Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

Ezri was excited for Lenara's return from duty. It reminded her of their time at the academy. Jadzia was working to become a science officer, Lenara was involved with the operations department. She was studying tactical and helm aboard starships. This meant the two women had some shared classes, but most of their classes were separate. Jadzia, or Lenara always waited for the other in their dorm room. Depending on who was finished first. They would then do something together, unless they had homework to complete. Their fun would wait until the work was done. Ezri was already thinking of how she would welcome Lenara home. The young Trill laid on the couch, letting her mind run. During this time, Ezri also wondered what Lenara planned for her. There would be plenty of free time for them to fill.

Captain West was in his chair, on the bridge when Lenara reported for duty. She was several minutes ahead of the start of her shift. Those working with her on Beta Shift hadn't arrived yet. Arriving early gave Lenara & Kyle the chance to talk if they needed too. On this day. Lenara had something to speak with her captain about. They entered the Captain's Ready Room, just off the bridge. Lenara told Kyle about Ezri. She spoke of her being a newly joined Trill, and why the joining took place. Lenara spoke of Ezri going through a rough period at the moment. Saying the young woman hadn't been part of the symbiont. Kyle never met Jadzia, but he had met Curzon Dax before. Curzon had become a mentor to Ben Sisko, who was a close friend of Kyle's. Kyle met Curzon at Starfleet Headquarters on Earth. Curson had worked for many years as a Federation Ambassador. Kyle found the older man to be boisterous & flamboyant, but soon discovered this was who Curzon was. Curzon loved a good party and loved the company of beautiful women.

Kyle had a few doubts about letting Ezri stay on board the ship. She was on leave after all and they were going into combat soon. Ezri had the right to take her leave where ever she wanted. However, picking a starship about to head into battle didn't seem like the right choice. But, Lenara was the one who asking. Had it been anyone else. Kyle would have had more doubts and most likely turn down the request. He allowed Ezri to stay on board, because Kyle like this new and very open Lenara Singh. Kyle wanted to see more of this Lenara. Free, relaxed and more open to showing affection, even in public. Kyle said Ezri could stay on the ship until she was ready to leave. He said they should be back at the starbase long before Ezri was to depart for Earth. Kyle knew that Lenara & Jadzia once had a relationship together. It was obvious that Ezri wanted that relationship to continue and so did Lenara. " I really like this new and open side Lenara.......I'm sure you'll see the benefit of being more relaxed with your friends and lovers. " Kyle spoke before he moved closer to where Lenara stood. He then slipped his right hand behind her neck. Kyle then leaned forward, placing his lips against Lenara's. Even the in privacy of the ready room. The old Lenara would have shied away from this type of intimacy. This was a very different Lenara Singh. Kyle broke the kiss, taking Lenara into his arms. He began kissing at her neck while saying he'd like to meet Ezri. " Perhaps we could have dinner and some fun afterwards? " Kyle asked between the soft kisses he placed onto Lenara's neck. He suggested they could do something later? Once Lenara's shift was over? In her quarters?
In Kyles ready room, Lenara told him about Ezri. About the trouble she was having adjusting to this new phase in her life. She told him that the woman hadn't wanted to be a joined trill and that she hadn't gone through the training that those who wanted to be joined did go through. As she spoke to Kyle, she could see some of the doubt in his eyes, but he told her that Ezri could stay and this made her very happy. While Kyle hadn't med Jadzia, something that Lenara had wished could of happened, he had known Curzon and she hoped that he would meet Ezri.

When he told her that he really liked this new and open side of her, Lenara chuckled gently while listening to him tell her that he was sure she'd see the benefits of being more relaxed with her friends and lovers. The woman watched him move closer and she felt him slip his hand behind her neck, her eyes closing partially as she tipped her head back slightly to gaze up at him. Her eyes were still darkened from her arousal since she hadn't been able to reach her own release earlier. As Kyle leaned forward, she happily met him and kissed him back. Lenara was aware that in the past, she probably never would of taken part in this type of intimacy in Kyles ready room. Partially because there is always the chance of someone walking in.

Instead, Lenara was kissing him back without hesitation. He broke the kiss after a bit and he wrapped his arms around her. As he began kissing her neck, she closed her eyes while he spoke of how he'd like to meet Ezri. That perhaps they could have dinner and some fun afterwards. A soft moan escaped Lenara and her body squirmed slightly in his arms. She badly needed release. Not receiving release during an intimate moment like she'd just shared with Ezri wasn't something Lenara was used to. She felt Kyle placing soft kisses along her neck while he asked about them doing something later after her shift was over and she nodded. "I'd like that." she breathed, her hands slowly moving up over his abdomen to rest against his chest, her hands gently gripping his uniform top.
Kyle had noticed the darkness of Lenara's eyes. Her arousal was very clear for someone, like Kyle who knew her. Lenara & Ezri obviously were already enjoying their time together. Kyle decided he would help Lenara out, and relieve some of her need. He pushed her backwards, until she was against the wall. Kyle placed his left hand between Lenara's legs. He started rubbing her pussy, while he continued kissing at her neck. Kyle told Lenara they would have fun later on. He whispered into her ear that they would enjoy her new friend. Give Ezri a proper welcoming to their ship. As he spoke softly. Kyle continued rubbing his fingers against Lenara's pussy. She was still wearing her uniform and the black color would hide any signs of an orgasm. Kyle continued rubbing and kissing Lenara until she came for him. It would give her a bit of relief. Enough for her to get through with her duty shift. They would get together later that evening. And have a special celebration with Ezri.

