Hogwarts: After (Magik x DonV)


Feb 25, 2017
Ginny Weasley tucked a few stray strands of red hair behind her ear as she boarded the Hogwarts express from Platform 9 3/4, a slight pang of sadness rushing through her as she realised it was to be the last time she would be doing this since she was setting off for her final year at Hogwarts. To make things even worse, this year was to be the start of such an amazing time. Now that Voldemort had truly been defeated, scores of magical creatures had come to light, revealing themselves once more to the magical world. Even better, many of them had enrolled at Hogwarts across all years, from 1st year all the way up to 7th year. To only have a year of being able to get to know all these new creatures, even ones Ginny had never heard of before, it just wasn't enough.

Well, nothing she could really do but make the most of it right. With one more sigh Ginny fully boarded the train, turning to head down and claim a compartment before the train got too full, tossing her bag up onto the rack and slumping down into one of the seats, blowing hair from her face that the motion had caused to fall back out of place. She was sure the sadness would start to fade once the train got moving, heading to Hogwarts always perked up her mood after all. Soon enough she was sure she'd be full of excitement and wonder all over again.
There was a light knock, a girl peeking in, her skin pale lavander with black patterns tattooed all over, her ears pointed back, crimson eyes looking around the compartment. "Hey, is it cool if I sit in here? Still not used to all this human courtesy stuff."

She moved into the doorway, wearing a silken tee made out of some faintly shimmering material, and a pair of leather pants that appeared handmade. "This is so weird compared to the Forest of Mists, all this advanced stuff."
"Hm?" Ginny looked up as she heard the knock, raising an eyebrow at the unusual sight before her. This was definitely one of those creatures that fell into the 'never even heard of before' category. What was with that skin? And those eyes? About the only thing Ginny really recognised was pointed ears, though even the way they were pointed was a new one on her. "Please, feel free" She smiled and motioned to one of the empty seats. "The forest of Mists? I've never heard of that place before..." Ginny thought back through every lesson she could remember, every conversation she could recall, but nothing about the Forest of Mists sprang out to her, not even a vague recollection.

"I'm Ginny, Ginny Weasley" She smiled once again and offered her hand. "Nice to meet you"
"Sylvia Nightbriar." She smiled, shaking her hand and sitting down. "It's one of those magical places where the entrance moves around and stuff ya know? Kind of our own secret home for us dark elves." She smiled.
Dark Elves? So that's what she was. Even to Ginny Elves were always fairy tales...now there were Dark Elves? This really was going to be an interesting year. "Pleasure to meet you Sylvia" She grinned brightly, shaking her hand. "So what's this Forest like then? Wonder if I'd be able to visit it some day"
"Maybe, just maybe you can." She grinned. "My tribe is working out a deal for trade, maybe one day travel too." She smiled. "What are you though? I've...never really met anybody but other elves."
"Oh? That sounds great. Forest of Mists...it sounds like an interesting place" She grinned as she tried to imagine it, assuming there was more to it than just trees and mist. "What am I? Well, I'm a human. You'll be seeing a lot of us around Hogwarts. Infact...before this year that's pretty much what every student was"
"Wow, everybody there will be as attractive as you? That's quite the impressive race." She smiled, her eyes running over Ginny's body, a suspicious bulge slightly visible in her pants.
"Uhh...ehehe, well I'm not sure I'd say that. I'm not really that attractive" Ginny grinned slightly, blushing and glancing away, though as she turned her eyes she couldn't help but catch a glimpse of a bulge in Sylvia's pants. Ginny found herself staring for a moment, before looking away completely. It was just her imagination...or just the way Sylvia's pants had bunched up a little. Yeah, that was it.
"Really? Your race must be stunning if you don't think you're beautiful. Can't imagine I'll ever live up to this human standards." She blushed, the bulge growing slightly, though she still seemed to ignore it.
"Oh well....every human is pretty different really. I mean...some are way more attractive than me...I guess some are less.." She glanced back to Sylvia with a smile, then blinked. She'd swear the bulge had gotten bigger....? No, no just her imagination. She quickly looked back up to Sylvia's face, though the colour of her lavender skin had changed slightly. Was she...blushing? "I mean, you're way more beautiful than me. Are all Dark Elves like you?"
"Pretty much, we all look a little similar really. Heck, my sisters and I are all different ages, but we look like twins." She giggles, adjusting slightly for the bulge. "Ugh, this damn thing, how do you human girls hide these under such tight clothes..."
"Your sisters? Ah, wow, I only have brothers, no sisters at all" Ginny chuckled slightly, blinking as Sylvia seemed to adjust herself. "Uhhh....hide these? Hide...what?" She tilted her head a little. "There's nothing for girls to really hide under tight clothes...."
"Well your cock, ya know?" She asked. "The thing between your legs, is it somewhere else on humans or something?" She asked curiously, sitting back with a sigh, stretching her arms.
"My-" Ginny cut off, her face turning an intense bright red. "I...h-human girls don't have one of those! J-just the boys" She shook her head quickly, face now as red as her hair. "Y-you mean you....Dark Elf women have...so...so what about the guys...? Do they have uh...the other....?"
She blushed. "So the females carry the children? How strange. I wish I could learn more about how your kind mates, but I've tried and all the books just don't explain things well."
"Uhh....well uh...yeah the women...so...for you the men are the ones...?" Ginny blinked "That's...definitely sounds uh....well...yeah..." She wasn't quite sure how to process that. This was another completely new one on her, she'd never heard of any other magical beings or creatures like that. "Learn more? Oh uh..well...oh gosh how to explain..." Ginny was rather flustered, unable to quite find the words to explain in a more matter of fact way, whilst her eyes were constantly being drawn back to the bulge in Sylvia's pants no matter how she tried to look away.
She blushed, smirking slightly. "You could always show me." She said, mostly teasingly, though there was a hint of desire to her voice.
"Ah! Show...you? Uhh..well..." Ginny's blush somehow deepened. "I mean...well...." She was now rather openly staring at Sylvia's bulge. "I guess....maybe I could..."
"Really?" She blush a darker violet, the bulge shifting noticably. "Well, I think they do have lock on these compartments..." She smiled, leaning over to pull the door closed.
"I..yeah they do..." Ginny trailed off as she watched the bulge shifting. Was that really...? Nah...this was probably all just a practical joke...yeah! Yeah that was it! A Dark Elf practical joke and Ginny had fallen for it! Well, she was onto the joke now, but she'd keep playing along for the time being. No point in spoiling the fun of the joke right?
"So uh...what's human etiquette for this?" She asked, slowly standing and unbutton her pants, releasing ten inches of lavender girth with a deeper violet head, still sporting tattoos along her shaft.
"Well first-" Ginny cut off as Sylvia removed her pants and the cock sprang free...the actual cock, Ginny just staring, her mouth hanging open as she did so. That thing was...it was real? She really did have one?! "First they....normally both get...naked...?"
She nodded, sliding her shirt of, showing off her modest breasts and deep violet nipples. "That is odd, we often do it quickly and clothed." She blushed. "Not that's I've done it."
"Normally with clothes on? Well...some humans do it like that too I think..." Ginny slowly looked up, staring at Sylvia's chest for a few moments. This...this was really happening?! Ginny glanced up, then suddenly realised something...sure the compartment door was locked, but the windows were still there and still very much transparent. She squeaked, quickly snatching her wand and flicking it at the windows in order to darken them. "O-ok" Ginny set her wand down, then after a few more moments hesitation, began to unbutton her blouse, revealing her bra containing her own rather modest breasts, though the nipples were visibly hard through the fabric.
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