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Random Info About You

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Fact: I got hit with a slap shot puck in the eye once. Since then the muscles in my right eyelid have been a bit weaker than my left.
Dameon said:
Fact: I used to be really good at it until I got in trouble for slide kicking and tripping people.

yeah tripping!

I remember I did this weird trip-slide-kick thing and got the ball to someone on my team. I don't know how I did it or what I did really because I simply slid and hit the ground and reacted. o_O My team was like "WHAAAAAT! O_O"​
I've had BMR related dreams the past two nights :/
I think toilets should all have the handle on the same side.
This week just started and I can feel that it is going to be a loooong one.
I might hint the hell out of Doodle God until I win.
Zalvek said:
Fact: I got hit with a slap shot puck in the eye once. Since then the muscles in my right eyelid have been a bit weaker than my left.

That reminds me of when my dad's ex-girlfriend's kid ended up hitting me with a badminton racket in the face.​
Well, I told him not to swing and he ended up backhanding me with it when I tried to get the stupid birdie. I had racket marks for like three hours. He had a strong swing for an eight year old.​
I'd been punched square in the eye once, never had a black eye, but the tissue just below the socket was tender for a day.

Also, Fact: Despite being punched in the eye on multiple occasions, I've never had a black eye.
Must be lucky.

Fact: I've almost had a tooth knocked completely out, and wouldn't you guess, it was one of my two front ones.
Fact: Ms.Posies always has such classy avatars~
Fact: She is also naughty. Nazi hat, huh? *tickles*
Fact: I've taken a baseball to the crotch before while on the plate. I had a cup on, which only softened most of the blow, didn't stop it entirely. Between the cup and my high pain tolerance I was able to walk it off, though I use the word 'walk' loosely; more like stagger it off with a lump in my throat.
Fact: I've done baseball, martial arts and equestrian.
Fact: I've been in a number of scuffles over the years, almost entirely self-defense. The worst I've done is busted a kid's nose in seventh grade and almost (luckily didn't) gave a concussion to a kid in fifth. Both times almost had me expelled, but in both there were a slew of witnesses to say the other person started it.

Hero said:
I can imagine the cartoon antics, 1 foot upward for every foot of downward - INFINITY FALL!
This had me cracking. The fuck. Up. Thanks for that visual.
fact: feels much more relieved now.
fact: feels bad about feeling relieved.
fact: got a visit from an old friend today that i haven't seen in nearly a year.
fact: is annoyed that the promised storms never came.
FACT: My best friend's sleazy-ass boyfriend is going to be in California for four months and she's acting like it's the end of the world!

Fact: My resume sucks..
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
But clumsy is cute. <3

-trips all the time with stairs...- <.< Don't judge me!​
oh... but i'm hardly cute when i exhibit my clumsiness. no. more like sad frumpiness. yeah. i'm just not very graceful. at all. >.<
plus, i trip on air and my own feet at times. it's just.... gah! yeah, this is why i suck at sports. lol.
<3 Pony. I know how much you've been aching for tomorrow. There's nothing more I can say, other than I'm happy for you!

I slipped on our spiral staircase once. Regular stairs have nothing on that kind of pain. The steps on ours don't have backs, so when I fell my leg went through one. This prevented me from tumbling the rest of the way, but also kept said leg in place when my body twisted and wanted to continue downward. Between that and my left arm also slipping through two bars in a desperate grab any potential damage was spread out, and thus considerably lessened. Thankfully my pain tolerance again allowed me to walk it off. I really don't recommend carpeting on stairs, spirals especially.

I also stumble sometimes when I'm just walking. >.> I don't lift my feet very high when I walk, so if the sidewalk is really uneven sometimes I'll catch a lip and look like a goof for half a second.
Fact: I more often than not instead of 'falling' down a stair I will actually misstep and go one step further down. >_> Thus causing the sliding motion to a stair or two.>>; I have been trying to correct this buy my accident prone body demands torture at least once every three months.

Fact: I hope Harriet likes her Wallpaper!~
As_Day_Fades said:
<3 Pony. I know how much you've been aching for tomorrow. There's nothing more I can say, other than I'm happy for you!

I slipped on our spiral staircase once. Regular stairs have nothing on that kind of pain. The steps on ours don't have backs, so when I fell my leg went through one. This prevented me from tumbling the rest of the way, but also kept said leg in place when my body twisted and wanted to continue downward. Between that and my left arm also slipping through two bars in a desperate grab any potential damage was spread out, and thus considerably lessened. Thankfully my pain tolerance again allowed me to walk it off. I really don't recommend carpeting on stairs, spirals especially.

I also stumble sometimes when I'm just walking. >.> I don't lift my feet very high when I walk, so if the sidewalk is really uneven sometimes I'll catch a lip and look like a goof for half a second.
ACK! that would've been me and then some on that staircase!
and i trip on air... i swear i do. uneven sidewalks are my nemesis. you've no idea. >.<
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