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Random Info About You

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Fact: Today the guy at Blimpie's let me just have a large coke and free chips because he hadn't seen me in a while.
Fact: The smallest things can really brighten your day.
Fact: Pugs are so cute
Fact: Mine is laying out like roadkill beneath our fan.
Fact: It is too adorably adorable.
Fact: I accidentally walked into jury duty with a knife in my bag....
Fact: The officer made quite a few jokes about it as I checked it in
Fact: I got a new friend's number
Fact: A guy there for some reason had blood stains on the back of his pants...growing bloodstains...the girl and I discussed for about an hr why he'd possible be bleeding from the ass.
Fact: I keep getting naked people answering doors when I work.
Vespers said:
November[S n o w] said:
Fact: Thinks women should be more self aware....

Self aware of what?

@Anansi: So what's your job? XD

Self aware....knowing herself. Knowing her strengths and limitations and understanding her own emotions and the impact of her behaviour on others in diverse situations.

Fact: I wants some cookies....
Fact: I like it too, I'm contemplating making a sig of Godforbid...I could ask him to pose for it too but I always feel like I'm bugging him though he loves to pose for pics.
Fact: Has a suspicion the Pool opens this weekend. This makes the Vega estatic
Fact: Problem is the Vega's so exhausted from the lack there of sleepwise the past few weeks since Karo was here that her body is going into Super fuck you mode.
Fact; The past two days I've had 5 hour naps after I got home from work.
Fact: My sleep schedule is so fucked up it's ridiculous
Fact: I want snuggles. :/
TakodaVega said:
Fact: Has a suspicion the Pool opens this weekend. This makes the Vega estatic
Fact: Problem is the Vega's so exhausted from the lack there of sleepwise the past few weeks since Karo was here that her body is going into Super fuck you mode.
Fact; The past two days I've had 5 hour naps after I got home from work.
Fact: My sleep schedule is so fucked up it's ridiculous
Fact: I want snuggles. :/

Info: Feels like she's looking for love in all the wrong places.
Info: Relationship conversations with my roommate always make shit seem more real and it hurts sometimes.
Info: Need to listen to a fuckload of music and speed to feel better.​
Fact: Okay, I take it back. I don't like dominant men. Just got done messaging with someone and the whole tone of the conversation was as if I were being rated on how much I pleased him as a conversationalist. We were talking about and analyzing a fucking tv show for crying out loud! wtf?
Fact: "Good luck in the future, mate!" Heh, too... *flips the bird*
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Info: Feels like she's looking for love in all the wrong places.
Info: Relationship conversations with my roommate always make shit seem more real and it hurts sometimes.
Info: Need to listen to a fuckload of music and speed to feel better.​
totally know how you feel. ever wanna talk, shoot me a pm. I tend to be good at putting things in perspective, or so i've been told.
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