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Fact: One of my 4 closest friends wants me to get a tattoo while he gets his. He's willing to pay for it. I know what I want, I'm just not desiring the inconvenience of it when my uber christian family asks me to go certain places with them.
xWickedBlackLace said:
I'm so fucking happy I can go outside and scream this on the front lawn...

I'm getting my striped boa back from my ex best friend!!!!! I haven't seen Vega (not you Tako xD) in MONTHS and I'M GETTING HER BACK!!! God, I miss that little snake.

^.^b what happened?? :D
Fact: Starting today, it's gonna be a rough couple of days.
Fact: On the plus side, I finally managed to track down one of those elusive 6" War Machine action figures. >.>
xWickedBlackLace said:
I want two sugar gliders.

I want to name one Dita and the other Marilyn. After the two most sexy women in history.
I had a sugar glider a while ago. He was the cutest thing EVER....he ran away though.....make sure you don't have any holes or escape routes to the outside.
Fact: Wake up today, turn on the cell phone.....

And getting my inbox spammed with 10,000 texts from a friend who wanted me to drive him somewhere, or something.

It's been 5 minutes, and my phone is still vibrating....nonstop! I'm going to murder his drunk ass.

Fact: By the end of the spam, there are 100 texts all from him, totally blank.....just to piss me off. It worked.
Fact: I slept well, woke up, got to class early, got free food, about to head off to adventure afterward.
FACT: Akuma is really hating one of thier clients right now. They just sent over 2 days worth of files when she's already done 1 days worth today.

FACT: Akuma always cries when Ellie looses the baby and then dies.
19 miles. Which looks like nothing compared to Zombies Galore
I hate walking.
I hate being fat more.
Tomorrow is the Philly zoo!
Fact; Tonight will be the first thing I've had alcohol in a vary long time.
Fact; My room mate and I managed to get a bigger house than we had originally been offered.
Fact; Tonight will be made of celebrating awesomeness!
Okay, so an ENGLISH Muffin is actually more of a biscuit than a muffin.


But in England a biscuit is what we call a cookie.

So in England, what represents a muffin and what do you call them and what does an English cookie look like?
xWickedBlackLace said:
@ Vespers: Good things happened. :3

I got so excited that I didn't sleep again, but it's worth it.

X3 awesome!!! <3

Fact: cut herself really stupidly (and stubbornly) and has bled all over the kitchen D:
Info: My stress level has skyrocketed.
Info: Was gonna have some movie night thing with this guy and he stood me up.
Info: Was gonna go out with my friend tomorrow and she canceled on me because of her new job.
Info: I have to get my tires replaced and it feels like it will cost me an arm and a leg.
Info: I just wanted to go out and not think about school and now I'm upset to the point of tears.
Info: When plans get canceled after weeks of planning, I get pissed and then frustrated and cry. Not fun.
Info: Going to my parents' house because the roommate left for the weekend and I don't wanna be alone.​
Fact: Kicking back, taking a night to myself, and watching some MMA/UFC. Watching them fuck each other up. Go Mayhem Miller!

Fact: I didn't go see Krueger tonight...but soon! I'm so excited to the core for this one. I love the Nightmare On Elm movies. Krueger was an asshole. I <3 it.

Fact: Hahvy is beautiful, core and out. She doesn't need flakes.
Fact: Went to Subway with hubby and he grabbed my hand and held it as we walked and I said, "I have a hand!"
Fact: His response: "Yep, you should have two."
Why must green and orange go so well together. And why my every store in the world arrange the two colors together?
It still haunts me, still catches me off guard with emotions that I thought were dead, buried.
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