Random Info About You

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Info: Bored out of my mind. Really just want to spend time with someone. Craving contact, in other words.

Info: Transferring to the Art Institute next semester for a more intensive experience that will get me out in the field faster, and away from here.

Fact: The above is the last item on the list that's really keeping me caged.

Info: Have an exam on Friday/Saturday that I'm not looking forward to, even though I know the material, because it's one on the Internet (which isn't reliable in my case).
Info: I love living in NYC, food everywhere, fun people, and if its the art Institute in NYC I will show Raivh the wonders of this city.

Info: 6...that's NUMBERWANG!
Anansi said:
Info: I love living in NYC, food everywhere, fun people, and if its the art Institute in NYC I will show Raivh the wonders of this city.

I actually know the wonders of NYC. Love it there. However, it's the Art Institute of KC. Difficult to find a school that doesn't charge out of state, with some sort of living accommodation that isn't outrageously expensive.
Info: I see


Best vets ever
Fact: Has a cat now. (not exactly by choice parents kind of forced him to live with me.
Fact: Now finds it weird having a pet waiting in the house when I return from work.
Fact:Feels refreshing in a way Plays with the cat lots of times. Would like to bring it some where where it can get lots of fresh air.
Info: I write Dragon Age 2 fanfiction on FF.Net, and occasional others.
Info: I cosplay at anime conventions; most of which, I make myself.
Info: ...proud to be a nerd/geek/gamer girl! :D
Info: Won't be putting in for the transfer to the Art Institute after all. They're not accredited. No thanks. I'm too good for that shite.
Fact: I don't understand my roommate some times. He takes like three showers a day and does laundry like every other day too.
Fact: I love cosplaying and going to anime conventions.
Fact: I love sleeping topless but always have to sleep with bottoms on.
Fact: I hate when my girlfriends think I need a man in my lfie. I like being a hermit at this point in my life, I mean I'm still young.
Fact: Loves it when I'm about to get out of work on time as opposed to being out late because of incompetence from manager.
Fact: Sadly considers this the pleasant equivalent of getting a gift for Valentines Day (or single awareness day depending on what's your status. Well this is Single awareness day for me.) From General Manager.
Fact: Was considering going out to bar after work, and tossing the dice to see if I can get a one night stand
Fact: Decided not too because after experiencing that little H.I.V scare sometime ago, Feeling that again for the next few days after getting tested would not be worth it. And despite my luck looking up lately. I don't feel like tempting fate.
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