Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

Yes, Worf did want to be out there fighting. But, he was a Starfleet officer and had to follow orders. Worf thanked Lenara for her concern, but added she didn't need to worry. He was sure everything would work out for the best. Worf didn't want combat for himself. He wanted combat to win a great victory in Jadzia's name. Worf believed Jadzia wouldn't go to Sto Vo Kor, the honored heaven for all worthy Klingon warriors. It didn't matter to Worf that Jadzia was a Trill. She was a member of the House of Martok and Worf believed she would fo the Sto Vo Kor. However, Jadzia never ate the heart of an enemy. Thus, Worf needed to win a great victory in her name. This wouldn't happen until he returned to combat duty.

Alexander had spent most of his life living on Earth, with the adoptive parents of his father. Sergey & Helena Rozhenko, had taken in Alexander, just as they had taken in Worf after his parents were killed during a Romulan attack. Alexander had spent sometime living with his father aboard the USS Enterprise-D. But, Worf felt the boy should live with his adoptive parents. Sending the young Klingon boy to live on Earth, only made life harder for Alexandria when he grew up. Alexander never understood what it mean to truly be Klingon. He'd been surrounded by humans all his life. When the war broke out. Alexander wanted to serve. He decided it was time to find out more about his Klingon side. This was a hard life for someone who wasn't ready for it. Once Worf found out his son had joined the Imperial Fleet. The two argued for sometime. Alexander was mad, he felt his father never really wanted him. Worf felt the young man would be happier in Starfleet. It took almost a year for Alexander to understand, his father was right. Alexander just didn't fit in on Klingon ships. Alexander wanted a transfer to Starfleet. He and his father both asked General Martok to help with this. General Martok approved the transfer. All that was left was for Starfleet to find a posting for Alexander.

Worf knew that since all the paperwork had been done. Captain West could just accept Alexander as a member of the Protector crew. This would free Starfleet from finding a ship for the young Klingon. Worf would rather have his son serving aboard the Protector. Besides Lenara being there as first officer. Captain West was a member of the House of Klang. And Klang was a member of the Klingon High Council. The Protector was the best ship for Alexander to serve on while learning how to become a better Klingon. Alexander could learn without having other Klingons teasing him and poking fun at him all the time. Lenara & Kyle West were two humans who understood what being a Klingon was all about. Alexander could learned a lot from them. Worf thanked Lenara for her help. He knew that she could contact Captain West through the station. She would just need to have the station send out a signal for her. She would then be able to speak with Captain West in real time. Lenara knew how badly the Protector needed trained officers. Kyle had even accepted a cadet sent by Starfleet.

Worf said Alexander was due back at the station in a few days. His term of service in the Klingon Imperial Fleet would then be up. Alexander would then be ready to join Starfleet. He could then return to the Protector with Lenara when she was ready to return to duty. Worf asked Lenara to join him for dinner that evening. They went to the Klingon Restaurant, on the second level of the promenade. During dinner, they shared more war stories.
Lenara did agree that in the end, it would all work out as it should in the end. Lenara knew all about the ways of the Klingon people. Worf had made sure of that when she was learning from him when they were in the academy. She knew about Sto'Vo'Kor and how it was the honored heaven for all Klingon warriors who were worthy of it. With her knowledge of Worfs people, Lenara would understand completely why he needed to win a great victory in Jadzia's name. Lenara herself wasn't sure what she believed in when it came to the after life, but she respected Worf's beliefs.

Though they hadn't spoken of Alexander much in the past, Lenara did know that he had spent most of his life on Earth with Worf adoptive parents. She had also been told that he had joined the Imperial Fleet and though she hadn't voiced it then, she didn't believe that it was the best choice of action for the young Klingon to take. Alexander had been raised by humans for the most part, so she felt that he wasn't altogether ready to serve on a Klingon vessel. However, it was Alexanders choice and one he must learn from. And learn he did. He had learned that his father had been correct and now he wanted a transfer onto a Starfleet vessel.

Lenara was positive that Captain West would accept Alexander onto the Protector. They needed crew members and if Alexander was anything like his father, he would be a great addition to their crew. On top of that, he would have not just her to look out for him, but Captain West as well. And they would be able to help teach him more about being Klingon without him being teased and made fun of. She was thanked for her help and Lenara shook her head. "Worf, it's the least I could do after everything you had done for me in the past." she told him. She told him that the very next day, she would have a signal sent out to the Protector and she would speak with Captain West about the transfer.

After speaking about Alexanders transfer, Lenara was asked to dinner with Worf that evening and she accepted. She'd not had proper Klingon food in a while and it would be nice to have some. So they went to the Klingon Restaurant that was on the second level of the promenade. There, they enjoyed their dinner while sharing more war stories. Lenara told him several stories from when she was out on the battle field. Some of the stories were from before she joined the Protector and some were from after. Between stories, she also enjoyed the music that the owner of the restaurant played. This was another area that Lenara and Jadzia were quite alike. Their tastes in music were a lot alike and they had both liked Klingon music.
Worf & Lenara feasted like warriors. They ate fresh gagh, pipius claw, bregit lung and rokeg blood pie. Washing it down with blood wine, from the 2301 vintage. Worf & Lenara sang songs and told stories. Something Klingons love doing. Lenara showed how well she understood what being Klingon was all about. Jadzia's interest and love of Klingon culture, started when Lenara introduced her to it. She didn't have the Dax symbiont back in the academy. Jadzia was an unjoined Trill in those days. After being joined, Jadzia's love for Klingon culture grew. Thanks to the last host being Curzon, who was a big fan of everything Klingon. Jadzia was such a believer in Klingon culture. She even joined a "blood feud", which Curzon was apart of. Joined Trills aren't bound by a previous host's life or responsibilities. However, Jadzia felt she needed to join Kang, Kor & Koloth on their quest for revenge. Curzon's love for Klingon culture was so overwhelming. Had Jadzia not been ready for it. She would have become confused. But with her years of training, and Lenara having already shown Jadzia many things about the Klingon people. The Trill was ready when the joining took place.

Worf & Lenara returned to Worf's quarters. They finished off a few more bottles of blood wine before Lenara left. The two friends had enjoyed an amazing evening of food, drink, songs and stories. Worf knew that Lenara was the right person to teach his son how to be Klingon. Few humans could match Klingons and how much they drank. Lucky for Lenara, her genetically altered DNA, which she got from her father, allowed her to drink like a Klingon. The next morning. Lenara asked Kira if she could speak with Captain West on the Protector. Kira said a two way link would take time to set up. She said once the link was ready. It would be transferred to Lenara's quarters. Lenara was contacted by opps and told the link was ready. Captain West quickly appeared on Lenara's computer screen. " Lenara......I hope you're leave is going well?.......What can I do for you? " Captain West was seated behind his desk, in his ready room.
Lenara had a wonderful evening with Worf feasting, singing and telling stories. She'd not eaten like that in some time, but she enjoyed herself. Klingon food wasn't something she casually ate, but when she did, she enjoyed it. The two friends enjoyed each others company. When they sang songs, Lenara's pronunciation of the Klingon language was damned near perfect, as if she'd spoken it all her life. It was much better now then how she'd spoken it back in the Academy. But over the years and plenty of practice, she had gotten really good at speaking the language and she'd learned plenty of songs. Part of what made Lenara love the Klingon culture so much, was how passionate they were about things. And Lenara had passed on her love of the Klingon culture to Jadzia while they were in the academy. She had introduced her friend to the same things that Worf had taught her.

