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Salt and Sulfur (MessedupRp x Skeith Takahata II)

Charlotte's smile spread much wider when she agreed. Hearing her expression of trust made her heart beat madly in her chest. She moved in behind her, sitting close as she began running the bar of soap up and down her back. Charlotte's body was covered by more than her own share of scars, so the sight of Maria's didn't put her off, save for imagining how grievous those wounds must have been. "Your skin is so soft and pretty." Having come from the first level, everyone was rough around the edges, Maria was positively flawless by comparison.

Even after she scrubbed her back, she continued moving the soap over the rest of her body, humming gently to herself again. First running the soap over her arms before reach around and scrubbing her torso below her breasts gently. She smiled happily to herself as she cleaned her.
Marie smirked and blushed softly. She looked back and gently brushed the hair from Charlotte's face. "Your hair is nice when it hangs down Charlotte... But I like it better like this." She held it up in two pigtails.
The young elf went cross-eyed for a moment as she watched Maria move hair from her face. She grinned when Maria spoke about her hair, holding it aloft in pigtails. "I like it better like that too! It's how Mum always did my hair." It was probably the reason why she had continued using so childish a hairstyle, even as an adult. "I like your hair too! It's so shiny and soft." She could hardly keep from nuzzling into Maria as they sat so close. Nothing stopped her from enjoying her warmth or her scent though.

For Charlotte this physical closeness wasn't intimate, necessarily. Even if it was torturous to not have the confidence to really explore her body. Blowing something up with Maria, and sharing in her love of arson had been intimate. This was almost more like children at play.
[Maria smiled softly, she could feel Charlotte's sheer lack of intimacy in the moment and she was glad that her friend made the situation less awkward by it. "I think your mommy knoes right and when we find her, I will tell her how good at hair she is."
Charlotte finally pulled back a little, setting the soap aside so that Maria could rinse off. She smiled a little and nodded. "She's very good. Her hair was always so pretty. It's been so long I'm worried she won't recognize me anymore, but maybe the hair will help. And Flopsy, of course." She finished rinsing herself off before leaning back into the water with a happy sigh. It was getting a little easier to talk about her parents, but only a little. In the same way that having Maria around was alleviating to the loneliness she normally lived in.

Slowly she rose from the water, stretching her arms above her head. She stepped out of the tub. She looked back down at Maria, smiling a little wider. "See? I told you it would be fun!" She giggled a little. She made no conscious effort to conceal how much she appreciated seeing Maria naked, but at this point, it had to have been obvious that Charlotte was so strongly attracted to her.
Maria could latch onto the smallest details in a crime scene yet now she could barely see that Charlotte had feelings for her. She smiled as well and stood. "Yeah... That wasn't bad at all. Tomorrow we won't bees to go disguised as a novleowman and a slave... Or disguised at all really.
Charlotte nodded happily as she reached for one of the towels, starting to dry herself off. "So, we'll have to pick around where the brothel used to be?" She asked curiously. She felt a little bad about destroying the place they were to find their next clue, but only a little bad. Saving the sex slaves certainly alleviated that guilt. She threw the towel over her head, aggressively rubbing it back and forth to dry her hair. As she pulled it away, her bright red main was a proper mess on top of her head. She fumbled around blind with hair in her face for a brush, picking up several items and setting them back down as she shuffled about naked and blind.
Marie smiled and stood up, drying herself off quickly she sat Charlotte down and slowly dragged the brush through her hair, forcing the wild mane into submission, slowly bringing it into the two pony tails her partner liked. "No we won't. I heard Gonzo talking about something, he mentioned someone's private collection and that this man always bragged about having a real great woman there... This may be the next place we check. She could be being kept on his estate, it's third level so it's not even very far."
Charlotte plopped down in a seated position as Maria guided her to do so. It felt strange letting someone else brush her hair, but it was a nostalgic feeling that reminded her of childhood. She closed her eyes enjoying the experience. She could remember being a small child, sitting in front of her mother's vanity getting her hair brushed and tied up in pigtails. She smiled as she felt Maria's hands move away from her hair, satisfied with the pigtails. She leaned her head backwards so that she could look upside down up at Maria. She smiled a little wider.

