Info: Smoked four cigarettes and drank both my mikes in under 40 minutes.
Info: My heart is so numb that I can't feel it beating.
Info: Will I sleep tonight? I don't know.
info: I find it funny that PVP has been closed for months but is still in second place for most posts next to GD. Lawlz.
Fact: It's trying to snow in Denver.
Curious Fact: No call yet from people in charge to go maintain roads.
How I feel: Fuck yeah... time to chill out with my peel out.
Fact: The last sentence sounded a little better in my head.
Info: I'm a happy, optimistic, vibrant person on the streets.
Info: Online, I'm all fire, introspection, and tragedy. At night, I purge negativity by spilling my guts on a computer screen.
Fact: Worked out for the first time in what must have been months.
Fact: May have went a bit overboard.
Fact: Has been sore for about 3 days. Hopes he'll recover tomorrow and go at it again before work.