Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

Though she didn't arrogantly boast about her position and how she did in the Academy like some other Officers might, Lenara was damned proud of her skills and her abilities. She just had a good dose of humility and subtlety about her. She was smart and kept fairly quiet about her skills outside of her small circle of trusted friends and lovers. After all, it just wouldn't do for those who she might have to fight against, to know everything about her. But one thing she wouldn't hide, was her pride in serving on the Protector, one of the top starships to serve on, and the pride she had for serving under Captain Kyle West.

While discussing their plan, they spoke of needing one other person to beam the buoys in space. To place them at precise points along a line running through the nebula. After Kyle suggested going at a slow, steady pace, Lenara agreed and told him that slow and stead was always the best option for things like this. With the plan finally agreed upon and the details pretty much figured out, West asked her to make her picks for who was going to accompany them and she nodded after being told to deliver it personally to Admiral Nechayev's office in the morning. "Of course." she told him. With this done, Kyle replicated them a pizza and some beers, the two of them enjoying a couple laughs while they enjoyed what was left of their evening.

Finally she departed and head to her quarters. The next day, Lenara was up and had finished off the battle plans by late morning. She had already had a quick breakfast before setting off to finish her work on the battle plan and she picked three officers to accompany them. She had chosen Lieutenant Getal, Lieutenant Commander Tom Quinn, and Ensign Mendon for this. With the plans finished, she head down to the Starbase to take the plans to the Admiral's office. Little did she know, her fairly quiet morning was about to be turned on its head quite a bit.
The only job which remained for Lenara to do, was for her to assign those officers to one of the runabouts. But, she could worry about that later, after she returned to the ship. Such details weren't needed for the battle plans. Just the information that all mission positions were filled. Each runabout would be manned by two members of the Protector crew. One would pilot the ship, the other working the transporter. Lenara wouldn't have noticed another starship arrived at the starbase that morning. There were several hundred starships around the base. One more would easily go unnoticed. However, this starship brought a young Starfleet officer, who was currently taking leave from her duties. The ship was the USS Destiny, a Sovereign Class Starship. The young officer taking leave was once known as Ensign Ezri Tigan. However, things changed for the young officer during a trip from Deep Space Nine. Her whole life was turned upside down now. She didn't even know who she was at the moment.

Ezri said goodbyes to people who used to be her friends. She then left her ship and beamed over to the station. A bag slung over her shoulder. The pixie like young woman walked along the the main area of the base. She would be heading for Earth from here. She needed to find Captain Benjamin Sisko. She knew he could help her sort out what had become a chaos filled lfe. At least she hoped her could. While Ezri walked, her bright eyes moved from face to face. She was looking for anyone she might know. Her eyes then found a familiar face. Coming the other direction was Commander Lenara Singh. She'd just dropped the battle plans off, and was heading back to the Protector. " Lenara....." Ezri spoke in a hushed tone. Her eyes seemed much brighter since spotting Lenara. Her heart rate had picked up and Ezri was moving towards Lenara much faster. " Lenara! " Ezri called out as she threw her arms around Lenara's neck and planted a very passion kiss on her lips. This was without a doubt the most surprising thing which ever happened to Lenara. This unknown Ensign was kissing her as if they'd been lovers for years. Ezri was several inches shorter then Lenara. She finally broke the kiss and looked up at Lenara. There was love showing in the eyes of this pixie like Ensign. " Oh Lenara.......I've missed you. " Ezri spoke without thinking Lenara wouldn't know who she was.
Lenara's mind was filled with different tasks that she had to get done that day. Even though she'd just come back from her mini-vacation to Deep Space Nine, Lenara had thrown herself back into her work once more. However, it was different this time. She didn't have that near obsessive drive like before and she didn't constantly look closed off and icy. Right now, however, after dropping off the report, Lenara had her defenses up since she was surrounded by so many new people while at the Starbase. Lenara had just turned in the battle plans herself and now she was returning to the Protector. It was at this time, that she heard someone call her name, the woman lifted her head slightly and her gaze swung over the different people around her before she was suddenly grabbed.

Out of no where, an unknown female threw her arms around Lenara's neck and she was pulled into a very passionate kiss. This shocked Lenara so much that it actually showed on her face. Despite everything she'd experience in her life, this was definitely a new one. She had no clue how to respond to this sudden and strange situation. Luckily the kiss didn't last long and this unknown Ensign broke the kiss and looked up at Lenara. Lenara looked down into the eyes of this pixie like Ensign, her eyes wide with wild bafflement as the girl spoke of having missed her. Lenara's face was flushed from the sudden kiss and not a little embarrassment now that several people had paused, watching this strange meeting.

Lenara stared down into this girls eyes, seeing the love that showed in them and she swallowed hard. It didn't take her long to notice that this girl was Trill. Only one person had really looked at her like that in the past and it made her heart skip a beat and she placed her hands upon the girls arms, gently but firmly pushing her back so there was a little space between them. "Who are you?" she asked.
The main concourse of the starbase was full of people moving around. Some of these people lived and worked here. Others were here from the many Starships positioned around the base. Most hadn't taken notice of the two women. Some did and moved on. For those who stopped. Some thought they were lovers reconnecting. A few just wanted to see a couple of hot looking women kissing each other. Ezri was normally reserved when it came to public displays. However, she was a different person these days. Ezri saw Lenara and couldn't contain the love she felt for her. She had a deep need to pull Lenara's clothing off and make mad, passionate love to her. It was funny because this was the first time Ezri had meet Lenara. Yet, she knew everything about her. Ezri noticed the look on Lenara's face. The young Ensign then suddenly felt ashamed for having reacted the way she did. She caused Lenara's embarrassment.

