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Salt and Sulfur (MessedupRp x Skeith Takahata II)

"Yes but we're being stealthy." She was cut off as she ate the egg. It tastes terrible but she couldn' bring herself to tell Charlotte. She swallowed it and continued eating. Working down the food, not chewing it just swallowing them all whole. "Stealthily... We don't want to be caught since the police are very close by. If they catch us we'll be in trouble..especially you. After all you are a wanted arsonist."
"I can be quiet when I have to be." She replied, stuffing her mouth with the eggs. Charlotte didn't have much of a radar for food quality, given the desperate situation she came from, but even she could recognize that the meal did not meet the standards set by Maria's cooking the day before. "We should scope the place out though. Learn this person's schedule so that we can slip in while he's away."
"That won't be necessary, I took the initiative and had a friend set fire to one of his factories. Nobody was in it during the fire, but it should attract some attention from our target. I find it hard to believe you can be quiet, considering yesterday we blew up a brothel, and the day before that a hidden laboratory."
"You have other friends who light things on fire and blow things up?" Charlotte frowned again, feeling slightly hurt. "Why couldn't I have been the friend who set fire to his factory?" She questioned quietly. At the mention of her inability to be stealthy and blowing up the last places they visited, she crossed her arms pouting. "I just got excited is all!" She gave a small huff.

"You two are unbelievable." She looked at Flopsy, pushing him over. "Don't agree with her! I can too be quiet!"
Maria felt bad for some reason she couldn't out her finger on and pulled Charlotte into a hug. "I'm sorry. You're the best arsonist I know, this person wasn't really a friend so much as he was a drunk I found on the street and asked to blow up a factory. I needed you to be here to help me with my plan. Besides, being stealthy isn't something we always need.
Charlotte returned Maria's hug when it was offered. "Okay... I understand..." She didn't like it, but she understood. She never liked missing out on the opportunity to indulge in her more chaotic interests. It almost felt like a personal attack having that attack handed out to another individual. Despite her child like sense of disappointment, she was well prepared to move on with the plan. She pulled away from the hug, nodding slightly. "If he..." She paused, nipping her disappointment. "If he already hit the factory we should get moving."
Charlotte was quick to assemble her gear for that day's outing. She packed notably fewer explosives, only bringing what she might need in an emergency. Her smaller pouch, containing her lock picking tools, she hung from her belt. Flopsy clipped into place on the other side. She tied off her signature pig tails, attached her gauntlets, and soon returned to Maria's side. "I'm all set!" She said excitedly, almost as if she'd forgotten that it was a stealth mission with no explosions.
Maria smiled at her, she didn't have the heart to tell her that she wouldn't need the explosives. She seemed so excited to go and she didn't want to stop that. She took her hand and nodded, "alright. Come on then" she took her hand and led her out if the house. It felt so natural now, touching Charlotte's hand. It comforted her and calmed her nerves.

She led Charlotte up and out of the lower region, passing through the rumbling main streets of the third level. People passed by them without a care.
Charlotte walked along side Maria with her head held high, humming lightly to herself. If she had more presence of mind, she would have made a greater effort to keep a low profile. She was an infamous and wanted anarchist after all. Still, as her activities were perceived by her to be a game of sorts, so was the chase they would cause. She never made a conscious effort to hide her face.

"So, where does this guy live?" She asked, looking over to Maria. She kept it deliberately vague. She wasn't stupid, despite her madness, she knew better than to speak about the plan itself outright.
Maria looked at her and then back. "He lives in one of these tall buildings. He has a live in building and office by the sea. They slowly worked their way through the city streets toward the sea. It was marked by a railing on the edge of the platform. Looking down one could see all the platforms below and their railings. The city planted into the sands of the beach, the water lalpping at the shore.