She was a little disappointed she wouldn't be wreaking anymore havoc up on the top level for now, but she didn't mind too much. "That sounds like fun." She suddenly brought her hand up to her mouth to stifle a yawn. She flopped herself forward again, scratching at her ear. "So, we'll break into his home in the morning? I can't wait!" She said cheerily.
Maria smiled and nodded, by technicality, the third level was the first level above ground. The first and second being built below he ground, which sloped up around them. She wasn't particularly fond of the design but nobody could change it.

She helped Charlotte get dressed and guided her to bed, getting in herself she closed her eyes and fell asleep. That night she had a dream, a dream she hadn't had in a while. In the dream she awoke in a foreign bed. Charlotte was gone and she was naked... There was something oddly familiar about it though. From a different room she heard a noise. She stepped out of the bed and looked around for something to cover herself with. When she found nothing she went into the side room.

The room was pitch black, she couldn't see a thing. As she walked in the door slammed shut and a single light came on. Standing beneath the light was a figure. A single lone person. Dalia... Maria gasped and dashed to the door, trying to pull the handle, to break the door anything to escape. Dalia walked forward slowly, letting the end of a whip fall to the ground, she raised it above her head, "this is what happens to traitors Maria" the whip ignited. The whole room was consumed in fire. The heat was terrible. "This is what I do to people like you." As the whip came down she screamed and awoke. Covered in sweat and panting.

She looked over to see the shape of Charlotte, her pigtail sticking out in the dark. She sighed and curled up, sobbing quietly, the scars on her back felt fresh again.
Charlotte's long elven ear twitched as she heard Maria wake. She opened her eyes, hearing Maria's uneasy breathing. "Hmm..." She brought a hand up to rub her eye before looking over at Maria again. "Maria?" She asked softly, gently bringing her hand to rest on her shoulder. "Are you? Are you crying?" She asked, moving a little closer. "What's wrong?" Her hand came up to gently brush tears away from her face.
Maria looked over at her friend, tears brimming in her eyes. "No no I'm not... Yes Charlotte, I was crying... I'm sorry you had to see me like this. I... I had a nightmare... About someone I haven't seen in a long time... The person who gave me those scars on my back."
Charlotte slipped free of the covers a little moving closer to her. She brought her hands up to wrap around her head gently, pulling her head into her chest to comfort her. Her hand gently stroked her hair as she held her. "It's okay. It's over. We're in this together, remember? I want to help you too." It made her feel a little better about being vulnerable around Maria, knowing that Maria had moments of vulnerability as well. She quietly began to sing her mother's lullaby as she rested her own head on top of Maria's.
Maria slowly stops crying. Looking up at Charlotte, she puts a hand on her cheek and smiles.."thank you Charlotte.. Would you... Would you hold me while we sleep? In case I have the dream again?"
Charlotte smiled a little, nodding when Maria spoke. She wrapped her arms around her gently. "I'll hold you whenever you want." She nuzzled into her lovingly. Her words were more romantic then she intended, but she didn't want to take it back either. "Get some sleep, we'll have some more fun tomorrow and you won't have to think about it at all." She brushed her tears away gently as she laid her head back on the pillow beside her. Once more she began singing her mother's lullaby, trying to sooth her companion. Charlotte was fawning over Maria like a child might a sick parent. She had no idea how to make her feel better, but wanted to desperately.
Maria's hand snaked Into Charlotte's and squeezed it. She smiled softly, "yeah... Thanks Charlotte." She smiled again softly as she drifted off to sleep. Her dreams were of Charlotte, and her... They were living in a house on the fifth level. They were happy and smiling. There was something on Maria's finger. A ring? She couldn't tell, but whatever it was she didn't care. She never wanted to leave that dream.
When morning came, Charlotte woke first. Her eyes fluttered open slowly. Seeing Maria still curled in her arms, made a smile spread on her lips. She looked down at Flopsy. She raised a finger to her lips to shush the rabbit. She nuzzled her gently before settling back on the pillow, gently stroking her hair. She was determined to lay like that until Maria woke on their own. It would be another long day of exploration and investigation, but there was no harm in getting a later start if it meant that Maria got a more pleasant night's sleep.
Maria woke up slowly from her wonderful dream. Slowly testing herself back into reality. Her eyes fluttered open as she sensed someone right behind her. She looked back to see Charlotte and blushed a bit as the night's event came back to her.