Once it was clear nothing more would happen between the two women. Those watching moved on. Only Lenara & Ezri were left standing while people moved around them. " I'm sorry.......I shouldn't have......It was so stupid of me. " Ezri spoke while shaking her head. She knew it was a mistake to have approached Lenara. The sudden need to kiss Lenara was more powerful then anything Ezri had encountered so far. She could only hope that Lenara wasn't upset with her. Lenara meant a lot to this young Ensign. The question Lenara asked wasn't unexpected. Ezri braced herself for however Lenara would react. " It's me Lenara.......It's Dax. " Ezri spoke with a smile on her face. However, one could see how nervous she was. The young woman didn't know if Lenara would accept her or lash out at her. " Ezri Dax........Though I do have all of Jadzia's memories......Plus the memories of all the past hosts......Now I know what you're thinking.......Your thinking do you want another Dax in your life......Does this woman always talk this much........All very good questions. " Ezri spoke fast, almost in a state of confusion. She then suddenly stop and stared up at Lenara. There was a puzzled look on her face. " I never realized how tall you were.......Or am I shorter? " Ezri spoke while placing her hand against her head. She spoke of being very confused.
Though embarrassed, Lenara was glad that most of the people who noticed the two women continued on, though just a few continued to watch the two hot women, wondering if more would happen between them. Like Ezri, Lenara herself was reserved about her public displays of affection. At least when not on the Protector. When she was the Protector, she was a bit more relaxed these days. But not when she was out and about in other places. After the taller woman pushed Ezri back, it became obvious that nothing else would be happening between them and the onlookers continued on their way, leaving Lenara and Ezri standing there with people moving around them.

Soon this unknown woman began to apologize for what she'd done. This was just confusing Lenara even more as she stared at the girl. But when she introduced herself as Dax, a soft sound escaped Lenara's throat while her eyes widened a little. The young woman smiled up at her, but Lenara could see the nervousness that was in her. The girl, Ezri, began to ramble about having all of Jadzia's memories, as well as the memories of all the past hosts, before she said that she knew what Lenara was thinking. Ezri was only partially right. She was wondering if she always spoke so much. Ezri's next comment about her height drew a short, laugh from her.

There was now a soft look in Lenara's eyes as she looked at Ezri while the girl spoke of being very confused. "You're definitely shorter." she softly said, reaching out and running her fingertips through the bangs of Ezri's hair before she stepped forward and pressed a soft kiss against the womans forehead. "And I will always want Dax in my life." she told her before drawing back again. While she had fallen in love with Jadzia, Lenara had grown to love Dax as well, because Dax and Jadzia became one. Jadzia had been the same as back in the academy, but at the same time, she'd been so much more. And Lenara had loved all of her. After stepping back and looking at Ezri again, she nodded slightly. "I'm assuming you're still adjusting to being joined?" she asked.

Lenara had spoken with Jadzia at length about the joining and she knew that it could be a little confusing at times with all the new memories that they had to get accustomed to.
Ezri was relieved when Lenara accepted her. Right now, she needed someone like Lenara to accept her and not push her away. Ezri couldn't speak with her former friends on the Destiny. Since the joining. None of Ezri's friends knew who she was anymore. Ezri was totally different as a person. In fact, she was now nine different people. Having the memories of the past eight hosts for Dax, plus having her own memories. When Lenara ran her fingers through Ezri's bangs. A bright smile appeared on the young woman's face. Her eyes lit up when Lenara spoke of always wanting a Dax in her life. Hearing this made Ezri feel so good. It was something she needed at the moment. She needed someone to accept and understand her. Ezri was very happy, but then she started to cry. The young woman was overcome with emotion. She was having a very hard time dealing with the joining. " I'm not normally this emotional.......I think it's the Emony in me. " Ezri spoke of Emony Dax, the gymnast who hosted the symbiont during the early part of the 23rd century.

Lenara had hit the nail on the head. Ezri was having trouble with the joining. Lenara just didn't understand why, but she soon would. " Trills normally get years of special training before a joining take places......I was never part of the program......I just happened to be serving on board the USS Destiny when the Dax symbiont was brought onto the ship.......We were heading for Trill.....The Dax symbiont needed to be returned home......However, we were jumped by Jem'Hadar attack ships......The Dax symbiont took a turn for the worst during the battle......The ships chief medical officer needed to put it inside a host and I was the only Trill on board. " As Ezri spoke, it all became so clear to Lenara why Ezri was so confused and having so much trouble. Unlike Jadzia, Ezri never wanted to become a joined Trill. But, she couldn't let the Dax symbiont die, which is what would have happened if a host was found quickly. " I laid down on that table one person......Then woke up with eight more people inside of me......My shipmates don't even know me anymore......So I've taken some leave time away from the Destiny......" Ezri spoke while she place her right hand against the area where the symbiont was inside her body.
It was a lot for Ezri to take in and get used to. Her reaction to Lenara's comment of always wanting a Dax in her life made Lenara smile. She was taking this sudden turn of events surprisingly well, but then, Lenara was very adaptable. When the young woman began to cry, Lenara reached out and gently wiped away the tears with a patient touch. "It's perfectly understandable." she told her while Ezri spoke of Emony Dax. Soon it became even more clear as to why Ezri was having trouble adjusting to this new change in herself. It turned out that she'd not even been a part of the program to become a host for a symbiont. She had been serving on board the USS Destiny when the Dax symbiont was brought on board the ship which was heading for Trill.

The ship, however, had been attacked by Jem'Hadar. This bit of news was displeasing. Especially since it meant that a major part of who Jadzia had been, would of been lost forever. As Ezri spoke of how she'd laid down upon the table one person and woke up with eight more people inside of her, and of how her shipmates didn't even know her anymore, Lenara listened with a sympathetic smile, watching as Ezri placed a hand against her abdomen where the symbiont rested within her body. "It will take some time to adjust. It's a lot to take in and process, especially since you weren't planning on becoming a joined Trill." she told Ezri, before asking how long she was on leave.
Ezri said she had no set time to return to duty. Her captain, the chief medical officer, the symbiont commission and Starfleet Command all agreed that Ezri could take whatever she needed to adjust. Ezri said adjusting wasn't easy. She it was hard enough for someone who had training. It was even harder for her. Ezri said there was nothing anyone could do for her. Once a joining took place, that was pretty much it. Ezri had been accepted by the symbiont commission as the new host for Dax. " What I really needed at the moment was a friendly face.......Someone who could understand what I'm going through......Lucky for me I found you here Lenara.......I didn't even know your ship was here......And I never expected to see you in the crowd. " Ezri spoke as she looked up at Lenara. Everything Lenara & Jadzia had shared, was in the young woman's mind.