After dinner, they head back to Worf's quarters where they enjoyed a couple more bottles of blood wine before they ended the night and she returned to her quarters. When Lenara enjoyed herself like she had tonight, her Vulcan-like demeanor fell away completely and she acted a lot like a Klingon would. She could easily teach Alexander plenty about how to be a Klingon. Lenara was one of the few who could keep up with how they drank and she'd even drunk a couple of Klingons under the table in the past.

The next morning, Lenara spoke with Kira and asked her about speaking with Captain West on the Protector. She was in turn told that a two way link would take time to set up and that once it was ready, it would be transferred to Lenara's quarters. Thanking Kira, Lenara head back down to the Promenade to relax a little before heading to her quarters. When she was contacted by opps, she was enjoying a drink in her quarters. Moments later, Captain West appeared on her computer screen and he greeted her. "Captain West." she said in a greeting. "Yes, it's going very well, thank you." After he asked what he could do for her, she launched into the explanation about Worf's son and how he had been serving the Imperial Fleet, but now wished to transfer to Starfleet. "His father asked if he could be stationed upon the Protector because he can trust not only myself, but you as well." She didn't have to openly say it was because Captain West had been adopted into a Klingon family. With what she had told him so far, it was clear that Worf wanted his son with people he could trust and could teach his son a couple things about being Klingon.
Kyle listened as Lenara spoke of Worf and his son Alexander. She told of the young officer's career in the Imperial Fleet and then he wanted a transfer to Starfleet. The request seemed odd at first, but Lenara spoke of Alexander having grown up mostly around humans. Despite how hard he tried. Alexander had a tough time learning to be Klingon. One would think it would be easy. He was surrounded by Klingons. However, Alexander became the butt of many jokes. He wasn't fitting in no matter how hard he tried. Lenara told Captain West, about Worf's feelings on the subject. Kyle West & Lenara were among the few humans who truly understood what being Klingon was like. Everything became much clearer once the whole story was known to Kyle. " Alexander's request for transfer as been accepted by General Martok and by Starfleet Command. " Kyle spoke while checking on his computer. " The paperwork is all done with that part.......He just needs to end his term of service in the Imperial Fleet......Then he can join Starfleet. " Kyle added before asking Lenara to transmit Alexander's file to the Protector. This file was a record of Alexander's career with the Klingon Defense Force.

" We both know how badly the ship needs trained officers.......You can add him into your security team......He'll also be trained as another helm officer and in tactical. " Kyle spoke. He noticed how much more relaxed Lenara looked while they spoke. Her leave time was doing a lot of good for her. " Alexander can return to the Protector with you.......After your leave is over.......I'll have the crew request sent to Starfleet Command right away......That way Alexander won't be posted on any other starship. " Kyle added. He remembered meeting Commander Worf several years ago. It was just after the destruction of Enterprise-D. Worf was in between postings and was planning on spending time at the Klingon monastery on Boreth. " Your leave looks to be working for you Lenara.......You look very relaxed and happier then I've ever seen you before. " Kyle spoke with a smile. He was surprised that Lenara had gone to Deep Space Nine. She could have gone anywhere. It did seem that being on DS9 helped Lenara, that was the most important part of her leave. " You can return to the ship whenever you feel ready.....The repair work is still being done on the hull. " Kyle then finished the transmission by telling Lenara to keep enjoying herself. His image then disappeared from her screen. Replaced by the symbol of the United Federations of Planets.
One of the things that Lenara really liked about Captain West was how understanding he was and how quick he was to pick up on things. She didn't have to over-explain things to him for him to understand. He quickly came to understand that Alexander was having issues fitting in on a Klingon ship because of his upbringing. As Kyle looked on his computer and spoke about Alexander's request for transfer being accepted by both General Martok and by Starfleet Command, Lenara nodded slightly. "Yes, Worf informed me that his term of service in the Imperial Fleet was coming to an end in the next upcoming days." she told Kyle. After being asked to transmit Alexander's file to the Protector, Lenara told him it would be done and she agreed that they did need trained officers. "Yes, it was why I told Worf I would speak with you about it." she told him. "If Alexander's anything like his father, he will be a fine officer." Kyle told her that she could add him to her security team and he'd also be trained as another helm officer and in tactical and she nodded.

After they spoke of Alexander and his transferal, Kyle spoke of her leave looking to be working for her and she smiled gently at him and she nodded again. "Yes. It is. I've been speaking with some friends. And making some new ones." she told him gently. "I have a standing invitation to take part in a game of darts and to join Chief O'Brien and Doctor Bashir in the holosuite for the Battle of Brittan. According to Doctor Bashir, there's a fighter with my name on it." There was amusement in the woman's gentle voice and it showed in her eyes and she spoke about the two men. While she wasn't very close with the two, she had spoken to them a couple times on her last visit to the station. They were good, nice men.

After she was told that she could return whenever she felt ready, she thanked him and she was told to keep enjoying herself. This made her chuckle before telling him she would. After that, they ended transmission, the image of her captain disappearing from her screen and replacing it with the symbol of the United Federations of Planets. With a smile on her face, she picked up her mug and finished her drink. She would have some good news to tell Worf when she saw him later.
Kyle was glad Lenara was making new friends. She did seem happier when they talked. More relaxed and less ridged then she normally would be, even off duty. No one on the Protector doubted Lenara's devotion to duty. They knew better. Lenara's friends and lovers just wanted her to let her hair down, when not on duty. They wanted her to loosen up and not be so uptight every moment of the day. There was a time for work, and a time to relax while enjoying life afterwards. Kyle always said Lenara was the best first officer in the fleet. Most captains said this about their number ones. Each of them believing their first officers were the best. Kyle didn't just didn't say this, he believed Lenara was the best. He'd put her up against any other first officer in the fleet. Kyle knew Lenara's dedication and how hard she worked would out shine every other number one. There was no doubt in Kyle's mind that Lenara would make a fine captain one day. She'd already proven herself to be a great leader. During the last war with the Klingons. Lenara was the last surviving officer from the senior staff of the USS Farragut. She got as many of the crew to escape pods before the ship was destroyed. Lenara then kept the escape pods together until they were rescued. Just a year ago. Lenara was placed in command of the USS Prometheus by Captain West. After they saved the ship from falling into the hands of the Romulans. A few mouths ago. Lenara was in command of the IKS Tagak, during the mission to destroy the Cardassian gateway device. Each time, Lenara showed her ability to command. Kyle knew one day Lenara would become a captain. She would have her own ship, maybe even the Protector.

