Random Info About You

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Info: I need to start a workout plan to fit into my Comicon costume..8 months to go.
Info: I'm completely with Zal on wanting to crawl back to bed.
Fact: My body is achy and exhausted from being sick.
Info: I woke up at 6:30 for no apparent reason, other than having to scurry from my loft to the floor, and I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
Info: Work here in a bit. Classes after that.
Fact: For a couple of months now I've been thinking how cool it would be to go to a WrestleMania; the equivalent of the Super Bowl for wrestling fans.
Fact: Today it was announced that WM XXIX, which is next April, will be right in my backyard. The stadium is a thirty to forty minute drive from my house.
Fact: Already spoke to my brother-in-law. We're getting tickets, the day they're on sale, even if they're goddamn nosebleeds.
Fact: I wish it was for this year's. There's so many legends on the card for this year, and it's easy to speculate that a number of them won't be there for next year's. But whatever. It'll be a fantastic event one way or another. Fuckin' psyched.
Info: I just realized that I've been friends with her for 15 fucking years. This is crazy.
Does anybody else find the wortd "pussy" to be extremely hilarious? It's all like,"What is that between yer legs?" "It's a pussy." XD
I don't like using the C-word unless it's to describe said body part. Or if I'm beyond pissed off. Otherwise, it's just a rude nasty word.

Info: hanging out with my roomie. She's a goober. <3
Info: I must have my own gravitational field because the jackass I met in person from FL [had seemed like a decent kid, then turned into a prick when I denied his ass] just sent me a text message. I didn't realize it was him until I asked because I had deleted his number. I also thought he had deleted mine. Can you say kind of creepy?

Info: Otherwise having a splendid day despite my headache.
Fact: As of recent I've found the action of certain individuals incredibly odd and genuinely confusing.
Info: Watching the Bruins play St. Louis. So far, we are winning but it's a close game.
Info: Tired and bored and procrastinating studying for my exam.
Info: It takes time to make lingering feelings dull and descend into the proper category. Time and booze. Mmm...booze. Now I want some.
Info: Finally managed to write up a short story in my notebook today. It's seven pages long.
Info: Will be sure to get it up tomorrow for feedback and criticism.
Info: This is the first true short story I've written that has had an actual ending since I was in high school.
Info: Feeling pretty damn proud of myself.

Army blankets and drinks at the ready
Fact: It's been a long week, and I plan to sleep through this whoooooooole weekend. Or at least as much as my body will permit.
Fact: Snuggles and attention would be wonderful about now.
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