Ezri could remember dancing with Lenara in Paris. She could remember the sweet love they made with each other. " I remember those nights in Paris.......I remember making love with you in our quarters.....The tastes of your pussy......How you used to lick my clit while finger fucking my pussy and ass.....How you made me cum all over your face. " As Ezri spoke, her eyes became smoky with love and lust. Obviously, Ezri had never been with Lenara. But, she did have all of Jadzia's memories. It was just as Vic had told Lenara. Part of Jadzia would always be alive. " My pussy is so very wet right now.......Can we go back to your quarters and make love?......I really need to be with you again Lenara. " Ezri confessed as she started to fidget while she stood there. She knew Lenara could say no, but she hoped Lenara would say yes.
Out of all the many people the Dax symbiont could remember and that she could of run into, Lenara was the first person she'd run into. Lenara had knowledge of the joining process, not just from Jadzia, but from others who had a better understanding then she had. So she understood completely as Ezri spoke about how it wasn't easy to adjust to the change. She told Lenara that she'd needed a friendly face. Someone who could understand what she was going through. "Yes, we docked for repairs before I had gone on leave for a while." she told her. "I actually just recently returned from Deep Space 9."

When Ezri began speaking about those nights in Paris and of remembering making over to her in their quarters, Lenara blushed again, her pale cheeks tinting a faint rosy hue while she gazed down into Ezri's eyes, watching as her eyes became smoky with both love and lust while she remembered Jadzia's memories of them together. While Ezri and Lenara had never been together in that manner in the past, she did have all of Jadzia's memories of the human woman. And while Lenara listened to Ezri speak, she recalled what Vic had told her during one of her visits with him. Part of Jadzia would live on. Just in other Trills.

The sudden request to return to her quarters and make love drew a look of surprise from Lenara and she watched Ezri begin to fidget. Reaching out again, Lenara ran her fingertips over Ezri's markings along the side of her face before gently cupping the back of her head in a move that would be familiar to the Trill for it was how Lenara often held Jadzia before she kissed her. "If you're positive." she softly said, her voice lowering. "Then yes." Lenara knew that Ezri was confused because of all of the memories she was being overwhelmed by, so she didn't want the young woman to regret anything that they would do.
What Ezri needed most at this very moment, was to be around Lenara. She would still seek out Captain Sisko later on, but for now she wanted to spend time with Lenara. Ezri closed her eyes when Lenara touched her in such a familiar way. The touch was just as Ezri remembered. So full of love and compassion. Things Ezri was lacking at the moment. Thus, her reason for wanting to be with Lenara. She listened as Lenara asked if the young woman was sure. Ezri nodded her head while saying she needed it, more then anything right now. She could remember Jadzia's visit to the Protector. She could remember everything about that ship. A ship Ezri never laid eyes on before. When Jadzia visited, last year, she and Lenara never had the chance to be together intimately. That was something Jadzia had regretted. That regret was still with Ezri, who didn't want to lose another chance to be with Lenara.

" I want this Lenara........I need this badly........I have plenty of time to spend with you......I'm not due to leave for Earth until next week........That's the only time I could catch a ship going there. " Ezri spoke as she enjoyed Lenara's touch. Several soft moans of pleasure escaped the young woman. She as putty in Lenara's skillful hands. Ezri had never been with another woman before, but she remembered all the times her hosts had been. The young woman was looking forward to spending time with Lenara again. It would be like old times, only different as Ezri said. The young woman happily went with Lenara, as they made their way to one of the bases transporter rooms, then beamed to the Protector.
As Lenara held Ezri close, she studied the look on her face and within her eyes. The thumb of the hand which cupped the back of her neck was softly stroking the path the markings that all Trill had, along her neck. Lenara could remember during one of the first nights that they slipped off the Paris, she had spent part of the night exploring her lovers body, following those marks from Jadzia's forehead all the way to where they had stopped, brushing feather light kisses and soft licks to each spot. She had once playfully asked Jadzia just how far down those spots went. That had been before they had become completely intimate with each other. She had told Jadzia that she thought that the spots were sexy.

After asking if Ezri was sure, the girl insisted, saying that she needed this badly and that she had plenty of time to spend with Lenara since she wasn't leaving for Earth until the next week since that was the only time she could catch a ship going out. While her fingers touched Ezri's skin, she could hear the soft moans coming from her and Lenara smiled gently, remembering a time when the roles had been switched. That had been what seemed like forever ago to Lenara. With Ezri's decision, Lenara took Ezri's bag and escorted her to the transporter room where they beamed to the Protector. Once on board the Protector, Lenara guided Ezri to her quarters. While they walked together, Lenara had her arm loosely wrapped around the smaller woman's waist, her hand resting on her hip.

Because she had been up early and she'd gotten a good bit of a head start on her work, Lenara had plenty of time before she had to report anywhere, so she had some time to indulge in a mid-morning tryst with Ezri. That she would do such a thing so early in the day might surprise some of the others on the Protector since she usually took part in carnal pleasures after her shift was over and usually in the evenings. Not so early in the day. Back in her quarters, Lenara placed down Ezri's bag before turning to the young woman and she drew her into her arms before dipping her head to capture Ezri's lips in a soft but passionate kiss,
Jadzia had been happy to show Lenara just how far her spots went. Lenara was able to kiss her way down Jadzia's body. Using the spots as a path which traveled from her head to her feet. The spots on each Trill were unique. The patterns were similar among family members, but even there, one could see a slight difference. Lenara was familiar with the color, shapes and pattern of Jadzia's spots. She was already becoming familiar with the spots on Ezri's head and neck. The two woman were becoming quite intimate already. Even in this very public place, which showed how much Lenara had changed during her visit to Deep Space Nine. The two women walked together towards where the transporter rooms were located. As they walked, Ezri spoke of her work aboard the Destiny. She was an assistant ships counselor. Fresh out of the academy. Having graduated in 2374.