"Good morning Charlotte... Thank you... For last night." She blushed again and looked up at her, "that was kind of you."
Charlotte blushed as well for a moment when she saw the red in Maria's cheeks. There was a brief moment where she thought she saw a similar look of fondness in her eyes. She shook her head as she heard Maria speak. She slowly pulled away, sitting up straight. She gave a loud yawn, stretching her arms above her head, before shaking her head again. "You did the same thing for me, silly. When we talked about my Mum and Dad, remember?" She smiled down at her tiredly. "We're partners, remember? We help each other."

She pulled the blanket away from herself hopping up to her feet with a small "hup." She set about getting dressed, glancing back at Maria, a grin spreading across her features. "Come on, sleepy head. Breakfast than play time. We have a routine, remember?" She giggled a little before scampering down the hall with Flopsy in her hand.
Maria smiled softly as she watched her go, she dressed herself and her mother leaned on the wall. "She's a nice girl Maria."

Maria smiled and nodded, buttoning her shirt, "yes. Very nice. I like having her around, it'll be sad to see her go."

Her mom chuckled, "why not ask her to stay then. Nobody would suspect that a detective would be living with a fugitive."

Maria opened her mouth to protest but the idea was surprisingly titillating, "I... Wouldn't mind that at all... Maybe I will... Once all this is over, Charlotte can move in with me... Live here..." She smiled as the visions in her dreams came back to her. Her and Charlotte. Both old women, smiling together as they watched the sunset. Maria moved her hand into Charlotte's and have it a squeeze. "Partners for life."
Charlotte found her way to the kitchen, flopping back into a chair. She drummed her fingers on her knees after setting Flopsy on top of the table. She looked back down the hall to make sure that Maria hadn't followed her yet. "Do you think Mom and Dad will like her?" She asked, looking back to Flopsy. "Yeah... I think so too." She looked back to Flopsy furrowing her brow. "What do you mean 'if we find them'? Of course we'll find them! Maria promised we would. She wouldn't lie to me."

She pushed herself up from the chair. "Shut up!" She growled lowly at the doll. "They're not dead!" She leaned up against the counter, looking down at the floor. "They can't be... We're gonna find them and be a family again. All five of us..." She looked back towards the bedroom, breathing in a deep breath. "No, don't say sorry." She said quietly, looking back at the doll. "I'm scared too." She bit her lip before turning towards the cabinet, pulling out what she could to prepare a breakfast for them. "But Maria's here. We don't have to be. We're partners. In this together. Together..." She hung on that last word, blushing faintly. "Don't be a jerk..." She mumbled before continuing working on breakfast.
Maria walked out, fully dressed and smiled at Charlotte. "Good morning. Morning Flopsy." She pat the bunny on it's head then gathered some papers from the kitchen table. "Alright... So we're breaking into another mansion today... This time We're not going to be blowing it up though."
Charlotte looked back with a smile when she heard Maria's voice. "Good morning!" She chimed, going back to what she was doing. She lit the stove, having perhaps given it a bit to much fuel and causing a small eruption of flame at first. She giggled a little as she set the pan on top, starting to fry some eggs. As Maria laid out the plan, she looked back at her again, frowning childishly. "Aw... That's no fun..." She muttered. To be fair, they had blown something up both previous days they'd been together. It was only fair to do things Maria's way once in a while.
She kept on. "Like I was saying. This man said he had some woman in the top of his house. He keeps her up there. Hidden away. Gonzo was trying to sell one of his,girls to him. We need to figure out who's been hidden." She looked At Charlotte. How are the eggs?"_
Charlotte turned back to the stove, focusing on breakfast when she heard Maria ask about them. "Um... Okay, I guess. I stole most of my food on the first level. I never did much cooking." She turned, scraping the eggs off on to a couple of plates, setting one in front of Maria. She sat down across from her, slowly starting to eat. "So, we're breaking into his house and seeing if the elf lady is there? Sounds easy enough."
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