Later that day. Lenara joined Worf in one of Quark's holosuites. He'd invited her to join in with his Klingon exercise program. The type of program Worf used had once belonged to Jadzia. It was a combat simulation. Using bat'leths and other bladed Klingon weapons. Worf had a bat'leth waiting for when Lenara arrived. She & Worf would be facing two enemies each. These odd looking creatures carried weapons, either bladed or mace like. The program would get harder as the exercise continued. Once Lenara arrived, the program started. During the fighting. Lenara told Worf the good news. She told him of having spoken with Captain West, and how Kyle agreed to Alexander joining the crew of the Protector. Worf was very pleased to hear this news. He said Captain West was an honorable man and a great warrior in the eyes of the Klingon people. Worf said Alexander needed such a captain to serve under. Lenara & Worf spent several hours in the holosuite. It was a great workout. Worf said he would make Lenara a copy of the program for when she returned to the Protector. He said Lenara could use the program while helping Alexander.

Later that evening. Lenara attended a celebration for Kira. The party was to celebrate Kira's promotion from Major to Colonel in the Bajoran Militia. The command staff, along with Lenara, Quark, Rom and Leeta all gathered in the Ward Room for the party. Some high ranking members of the Bajoran Militia also attended. After the party was over. Lenara had invited Quark back to her quarters. There was no need to explain what the invitation was for. Lenara was in the mood for a hard cock, and she just loved having Quark's cock inside her body. They quickly stripped each other after entering her quarters. Lenara sucked on Quark's cock to get him ready. Once Quark's cock was rock hard. Lenara had him take her ass. Quark really stretched Lenara's tight ass. He pounded her hard. The sounds they made filled the room with the sweet music of pleasure. It wasn't long til they both came. Quark filled Lenara's great looking ass with his cum. After a break, they started again. This time Quark was sitting on the couch. Lenara had mounted his cock and she was riding Quark like a sex starved she beast. Quark was licking and sucking on Lenara's breasts. He used his teeth to nip at her nipples. Not enough to draw blood or cause great pain. He just did enough to add a touch of pain into the pleasure Lenara was feeling.
Lenara was looking and feeling much better already. Sure, there was still moments when she got upset and sad over the loss of her friend, but it wasn't as bad as it had been. Before she came to DS9 for leave, Lenara had spent a lot of her down time holed up in her room after hearing about Jadzia, withdrawing from her friends and lovers. Many of them had begun to worry that she was returning to her old self where she kept everyone at arms length. A couple of them brought their worries to either the captain, the counselor or even the doctor of the Protector. It was known that Lenara spent a good bit of time with those three. But now, Kyle would be able to ease the worries of those that cared for the woman and he'd be able to let them know that she would be fine.

Later that day, Lenara joined her friend in Quark's in one of the holosuites. When she passed through the bar, she saw Quark and smiled at him before she head upstairs. She had been invited to join Worf in his Klingon exercise program and she happily accepted. When she entered the holosuite, Worf was already waiting with a bat'leth for her and she took it.. With the weapon in hand, the program started and they started fighting. While fighting in the program, Lenara told Worf the good news that came from her contact with Captain West. When Worf said that Captain West was an honorable man and a great warrior, Lenara nodded with a smile. "He is." she said in agreement. She was clearly very fond of her captain. For several hours the two friends spent time in the holosuite working out. It had been a long time since she'd had a workout quite like this and it felt good. Worf offered to make a copy of the program for her before she left and she could use the program while helping Alexander and she thanked him.

That evening, Lenara attended a celebration for Kira. Kira had been promoted from Major to Colonel in the Bajoran Militia and a group of them gathered to celebrate this with Kira. The command staff, along with a couple of others attended the party in the Ward room. There were also a couple high ranking members of the Bajoran Militia there as well. Lenara stayed at the get together for a while and when the party was over, Lenara invited Quark back to her quarters. She didn't have to explain to him why she was inviting him back. She was in the mood to be fucked again and she had loved how Quark fucked her, so she invited him back to her room again.

That night, they quickly stripped each other upon entering her quarters and she eagerly sucked on his cock to get him nice and hard before she had him fuck her ass. As he pushed into her ass, gasps and moans escaped her lips. After he was buried deep inside of her, Quark began fucking her hard. She really liked how he stretched and filled her ass with his big cock. She quickly came as he pounded her ass. Finally he filled her ass with a load of his cum and she moaned in delight at the feeling. They then took a short break to rest before they started up once again. The second time, Quark was seated on the couch and Lenara happily mounted him and began riding his cock, her pussy tight and very wet around him. At the same time Quark was licking and sucking upon her breasts. When he nipped at her nipples, the woman made a sharp sound and shivered, her pussy tightening around him as she bucked her hips against his a bit. Quark had quickly learned what Lenara liked the most during sex and he was demonstrating that.
Quark loved being with Lenara, and she loved being with him. They became very close friends on this visit. Quark would enjoy having Lenara around, so they could have sex with each other more often. However, she didn't want to leave the Protector. She loved Deep Space Nine, the shops, restaurants and all the people. But, the Protector was her home and that ship's crew was like family. Quark knew Lenara would visit the station every chance she got. It had become one of her favorite places, and those who lived on the station were very dear to Lenara. When Quark wasn't nipping at Lenara's nipples. His fingers were pinching and twisting them. They were often kissing each other. Sharing their love and passion for each other. Quark had learned quickly that Lenara loved a bit of roughness with her sex. She loved having her breasts and nipples played with. She also loved a good hard slap on her fine looking ass. Quark made sure he did both when they had sex.

The tightness of Lenara's pussy brought such deep moans of pleasure from Quark. Whenever he twisted her nipples, bit on them, or slapped her ass. Her pussy muscles clamped down around his cock. Lenara was such a hot fuck. There was a lot to admire about this perfect human female. Lenara continued riding Quark's cock, until they both came. She came hard around his shaft. Her body shaking from the orgasm. Quark filled her quivering pussy with a load of his cum. It matched the hot load he filled her sweet ass with. By the time their evening ended. Lenara & Quark came several more times. As with their last encounter. Lenara was rewarded with a load of Quark's cum for her belly. She had found a dear friend and lover in Quark. Though her time on Deep Space Nine was growing short. She would return and have more fun with her Ferengi lover.

The next morning. Lenara & Worf stood at an airlock. They were waiting for Alexander to depart from the Klingon ship he had been serving on. Worf had already contacted his son with the news. The young man was eager to meet Lenara and to been his career as a member of the Protector crew. Once the airlock door rolled open. Alexander was standing there in his Klingon uniform. Worf introduced Lenara to his son. " Thank you for speaking with Captain West Commander........Please know I will work very hard for you and the captain. " Alexander spoke while placing the strap of his bag over his shoulder. He spoke of having a proper Starfleet uniform before they left the station. Alexander then made the transfer official when he handed Lenara a pad with his orders on them. Lenara, Worf & Alexander left the airlock. They returned to Worf's quarters before going out for dinner.
Her time with Quark had proved very profitable for the both of herself and him. They had found amazing lovers in each other and they enjoyed sharing their bodies with each other. She had loved her time on Deep Space Nine and she had made several good friends who she had enjoyed spending time with. However, Quark had become easily one of her favorite people to spend time with. And not just sexually. He had a certain type of humor that Lenara found that she quite enjoyed. As they fucked, Quark proved that he paid very good attention to things as he had learned that she enjoyed a certain amount of pain mixed with her pleasure and he helped to provide that by nipping, pinching and twisting her hardened nipples. He would also occasionally add in a good hard slap to her ass.

