Random Info About You

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I've had that happened. I was like "Are you kidding?" I had to go back to school four hours later.

Info: My tummy has been out of it the past few days. BUT I will have KFC for lunch because I'm having a huge craving [like I did last night] bahaha.

Info: I tell my stomach to piss off when I'm hungry.
I think most of us who've had morning classes have had them cancel AFTER we've gotten there. It's most sucky, especially if you have any kind of space between classes where you're sort of stuck waiting around. At least nowadays, there's internet to pass the time. Didn't have that until I was a sophomore in college. And even then, there wasn't much on it. Certainly nothing fun. That didn't happen until a few years later. XD
Info: Poor Zal. I'll call the school board and get that fixed asap.
Info: Just realized I haven't eaten all day and well, cheetos are within range....<.<
Fact: I got to try my friend's copy of Skyrim today while he was at work. I was way skeptical going in, having tried Oblivion and walked away feeling meh, but so far I'm enjoying this new one.
FACT: Thanksgiving for me was a month ago.
FACT: My wisdom teeth were so big that they twisted (upside down) in my gums because they had no room.
FACT: Had to cancel a trip to get them removed soon. Blah.
Fact: I get to watch a kid tonight who wants nothing more than to kill me and fuck my corpse. Yaaaayyy 200 lb 11 yr old serial killer wannabes.
Fact: Found out I have to move out-of-province to attend school. Not sure if I should jump in joy or ball my eyes out.
Fact: I'll jump for joy. ;D
Info: Discovered "God Is An Astronaut"
Fact: Can't stop listening to them, just crossed the third hour mark.
CyanideDisaster said:
Fact: Manged to cut open both of my thumbs at work-- not with a knife, no. With a small cardboard box that contained nail polishes and lip gloss.
Fact: I fucking fail.

This would be an assault on my masculinity if it happened to me.
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