Once Lenara's need was met. Kyle turned over command of the bridge to her. He asked her to call him later and let him know when to arrive at her quarters. Lenara would tell Ezri of the encounter once she was off duty. It would be a surprise for the young ensign. Ezri wanted to explore more of the memories her hosts had. Both Jadzia & Curzon were adventurous during their times as host of the Dax symbiont. They enjoyed sexual activity in all forms. This was something Lenara knew Ezri wanted to do while on the ship. She planned on helping out new friend and lover out. After Lenara had straightened her uniform out. She & Kyle left the ready room. Kyle was now off duty and heading for his quarters. Lenara was now in command. A young ensign brought over a copy of the Beta shift schedule for Lenara to sign. This showed she was on duty.
Lenara was a little surprised when Kyle pushed her backwards and a soft sound escaped her lips when she was pressed against the wall. She felt his hand slip down between her thighs and as he began rubbing her pussy, Lenara gasped before moaning as pleasure began to rush through her at his touch. At the same time, he continued kissing her neck. She shuddered between her Captain and the wall while she began to breath a little heavier each time his fingers rubbed over her pussy. She closed her eyes, letting her head fall back against the wall while she held onto him, her hands moving up to hold onto his shoulders. He soon had her softly moaning and whimpering in pleasure, the woman biting her bottom lip to keep from getting too loud. She heard him speaking softly about them having fun later on and enjoying her new friend. Giving Ezri a proper welcoming to their ship. Because of how aroused she already was, it didn't take Kyle too long to bring her to her orgasm and she covered her mouth with her hand to keep from crying out loudly as she came. The womans body shuddered hard, her cheeks becoming flushed and her breasts rising and falling quickly.

With her eyes still closed, Lenara let her head rest against the wall for a little while before she looked up at him as he asked her to call him later and let him know when to show up at her quarters and she nodded. After taking a moment to recover from her orgasm, Lenara pushed off the wall and she straightened her uniform before she kissed Kyle softly and she thanked him before they left the ready room together. She was now in command and Kyle was off duty. The First Officer watched Kyle leave the bridge, a small fond smile upon her lips before she turned her attention to a young ensign who brought over a copy of the Beta shift schedule for her to sign. With this in hand, Lenara started her shift.

To Lenara, it almost seemed as if her shift was dragging on forever. She was excited to return to her quarters and to spend some more time with Ezri and to introduce her to Kyle. Occasionally Lenara caught herself just as her mind began to wander and she focused on her work. After a bit, Lenara forced herself to push Ezri and Kyle from her mind altogether so she could focus on her work. At the end of her shift, she turned over command almost eagerly and she returned to her quarters where Ezri was waiting for her. Lenara greeted her with a soft kiss before telling her that Captain West was going to be joining them for dinner a little later before they had some fun together. Once Ezri was informed of what was going on later, Lenara contacted Kyle over her communicator, telling him to arrive at her quarters in about an hour. This would give her time to change out of her uniform and take a quick sonic shower.
Ezri remained in Lenara's quarters. She laid on the couch for a long while. The young woman then used an empty pad to write another letter to her family. She'd already told them about the joining. But, Ezri wanted them to know she'd found a friend who would help her adjust to all the memories she was dealing with. Ezri would ask Lenara to have the ship's communications officer transmit the letter when they could. There was no rush, Ezri wouldn't be visiting her family for quite a while. She wanted to get better control of all the memories before that happened. Plus, she was heading for Earth, to see Ben Sisko while he was still on leave. Ezri had remained naked for most of her time alone. It seemed silly to put anything on since no one would be visiting Lenara. Almost an hour before Lenara was off duty. Ezri finally slipped on her grey panties and grey tank top. This is how she greeted Lenara, after she came back from her duty shift. For Lenara, it was like reliving those days at the academy. Coming back to her dorm room and finding Jadzia there, dressed in a similar manner. " Welcome home baby. " Ezri spoke before the two women kissed each other. The pretty Trill was on her tip toes while kissing Lenara. Deep down. Ezri could feel all the regret Jadzia had for not Marrying Lenara. Even though she loved and married Worf. Jadzia still wished she and Lenara could have exchanged vows. Ezri knew how badly Jadzia wanted to have a family with Lenara.