The deep moans coming from quark mingled with the gasps, sighs and moans of pleasure coming from Lenara as she road his cock. Whenever he would give her that bit of pain that she really liked, her pussy would clamp down around his cock and she would shiver in his lap. However she never stopped moving. When she came, her body trembled in Quarks arms as she cried out in pleasure. Moments later she felt his cum filling her pussy. This was just the beginning of their night. By the time their evening was over, they had both cum a number of times more. Lenara had ever made true on her word of seeing how long Quark could go before cumming by her just touching his ears. Though her time here on DS9 was coming to an end soon enough, she would definitely be returning here every chance she got.

The next morning, Lenara joined Worf in waiting for Alexander. The young Klingon was due to be arriving some time soon. She stood at Worfs side, her hands clasped behind her while she stood in her Starfleet Uniform. When Alexander arrived and the airlock door rolled open, Lenara could see the similarity to Worf when she saw his son and she waited as Worf introduced her and she greeted him. As Alexander spoke of working very hard for her and the captain, she nodded. "I'm pleased to hear that." she told Alexander. "The captain and myself expect hard work from our crew." Together, the three left the airlock and returned to Worf's quarters before they head out for dinner together.
Lenara spent the rest of her leave time, enjoying herself. She made the most of what time remained. Lenara got involved in several tongo games, plus she won big at the Dabo table again. Lenara won a small fortune in latinum, and Quark didn't seem to mind. He cared deeply for Lenara. The pair having become very close during her visit. Quark didn't mind losing latinum to his new lover. Lenara was Quark's favorite human, and besides, she cleaned out his Ferengi waiters. Winning most of their latinum while playing tongo. Lenara showed a skill for the game most non-Ferengi didn't have. Quark remarked how much alike Lenara & Jadzia were. Even more these days with this new, relaxed Lenara when she was off duty. Lenara found that she could still be devoted to duty and let her hair down, while having fun during her off time. She didn't have to be sold with everyone. She didn't need those walls to protect her. There were a lot of people who didn't care about her parentage, and only wanted to have fun with her. Sometimes that fun led to sex. Other times, it was just for fun. Like when Lenara visited Vic at his place. She hung around with Vic all afternoon and well into the evening. She listened to him sing another set of his songs. They then went into the casino, played blackjack, slots, poker and roulette. Though Vic was only a hologram. Lenara felt a deep connection to him. He was like a wise mentor, who could sing and enjoyed life. Lenara learned a lot about how she could still be a top first officer, and enjoy her life when not on duty. Vic told her. There would always be people who hated her because of her father. She couldn't do anything about people who hate for hate sake.

Vic gave Lenara a data file with all his songs on it. She would be able to put the file into her computer back on the Protector. Lenara could then listen to Vic anytime she wanted. With her days running short. Lenara devoted her time to having fun. She joined Chief O'Brien & Doctor Bashir at Quark for several games of darts. Though they had more experience at the game then she did. Lenara's genetically altered DNA shined through. She picked up the game quickly and was soon winning. It was during this time that she learned Doctor Bashir was also genetically altered. However, he wasn't born that way. Lenara learned that Julian's parents had him altered when he was a child. Genetic altering was illegal in the Federation. Because of the eugenics war. Once Julian's secret was found out. His father turned himself in and went to jail. This saved Julian's career in Starfleet. Julian was faster and smarter then a normal human, but he wasn't physically strong like Lenara and true augments. Darts wasn't the only game Lenara played with her new friends. She did join them in the holosuites for the Battle of Britain. Just as Julian had said. There was a Spitfire with her name written on the side. Lenara played a Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force. Once inside the old plane. Lenara found flying it wasn't as hard as she expected. It was like flying those training craft during her time at the academy. Lenara became an "Ace" on her first mission. She downed five German aircraft in less then 20 minutes. Lenara decided she should spend more time on the holodecks back on the Protector. She was having a ball.

Chief O'Brien took Lenara kayaking in one of the holosuites. That was something she found thrilling. Lenara learned a lot about herself while visiting Deep Space Nine. She learned how to truly enjoy herself. She learned it was okay to be a devoted officer and have a social life during her off hours. Lenara also learned it was okay to say goodbye to Jadzia. As Vic told her. Jadzia wasn't really gone because of all the lives she touched while she was here. Jadzia would live on in the hearts of those who loved her. It was alright for Lenara to feel sad, but Jadzia wouldn't want Lenara hurting herself or her career over grief. Once Lenara understood this, her grief would no longer get out of control again. By the end of her leave, Lenara was ready to return the Protector. She packed her things, including Vic's recordings, the holoprogram Worf made for her and her latinum winnings. Lenara & Alexander said their goodbyes to everyone. Lenara told her friends she would return again. She & Alexander entered the airlock, then entered the Congo. The runabout then departed the station for Starbase 133.
The rest of her time on DS9 was filled with relaxing and fun. She spent a good bit of time either with Quark or in his bar enjoying herself. She joined in on several tongo games, showing that she was pretty good at it and she also won big at the Dabo table as well. Normally, Quark would not be happy with a customer would win so much the way that Lenara did. He might even have the Dabo girls cheat that customer out of much of their winnings. But not Lenara. Quark had become quite fond of the human female and he was fine with her winning. Especially since she turned around and spent some of her winnings in his bar. And in tongo, Lenara showed him that she had a skill for the game that most non-ferengi didn't have. He had even commented about how alike she was to Jadzia and she thanked him for the compliment while she cleaned out his waiters once again.

Of course, Quark wasn't the only person she spent time with either. She spent some time with Vic, listening to his music and just spending time talking or even going into the casino and playing a couple games. Though he was a hologram, Lenara learned a lot from him. In a way, he helped even more then the ships counselor ever had. He even gave her a data file that contained his songs upon it and she took it, thanking him for the gift. It meant a lot to her that she would now be able to listen to his music even when she wasn't on Deep Space Nine.

Lenara also spent some of her time with Chief O'Brien and Doctor Bashir. They spent some time playing darts, a game that Lenara had actually never played before, but she quickly learned and got the hang of. Soon she was excelling at the game. Because of her genetically altered DNA, she picked up on the game rather quickly and was winning in no time. During this time, she was told that Doctor Bashir was also genetically altered, though he wasn't born that way like she had been. Instead, his parents had altered his genes while he was a child. She knew that it was highly illegal to do so in the Federation after what had happened during the eugenics war. Of course, when the secret was found out, his father turned himself in and went to jail, thus saving Julian's career with Starfleet. Lenara had of course noticed that Julian had been faster and smarter then the normal human in the past while talking with him, but she'd never said anything about it. After learning this tidbit of information, it made sense. Of course, Julian was met with understanding from the woman.

Lenara also joined them in the holosuites for the Battle of Britain and just as Julian had told her, there was a Spitfire with her name written on the side. She played as a Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force and she quickly found that flying the old plane wasn't too difficult and she soon really got into the program. After downing five German aircrafts in less then 20 minutes, Lenara decided that she would be spending more time on the holodecks back on the Protector once she returned.

