Random Info About You

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Fact: Valentines day commercials just remind me how very lonely I am.

Fact: I start school on Valentines Day.

Fact: Just spent the last two hours putting my new school schedule on my iPhone, because it was being silly.
Info: Have a headache.
Info: Have a heartache.
Info: Would rather be in bed.
Info: At least 3 people love me unconditionally and tend to place me at the 'top' of their time.
Info: Must hold onto that........ must hold onto it.
Info: Finally over it and breathing easy.
Info: Going to enjoy today's storm to the fullest.
Fact: I'mma fuck my girlfriend silly later.
Fact: We have safe words now so I can really let her have it
Fact: She just told me she started her monthly
Fact: I don't care
Fact: I'm probably disgusting
Fact: Today should be an awesome day. Just have to go kick this exam's ass in the face and I am home free!
Fact: I don't know whether to say 'info' or 'fact' before stating information that is a fact.
Info: Got a fresh haircut today, feeling breezy.
Fact: Anansi's Signature makes me want to go watch Malcom in the Middle again.
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