Random Info About You

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Info: Hoping that it's a sign to have some sort of hope.
Info: Gonna watch a sappy love movie and then go to bed.
Info: Wishing he would call but knowing that it's just wishful thinking.
Info: I love my friends. I really do.
Fact: It's official. I re-injured the torn ligaments in my hip, and got told to stay off it. They won't let me run with the team. >_<
Info: I want to be somebody's. I want someone to be mine. But with all the wrong I've done, how could love ever love me?
Fact: Haven't seen my 4 month old boy in 3 months.
Fact: The bitch (excuse my French) won't let me see him
Fact: She won't respond to my texts or calls
Fact: Court might go well
Wishful thinking: Everything will go amazing and I'll get full custody.
Fact: Depressed about it
Fact: Music makes it all better.
Fact: My alarm clock got real up close and personal with my foot today.
Fact: It amazes me how much better my relationship with my parents have gotten since I moved out.
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