Random Info About You

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DamningTheHeavens said:
Fact- Girls ARE better than boys. -Says this even though he is a boy-


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Fact- I make the best textpics
Fact- I am not as depressed anymore
Fact- I love rave's penguin traitor.
Fact- i have no more facts at this moment.
Info: Chicks are better for kissing, guys are better for dating.
Info: Has obviously had too many run-ins with crazy chicks.
Info: Thinks guys are better in general since they are less likely to cause drama and bitch about things I really could care less about..like whatever the hell Julie was wearing that made Maggie upset.
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Info: Chicks are better for kissing, guys are better for dating.
Info: Has obviously had too many run-ins with crazy chicks.
Info: Thinks guys are better in general since they are less likely to cause drama and bitch about things I really could care less about..like whatever the hell Julie was wearing that made Maggie upset.

Or whine about how they look ugly, then expect you to disagree. Or fat. And if it's not immediate... Oh goodness. Can't even pay a compliment to most! It's all, I know, or what's that supposed to mean?

I revise my statement.

Fact- some girls are better than guys.
Info: DA and a few other women are my closest friends and I dunno if they know how rare that is. Means they are super special. <3

Info: Love talking to my man late at night whether or not he's falling asleep or I am.
Snowpaw said:
Fact- girls are better than guys lol.
Fact- I think I'm going to quit role playing with romantic parts.

Fact: Wonders why she is going to quit Rping with romantic parts
Fact: Does not want her to stop
Fact: Wishes she could RP with her
Info: Totally hate myself.
Info: Got on a scale today on a whim and found out I've gained about 15 lbs since last year.
Info: I started crying. I'm starting to think no matter what I do I'm just gonna gain weight.
Info: Just totally in a shitty mood.
Info: Was also just starting to get okay with my body and thinking about some changes I was gonna make. Just totally fucked me up today. MEEEEH.
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Info: Totally hate myself.
Info: Got on a scale today on a whim and found out I've gained about 15 lbs since last year.
Info: I started crying. I'm starting to think no matter what I do I'm just gonna gain weight.
Info: Just totally in a shitty mood.
Info: Was also just starting to get okay with my body and thinking about some changes I was gonna make. Just totally fucked me up today. MEEEEH.

Fact: I hope you realize muscle weighs more than fat and if it displaces fat instead of you just losing fat you gain weight. My body fat percentage is lower than last year but my weight is the same.
Anansi said:
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Info: Totally hate myself.
Info: Got on a scale today on a whim and found out I've gained about 15 lbs since last year.
Info: I started crying. I'm starting to think no matter what I do I'm just gonna gain weight.
Info: Just totally in a shitty mood.
Info: Was also just starting to get okay with my body and thinking about some changes I was gonna make. Just totally fucked me up today. MEEEEH.

Fact: I hope you realize muscle weighs more than fat and if it displaces fat instead of you just losing fat you gain weight. My body fat percentage is lower than last year but my weight is the same.

Well, I talked with a friend about it and I overreacted a little bit. It happens when not having a good day and am already body iffy. But I haven't been working out but I plan on starting up again and do know that muscle weighs more. And congrats on losing some of the body fat percentage. But thanks for that.
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