Maria pointed to a building, the top scraping the bottom of the fourth level. "That's the place. Come on, we'll go through the back way." Maria led Charlotte around then did something odd, she hopped over the railing then began climbing down the metal supports. She went down to a large circular pipe jutting out and motioned to it. "Our entrance."
Charlotte was certainly confused by the path Maria took to reach the entrance, but she didn't question it either. At this point, she had total faith in Maria's ability as a detective. She followed her down to the pipe in question, eying it suspiciously. She glanced back to Maria for only a moment before looking back to the pipe. She gave a small nod, approaching the dark passage. How long must Maria have been watching this guy to know about this entrance in the first place?

"No time like the present!" Charlotte chimed cheerfully. She flicked her goggles down over her eyes and adjusted the settings so that she could see better in the dark.
Maria's was a full face mask, not only did it help her to see but it also filtered air. She Wasn't using that feature now but she was able to see the service ladder deeper into the bend of the pipe. She motioned to it and started to climb, moving upwards quickly. She had no idea how long it was or how far she would have to go.
Charlotte climbed behind her. She had no idea how far they would have to climb, but she trusted Maria's judgment. The climb certainly felt like it took forever, but at no point did Charlotte complain. Especially not given the view that she had when she would look up to check their progress. A playful grin marked her face for the entire ascent, save for a brief stint where she chose instead to whistle or play with the echo effect in the space.
Maria smiled every Time Charlotte's shrill whistle pierced the noise or her voice echoed through the tube. Her feelings for the arsonist had changed in the short span of a few days, she couldn't place her finger on it but there was something about her that she liked, no; loved.

She finally stopped, looking up at a thick metal hatch, "this must be it."
Charlotte stopped making noise when they came to a stop. She leaned back a little to see the hatch she was referring to. Her smile spread more as she nodded. "I can't wait! Let's do it!" She was properly ready to be off the ladder and on her feet again, but still she did no complaining. No matter how tired her legs and arms were with the climb. She couldn't contain how excited she was about the next step in their adventure. She looked down at Flopsy patting his head. "You hear that, Flopsy? We made it!"
Maria smiled at Charlotte again before turning her attention to the hatch. Her deft fingers glidif over the metal as she looked for some sort of latch or lock, soon her fingers brushed over a small opening. Upon further prodding she was pleased to find a small lock on the door.

She reached up and softly picked it with her lock pics, soon pushing the hatch upward. She poked her head out and looked into what appeared to be a dark storeroom. As she scuttled out, then pulled Charlotte out behind her she looked around, increasing the frequency on her goggles to let her see. "See anything Charlotte?" She whispered.
As Charlotte was pulled up into the store room, she stretched her arms and legs briefly. Both sore from the climb. "Let's see what we have here..." She flicked her goggles back down over her face, adjusting them to make visibility clearer. She started walking around the store room, poking around for any hints or clues. She knew they were looking for signs of a woman being held in this building. Even though all signs pointed to this place, it was still a good chance that she had already been moved, or it wasn't even the same elf they were looking for.

She approached the store room door, unsurprised to find it locked. She moved to a knee, pulling out her lock picking tools. "So many locks in these rich people houses. You'd think they were worried someone might sneak in and blow up the place or something." She pushed the door open after picking the lock with a satisfied smirk. "Maybe we should find a study or master bedroom?" She asked, looking back to Maria.
Maria looked around, something about this place felt wrong. There was a secret here and she knew it. "No... This is the place Charlotte... Someone's in this house I can tell, we're gonna find her tonight. She slunk through the door and into the lower basement, looking around the room she saw something onnthr ceiling a light sweeping around the pathways of the room. "Charlotte... See that light? It's a motion sensor, it we shoot it, it will sound the alarm, if we're caught in the light it will sound the alarm. Tread carefully. Okay?"

She snuck in. Dodging the light as it passed over and around her, she eventually climbed up on top of one of the many stacks of crates and looked back, motioning for Charlotte to join her.
Charlotte watched the motion sensor after Maria pointed it out. Her eyes followed the movement of the light, learning it's timing. She watched Maria go first, impressed once more by her skills. She wasn't sure where a detective learned to infiltrate like this, but she wouldn't question it. Charlotte was full of skills without any definable source. Maybe Maria was just good at sneaking. She followed, mimicking Maria's methods. She joined her near the stacks of crates, looking about the rest of the room.

