Random Info About You

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Fact: I just watched "A Serbian film"

Fact: I sat through it unfazed for much

Fact: The ending makes me want to bleach my soul.
Info: I was about to go change my pad, and accidentally dropped it on the ground. One of two squirrels I keep as pets, grabbed it, dragged it to the cage, and spent nearly hours trying to push it into their wooden house, so they could use it a blanket and pillow. After finally pushing it in, they both got inside of the house, stuck their heads out and stared at me with face 'You mad bro?' until I've turned lights off.

Info: They also cockblock a lot. Graver can tell.

Info: Because of them I had to get rid of all my plants. Otherwise they'd do it for me. Also they taught me not to leave books/papers/camera/phone lying around.

Info: They're bisexual perverts. They shag, moment later they jump on pile of my clean underwears, beginning to chew it. One of them goes away peacefully, and while I'm trying to make second one go away, he gets under my shirt, on his way scratches me to death, and then begins biting on my breasts.

Info: They hate my computer. I ignored them chewing on mouse pad, peeing on my graphic tablet, disconnecting monitor and keyboard... But I got seriously angry when one of them bumped into computer from a high speed and killed my graphic card. And came to me seeking for solace, because he hurt his nose.

Info: I don't know how, but they've managed to make plant that is as big as I am, fall down. One of them, actually.

Fact: I always troll them in return.

Fact: Like when then jump on me to carry them to another room, I carry them back to the cage.

Fact: One of them is a complete glutton. He eats everything that's edible, not caring if it's poisonous. Even though cookies cause them diabetes, he'd sell me and my house just for piece of it. Also if he hears word 'nuts' or 'seeds', he runs to us like crazy. Today my father gave seed to him. Being such a glutton he didn't sniff to find out what he's nomming. Half of seed was gone, when he mouth opened, dropping pieces of his delicious seed. He realized that he was given to eat his own shit.

Fact: I enjoy sneaking from behind and poking their asses, or stealing food from them. They get angry and begin cursing at me in their squirrel language.

Fact: After cockblocking me and Graver SO DAMN MUCH, I cockblock them in return. I had no problems with them shagging, since they can't produce offsprings because both are male, but now everytime I see them doing it... I scare them and they begin running to different directions. And curse at me in their squirrel language.

Info: I'm actually having trolling competition with my squirrel pets.
Fact: I'm an idiot who has nothing better to do in her life.
That's right... I travelled great distances to see NeatSilence only to get cockblocked by a rodent! You say you fail at life? N***a please! Anyway.... I guess I should add something to the madness.

Info: I got my hands some time ago on a set of Technics turntables and a Technics mixer (World DMC Chaptionship edition!) which my half-brother wanted to move elsewhere since his kids kept threatening to break it. Today I finally got both tables working (though the needle on one keeps skating off the track!) and I've been going back and forth doing some amateur scratches as I get the chance.

Info: I wanna be like these guys ----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP-86de-oUA

Fact: I've had the turntables for nearly 4 or 5 months now....
Info: Went to the gun range today, my rifle accuracy has greatly increased, my handgun accuracy has suffered.

Info: I would have been awesome killing Nazis seeing as how I can shoot a moving target(via heavy wind) with an M1 Garand.

Info: I jammed 5/7 guns today

Info: I love PA's stuff, prices, and beer, just not the culture of Pennsyltucky

Info: My boy's moving to D.C. I'ma miss him
Graver said:
That's right... I travelled great distances to see NeatSilence only to get cockblocked by a rodent!
Two of them. Oh, fun times... NS and Graver are about to have some sexy time, and then Graver jumps up, since some squirrel, which is smaller than his hand, is chewing on his feet.. XD
Fact: Laser tag last night was fantastic.
Fact: I'm sore from all of the ducking and covering that I feel kind of silly. =3=;
Fact: I just had the funniest 31 seconds of my day


We snanananana snuck in your room
Info: Just realized that all the pokemon in Zal's sig are wearing hats. OO;
Info: Wants Umbreon and Jolteon. <3
Info: My boyfriend and I were trying to make up cool names to describe "that time of the month." I decided on the Red Falcon which is thankfully migrating for another month.
Info: Yeah, whatever.
Info: No class today until noontime. Just gonna fuck around until then.
Info: Hoping Josh goes to the doctor since, yay, he has internal bleeding. -_-
Info: Just at my wits end right now. I'm so tired of this crap.
Fact: I'm super duper new to the site and am excited as hell to start role playing :D
Fact: I pole dance - for exercise. Not for money.
Fun: I play video games - and I probably kick 80% of the guys' butts.
Downright Screwy: I used to collect poisons as a kid. Anything legal of course.
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