After they beamed to the Protector. Lenara continued being very open with her new friend. They freely walked to Lenara's quarters with their arms around each others waist. This drew looks from Lenara's shipmates who passed by. They were used to seeing the normally stiff looking Lenara as she moved through the ship's corridors. Seeing a more relaxed, and a more open Lenara brought smiles to their faces. Lenara now had time for other things besides duty in her life. Even at this time of the morning. Ezri felt so warm and safe with Lenara. She finally felt a connection with someone. Ezri had felt so alone after the joining. Her friends aboard the Destiny no longer knew who she was. She was acting so different from the young woman who first joined that crew. Ezri was with someone who understood what she was going through now.

Once inside Lenara's quarters, Ezri's bag was placed on a chair. Lenara then turned, facing Ezri. The two women came together, embracing each other. Lenara lowered her head, placing her lips against Ezri's. The younger woman slipped her hands down. Placing them on Lenara's amazing ass. Jadzia always loved how sexy Lenara's ass was. Ezri can remember how much Jadzia loved it. This was the reason why she wanted to touch it. Her hands stroked over Lenara's ass. Their kiss grew deeper. Tongues swirling around as they held each other. Ezri was becoming even more wet between her legs. Her panties were getting soaked from her arousal. Ezri was already moaning as they kissed.
Lenara guided Ezri, listening to the younger woman tell her a bit about herself. She was getting to know this new host for the Dax symbiont. The young woman was an assistant ships counselor and she was fresh out of the academy, having graduated in 2374. The two women traveled to the Protector and made their way to Lenara's quarters, their arms wrapped around each other while they spoke. Though they were drawing looks from her shipmates, Lenara had all of her attention on the woman at her side. She was sure that she'd be asked about who the young woman was and it would probably surprise some of them. But for now, she focused on Ezri.

In her quarters, after the bag was set aside, Lenara and Ezri began kissing each other. The kiss was deep and passionate as they held each other. Lenara could feel Ezri's hands slipping down and grabbing her ass. Lenara knew how much Jadzia had loved to touch her ass, so feeling this made her softly chuckle into the kiss. She lightly nipped at Ezri's bottom lip as they deepened the kiss. Her own hands were beginning to stroke over the young woman's back. She could hear her new lover moaning already and it made her pull her flush against her, their soft bodies pressing firmly against each other while Lenara moved her towards the couch without having to actually look where she was going. Upon reaching the couch, Lenara slowly lowered herself to it, drawing Ezri down with her so the young woman was sitting next to her.

All the while, Lenara never broke the kiss. She let one of her hands move from her back and she slowly stroked it down along Ezri's side and along her hip and then her leg, her fingers expertly touching and caressing the firm muscle beneath her clothes.
This was the first time Ezri & Lenara would be together. It was also the first time Ezri would be with another woman. Though, she'd thought about trying sex with another female. Ezri often wondered what it would be like. It wasn't until Ezri became joined with the Dax symbiont, that she understood how great sex would be with another woman. Ezri knew this because of how open Jadzia had been sexually. The young woman was totally lost in the love & passion Jadzia had for Lenara. Ezri knew everything that Lenara loved doing. She knew all the right ways to bring her new lover pleasure. Ezri was already looking forward to the things Lenara would do to her. Lenara always made Jadzia cum so very hard for her. Ezri could hardly wait for Lenara to those things to her.

Lenara would find there was one important difference between Jadzia & Ezri. Though, it may not surprise Lenara, since how Ezri acted. She was confused, but the young Trill was also innocent in many ways. While she had sex with one male. Ezri's list of lovers hadn't gone beyond that. Plus, Ezri was very submissive when it came to sex. She enjoyed a firm hand taking control of her and using her, or making her do things. Jadzia & Lenara switched between submissive and dominating. Each enjoyed letting the other take control and be dominate. As much as Ezri wanted Lenara to do things to her. She also wanted Lenara to force her to do things. She wanted Lenara to become her mistress, and punish her, then turn her into a real bad girl. Jadzia was very open and very adventurous where sex was concerned. Ezri wanted to become just as open and free, but she wanted things just a bit different. She wanted to perform for Lenara only.

Ezri was lost in the kiss. She never noticed Lenara was guiding her towards the couch. It wasn't until Ezri felt herself being lowered down by Lenara, that she removed her hands from Lenara's ass. Ezri was moaning from the kiss which never broke. She even yelped lightly after the playful nip. Lenara took her by surprise, but it was something Lenara often did with Jadzia. The bite gave Ezri as sudden rush of pain, which was pleasant. She remembered how easily pain mixed with pleasure. That was something Lenara & Jadzia discovered together, inside their dorm room. They explored all areas of sex during their time at the academy. The exploration brought them so much closer, and ultimately they fell in love with each other. Ezri's heart was beating faster as Lenara's hand began moving over her body. Her pussy was so hot now. Ezri wanted Lenara to rip the uniform from her body and just take her. The young woman's panties were absolutely soaked by this time. Even her uniform was becoming wet between her legs. Since the color was black. It would hide the wetness, until Lenara touched Ezri there. She would then know how badly Ezri needed her.
Ezri couldn't ask for a better woman to be with for her first time with another woman. Sure, she had Jadzia's memories of being with Lenara, but actually being with her was a bit different then just having memories. Now Ezri would be able to make new memories. Drawing the other woman down to the couch with her, Lenara felt her hand leave her ass before chuckling after she nipped playfully at her lip. This caused a grin to form on Lenara's face while she touched Ezri, feeling her warmth through her clothing. Their kiss was deep, passionate and hungry, showing the want that both women were currently feeling for each other.

