She muttered, walking in. "Will be nice to have such a cute gal as a room-mate."
"Well, how's your sense of smell? Every potion ingredient smells a little different. Sometimes there are ones that look exactly alike, even down to the colour, and the smell is the only way to tell which is which" Ginny smiled, then blushed slightly at being called a cute gal. "Heh, thanks. I'll do whatever I can to help you feel welcome, I can't imagine it's easy for you suddenly being somewhere like this"
"After growing up in a cave, yeah, it's weird." She smiled, her hair flicking tongues out. "Oh I can smell, yeah..."She giggled. "You human girl's smell great!"
"We do? Heh, must be all the scented shampoo and body washes that we use". Ginny grinned broadly. "So if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them as best I could, if you used to live in a cave i cant even imagine how different this must be"
"Yeah, still not understanding this whole clothing thing." She chuckled lightly. "Doesn't it make mating so much more of a pain?" She asked curiously.
"Ah, well...Clothes keep us warm for one thing, plus humans are...They don't like nudity in public for the most part, heh. In private they tend to be totally fine with it though. And in private is where humans do their uh....mating. That's definitely not done in public....Usually. And if it is then it's in secret, usually with clothes on. I think! I'm no expert in that at all"
"Teach you? Ehehe...you mean about clothes or uh...mating?" Ginny grinned nervously, a noticeable blush creeping onto her cheeks. "What makes you think I'd know all about that?"
"You smell like you were with a male." She blushed. "It's kinda making me a little hot, I've pretty sensetive to scents."
"Ah, ehehe..." Busted, though Natalie was only half right. "Well that....wasn't a male exactly" She managed a bit of a grin. "But definitely the same...equipment. Though one time hardly makes me an expert, especially on when it comes to two girls..." Despite that Ginny was getting turned on at the thought. It was then she realised something else, her nipples...they were quite plainly visibly erect through her bra, shirt and robes. It seemed that Sylvia's pre-cum had changed them to be larger permanently, making her arousal more than obvious.
She smiled, leaning in and flicking one. "I have a magical toy that could let you fuck me." She hissed, smirking lightly. She reached into her bag, pulling out a double ended dildo of smooth, flesh colored silicone.
Ginny gasped sharply as her nipple was flicked. They weren't impossibly hard like the had been before, but they were definitely more sensitive with their new size. She looked at the dildo and swallowed nervously, but couldn't help taking a deep breath, her arousal only increasing, growing hot and wet between her legs which would make the scent even more obvious to Natalia. "Well uh...I guess...it'd be rude not to teach you things wouldn't it...?"
"Give it a try then, you'll feel this just like a man would." She smiled slightly. "I want to feel how humans mate." She laid back, spreading her legs and kicking off her skirt, showing off her flat chest and the smooth slit of her pussy.
Ginny watched as Natalia stripped off and spread her legs, just looking the girl up and down. Before today she never would've considered getting aroused at the sight, but after Sylvia...well...things had changed a little. Before she knew it, Ginny had tugged her own shirt open, popping a few buttons in the process, and just lifted her bra up out of the way to allow her breasts to spill free, she didn't have the patience to take off so many layers. She reached down to tug her panties down a little beneath her skirt, then picked up the dildo. It wasn't quite as big as Sylvia's cock had been, but that would just make things a bit easier.
"Feel just like a man would huh?" She grinned, then brought the dildo downover, groaning as she started to slide one end of it into herself beneath her skirt, her nipples growing a little larger, now a good 3 inches in length and almost an inch thick.
When it slipped in fully, a ripple of magic ran through her, balls suddenly sprouting as it sealed over her pussy, now feeling as if it were Ginny's own flesh. "You humans have such...impressive nipples." She giggled lightly.
Ginny gasped at the odd sensation, then squeaked as she felt something growing inside her panties that had only been pulled partially down. She reached down, groaning as she felt her new balls through the fabric. "Wh-whoa..." She shivered, then looked at her chest. "Oh uh....ehehe, these aren't quite normal...just something that happened to me is all..." She grinned slightly, then moved forwards, reaching out to rub her hands across Natalia's own chest. Were all females of her species flat like this? It seemed rude to ask really.
Ginny's cock was moving near to Natalia's slit, Ginny hesitant and careful as she went to try prodding at it with her cock.
She giggled. "Yeah, we reptiles are lacking in the chest, sorry." She teased, reaching down to spread her slit, showing off bright green inner flesh studded with little bumps. "Don't worry, I'm no virgin sweetie."
"Ah, you're not? Ehehe...ok...though I guess I am with this" She glanced down, looking at the cock that was now sticking out of her skirt, watching as the tip pressed against Natalia's slit, then slowly started to push inside. "O-ooooh!!" Ginny's eyes went wide as the unfamiliar sensation shot through her, and a few seconds later she lost her control and balance, her body falling down onto Natalia, causing her to sink the entire cock inside the snake girl at once.
She let out a yelping hiss of surprise, her hair going out straight. "A-ahhh, damn, getting right to it huh?" She gasped for air, helping to hold Ginny up. "We can take our time."
"S-sorry...lost...lost my balance. I didn't expect it to feel like that..." She shivered, taking a few moments to try and get used to the sensation, before slowly raising her hips, moaning loudly as the cock slowly started to slide out again. "D-does...does this thing...uhh...well...does it...y'know...like a guy does?"
"Kinda, thickens and whitens your juices. No sperms but it looks and feels just like the real thing." She smiled, rocking her hips up lightly.
"Right..don't think it's gonna take long though..." Ginny managed a soft grin, then gasped as Natalia rocked her hips, her own hips jerking and thrusting a little.
"Oh you'll keep a woman's recovery time." She smirked lightly, walls clamping down like a cold, wet vice.
"That-" Ginny cut off as suddenly Natalia tightened around her, groaning loudly, attempting to buck her hips back inside, but the girl was so tight she could barely move. "O-ooooh! I...oh god I think...I think....I think...." Ginny trailed off as she closed her eyes tightly, an intense and unfamiliar sensation flowing through her body, before the cock twitched and came just as Natalia had promised, splattering hot fluid across her cold insides.
Natalia smiled, giving a pleased sigh. "Ohh, you're even warmer now." She teased, wrapping her arms over Ginny's shoulders. "Can you keep going?"
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