She was also treated to a kayaking trip in one of the holosuites by Chief O'Brien. It was definitely something new and she enjoyed it. The trip to Deep Space Nine was certainly a learning experience for Lenara. She learned a lot of new things that she enjoyed and she learned a lot about herself. She had finally learned how to truly let go, relax and let her hair down while enjoying herself. She learned that she could be the best First Officer she could be while on duty, but while off duty, she could have plenty of fun and she could have a social life like others had been urging her to have. She also learned it was okay to say goodbye to Jadzia. That had happened while she was spending some time with Vic. The woman finally broke down and cried while talking with Vic, finally mourning her friend properly. It had concerned some others when it happened, but it was therapeutic in a way. After that night, she began to properly heal. Vic told her that Jadzia wasn't truly gone and she never would be because of all the lives she'd touched while she had been there. The trill would live on in the hearts of those who had loved and been loved by the woman. He also told her it was okay to feel sad, as it was normal, but Jadzia wouldn't want Lenara to hurt herself or her career over her grief.

By the time it was time for Lenara to leave, she was in a much better play then when she had shown up to the station. Lenara hated to leave, for she had come to truly enjoy her time on the station and she had made plenty of good friends during her visit, but she knew she was needed to the Protector. She packed up her things, which also included the gifts she'd gotten from Vic and Worf, along with her plentiful winnings from her time in Quarks bar. With her things in hand, Lenara and Alexander said their goodbyes to the others. She promised to return soon and she playfully told Bashir and O'Brien that she wanted to have a go at Racquetball with them next time, the woman having learned that they occasionally played.

Finally, she and Alexander entered the airlock and then boarded the Congo. It wasn't long before the runabout was leaving the station and returning to Starbase 133. As they traveled back to the Starbase, Lenara got to know Alexander a bit more and he got to know her.
During the trip bacvk to the Protector. Lenara got the chance to find out more about Alexander. The young man spoke of his mother, K'Ehleyr, a former Federation Ambassador. K'Ehleyr was the daughter of a human mother and a Klingon father. She had an on and off relationship with Worf over several years. Alexander was a product of that relationship. K'Ehleyr despised the Klingon way of life. She embraced her human side fully. Alexander said his mother was killed when he was a young boy. K'Ehleyr had been killed by Duras, a Klingon who hated Worf. Alexander spoke of how his grandfather, Mogh, was living on Khitomer when the Romulans attacked. He said Mogh had suspected that another Klingon named Ja'rod had been plotting with the Romulans, against his own people. Ja'rod was working with the Romulans and helped them during the attack. He made sure the planet's defenses were offline. The attack happened before Mogh could take action. Many Klingons were dead after the attack was over. Mogh was one of the dead. With an old enemy dead at his feet. Ja'rod plotted to paint Mogh as the one who worked with the Romulans. There was one problem for Ja'rod and his family. Two survivors were found alive at the outpost on Khitomer. A Klingon woman named Kahlest, and a young Worf. Both were rescued by the first ship which received the distress call. A Federation Starship, the USS Intrepid.

By this time Ja'rod had spun his lie and painted Mogh as a traitor to his people. Kahlest & Worf had been taken to Starbase 24, where they would get medical attention for their injuries. This is where Kahlest learned of Ja'rod's plan. She was in no position of power to stand against Ja'rod and his now powerful house. She'd only served the House of Mogh as a nurse for Worf. She had no power of her own and now she had no house to serve. Kahlest gave the young Worf to Sergey Rozhenko, who was serving aboard the Intrepid as an officer at that time. Sergey adopted the young Worf. If he hadn't, Ja'rod would have to kill Worf & Kahlest to keep the truth from being found out. This way. Ja'rod didn't need to act against the two survivors. However, there came a time when Worf wanted to restore his family name. Ja'rod was dead by this time. But, his son Duras was now ruling the house. Duras wouldn't let Worf take away the power his family held. K'Ehleyr became a target for Duras. He killed her, which made Worf seek him out and kill Duras.

Alexander then talked about his time living on Earth and living in Russia. He spoke of good times, and of how some boys bullied him because he was Klingon. Some boys wanted to fight and beat a Klingon. Alexander hadn't been interested in fighting. His entire life had been spent living like a human. First by his mother, then by his adoptive grandparents. Alexander joked that he made a great human, but a poor Klingon. He spoke of always believing his father was embarrassed to have him as a son. Alexander knew his father cared and love him. But, the father & son did have a rocky relationship. Not unlike the one Worf had with K'Ehleyr. Alexander asked Lenara if she ever met his mother? He said his mother really loved him and would be proud that he joined Starfleet.

Lenara talked about her life. Allowing Alexander to know her better. He would be apart of her security force aboard the Protector and deserved to know her. Lenara shared some stories with Alexander about his father during the time Worf & Lenara attended the academy. Alexander found many of Lenara's stories funny. She had some good stories about a young Worf. They shared plenty of laughs during their trip back to Starbase 133. When they reached the Starbase. The Protector had been removed from the Space dock. The repair work on the hull was done. " I've never seen a Legacy Class Starship before. " Alexander admitted as his eyes looked over the ship they approached. " She looks like a great ship. " Alexander spoke with a hint of pride in his voice. " USS Protector to USS Congo.........Welcome home Lenara. " The voice of Lieutenant Lesley Wong was heard coming over the com channel. " Shuttle bay doors are opened.......You are cleared for landing. " Lesley added before she contacted Captain West with the news that Lenara was back.
During the trip back to the Protector with Alexander, Lenara learned a lot more about the new recruit and his past. He told her about his mother, K'Ehleyer, a former Federation Ambassador. She knew a bit about Alexander's mother, having been told a little about her by Worf himself. However, talking to Alexander, she learned much more about K'Ehleyer as well as his grandfather and about the Klingon who had killed Alexander's mother. Lenara listened patiently as she was told the deeper details about what had happened, not just to Alexander's mother, but to Worf and his family at the same time.

She was then told about his time living on Earth and living in Russia. He told her of good times and of how he'd been bullied because he was Klingon. She understood about him being bullied. She made a soft sound when he told her about how some boys wanted to fight and beat a Klingon, shaking her head slightly. "I have noticed that many want to be able to claim they've bested someone from a race which is known for its fighting ability." she told him. She told him that she had also been met with a similar attitude in the past by some people. They would learn about her parentage and they would want to fight her, wanting to see if they could best a genetically enhanced human. His joke about being a great human but a poor Klingon made her chuckle softly. But when he said that he'd always believed that Worf was embarrassed to have him as a son, Lenara looked at him in concern. "No Alexander. Worf is not embarrassed to have you as his son." she told him gently. "He worries for your well being. Because of living like a human, you having learned the Klingon ways and they aren't natural to you right now. He knows how the Klingon people can be towards others and he wants what's best for you."

The woman smiled at him and told him that she and Captain West would help him learn the Klingon ways without the pressure and bullying that could come from learning upon a Klingon vessel. She was then asked about whether or not she'd ever met his mother and she shook her head. "No, I don't believe I had." she told him. After that, she told him about her life as well. She honestly told him about her life growing up and how difficult it had been in certain times, but how she'd had a very loving mother and she did have the occasional person who did care about her. She shared some stories with him about his father as well from back during their time in the Academy. Many of the stories she shared with him were quite funny and she was glad that he enjoyed them.