Lenara grabbed Ezri's ass firmly in her hand, pulling her firmly against her while moaning into the kiss before slipping her hand between her thighs. As her fingers ran over her pussy, Lenara began to rub her through her pants and panties. It wasn't long before she felt how wet Ezri was and Lenara grinned while breaking the kiss. "Mmm, is this wet pussy just for me?" she asked her, dipping her head and nibbling on Ezri's neck. Knowing how wet she was, Lenara began to undress her new lover. Her hands grabbed a hold of her top and peeled it off before kissing the young woman again for a moment. "Undress for me, Ezri." she said, her words soft, but firm. The way she spoke made it clear that she was ordering Ezri to do this. Lenara was beginning to take command of this coupling. After she told Ezri to undress, Lenara removed her hands from the young womans body and she leaned back on the couch, her normally pale grey eyes, now a dark stormy grey with her arousal. She wanted to see Ezri undress herself.
Ezri never knew such passion. The kisses she shared with Lenara, were sweeter then any she had with her one boyfriend. The young woman did have the memories of eight other lifetimes swirling around inside her head. But, sometimes it was hard to pick through the memories. Jadzia's memories were much stronger because she was the previous host. Ezri could remember the love Jadzia had for Lenara. It was like Ezri had loved Lenara all those years. However, having someone else' memories was different from having experienced those memories. Especially where food and drink were involved. Ezri would find it was best to control certain impulses. At the moment, she'd given herself over to the passion growing between her and Lenara. The young woman had surrendered herself to the pleasure she was getting from Lenara. The kisses, the touching, the playful nipping. All were showing Ezri just how really good those memories were of Jadzia & Lenara being together. Plus, she was making new memories of her time with Lenara.

Ezri felt Lenara grab a hold of her uniform top. That black & grey outer top of the uniform. Lenara quickly had it off, but then she had a change of mind. Once Ezri's top was gone, laying off top the side. Lenara told Ezri to undress for her. The young woman could remember how good at being dominate Lenara was. Yet, it was so thrilling to real be here, seeing it and hearing Lenara giving out orders. Ezri gazed at Lenara through innocent eyes. " Yes Mistress. " Ezri spoke before turning around. She then bent over to remove her boots. By turning around, she gave Lenara a nice view of her ass. Ezri pulled off both boots, then slowly stood up. She didn't want to move quickly. Ezri wanted Lenara to see what was hers to command. The young woman slowly turned, facing Lenara once again. Ezri pulled her green department undershirt off. Slowly pulling it over her head. Typically, a grey or white t-shirt or tank top is worn under the colored department shirt. Ezri was wearing a dark grey tank top. The young woman then turned around once more. Her ass again facing Lenara. Ezri placed her hands onto her uniform pants. She started to lower them while once again bending over. The sight of Ezri's dark grey panties greeted Lenara's eyes. Lenara would be able to see how wet Ezri was. The area between her legs was very soaked and the fabric was much darker then the rest of the panties. Ezri slipped her legs out of the pants, then tossed them on a nearby chair. She turned to face Lenara again. She looked so damn sexy. That short dark hair, those innocent looking eyes, that tight tiny body. Her perky breasts were about the same size as Kira's.

Ezri did what was asked of her without getting drawn into what Lenara was doing. It wasn't the place of a love slave stop and watch her mistress. All that remained for Ezri to take off was her tank top and panties. Lenara now had a better look at Ezri's spots. The young woman stood in front of her. Allowing her eyes to take in the sight. Like all Trills, Ezri's spots started at the hairline of her forehead. The spots then ran down her neck and over the front of her shoulders. The spots continued down on the outside of Ezri's breasts, then down to her hips, down the outside part of her legs, stopping at her feet. Ezri took a hold of her loose fitting tank top. She pulled it over her head, exposing her perky breasts to Lenara's eyes. The nipples were already quite hard. Ezri turned around again. She bent over while pulling her panties off. Her fresh young pussy was on full display for Lenara. Ezri let her panties drop to the floor, she then stepped out of them. She remained bent over for a few moments. Ezri then slowly stood, turned and faced Lenara. There was a small patch of trimmed hair between Ezri's legs. " Did I please you Mistress? " Ezri asked in a shaky voice as she stood before Lenara.
After stripping the younger woman of her black and grey outer top, Lenara dropped it off to the side and leaned back on the couch, telling Ezri to undress for her. Her voice wasn't sharp nor harsh. Instead, it was soft and firm, but gentle. It was one that Lenara used when she was in charge and it always made others listen to her orders. Lenara saw the look that Ezri was giving her and she grinned at her, her grey eyes dark with her growing lust. The young woman finally said yes and she began undressing. Seeing her turn around and bend over, Lenara slowly raked her gaze over the young womans body, looking at her from head to toe, yet her gaze lingered on Ezri's ass for a long moment. After the boots were off, Ezri then turned to face Lenara again and she peeled off her green department undershirt off, soon followed by the dark grey tank top she had on beneath it.

Once again, Ezri turned and she started to remove her pants. While Ezri was undressing, Lenara was doing the same. She peeled off her clothing, a piece at a time until there was a pile of clothing around the couch from the two women. By the time Ezri was done removing her pants and had turned around, Lenara had stripped herself down to just her bra and panties. She wore a set of simple black bra and panties which showed off her strong, curvy body. As Ezri turned to face her again, Lenara slowly looked her over again and her gaze followed the path of those spots. Like on Jadzia, there was something sexy about Ezri's spots as well. They were distinctly different from Jadzia's but they were none the less, very sexy. She didn't say anything however, until after Ezri removed her tank top and panties, leaving her completely naked before Lenara.

"Yes, you've pleased me very much." Lenara told her while standing and moving closer to her. Lenara grasped Ezri's chin in a gentle but firm hand and turned her head slightly, leaning down and pressing a couple kisses along her neck. "If we had the time, I would take hours exploring every inch of your body, Ezri, and pressing kisses against every spot that runs from your head to your feet." she whispered in her ear. As she spoke, Lenara's other hand moved to cup one of her breasts, gently squeezing Ezri's right breast and running her thumb over her nipple a couple times before she slipped her hand lower. Her fingers touched Ezri's skin as her hand moved lower and lower until her hand reached the v of her legs.

Slipping her hand between her legs, Lenara felt how hot and wet Ezri's pussy was as her fingers ran over her folds. "Mm, so wet Ezri." she said with a nip against her earlobe. "And so eager. I'm certainly looking forward to this." She told Ezri to take a seat in the center of the couch and to spread her legs for her. "I want to see all of you, Ezri."
Ezri was very happy she pleased Lenara. She wanted only to bring pleasure to her lover. Showing Lenara that Jadzia hadn't been totally taken away from her. Jadzia would live in as a part of Ezri. Lenara could still be with her former lover, while making new memories with her newest one. It wasn't until Ezri was naked and facing Lenara, that she noticed Lenara had removed her own clothing. Lenara looked so sexy in her black bra & panties. Just the sight of Lenara, dressed in this manner, as enough to make Ezri even wetter. So wet in fact, droplets were beginning to rundown the inner parts of Ezri's thighs. Ezri's pussy had never been so wet. Not even during times when the young ensign played with her pussy. Since the joining. Ezri had been having some amazing and very erotic dreams of Lenara Now she had the chance to live out those dreams. Ezri stood where she was, as Lenara joined her. The young woman was totally under her lover's power, and that was something which gave Ezri even more pleasure.

