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Fact: Okay, I take it back. I don't like dominant men. Just got done messaging with someone and the whole tone of the conversation was as if I were being rated on how much I pleased him as a conversationalist. We were talking about and analyzing a fucking tv show for crying out loud! wtf?

That sounds like it has less to do with dominance and more to do with being an asshole. Just saying.
Fact: Wondering if I can get Friday off too since I've already pulled over 40 hours this week. I doubt it, but it'd be neat.
Info: Had to do another system restore to get online. I think something is wrong with my wireless program.
Info: Will need to find the disk and reinstall it, I think.​
Vespers said:
November[S n o w] said:
Self aware....knowing herself. Knowing her strengths and limitations and understanding her own emotions and the impact of her behaviour on others in diverse situations.
Everyone should be more self-aware ;) But you're right, a lot of women don't take the time to understand themselves and their actions. (And it kinda annoys me too, I can't be friends with a lot of girls because of that.)

Anansi said:
Fact: I enumerate for the census.
Aaaah that's why XD Well, if it can reassure you in any way, lately it's been so hot here that I wouldn't wear... a lot >.> When someone ringed the bell yesterday for a parcel I bought online, I had to go dress up quickly before answering v_v

DareToDream said:
Fact: Three day weekend. About damn time.
Damn right! Are you slowly catching up with your life? I hope work isn't killing you >.<

Fact: The same reason why I can't be friends with most females as well...
Fact: Why can't the pretty boys be older than me and/or you know not gay.
Fact: ... Why did that topless guy just walk by me?
Fact: Damn hormones. *Cries*
FACT: Gary Coleman is now dead.
FACT: Akuma will swear in the court of law she wasn't the one who killed him. >.>

FACT: The only killing Aku will confess to doing at the moment is possibly her surgeon's and her own...
....Passing out from pain is AWESOME . /sarcasm​
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