The trip back to Starbase 133 was filled with plenty of laughs for the both of them. Back at the Starbase, Lenara saw that the Protector had been removed from the Space dock and the repair work on the hull had been completed. "Isn't she beautiful?" she asked Alexander after he told her he'd never seen a Legacy Class Starship before. "She is a great ship." They were then contacted over the com channel and Lenara smiled gently when she was welcomed home by her friend and lover. "USS Congo to USS Protector.... It's good to be home Lesley." she replied before she pulled the runabout into the shuttle bay, landing the runabout easily.
Captain West stepped onto the shuttle bay after the Congo landed. He walked over, greeting Lenara as she appeared from the side door of the runabout. " Your timing is perfect Commander.......We have a mission briefing in less then two hours with Admirals Nechayev and Sela. " Captain West spoke while he smiled. It was good to have her back, and looking better then when she left. Lenara then introduced Alexander to the captain. " Welcome aboard Mister Rozhenko......It's an honor to have the son of Worf and a member of the House of Martok serving on the Protector. " Captain West spoke while shaking Alexander's hand. " The honor is mine Captain West. " Alexander replied. He then placed the strap of his bag over his shoulder. Captain West said they would get Alexander to his quarters. Lenara would then have time to freshness up before the meeting on the base.

As Kyle, Lenara & Alexander left the shuttle bay. Kyle spoke of his belief that this mission was a big one. He said several battle groups of Starships had arrived in the last two days. He said besides the ships which are stationed at the starbase. There was easily over two fleets which had gathered at the base. The small group headed for the turbo lift. Alexander was taken to deck 5 where his quarters were located. Once Alexander was unpacking, Captain West & Lenara left. He would be put on active duty once Lenara got the chance. She would work him into the duty roster later. This would give Alexander a chance to learn the ship a little better. As the captain & Lenara walked down the corridor. He said she had no backlog of work. Kyle said Tala & Lesley banded together to make sure Lenara's work was caught up. By rank, Lieutenant Commander Quinn took over as First Officer while Lenara was away. However, since he was the Chief Engineer, he didn't have time to do Lenara's work. Quinn was busy overseeing the repair work being done on the ship during that time. So, Tala & Lesley did all the paperwork involved with Lenara's position on the Protector.

Captain West & Lenara entered the turbo lift. He told Lenara, she would find him in his ready room when she was done getting cleaned up after her long trip. They would then leave for the starbase. Lenara was dropped off on deck 2. The captain then continued on until her reached the bridge. Lesley asked how Lenara was? Captain West gave her a smile while saying Lenara looked great. He said she looked happier and more relaxed then he'd ever seen her before. Her time on DS9 was just what she needed. The captain then disappeared into his ready room. Lesley smiled to herself as she sat back into her chair. Lenara was a dear friend and lover. Lesley would do anything for Lenara. Even give up her life for her.
The sight of her captain as she stepped through the side door of the runabout made Lenara smile a bit and she was told that they had a mission briefing in less then two hours with Admiral Nechayev and Admiral Sela. She nodded while adjusting her own bag on her shoulder. She then turned as Alexander stepped off the runabout as well and she introduced the two males. "Captain, this is Alexander Rozhenko, son of Worf." she told him and she stepped aside, watching them greet each other and shake each others hands. The captain said that they would show Alexander to his quarters before Lenara could then freshen up and get ready for the meeting on the base.

Together, the three of them left the shuttle bay and head for deck 5. While they traveled, Kyle told Lenara about believing that this mission was going to be a big one. She was told about how several battle groups of Starships had arrived over the last two days and this was besides the ships which were stationed at the starbase already. At deck 5, Kyle and Lenara left Alexander in his quarters to begin unpacking before heading down the corridor. She was informed that there was no backlog waiting for her and she was a little surprised, having expected a good bit of work to be waiting for her. However, Tala and Lesley had grouped together and taken care of that work for her. "I will have to thank them later." she told him.

Stepping onto the turbo lift, West told her that she would be able to find him in his ready room when she was done getting cleaned up after her long trip and they would leave for the starbase afterwards. At deck 2, Lenara told him she would meet with him shortly before stepping off the turbo lift and she head for her room while he continued to the bridge. Walking down to her quarters, Lenara entered and began to unpack her things, smiling to herself as she looked at the different things that she'd brought back before she put them away. After a quick sonic shower and a change of clothes, Lenara then head up to the bridge. As she stepped off, those already there would be able to see the change in their first officer right away. There was a brightness to her eyes that hadn't been there ever since the news of Jadzia's death had reached Lenara, and there was a small smile upon her lips as she glanced around the bridge, pausing for a moment to look at Lesley.

Lesley was a dear friend and lover to Lenara. As she looked at Lesley, Lenara smiled a little wider before she walked over to Kyles ready room and she entered.
Lesley smiled brightly when Lenara stepped out onto the bridge. There was a different vibe about her. She was different from when she left. The confidence was still there, the dedication was still there, but Lenara seemed warmer. One could say she acted more human. No longer hiding emotions. Lesley & Lenara exchanged smiles and nods of the their heads. The smile Lenara gave Lesley, was one normally only seen when behind closed doors. Lenara felt comfortable enough now to share such a warm, playful smile while in the company of others. Lesley watched as Lenara walked into the captain's ready room. It made her feel good to have Lenara back, but she felt even better knowing Lenara had returned better then when she left on her leave. " Transporter Room 1......Standby to transport the captain and Commander Singh to Starbase 133. " Lesley spoke. She got a reply from Chief Tyson that the transporter room was manned and ready. Inside his ready room. Captain was finishing up on his paperwork when Lenara came in. He signed the last few reports then sent them to Lesley so she could send them off to Earth and Starfleet Command. Kyle rose from his chair, then joined Lenara on the other side. He looked at her while saying how alive she looked. " You must have really enjoyed yourself on DS9.........I guess we'll have to take the ship there sometime.....I've never seen that station before. " Kyle admitted before and Lenara left his ready room. They passed Lesley on their way to the turbo lift.

Once inside the turbo lift, Kyle asked how Captain Sisko was? He didn't know his friend had taken leave just as Lenara had. Sisko had been deeply effected by the death of Jadzia, just like Lenara had been. It was troubling to hear that Sisko took Jadzia's death hard. So, hard he went to Earth to clear his mind. It didn't take long for Captain West & Lenara to reach transporter room 1. They found Chief Tyson standing by to beam them over to the base. " Energize. " Kyle said once he and Lenara were on the transporter pad. Their bodies were turned into energy, then sent over to the base. Kyle & Lenara appeared in transporter room 8 on the starbase. As they were exiting the transporter room, they ran into Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Commander William Riker of the USS Enterprise. They were just leaving transporter room 9. The two captains greeted each other with hand shakes. They each then introduced their first officers. Captain Picard introduced Commander Riker before Kyle introduced Lenara. Captain Picard & Commander Riker both shook Lenara's hand. Kyle said he and Lenara were on their way to a meeting with Admirals Nechayev & Sela. Captain Picard said he and Riker were on their way to the same meeting. Since the four officers were going to the same place, for the same reason, they may as well walk together.

