Yo mama so stupid she got locked in a mattress store and sleep on the floor.
I'm doing pretty well for being up 24 hours...
I want a pizza.
Fact: All is *not* well in Tako's world.
Fact: This whole depression thing is kicking my ass.
Fact: Having to bum rides from boss all this week.
Fact: Talking 3 hours to a person you haven't talked to in forever is nice.
Fact: Having 200+ texts from a different person because they car is nice too.
Fact: Wishing those from someone you wish would realize that you're right there is my mood.
Fact: All my friends *but* two are in a relationship right now.
Fact: :/ Pah.
Info: gonna start working out this weekend.
Info: I will need motivation. D:
Info: I have never actually had a work out routine since I did sports all the time so this will be a challenge.
Fact: REDU IS AWESOME. <3 which is better than Cool =P
Fact: Is in on WT's pre-listening to the album party
Fact; Tako found the SE of the new album on Amazon for $22.
Fact: Maybe things will get better.
Fact: Thinks Red should join FetLife so she can friend him, lol.
Fact: Is already very amused by FetLife.
Fact: If you know me decently well... FRIEND ME! lolol. >.<
Fact: Will probably never join FetLife
Fact: Right now, life is scary and depressing because I can't protect the one person I need to.
Fact: Was able to sleep 9 hours, which is, yes, a good thing
Fact: I want steak and know I won't get it.