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Deep in the Dark OOC

Maybe we should all use one same room?
I just created this one

Well here it goes
And, you have a 'Glowing Pod'. It gives off the light of a torch, and will last you for a while.
Thanks, she is a temptress after all ;) and well I don't expect anyone having darkvision or casting a magical light. :p

Also random memories of Conan came to my mind when reading the reaction of the bulb. Also guess it would have been a funny thing if she had missed and made it appear as if it was on purpose with her savoir-faire feature xD
Also I believe you have first to log into the lobby to enter a name as going directly into the room via a link doesn't let write a nickname but it saves the last one you used on any room

Grim Troll said:
If you rolled a 1... *Evil DM Laughter*

Oh my, remembering both SAW and The Cube movies now :eek: glad I didn't fumble
Yeah, a fumble would have been... fun... for me anyway :p

Also... There is now a crude map! And yes, it is unlabeled for a reason.... Mostly, it was done in Paint. Also, so that you are unsure of where you are, and have to wander around... I also have some problems with scale.
Tenshi, you have a loincloth as well as a weapon, so Vallah would have her 'flower temple' covered already.
Wow Tenshi now that's a whisper :p , mind using a brighter purple, that one is a little hard to read

Also if you want it here is some code you can use for pics here in BlueMoon, just change the numbers as you see fit
[img=280x200 align=right]YOUR_IMG_HERE[/img]
Did not know there was something to size the pictures. Learn something everyday! And while I won't force you to change your color selection Tenshi.... Khan does possess a point.

Still, eager for things to be moving along... have something's planned in the dark....
tha's how you do it! THank you very much!

^_^ Is it okay if I lost the loincloth getting washed down in here? I thoguht it would be more fun that way, but if you prefer we have them--for any reason *Coughclothestoripoffcaough* I'll fix it. :)
If you don't want it? Feel free to have lost it. I sort of just gave those as the starting equipment. Really, it does say that the DM for a Conan game should feel free to start an adventure off with the players naked and in chains somewhere :D I just threw the loincloth in to preserve dignity.
Khan: Killian mentioned exploring in his last post.

Tenshi: Feel free to have Vallah bump into Emanaia since she was being led by her earlier and was probably closer. Trust me, Killian is comprehensively aroused as it is.

Troll: Is Knowledge: Geography useful at all in caves? Is Survival useful untrained? Can we assume he meditated this morning for his spell?
I'm willing to allow that it has been inside 24 hours since he mediated. And Knowledge (Geography) would work.... however, there is a cravat. Knowledge checks will only reveal information that makes sense that your character could have known. Will give hints otherwise, but will not let you pinpoint your location. Once you get access to a local map? Will work just like the surface.

And Survival can indeed be used untrained.
Also, Knowledge (Nature) can help, and along with Knowledge (Geography) it would help identifying what kind of stone the cave is made of. As it is, Geography will provide hints, but will not give sure knowledge.
Knowledge (nature) isn't listed as a skill in the core book, didn't know that was a thing in this system, thought it fell under Survival.
And yet, it shows up in the Sorcery section, and in more then a few references through the books. So, it's there, and it is the thing. Really, looking at it, you can tell there have been formatting and listing issues.
So, would that be okay to add as a class skill for the nomad? Craft (herbalism), Handle Animal, Ride, and Survival all are on that list, so it seems to fit, and just left off by oversight.
I would not discount that actually. Also, page 109.... right below local and above nobility for Knowledge skills. Still, will allow you to add it to the Nomad class skills, as you already have a level of Savant.
Been updating the map, making up the villages, towns, and expanding the world. Should be plenty to explore, deal with, and possibly flee from... or be corrupted by. Will only update the Derkethos Reach map when I've gotten all the city info dealt with.
Cool stuff. Working on a reply. Over halfway done. So much sex appeal to respond to.
Please note. When bored, I think over things, and they tend to get darker the longer I think to myself. Also, I look for the right picture or ambience music. Speaking of... I found something good for the cave. Still just going to have to break out Lovecrafts Thesaurus for some of the places you come across though.

And great to hear :D
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