The four officers continued on their way. Moving through the base until they reached the office level. The four officers then entered the outer office of Admiral Nechayev. They were then let into the inner office. Admiral Alynna Nechayev and Admiral Sela were looking at a map of the Betazed system. Admiral Nechayev welcomed the officer's and asked them to take a seat.
The sight of Lesley's bright smile warmed Lenara as the two women made eyecontact and Lenara smiled at her. After a brief nod between them, Lenara continued into Kyle's ready room where she found him finishing up a couple reports. She stood patiently, watching as he finished up before joining her on the other side of his desk. His comment about her enjoying her time on DS9 made her nod and she told him she had. "DS9 has quickly become one of my favorite stations." she admitted to him. "I think you'd enjoy a visit there." Together they left the room and head to the turbo lift.

On their way down, Kyle asked about Sisko and she shook her head. "I'm afraid I hadn't seen him during my visit." she told Kyle. She told him about how hard he had taken Jadzia's death and how he'd taken leave and had gone to earth. "He'll need time, understanding and the care of his friends. Like I had." she told him. In the transporter room, Chief Tyson was standing by to beam them over and the Captain and his first officer got onto the transporter pad before Kyle had them sent over to the base.

Arriving in transporter room 8 on the starbase, they exited the room only to run into Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Commander William Riker of the USS Enterprise as they were leaving transporter room 9. Lenara stood to the side as the two captains greeted each other and then they took turns introducing their first officers. Lenara smiled gently at Captain Picard and Commander Riker while shaking their hands, greeting them. It turned out that they were heading to the same meeting that herself and Kyle were going to. So since they were heading to the same meeting, the four officers decided to walk together.

So together the four continued through the base until they reached the office level. They entered the outer office of Admiral Nechayev, where they were shown into the inner office where Admiral Nechayev and Admiral Sela were waiting, the two looking at a map of the Betazed system. After entering, Admiral Nechayev welcomed them and asked for them to take a seat. Lenara looked at her captain before they moved and took their seats. Lenara was wondering what this meeting was going to be about.
Lenara wouldn't have a long wait to find out what the meeting was about. Admiral Nechayev started the meeting by talking of all the trouble Starfleet was having taking Betazed back from the Dominion. She said each time Starfleet as attacked. The Dominion called up reinforcements from the Kalandra sector. Admiral Nechayev said they couldn't force the Dominion out while they had reinforcements so close by. She then said Starfleet Command wanted to attack the Betazed system and the Kalandra sector at the same time. Admiral Nechayev said they could beat the Dominion if their reinforcements were destroyed. " Betazed will be free after this fight.......That is why I've asked you all here. " Admiral Nechayev spoke while looking at each officer seated in front of her. " Captain Picard.......You will take command of the 7th Fleet and attack the Dominion in the Betazed system. " Admiral Nechayev then turned her attention towards Kyle. " Captain West.......You will take command of the 4th Fleet and attack the Dominion reinforcements in the Kalandra sector......It is very important Captain that you not allow any reinforcements to leave that sector......Captain Picard's attack will depend on you......Any failure will also be yours Captain West. " Admiral Nechayev didn't beat around the bush. Whether the battle was won or lost, was totally on Kyle's shoulders.

" Please have your battle plans on my desk by 1200 hours tomorrow.......Dismissed. " Admiral Nechayev spoke. As he stood from his seat, Kyle asked for a moment of the admiral's time. Alynna gave him the time he asked for. " I would like to request adding a ship to the 4th Fleet........I would like to have the USS Alliance transferred to the fleet. " Kyle made hsi request. Admiral Nechayev thought for a moment, then she said Kyle could have any ship he wanted. Kyle then thanked her before he and Lenara left. " Once we get back to the ship......Go to the bridge and have Lesley contact Captain Saavik.......She'll still be at Minos Korva.......Have her tell Saavik to report here for the new mission......Then meet me in my quarters......We have a battle plan to work out. " Kyle spoke as he and Lenara moved quickly. There was no time to waste. They a little over 24 hours to come up with a battle plan and have it on Admiral Nechayev's desk by noon the next day. Once they reached one of the bases transporter rooms. Captain West & Lenara beamed back to the Protector.
Shortly after the officers took their seats, Admiral Nechayev started the meeting and she spoke of all the trouble they were currently having taking Betazed back from the Dominion. Apparently everytime Starfleet attacked, the Dominion called up reinforcements from the Kalandra sector. They couldn't force the Dominion out while reinforcements were so close by. So Starfleet Command wanted them to attack both the Betazed system and the Kalandra sector at the same time. This made Lenara's eyebrows raise a bit before nodded slightly to herself as her mind quickly went over what the woman had said so far. Before they were even told, Lenara knew what Command was thinking. It was going to be a divide and conquer attack of sorts. Sure enough, Nechayev said that Captain Picard was going to take command of the 7th Fleet and attack the Dominion in the Betazed system while Captain West would be taking command of the 4th Fleet and they would be attacking the Dominion reinforcements in the Kalandra sector.

Lenara could read the fine print between the lines. The success of this mission was going to be on Kyle's shoulders. With this, they were told they had to have battle plans upon Admiral Nechayev's desk by 1200 hours the next day before they were dismissed. Lenara stood up as the others did and she started out, but she paused when she heard her captain speak and she paused by the door to wait for him. She stood there calmly as he requested that the USS Alliance be transferred to the 4th Fleet. Hearing this made Lenara smile slightly. Finally she and Kyle left the office and they started back towards the transporter rooms while they spoke. She was ordered to go to the bridge once they were back on board the Protector and have Lesley contact Captain Saavik, to have Lesley tell Saavik to report here for the new mission before joining him in his quarters. "Yes sir." she said.

Once back on board the Protector, Lenara was moving quickly. She reached the bridge and was ordering Lesley to contact the Alliance and she told her to have Captain Saavik report to the starbase. After making sure that Lesley understood, Lenara turned and head into the ready room. She and the Captain had a lot of work to do and not much time in which to do so.
The USS Protector had started the war as part of the 4th Fleet. The Dominion War started at the end of 2373. The Protector had been on it's shakedown cruise when the war broke out. That was before Lenara had joined the crew. She joined the ship several months into the war. Replacing the former first officer who was killed during combat. Lenara also took on more duties since the manpower problem hit Starfleet hard. She showed off her skills as a tactical officer. Much to the delight of those she served with. Lenara was cool under fire, even with the ship shaking from enemy hits. Lenara proved that she had a mind for strategic thinking when she helped Captain West with the defense of Minos Korva. Their defensive line was still being used by the ships stationed there. But, a defensive war was different then an offensive one. And Starfleet wanted them to go on the offensive.

Captain West entered his quarters. This is where he asked Lenara to meet him once she was done on the bridge. He removed his grey and black duty uniform top. Tossing it over the back of a chair. He worked on his computer, bringing up a star map of the Kalandra sector on a large wall mounted screen. This way, he and Lenara could work as long as they needed and see every part of that sector. Kyle ordered two raktajinos. One was for Lenara when she arrived. Her mug was placed on the desk. Kyle took a drink of his while looking over the map. They'd been in this sector before. In 2374 the Protector was sent here to destroy a Dominion listening post in the Kalandra system. Lenara and her M.A.C.O.'s rescued Captain Scott on the same mission.
Lenara had joined the USS Protector after the war started. It had been several months after the war started that she was sent to join the Protectors crew as First officer after her predecessor had been killed during combat. Despite a slightly rough beginning, her crew mates had come to appreciate the woman with calm and collected she was while under fire. Even when the ship is shaking and things were beginning to look bad, she always kept her head about her and she never showed any fear or nervousness she might be feeling. She had also proved that she was an excellent strategist by helping Captain West make up the defensive line for Minos Korva. However, they were now being asked for something different. Instead of defense, they were now ordered to go onto the offense and that was quite different.