Ezri closed her eyes when Lenara started kissing along her neck. The young woman felt as if she would melt into a puddle of cum just from Lenara's touch. Ezri's body started to tremble as Lenara spoke of what she would like to do. Kissing each of Ezri's spots, from her head to her feet. Lenara had a way with words during times of pleasure. Ezri trembled more when Lenara cupped her breast. The young ensign was on the verge of cumming. Lenara drew a deep moan from Ezri after her thumb ran over Ezri's hard nipple. The level of pleasure was beyond anything Ezri ever felt before. She had Jadzia's memoies, but knowing something was different then having done it. And no one had ever pleasured the young woman, not as Lenara would please her. Ezri kept her eyes closed as Lenara's hand moved down. A sharp gasp escaped Ezri when she felt Lenara's fingers touching her most private area. The touch was so much better then the fumbling fingers of her onetime boyfriend. As Lenara told Ezri what to do next, the young woman came. The orgasm was small, just a tiny taste of what was yet to come. Still, Lenara made Ezri cum without really doing much work. Ezri was so turned on by Lenara. Turned on by the memories Jadzia had, turned on by how sexy and beautiful Lenara looked. Turned on with the words Lenara spoke and how she touched Ezri. The young woman couldn't hold back the orgasm after being touched by her lover. The playful nip at the ear was the cheery on top of Ezri's orgasm. Ezri's cheeks heated up. Turning a bright red from having came all over Lenara's hand.

Ezri bowed her head, then moved to the couch without speaking. She wanted nothing more then to have Lenara take her and become her one and only Mistress. The one woman Ezri would always love, above anyone else. Ezri sat in the center of the couch. She opened her legs, so Lenara could see her. Ezri placed her fingers on either side of her folds. She then spread her folds open. Exposing a bright pinkness to her pussy. Lenara would be able to see that Ezri didn't have many lovers. Only one had taken pleasure from Ezri's pussy. However, that one was nowhere near as good a lover as Lenara. In fact, Lenara could teach that young boy quite a few tricks. And she wasn't that far from having lost her own virginity. Lenara had lived and learned a lot about pleasure since then. Ezri leaned back against the couch. She kept her legs spread wide, and her folds open so Lenara could see everything that was hers for the taking. " I won't be leaving for Earth until next week........I can spend my leave anywhere........Even here......Aboard the Protector with you........I could live here in your quarters......We could spend all your free time together........You could even share me with your friends......I'll do anything to please you. " Ezri spoke as her voice trembled, just like her body was still doing.
Lenara loved how responsive Ezri was to her touch and to how she spoke. Lenara had barely touched her and she'd only said a few words before Ezri came. It wasn't a hard orgasm, but it was enough to cause the girl to cum all over Lenara's hand. Seeing this, Lenara grinned while swiping up some of Ezri's wetness onto her fingers before looking at the girls flushed face. She watched silently as Ezri moved to the couch and sat down in the center of the couch, opening her legs and the parting her folds so that Lenara could see the bright, pinkness of her pussy. The whole time Lenara watched, she slowly licked the wetness from her fingers and palm. She was enjoying the taste of her lover. After Ezri was seated, Lenara slowly moved forward, her hips swaying in a sensual manner.

She could see how the wetness was beginning to dribble out of Ezri's pussy and she felt her own pussy getting wetter. "Mm, I think I like the sound of that, Ezri." she softly told the young woman before she knelt before Ezri, her hands slowly running up the girls thighs, her thumbs gently massaging her skin before one of her hands moved higher yet. Her hand rested just above her pussy and she let her thumb come to rest upon Ezri's clit and she began to gently massage that sensitive bud while watching Ezri's face. "Such a pretty pussy you have, Ezri." she told her while leaning closer. "And it tastes good to." She sent her a wicked grin before she leaned closer and a moment later, Ezri's would feel Lenara beginning to lick and suck at her clit while her hand slipped down and she slipped two of her fingers into Ezri's tight pussy, beginning to finger-fuck her.
Ezri hadn't made any arrangements on the starbase for quarters. She'd just arrived that morning on the Destiny. The only plans she had, were made by Starfleet Command. They had her scheduled to leave for Earth, next week on the first starship headed that way. Beyond that, Ezri was on her own. As Lenara knew. There was no rule saying where a member of starfleet could take their leave. Ezri could stay aboard the Protector if she wanted, and if Captain West gave his okay. After all, a starship wasn't a starbase. People didn't often come to starships for leave, but it was known to happen if friends or loved ones served on a certain ship. Plus, the Protector would be going into battle soon. This would mean Ezri would be on board during the upcoming fright with the Dominion & Cardassian forces. Ezri was looking forward to spending time with Lenara. Since the joining. People she once knew seemed like total strangers. Ezri wanted to company of people she knew. This is why she wanted to see Captain Sisko. It was also why she wanted to spend time with Lenara. Ben Sisko was a dear friend of two prior hosts of the Dax symbiont, and Lenara was a cherished lover of Jadzia.

Ezri flashed Lenara a smile after she spoke of liking the sound of Ezri staying. Her bright smile seemed to light up her pretty face. Ezri's blue eyes even twinkled like the stars in space. Clearly, she was happy that Lenara wanted her to stay. It was only for a week, and it would give Lenara & Ezri a chance to make some new memories. Ezri didn't even need her own quarters. She wanted to stay with Lenara. Stay in her quarters, sleep in her bed, just like Lenara once did with Jadzia while they were roommates. Ezri could remember how Lenara often woke Jadzia in the mornings. Lenara would often be doing something sexual to arouse her roommate. Like burying her tongue deep into Jadzia's pussy. Waking the Trill with the building pleasure in her body. Giving her lover a good morning orgasm to greet the new day with. That was just among the things Ezri knew about, but so wanted to experience for herself. Ezri knew what being with a woman was like. However, she never explored that until she found Lenara on the starbase. There were so many things Lenara could help Ezri experience. Things she knew about, but never tried herself.

