- Joined
- Jun 28, 2011

Hello! If you're viewing this thread I assume that you're drawn in by one of three things; D&D, Pathfinder or the lovely setting known as the Forgotten Realms. The purpose of this thread is to gather like minded people who are lovers of at least one of the aforementioned things, if not two, or better yet all three! I am interested in getting a group together to run a game based in the Forgotten Realms setting. We would use either D&D 3.5 or Pathfinder classes and rules, which we go with is up for discussion.
As for the game itself I am more than willing to act as the DM, but I'm also open to having a co-DM or someone else running it if they so desire. Honestly I'd love to have someone else as a co-DM, since that would make moving the plot along a bit easier and it wouldn't be entirely dependent on me.
There are a few pertinent details about the setting that I'd like everyone to know. First, our RP will be set before any of the events that take place according to 4th and 5th edition D&D timelines. Therefore we will be sticking to the 3rd edition geography. Some of the plots may even take place before the Time of Troubles.
For the plot I have a few different ideas right now.
- Our characters have been hired to investigate odd happenings in the small city of Loudwater. But when they reach the outskirts of the town they discover that a pale mist has fallen over the place. Motes of “dust” float through the air and horrors out of nightmares haunt the streets. The party find themselves thrown into the midst of this and must figure out what is going on.
- Thousands Away From Home : The Thousand Spears (a mercenary band of which are character are members or hire ons) find themselves far away from their normal territory the Dragon Coast hired by a prince of Mulhorand to help him overthrow the pharaoh. But in their first battle against the pharaoh's armies their patron is slain and his army disintegrated, save for the Thousand Spears. Stranded now many leagues from home, surrounded by enemies, the Thousand Spears (and our characters) must find a way to return home.
- By Fire or Ice : A caravan moves slowly up the steep slopes of a pass, moving deeper into the mountain range known as the Spine of the World. Our characters are guards who have hired on to protect the merchants, clerics and settlers who are attempting to reach the Ten Towns. But disaster strikes and an avalanche sweeps most of the caravan away. The survivors are faced with a choice; it is impossible to return from whence they came, so they must either brave the cold frozen glaciers of the valleys or the caverns warmed by the fiery heart of the mountains.
- The Temple of Sharess : Our characters are adventuring companions who are investigating some ruins (location to be determined). Little did they know that a temple dedicated to the goddess of hedonism, Sharess, was located within. Upon stepping into the blessed halls they feel a pull toward one another. Will this deity induced lust change how they view each other forever or create a schism that cannot be mended?
- More to come!