After she had finished giving orders on contacting the Alliance, Lenara left the bridge and head to Kyles quarters where he was waiting on her. When she entered, she saw that he'd removed his grey and black duty uniform top and he was already looking at a star map on the large wall mounted screen in his quarters. Already he had a mug of raktajino waiting for her, something she was going to need for the up coming hours. Picking up her raktajino, Lenara sat down and took a sip of it before looking at the screen, studying the star map carefully while beginning to try to think up some kind of plan.

For the next couple of hourse, Lenara and Kyle studied the star map and talked about different ideas. At some point Lenara had removed her uniform top so she was wearing her pants and a white undershirt while they spoke. Finally she had a thought that she wanted to mention. She took a sip of her newest mug of raktajino before speaking up. "What if... we attacked the Dominion and the Cardassians the way that you had the Klingons at Ganalda IV?" she asked him gently. "A three pronged attack. We could attack from the Violet Nebula. They wouldn't know we were there until it was too late."
After Lenara joined Kyle in his quarters, they got down to work. Talking over different ways of attacking the Dominion reinforcements. Some ideas were better then others. But, none of the ideas really stuck. None seemed likely to catch the enemy by surprise. Not until Lenara brought up the Battle of Ganalda IV. During the Klingon/Federation war of 2373. Captain West led the 2nd Fleet into battle at Ganalda IV. That system is located in the heavily contested Archanis Sector. Ever since the Four years war, fought between the Federation and the Klingon Empire during the mid 2250's. The Archanis sector, and the planetary systems within, were bones to be fought over by the two powers. After the loss of the Archanis system to the Klingons. Starfleet turned to Captain West for a major victory. Kyle came up with a plan which made him a legend, on both sides of the war. Kyle planned a three pronged attack on the Ganalda system. He used an Ion storm which was passing through that system as cover. The Klingons never saw the attack coming. Kyle took them by surprise. The Klingons were forced the retreat from the system, and retreat is a bitter pill to swallow for Klingons.

Once Lenara spoke of the Battle of Ganalda IV. The wheels started to turn inside Kyle's head. Lenara even brought up using the Violet Nebula as cover. Clearly, she was thinking outside the box. However, there were several problems with using the nebula. As with many nebula's. The Violet Nebula composition, blocks sensors and communications. Traveling through the nebula was also very difficult for any ships because of the gravitational eddies. Back at Ganalda IV, the 2nd Fleet just followed behind the Ion storm, then attacked the Klingon ships as the storm passed them. The nebula was stationary. The 4th Fleet would have to travel through it. But, as Kyle stared at the star map, he began to see a way they could get through the nebula. " Yes......It can be done. " Kyle said as a smile appeared on his face. " If we use space buoys to form a path from one side of the nebula to the other........Each battle group can follow the pre-set path right to the points of attack. " Kyle spoke while moving his fingers as the three battle groups would move. " We can use three runabouts to set the buoys......The smaller ships will have an easier time with the gravitational eddies......Plus we need three really good pilots. " Kyle added. He then spoke of who the three pilots would be. " Lieutenant Simms will pilot the Ohio........I'll take the Amazon and you will pilot the Congo. " Kyle knew this was still risky, but mission could be done.
Lenara and Kyle spoke for some time about what they were going to do, the two of them bouncing ideas off of each other but no idea seemed to resonate with either of them well enough to really stick. But finally, Lenara brought up what Kyle had done in the Battle of Ganalda IV during the Klingon/Federation war of 2474 where he had led the 2nd fleet into the battle. After she brought it up, she could see Kyle thinking and she smiled to herself while tilting her head, watching for a bit as he stared at the star map, before she sipped at her drink again. Finally he spoke up and said that it could be done, a smile appearing on his face.

He began talkinga bout how they could use space buoys to create a path from one side of the nebula to the other and each battle group could follow the pre-set path right to the points of attack. The woman watched his fingers moving and she slowly nodded. Three runabouts would be used to set the buoys, the smaller ships having an easier time with the gravitational eddies. They would also need three really good pilots. Those three pilots would be Lieutenant Simms, who would use the Ohio, Kyle would take the Amazon while she would pilot the Congo.

The three of them were three of the best pilots that they had on board the Protector. Kyle knew about her time at the Academy and he was aware of her extremely high grades in all her classes. One of her best classes was actually her pilot training. At first, Lenara had thought that the class would be like many others and it would be something that she would just learn so she could become an officer. However, she had come to really enjoy piloting and she took to the class really well. The teacher of her class had even held her back one day to express how impressed they were with her abilities. They said that they even believed that she could successfully pull off a Kolvoord Starburst if she was with the right partners. This had surprised her because she knew such a maneuver was banned in the Academy. She knew how the maneuver wad done, but she'd never attempted it herself. She had proven herself in that class, just like she had many of her other classes, that she was determined to be one of the best.
Lenara's file showed she was a great pilot. The instructors at the academy gave her high marks for her skills. Because of her skills as a pilot, Lenara started her career as a helm officer. Her first posting in this position was aboard the USS Essex, a Constellation Class Light Cruiser. Lenara was a Lieutenant Junior Grade in those days. She'd come along way in the last 11 years. A lot further then some wanted her to go, or others expected her to go. She was now a Commander, and first officer of one of the most advanced ships in Starfleet. Lenara's rank said a lot about how hard she worked, but her position as first officer aboard the Protector said even more. There were only a handful of starships in Starfleet which were seen as top places to serve. The Protector was one of those few ships.

Besides a pilot, each runabout would also need one other person to beam the buoys in space. Placing each buoy at a precise point along a line running through the nebula. Each runabout would have the distance between their staring point and where the enemy fleet would be able to scan them. The pilots would only need to watch as the distance decreased. This would let them know how far from the edge they were and when they needed to turn around. Kyle suggested they go at a slow, steady pace. This would lessen the impact of the gravitational eddies. It would also help with the deployment of the space buoys. Each buoy would be beamed ahead of the runabout, and activated. The buoys would be linked together as the runabouts moved along. The direction beams would be focused backwards towards the waiting starships. The three battle groups would then lock onto the buoys and pass through the nebula with ease.

Once the battle plan was finished. The only job left belonged to Lenara. She needed to pick three others to join her, Captain West and Lieutenant Simms on this mission. These three would handle the runabouts transporters and beam the buoys into position. For obvious reasons, medical personnel were excluded from such missions. Lenara was free to pick from her security team, the engineering staff and from the science department. Captain West asked Lenara to make her picks, then finish the battle plan and deliver it personally to Admiral Nechayev's office in the morning. Since they spent so much time working on the battle plan. Kyle & Lenara had missed their normal dinner time. Kyle replicated them a pizza and beers. They enjoyed some laughs along with their drinks and food. Lenara left and returned to her quarters a short time later.
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