Random Info About You

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Fact: I'm alone for the night, with a car, do I leave and go find trouble, or stay in and enjoy the abundance of liquor?
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Info: started a healthier eating regimen. We'll see how long I can keep it up.

Info: IT is now my goal to destroy your regimen by any means necessary, including kidnapping you and feeding you.

"You can't make me eat that meat lover's pizza"

...it'll be like a Disney Romance..with stockholm syndrome and everything
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Info: Yay, my greatest wish has been to experience Stockholm syndrome and get fat.

Info: I'm not sure if I'll enjoy it quite as much if there's no kind of struggle. I think you should at least pretend, maybe cry a little.

Info: I joined IRC....there goes my productivity.
Info: I'll throw a tantrum. Is that better?
Info: Ordered a beautiful Gothic corset and a top hat for my date in a few weeks. [Also, because I love corsets and hats.] <3
Info: The semester is almost over!
Info: Awesome
Info: I don't like DA's fetlife profile pic, it makes it hard to talk during messages...its always like "Read words..don't look..read words...ability to read...fading..illiteracy...claiming me!" I think she should be controversial and wear a burkha for her pic.

Info: Today some random woman stopped me to more or less just gush over my hair.
Info: She told me she wished her hair was as beautiful as mine.
Info: In her gushing, she told me she's never seen such healthy looking long hair that looked like it floated as I walked. O.O
Fact: Today I had about six women ask me if I dyed my hair (which I do not) just because I'm a strawberry blonde.
Fact: I also got called out at work for working super hard and it was kinda embarrassing.
Info: Just learned the girl I've been talking to on AIM for almost 2 years is not who I thought she was. There's been lots of flirting and such both ways...wtf how can it be that coincidental?
Fact: The craving for brite crawlers is almost overwhelming.
Fact: Haven't had a cigarette all day and subsequently feel like kicking everyone in my path.
Fact: The iffy internet signal has forced me from my room into the freezing cold living room which has done nothing to improve my mood.
Fact: My tooth is killing me and I have no dental coverage.
Fact: I just got to partake in the massive derping of a whiteknight on facebook and wonder if fourchan has broken loose onto the internet.
Fact: I'm so bored
Fact: My mouth... hurts...
Fact: I still have fucking braces and they have me wearing these elastics, and they huuurrttt. -whines some more-
Fact: I would take a bunch of painkillers, but I work. :mad:
Elastics suck. I remember when I was about thirteen with braces and elastics. Tough stuff.

Info: Hungry, needing to study, but ebay....
Info: Gonna probably order christmas presents and get myself a little something.
Fact: I have another nasty headache today.
Info: Said headache is making me crave tea more so than on a regular day.
Info: I think I might make some pumpkin spice tea in the very near future.
Fact: Got my black friday clothes shopping spree in the mail today.
Fact: Size 4 tall jeans are falling off. Should had gone w/ the 2's. Still got them hella cheap.
Fact: I am truly fortunate to have certain people who are always there for me no matter what.
Fact: They really know how to make me feel loved and important and special.
Info: I hope they realize just how meaningful that is to me.
Info: Fish bio test was BRUTAL. however, there was a shitload of shark stuff to write about so I think I did pretty damn good.
Info: Have to do a project tonight. FML.
Info: Just wanna relax and do nothing. D;
Info: Loves the people in her life. Like DA. <3
Fact: My PS3 from Black Friday arrived in the mail today. I is excited. I feel like I should be more excited than I am, but that's likely due to being tiredface.
Fact: My new shoes also arrived in the mail today. Size 13-EE. I detest shoe shopping as it's impossible to find things I like in my size, and usually have to go for something slightly uncomfortable or something I'm not in love with. I gave Zappos.com a shot though and it worked out great.
Fact: I will celebrate the aforementioned two facts by...napping.
Fact: Is trying to figure out a way to cover a song via her computer without coming off as a retard. So far it's not going so well.
Fact: I can sing, but I can't always remember the words.
Info: Everyone seems to be in some sort of pain... I have some weird ass swelling under my cheek inside my mouth...
Info: ADF is just two sizes smaller (maybe three?) than my friend who wears size 15-EEE shoes.
Fact: I made a joke about a bra with that shoe size, it was hilarious.
Info: I ordered my christmas present, it cost me $70 (with shipping)
Info: The aforementioned presents involve a new mouse and mousepad
Fact: I have more than enough money to spend, so I'm getting my parents a $600 gift.
Info: As much as I wanna lose weight, I love that I have an hourglass shape and am not a toothpick like some models are.
Info: Completely exhausted. Just one more class to go.
Info: Gonna be looking at a new place today. We'll see how that goes.
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