"A lot of security for someone who isn't hiding anything. I think you're right. She is here." She looked back at the motion sensor, adjusting her goggles to make the beams visible. Her lips spread in a confident grin. "So where to?" She asked, looking back at Maria, still grinning.
Maria looked around for some means of getting out. Across the room she saw a door but something was off still. Something didn't feel right about the place. Her eyes darted to the left and she gasped, hopping on top of the crates and pulling Charlotte up with her, clapping a hand her her mouth as two sqlt mages walked by, in the middle of heated discussion.

"I just don't understand. This all seems a bit elaborate for one woman, why does she need her that badly?" The taller of the two asked.

The second one sighed, "I told you, she said it was something about taking back what's hers... I don't question her anymore, crazy bitch."

The walked past without noticing the two sneaking women. Maria let out a sigh then something came to her, who was this 'she' that they were talking about. A sudden tightness filled her chest as she came to a conclusion too shocking to say. She curled up on her side and tried her best to not sob. "I-I can't do this Charlotte, she's found me. She's here to get me."
Charlotte was surprised when she was held still, a hand over her mouth. She looked back towards Maria in a small panic until the mages arrived. She listened to them speak, her eyes narrowing some in confusion. What were they talking about? As they walked by, and she was released, she was prepared to move forward until she heard Maria speak. She recognized something in her voice. It was fear. She sounded like when she had a nightmare in fact.

She turned to face her, seeing the fear on Maria's face. She moved to her side quickly. "H-hey. We can't give up. We've come so far." She looked back in the direction the mages went. Then she remembered Maria's scars. "The one who hurt you..." A rage bubbled to the surface of Charlotte's mind. She couldn't stand the idea of anyone hurting her beloved detective. She pulled Maria's head against her chest, holding her softly. "She can't get you if you're not here. Go home, Maria. Flopsy and I will check this place out and meet you back home. If she's here, you need to not be. I won't let anyone hurt you." She looked at her worried, like a child who wanted anything to ease a parent's burden.
Maria looked up at Charlotte and sat up, "No Charlotte... If Dalia is here the last thing I would ever do is leave you alone with her. I'm tired of running away from her, even if she is here. It's time I face it, I'm not leaving you Charlotte because... Because."

Something within Maria clicked together in that moment. Her mother's apparition stood a few feet back, nodding slowly. "Just day it already." Maria refocused on Charlotte, her gorgeous face. Her beautiful elven ears and that genuine care in her eyes. She put her hand in Charlotte's, lacing their fingers together, her other hand gently rested on Charlotte's cheek.."I... I love you Charlotte." She leaned I and pressed her lips against Charlotte's. The woman who had just a few days ago, been her arch rival.
Charlotte was mesmerized by Maria's bravery. She was so ready to step up and face her greatest fear, just like that. Charlotte's brow furrowed in confusion as Maria tried to get something out. What on earth was so difficult to say? Then their hands met. Maria's hand holding her cheek. She stared at her wide eyed, her face growing steadily redder. She knew what she wanted her to say. Charlotte had come so close to confessing it the first night with her. Then those words finally came and Charlotte could scarcely believe it. Before she could register what was happening their lips met.

Charlotte was frozen in time for a moment, unable to process the event. Her hands slowly came to rest on Maria's back, moving to embrace her. Her eyes finally closed as she returned the kiss, wanting, no... Needing it to continue. It was electrifying, an experience that she seemed to feel with her whole body.
In the moment that Charlotte kissed back, everything seemed right to Maria. Nothing could atop the joy she felt as she locked lips with the beautiful elf girl. She slowly pulled away, "wow..." She didn't need to say any more. She stood and helped Charlotte up, "let's finish what we started... Together... No matter what we face, hell and back, I'll have you right there with me."
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