Random Info About You

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Fact; Going to the movies with a huge group of people tonight. I haven't done that since the beginning of high school, I think. We're going to go see The Last Exorcism. Somehow, I conned my best friend into going. I'm going to give her nightmares for the rest of her life.
H a r r i e t said:
Fact; Going to the movies with a huge group of people tonight. I haven't done that since the beginning of high school, I think. We're going to go see The Last Exorcism. Somehow, I conned my best friend into going. I'm going to give her nightmares for the rest of her life.

If I ever want to go to a horror flick with hubs... I have to either con him or promise him something. lol. XD
Fact: I must not be a very interesting person to RP with because all of them die.
Maybe a shade of purple like this will be easier to read.
Fact: I'm gonna use this shade now. It's closer to lavender too.
Fact: Lavender is my favorite color.
Fact: Thanks Novi. I just get tired of bumping my request topic to no avail and always having RPs end before they even get started. : /
Assorted Relevant Facts
* Went out to see a friend tonight at a kind of "grand opening party" for a new beer.
* I don't like beer, so I was just going to see the friend.
* It was at a Whole Foods, which I dislike because they're all "we're green and organic and recycle and all about healthy foods" and then they charge you 8 bucks for a head of lettuce.
* It turns out this particular Whole Foods has a bar in it (2 actually, if you count the mini wine bar in the back).
* When I got there, there was a table my friend and his other friends were at, and there weren't enough seats, and the ambient noise was all overwhelming my discriminatory hearing, which is decreasing ever steadily in my advancing age.
* I ended up sitting on a counter off to the side, trying to listen but being unable to discern individual words, just watching other people drink and talk and laugh and have fun.
* All that just exacerbated the loneliness and frustration and loss I feel all throughout my personal life. To the point that, on the drive home, thinking about all of it (as I seem to do whenever I am alone these days, which means at least 90 minutes a workday on my work commute, plus whatever evening time I spend alone), I was close to tears of useless, helpless frustration at the wasted potential of my life and the hopelessness of trying to improve it.
* I'm turning 40 in just over 2 weeks, which marks a threshold of ever-diminishing capability and possibility.
* It's not been exactly the best of evenings.
Yeah, I suppose we all have those sorts of moments after all. I'm having one as well right now, although it may not compare to your own.

All I can do is try to recommend what I do when I'm in that sort of position. I take a deep breath, make myself some warm tea to calm myself down, and sit down to read some comics or watch a movie I'm fond of. These things all pass after all, right?
Fact: Playing this game always makes me feel a little better, and I hope it will do the same for MM as well.
*hugs* My heart goes out to you. I'm really sorry to hear about these frustrating misfortunes and hope you soon stumble across a much more comftorable environment/event. I'm sure you'll find a place that's right for you. why not try joining a club of some kind? :)

fact: finished running outside for twenty minutes. Realized I missed strength training today and ...regret it
fact: I think I should stop lurking in the general discussion forum and flip through some more requests or possibly make one of my own.
fact: observed the time only to find that it's past my bed time. Now I s'eeps.
Fact: >> yes I'm still awake
Fact; I'm completely sober.
Fact: Shu and I had a GirlGirl night
Fact; She wants my music library x3
Fact: She still wants me to be in a band >.o;
Fact: I have a cold today
Fact: My RP's seem to have dried up.
Fact: I need to PM my Parteners for replies
Opinion: I think its possible that my cold germs can travel via internet.
Fact: Harriet does not take Goatse's extreme fear of being chased into account. D8 I end up having to pause through every running scene because I'm like "[/WHEEZE] [/FEAAR] [/CRAI]"
Info: School starts tomorrow. Dreading it and looking forward to it.
Info: -gives Zal and MM lots of sexy love-
Info: I want foods. ;o;
Info: Huuuuungry.
Ilovegoatse said:
Fact: Harriet does not take Goatse's extreme fear of being chased into account. D8 I end up having to pause through every running scene because I'm like "[/WHEEZE] [/FEAAR] [/CRAI]"

I get like that too. You get used to the chases after a while, though. The most frustrating part about it, is that the only weapon you can use is a fucking flare. A FLARE. And they don't last that long. Dx

Another frustrating part, is that if you get the course wrong, you have to restart it over and over until you find the exit.
Info: Thank you fucking college payroll for fucking up my paycheck back in July because now I'm losing 40$ on my paycheck for this week when I'm not getting my motherfucking benefits for another month.
Info: I have to do about 200$ worth of work on my car this month + pay rent + pay bills + get my eyes checked and new contacts + get my checkup + pay for books and groceries. THANK YOU FOR FUCKING ME OVER.
Info: I'll be lucky to have 500+$ to my name after these next two weeks.
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