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Zombies Galore said:
kikora said:
I don't think it'd cost too much to take to a tailor who could fix it right up. ^^

It won't. I just don't want to spend the money. My sphincter tightens up to the point where I could shove coal in there and make a diamond in a week at the idea of spending more money. I've spent quite a bit in the last couple weeks given the unexpected moving.

Snazzy Trinket said:
That sound's absolutely ridiculous. -_-

It is. The cops in my area are made of suck.

Katch said:
Fact: should anyway, i haz job interview in the mornin~

Best of luck. I'm sure you'll do really well.
The idea of it makes me kind of chuckle. He had to have seen you standing there. It's like don't get mad at him because you can't catch the fucker, you ran in to him, you could have easily gone around him in order to avoid the collision as well as the delay of sitting here yelling about it. -_-

As for the blazer a cross stitch with a hard thread never looks bad on blazers particularly if you use a patch.

@Katch: Best of luck on your interview dawlin'.
Snazzy Trinket said:
The idea of it makes me kind of chuckle. He had to have seen you standing there. It's like don't get mad at him because you can't catch the fucker, you ran in to him, you could have easily gone around him in order to avoid the collision as well as the delay of sitting here yelling about it. -_-

As for the blazer a cross stitch with a hard thread never looks bad on blazers particularly if you use a patch.

What happened was this redneck looking dude sprinted across the street when I was about four or five feet from the edge of the corner. A pace or so later I got one hundred ninety pounds of policeman slamming me to the ground when I stepped past the corner of the building. While it was not really anyone's fault it happened, that the cop threatened to arrest me for obstructing justice was fucking stupid and uncalled for and not serving or protecting.

The blazer is really nice. It's black with thin dark blue stripes, otherwise I would just patch it and call it good. It really is just above and beyond my ability to deal with and still preserve its niceness.
Random info about me?

Well, I love panties. Not wearing them but seeing/feeling them. Love, when at the office, a girl bends over and you see the top of her panties or her shirt doesn't come all the way down. I think it's just knowing what someone is wearing that is so hot. Yes, feeling them as well is very nice. I view panties/bras/lingerie as the Christmas present. Remember how much fun it was to shake that box? To wonder what was inside? The excitment and anticipation of waiting to open it and then actually opening it? Well, the toy inside was fun but once you opened it...didn't you lose just a bit of that excitment? Well, that is how I feel about those panties. Yeah, it's great to get in them but once off....yeah...a bit is lost.

So, that is my first random fact. More to come if y'all want. :)
Fact: feels like an absolute mess today .__.

Fact: is sorry if she creeped anyone out XD

Fact: has a job interview in a few hours >.> i gotta get all gussyed up...
Fact; havn't talked with Lace in AGES!! -pounces her and huggles her lots-
Fact: i will sooner or later start drawing more and more with my tablet, so i can be better using it, rawrr
Fact: didn't know there were other artists around here ^w^

Fact: back from the interview~ not sure how it went but the people were nice ^^

Fact: MOAR job hunting >: /

Fact: neeeeds to talk to someone x_x
Katch said:
Fact: didn't know there were other artists around here ^w^
-points up at my art thread link in my signature-
you can see my stuff riiiiiiiiight there o 3o
and i'm sure it went well at the job thingie
Fact; i'm heading to bed now, nighty night everyone
-steals Hahvy with me and uses her as a teddybear for when sleeping-
Fact: I'm watching Torchwood.

Fact: Captain Jack Harkness is sexy. 4o's Jack AND current Jack. Yum.
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