Ezri watched as Lenara moved over, joining her at the couch. The young woman was so taken with how sexy Lenara was. She knew how Jadzia felt. Yet, she also felt that Jadzia would be a little surprised. Lenara seemed more comfortable and more open then Ezri remembered. Thinking back. Ezri should have been surprised when she and Lenara walked together from the transporter room. There was a time when Lenara wouldn't have shown any affection publicly. However, Lenara walked along the corridors with her arm wrapped around Ezri's waist. Even at the starbase, Lenara wasn't shaken by the public display she and Ezri put on. Ezri had been so wrapped up in seeing Lenara again. She totally missed out on this new side of Jadzia's oldest lover. It wasn't until Ezri noticed how sexy Lenara was moving, that she remembered. The change in Lenara would have made Jadzia so very happy. Ezri knew this because part of her was Jadzia.

As Lenara lowered herself down, Ezri watched. She knew what was about to happen. It thrilled her, but this was still her first time being with another woman. Lenara brought long pleasure filled sighs from Ezri. The younger woman was so very happy and it could be heard. Ezri removed her fingers from her pussy. Lenara was going to take over from here. Ezri closed her eyes once again. Lenara was gently massaging the skin of Ezri's thighs. Her touch was so loving. Lenara then placed her hand at the top of Ezri's pussy. The young woman was totally in the hands of the only woman she would ever truly love. A gasp slipped from between Ezri's lips after Lenara's thumb touched her clit. Lenara started to massage the sensitive bud. This made Ezri arch her back. Lifting her ass off the couch, and giving Lenara more room to work. Ezri's head was back, against the couch. Her breathing had picked up and sweet moans where now coming from the younger woman. " Oh God Yes Lenara! " Ezri forced out between her moans. " My pretty pussy is yours to use.........Do whatever you want with me.......I'm your willing little slut. " Ezri added, her body was already reacting to Lenara's touch.
After telling Ezri that she liked the sound of Ezri staying, Lenara saw the bright smile which formed upon Ezri's face and it made the other woman smile gently at the look on Ezri's face. The younger woman was so pretty and she seemed so innocent. Her blue eyes were so bright and pretty, the way they sparkled in the light of Lenara's quarters reminding the woman of the stars themselves. It made Lenara determined to get West to say yet to Ezri staying until it was time for her to leave for Earth in a week.

As Lenara moved closer to the couch, Ezri would be able to note some of the differences in the woman from what she knew in her memories. At some point, they were sure to talk about such changes in Lenara that Ezri would notice. But for now, their focus was on the impending pleasure that they were both about to experience. Slowly Lenara lowered herself in front of Ezri and she looked up at the Trill through her long, dark eyelashes which framed her darkened grey eyes, her full pink lips curled into a small smile which told of unspoken promises of pleasure that Lenara would be bestowing upon her new lover.

As she began to touch her, Lenara heard the long signs coming from Ezri and she continued what she was doing just to hear more of those sighs before she moved on. As her fingers moved up to her pussy, Lenara watched Ezri's hands move away from her own pussy while the older woman placed her hand at the top of Ezri's pussy and began stroking her clit. As she did so, the air was filled with the gasp which came from Ezri's lips and it just spurred Lenara on as her fingers began pleasuring the girl. Ezri soon arched her back and lifted her ass off the couch, her quickened breathing and moans filling the air between them. Lenara plunged her fingers in and out of Ezri, curling them slightly until she found that one spot deep inside of the young woman's pussy which would give her a lot of pleasure. What the humans called the 'g' spot. At the same time, Lenara replaced her finger upon Ezri's clit, with her mouth and she began licking, sucking and carefully nibbling upon the bud.
Since Lenara liked the idea of having Ezri stay on board. The young ensign would let her friend and lover worry about the details. The Protector was no cruise ship. Lenara would need to ask Captain West about letting Ezri stay for a week. There was one important detail in Ezri's favor. She was a Starfleet Officer, and not a civilian who Lenara knew. Civilian guests had no place on a starship during a time of war. Even family members who once lived with their loved ones aboard certain ships. Had been removed because of the war. They went to Earth, or to other planets within the Federation. The Protector never had civilians living on board. It launched just in time for the second war with the Klingons. After that, Captain West and the crew put their ship through a proper shakedown. It wasn't long before they were recalled because of the war with the Dominion. Most of the larger civilian quarters, on board the ship had never been used. These quarters were meant for families and for special guest visiting the ship. When the M.A.C.O.'s originally came on board. They used the civilian quarters. The army group wasn't expected to stay. However, Starfleet decided to let the group stay until the war's end. More permanent quarters were found for the soldiers.

Ezri had already enjoyed reconnecting with Lenara. She looked forward to spending more time with Lenara. However Lenara wanted, and doing whatever Lenara wanted. Lenara was the best teacher Ezri could have. She understood everything that Jadzia knew about sex. Lenara & Jadzia explored the action in great detail, while they were roommates. Ezri was looking to pack as much sex into her week with Lenara as she could. The couple had gotten off to a great start. Lenara was on her knees, pleasing the young ensign with her mouth and fingers. Having only had one boyfriend. Ezri never knew such pleasure. Her body was reacting to everything Lenara did. Ezri's head was thrashing about. Lenara was finger fucking her pretty little pet. She was also using her thumb on Ezri's bud. This made the young woman tremble and shake. Her young body was quickly approaching another orgasm. This orgasm would be much larger then the first Lenara gave her. Suddenly, Ezri let out a loud gasp. Lenara had found her "g" spot. She knew where this place was on s Trill female. Having already found it with Jadzia. Ezri's body began to shake. Just then, Lenara placed her mouth onto Ezri's pussy. Replacing her fingers. Ezri started screaming out Lenara's name. Pleading that she make the young woman cum.
The rules about civilians staying on a starship was well known to Lenara. Especially during a time of war. However, because of Ezri being a Starfleet Officer, there was a better chance that Kyle would say yes to her staying for a couple days until she had to depart. The Protector had been launched just in time for the second war with the Klingons and it hasn't really seen any peace time since not long after that, they were recalled because of the war with the Dominion. Most of their larger civilian quarters had never been used. At the moment, the M.A.C.O.'s were using a couple of them. Though the army group hadn't been expected to stay long, Starfleet command decided to let them stay until the war ended, so more permanent quarters were found for the soldiers. Lenara had actually been happy that they were staying longer. She'd become fond of the soldiers.

