Random Info About You

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FACT: I work at McDicks on drive-thru.

Today my buddy tried to take someone's order and told them to "Hold until we find someone to take your order" then proceed to start singing Rebecca Black "Friday", ripped the headset off and tossed it over, running away like a coward to leave me with the customer, who is greatly irritated and confused. Then she came up to the door, and asked who was the singer. So I pointed to him and screamed "THERE HE IS!" He tried to hide, tripped over the boxes, and fell on his face. It was... truly... hilarious. April Fool's... the jokes on you, BITCH! :) Best day ever.
Fact: For a split second I honestly believed the new rules came to be from some weird loop hole that the United States would actually make up.
Fact: Then I laughed and went to get a hair cut... got bald instead but still, natural A.C. is better in the summer then winter.

Random Fact: <---- Hasn't had any 'intimate' contact with anyone since October....
My stupid job changed the over night 11pm to 7am hours I've been working for 4 years to after noon hours 3 pm to 11pm. My fiance works over nights too. We hardly see each other under the same roof and I have found myself becoming way more friendly with my toys. How I wish I could slash my boss's tires.
In the past month I have smoked weed once and that was on Wednesday. After smoking weed everyday from October to the end of February I figure going that long without it is an achievement.
Fact: Just watched Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead again. The writing for that movie is just excellent.
Fact: Wordplay is an immeasurable amount of fun.
Fact: I have never cheated behind a lovers back.
Info: Have told them ahead of time I was going to sleep with someone else and gave them the option of braking up with me.
Fact: I'm to honest for my own good.
Fact: For once I'm singing "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" and it's 100% true. I mean look , there they are a standing in a row.
Fact: Came back from Sucker Punch, has really mixed feelings about it.
Fact: Is working on a script for his television production class. Wishes they'd allow us to write a script that appeals to teens.
Fact : Is unsure what to make of the new wonder woman show.
Random opinion : " A lap dance is so much better when a stripper is crying... "

Thought: If everyone is worried about the world ending, then why doesn't the whole world work to keep it from happening?

Fact: <---has been diagnosed with 'psychotic disorders'.
Fact: <--- argued until blue in face, only to be told to shut up and take the 'we're sorry we broke you' monthly checks.
Fact: Is going to have a smoke...
Fact: Quit quitting of tobacco because quitting is for quitters.

Nasty fact: <---Enjoys receiving Feliatios, not to be confused with pistachios... I don't like putting legumes in my mouth.
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