Random Info About You

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Fact: I haven't had a day off, to just relax, in about two and a half weeks. It's all either been work days or days where I had something big going on. So I'm spent. It figures though that I not only get one day off, I get both of this weeks together, and that I spend them...
Fact: Sick as a mo fo. =/
Fact: Between going through Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, and now TDK Rises, I am officially Batman'd out.
Fact: The future is a big question mark at this point, in perhaps every respect.
Fact: I envy As Day Fades right about now... I wish I was busy I am the opposite
Fact: Eh, Batman... good game I like but just hearing about it makes me go meh -.-;
Truth: Ever gotten so comfortable in bed, hit that soft spot so well in the bed that you just melt... and then you have to pee.
<---- me right about now
Fact: I love this

Tathariel said:
Fact: Watching "A very Supernatural Christmas", and I am loving it.

I just read your siggy and found myself going "bup bup ba doooooo" lol Love PATD I didn't realize what it was from till I read it ^^
Fact: Back from Los cabos! WOO HOME<3
Fact: So fucking dark now holy shit.
Info: Spent an awesome night out with my friends and received silly pictures and texts from him. Overall, weekend was awesome.
Info: Seeing my parents in the PM and planning on having a relaxing sunday.
Fact: I just slept fourteen hours. o.o Unintentionally.
Fact: I have two days off together again this week, yay, which is rare, and I'm only slightly sick this time! Not completely sick like last week!
Fact: Stupid night shift. =/ I'm up, everyone else is asleep.
Fact: I have been put into a position I am not used to, and am unsure of what to do in this situation.
Info: I giggle at the fact that people freak out whenever there is a "shark attack." There are an average of 5 fatalities involving shark incidents. Humans kill 100 Million sharks per year. And when there's an attack? Shark hunts happen and kill innocent sharks. I laugh at human beings.

Info: Shark attacks should be renamed "human mistakes" because the shark was hungry and you were stupid enough to go into the ocean where there are signs saying, "Sharks happen to frequent this area. Derp."
<3 SHARK WEEK! My roommie and I are hoping that they actually put on new shows and not just repeats. That would be sad.

Info: Probably gonna try to apply to volunteer at the boston aquarium. Did that the previous year but I completely forgot about it and then realized I didn't have time to do it anyways.

Info: Also need to get a diving cert. and get an underwater camera. 8D
Fact: I am like 90% over my two week long cold. So what do I go and do yesterday? Get a mild sunburn. yaay.
Fact: Impromptu beach trip yesterday. I'm used to pool clubs, or people's houses; it was the first time I actually went to a beach since I was a little kid.
Fact: I grew up living 100ft from a beach.
Fact: There really weren't very many guidos at all, despite people's misperception of Jersey through TV. Average amount of muscleheads. The bikinis though were errywhar, and I perv over even an average lady in one.
Fact: I got to ride around in a $100,000 Mercedes for awhile yesterday. That was neat.
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