Now she was becoming quite fond of her new lover. Ezri was quite different from Jadzia, but at the same time, there were many things a lot like her. Lenara figured that it was from Dax, the symbiont that had come from Jadzia. Lenara could tell though, that Ezri had never been with a woman before. There was just something about the girl that told her this. So she was going to teach her everything that she could remember from her memories from Dax's previous host. Lenara was already upon her knees finger-fucking the pretty trill while her thumb rubbed and caressed that bud at the cleft of Ezri's pussy, listening to the young woman's sounds of pleasure while she trembled and shook at the older womans touch. Her orgasm was quickly approaching, something that Lenara was looking forward to. When her fingers found that 'g' spot, she knew it instantly when Ezri gasped loudly and her body began to shake even more.

After her mouth replaced her fingers, Ezri began screaming, begging for Lenara to make her cum. However, Lenara wasn't going to let her cum just yet. Instead, she drove her as close to her release as she could before easing off and letting it subside just a bit before driving her close again. Lenara did this several times, teasing the trill with that orgasm that seemed just out of reach. But just when it seemed that Lenara was going to do this again, she began thrusting her fingers faster and harder in and out of Ezri would sucking hard upon her clit. She curled her fingers just right and placed a bit more pressure on her 'g' spot, working hard to finally give Ezri her much sought after orgasm.
Ezri felt like she suddenly ended up on a roller coaster. Her orgasm built up quickly. Almost reaching it's peak, then Lenara would back off. She slowed down, just to tease the young ensign and to show her who was in charge around here. Lenara fully understood that Ezri wanted to be controlled by the older woman. She was far more submissive then Jadzia had been. Jadzia loved playing both ways. Just as much as she loved being with females and males. Clearly Ezri was into both sexes, she just liked a firmer hand from Lenara. Each time Ezri reached the edge of her orgasm, Lenara pulled her back. This drew a whimper from the young woman. Much to the delight of Lenara, who loved listening to the young ensign. Ezri had such a wonderful sounding whimper. One which fit her innocent, pixie like look. Lenara finally took pity on the young woman. She built her orgasm once again. This time she let Ezri enjoy the sweet taste of her release. Lenara once again pressed her fingers against Ezri's "g" spot. Adding just enough pressure to send the young woman into an amazing orgasm. Ezri bucked her hips up and down while cumming. It looked like the Trill was riding Lenara's fingers, like a woman would ride a hard cock. Ezri finally collapsed onto the couch. She was breathless at the moment.

Lenara couldn't stay any longer. She had a duty shift coming up soon. Since the ship was still at Starbase 133. There was no need for Lenara to pull a duty shift at tactical. She assigned members of her security team to handle tactical while they were at the starbase. However, Lenara still had command of the Beta Shift. The Protector, like many ships and starbases in Starfleet, divided duty shifts into thirds. Captain West usually had the first shift, or morning shift. Also called Alpha Shift. Though, there were times when he would switch and give Lenara the first shift. Normally, Lenara relieved Captain West, and took command of the ship for the Beta Shift. The third Shift, or Gamma Shift was the last one of the day. This shift was normally commanded by one of the junior officers, like Lieutenant Tala, Lieutenant Simms, Lieutenant Vox, Lieutenant Getal, or one of the Ensigns. The late shift allowed the junior officers to experience command and sit in the Captain's chair. Gamma Shift was also the longest shift of the day. Some starship captains used a fourth shift, or Delta Shift. This cut the Gamma Shift in half. Captain West preferred to use three shits. Believing it helped the junior officers learn more about command. Lenara would be back once her shift was over. She made sure Ezri knew more sex was coming. Lenara wanted to cum as well. She just needed to wait until later. Plus, she would have the chance to speak with Captain West before he went off duty. Lenara needed to let him know about Ezri.
Lenara kept Ezri on the edge for a while, working her up and drawing her away from the edge over and over before she finally took pity on the girl and she let her have her orgasm. When she drove the girl into her orgasm, the girl began to buck her hips against her hand. Even as Ezri did this, Lenara continued pleasuring her until Ezri's orgasm began to subside. It was after this that Lenara lifted her head and she watched the young woman collapse onto the couch, breathless. Lenara sat back on her heels and she smiled while watching the young woman, her eyes bright with her own arousal. However, she had a duty shift coming up soon so she wouldn't be able to find the release that she, herself was craving after this.

Standing up, Lenara gently rearranged Ezri on the couch so she was laying down upon it and she kissed the young woman softly. "I have to leave for my shift. But I will definitely be back once it is over." she softly told Ezri. "Rest up and relax. You're going to need your energy for when I return." Her words were a promise of more pleasure to come for the both of them.

With that, Lenara redressed and kissed Ezri once more before she left for her shift. Her pussy was still wet and she could still taste Ezri on her lips as she went to start her shift. When she saw Captain West, Lenara took a moment to speak with him. Word of the slightly oddly acting Lenara being seen with a strange woman had already filtered through the starship. Even with how more open she was since returning from DS9, seeing her holding onto a strange woman in a clearly affectionate embrace while walking with her was still a little odd for the First Officer. Talking with West, she requested his permission to let Ezri stay with her for a couple days. She explained that the young woman was a Starfleet officer waiting for her transportation to Earth in a couple days. She even told him that she was the new host to the Dax symbiont. When Kyle told her yes, she smiled up at the man who had become so close to her and she thanked him. He was one of the few that she considered a very, very dear friend and lover, so she was much more open with him then any others.
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