Hogwarts: After (Magik x DonV)

"A-ah! Ah! Ooooh! Y-you're good for one too! Oh god...oh fuck....never felt so good!!" Ginny cried out in pleasure, letting Sylvia fuck her as she wanted, squealing as the girl reached out to pinch at her nipples, Sylvia now able to feel that they really had gotten as hard as steel. Every thrust drew a cry from Ginny, if it weren't for the silencing spell the whole train would be able to hear her right now, whilst her pussy seemed to grow a little tighter and little wetter.
"Can't last much longer Ginny." She panted, leaned over the girl and thrusting rapidly, smearing her inner walls with precum. Her cock was noticably swelling and throbbing inside Ginny, nearing the inevitable climax of their coupling.
"A-ah! D-don't...don't hold back..." Ginny whimpered as her body started to tighten up. A few more thrusts was all it took, before Ginny screamed like never before, an orgasm somehow even more intense than the last one ripping through her. Her pussy clamped down, her juices squirted as she came hard, her body convulsing with pleasure.
Sylvia groaned deeply, thrusting hard to the hilt and staying there, hot ropes of violent painting Ginny's inner walls. The volume was inhuman, overflowing into her womb, filling the girls deepest reaches to the brim, leaking out around Sylvia's girth by the time she was spent. "Damn...that was way better than doing it myself." She panted, kissing Ginny's neck.
Ginny's orgasm was only drawn out by the sensation of so much cum rushing inside of her, flooding through her, pouring into her womb and filling her to capacity, more of it just spilling back out between her legs. Finally though the flow stopped, and Ginny's own orgasm subsided, allowing her to collapse forward onto the seat, panting heavily as the burning arousal inside of her finally seemed to be satisfied, her body slowly sliding off Sylvia's cock until with a loud slurping noise it sprang free, allowing violet cum to pour out of Ginny's body. "Oooooh....y-yeah...thanks...that was....amazing...."
"Oof, want me to use a spell do clean ya up?" She asked with a chuckled, sitting on the seat beside her, cock still shiny with their juices. "Looks like I really did a number on you, sorry...just been kinda pent up, been so nervous about coming to this school that I haven't had time for any release."
"Cleanup would be good....please" Ginny managed a slight grin, slowly lifting herself up in order to turn around, dropping back to a sitting position on the seat, her whole body glistening with sweat whilst violet cum continued to pour out of her. "Whoa....the colour...it's....wow" She blinked, just staring at the cum. "For humans it's white...and there's nowhere near that much"
"It must be hard to knock up humans with less than that." She giggled, another wave of her staff, the violet cum vanishing off Ginny's body and the floor, as well as her own half-hard cock. "Glad to see humans are open to us though." She smiled, patting Ginny's shoulder. "I was worried it'd be tough to fit in."
"Well, easier than you'd think from what I hear". Ginny chuckled, sighing in relief as she was cleaned of cum. It was a rather nice sensation, but this wasn't exactly the time or place to be leaving it.
"Well, I'm sad to say there are plenty of humans who won't be so open, they might be mean or outright hostile to you and the others but most of us are good people". Ginny smiled brightly. "We better get changed into our uniforms soon too. At least the skirt should be easier on you than those tight pants"
"Yeah." She smiled, unzipping her bag fully and reaching in, far further than the bag should've gone, pulling out some panties and slipping them on, her bulge vanishing. "Thankfully they gave us some special ones." She chuckled lightly.
"Wow, I can definitely see how those would come in handy. I'm surprised you weren't wearing those before". Ginny grinned as she tugger her bra and panties back on, before starting to pull on her uniform. "I hope we can be friends in school, if you ever have any questions or anything feel free to come and ask me ok?"
"Yeah, what room are you in?" She asked, slipping on her skirt and the uniform top, as well as a small belt with a loop for her staff. "It's always good to have friends, especially with benefits." She teased lightly.
Ginny blushed again at the 'with benefits' but didn't deny it. "I'm in the Gryffindor dorms, my room is at the far end of the first girls hallway". She picked up her bag as the train started to slow down. "Wow. We uh....Were going for longer than I thought, heh"
She chuckled lightly. "Well, maybe I'll get lucky, I'm in seventh year so I'm pretty much just learning the technical parts of magic use." She smiled, picking up her bag. "Maybe I'll get you as a roomie."
"Heh, who knows. It'll be good to have some classes together too". Ginny smiled brightly, pulling out her wand to remove the darkening from the windows of the compartment. "Better get moving or we'll get caught up in a crush trying to get off, the train is busier than I've seen it in a long time so nobody knows how to handle a crowd like this"
She nodded, heading out into the mess of people getting off the train, heading inside where the banquet was getting ready.

(Time skip to the next scene maybe?)
(Sounds good. Maybe in the common rooms?)

Ginny headed out with her, though even she was taken by surprise at the mass of people, quickly getting separated from Sylvia in the rush, barely having time to wave.
Later on in the night, she would see a strange girl in the common room, looking at a map in confusion. She looked up as Ginny came in, walking over. "Hey, don't worry, I'm not gonna petrify you or something, I just need some help with this map, I'm really not getting it." She sighed, her snakelike hair looking around. "I think it's supposed to be in color but I can't see any of that."
Ginny blinked as she spotted the odd girl, watching her for a moment. Even as unusual as she looked and how much she stood out the girl had been completely lost in the Great Hall among the sea of new beings. "Ah, help with the map?" Ginny walked over. "Well, it is in colour...but you can't see it?" Ginny looked to the map, then to the girl. "Ah, do you see colours differently to humans perhaps?"
"I don't see colors, just black and white, or thermal radiation." She chuckled. "You humans are so strangely warm, how do you do that in this cool room?"
"Oh? I see, I can't even imagine seeing heat like that" Ginny grinned slightly. "How? Well...I'm not sure. That's just how our bodies are I guess. If they weren't so warm they'd kinda die" She chuckled and shook her head. "I'm Ginny, Ginny Weasley" She smiled and offered her hand.
"Natalia." She smiled. "Gorgons don't really have last names I guess." She chuckled lightly. "Can you show me where my room is here?"
"I'd be happy too" Ginny grinned and nodded. "Did they give you a room number or anything? I'll show you exactly which room it is"
She showed her the map, and it seemed she was in Ginny's room as well. "So where is this one? I'm still having some issues with this whole map thing."
"Ah, well that's a stroke of luck, that's my room too. Looks like we're gonna be roommates" Ginny grinned brightly. "Come on, it's this way. I know Hogwarts can seem huge and overwhelming at first, but I'm sure you'll get used to it soon" She smiled and waved for Natalia to follow her, leading the odd girl up the stairs and down the hallway, right to the end to their now shared bedroom, Ginny just tapping the door with her wand in order to open it.
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