Ezri was more then a little excited when Lenara said Captain West was coming for dinner and some fun. Jadzia had told Lenara how handsome Kyle West was. Though, she never met the captain. Jadzia knew how good looking he was. She was very happy when Lenara had sex with Kyle and a little jealous that she wasn't there and involved. Jadzia told Lenara several times, how much she would have enjoyed being with Kyle. Ezri would get the chance Jadzia never got. The young ensign would love every minute of the time she was with Lenara and Kyle. Ezri followed Lenara into the bedroom. She asked what they should have for dinner? She also asked what Lenara had around for them to drink? Ezri assumed Lenara would have a couple of bottles of some type of alcohol. Unless the captain would be bringing something. That hadn't been discussed between Kyle & Lenara.
Lenara returned to her quarters and when she entered, she saw that Ezri was dressed in a pair of grey panties and a matching tank top. This sparked a memory from back during the academy when Jadzia was in their dorm room wearing sometime similar and she smiled gently at the Trill as the girl greeted her. She placed her hands upon Ezri's hips and kissed her back. It was interesting for Lenara since Jadzia had been taller then she was. Jadzia had almost been 6 ft tall while Lenara stood at 5'9". While this was tall, Jadzia had topped her by a couple inches. Now Ezri was 5'5" and several inches shorter then she was. It was certainly a change for Lenara. The thought of their height difference flittered through her mind for a moment as Ezri stood on her tip toes to kiss her and she smiled gently into the kiss while returning it, holding the smaller female close to her.

After parting the kiss, Lenara told Ezri about Captain West coming for dinner and fun. She could see the girls excitement as she peeled off her uniform top and shook out her long hair. As she head into the bedroom, Ezri followed her and asked about what they should have for dinner and Lenara looked at her. "To be honest, I've no clue." she said before grinning at her new lover after being asked about what she had around for them to drink. "Actually, I think you'll like this." she said to Ezri before moving over to where her bag from her trip to DS9 sat. It was partially unpacked, another sign that Lenara was changing since she usually would of been completely unpacked by now. Inside of it still sat her dress that she had bought during her trip, as well as her winnings from Quarks bar. But amongst everything sat a bottle and she picked it up.

Turning to Ezri, she carefully handed it to the young woman. In her memories from Jadzia, she was recognize the bottle as Maraltian seev-ale. "That came directly from Quarks private stock." she told Ezri while she finished getting undressed. "I also purchased a bottle of Aldebaran whiskey from him as well. But I think I'll save that one for another time. Tonight, I think the maraltian seev-ale will go well with dinner." The smile on her face as she spoke briefly of Quark made it clear that there was quite the story that Lenara had involving him, one she'd be happy to share with Ezri. The fact that she'd gotten him to part with not just one bottle, but two bottles from his private stock spoke volumes of her relationship with the Ferengi. After she slipped out of her underclothes, she looked at Ezri. "Why don't you decide on our meal for tonight?" she asked Ezri. "Surprise the captain and I with your skills at the Replicator." She knew that Jadzia was pretty good with a replicator, but she was also aware that the skills of one host didn't always cross over to the next one.
Ezri never had maraltian seev-ale before. Though it's color was similar to Andorian & Romulan Ale. The young Trill studied the bottle as Lenara spoke of where it came from. Ezri lifted her head when Lenara spoke of DS9 & Quark. Those were familiar names to Ezri, though she never visited the station and she'd never met Quark. Jadzia had such fond memories of the station and of Quark. Ezri then noticed the smile Lenara wore. The Jadzia in her, knew this meant Lenara had a story to tell. Lenara had done more then just win at Quark's Dabo table, and beat his waiters at Tongo. Quark wasn't one to part from his personal stock. Not unless he got something very important in return. Ezri's mind was already racing with thoughts of what kind of story Lenara would tell. Before she could ask Lenara any questions. Ezri was told to pick what they would eat for dinner.

Ezri was capable with a replicator, but she was certainly no chef. The young woman had found out an important while still on board the Destiny. She leaned that taste didn't accompany the joining. Things that Jadzia & Curzon loved, Ezri found disgusting. Ezri hated raktajino, blood wine and gagh. Although Jadzia & Curzon both loved Klingon drinks and food. If Ezri wasn't thinking about it. She would still order raktajino out of habit. Her tastes in food and drinks made Ezri different from many of the past Dax hosts. " I'll think of something. " Ezri said while moving towards Lenara's bed. She slowly sat on the bed while admiring how sexy Lenara looked naked. " You must have really made an impression on Quark to get him to part with his personal stock. " Ezri spoke while holding the bottle in her hand. " I never met him.....But Jadzia knew how protective he was of his personal stock......Obviously you gave him something even better then latinum. " Ezri spoke with a playful smile on her face.
Because Lenara was aware that one hosts likes and dislikes were different from the previous ones, she wanted Ezri to choose what they had for dinner. She and Kyle enjoyed Klingon foods, just as Curzon and Jadzia had. But she didn't know if Ezri liked it. This would be part of learning who Ezri was on top of being Dax. Lenara would learn some of what Ezri liked. As Lenara finished undressing, she watched Ezri move over to the bed and sit down after telling her that she would think of something. While Ezri admired Lenara, the taller woman stood there with a hand on her hip. Her grin widened when the other woman spoke of her making an impression on Quark to get him to part with his personal stock. "I suppose you could say that we made an impression on each other." she told Ezri before nodding in agreement when she mentioned Jadzia knowing how protective he was of his personal stock. "I gave him something much better then latinum." she told her while moving towards her. "Lets just say, Quark and myself have a mutually beneficial relationship."

She reached out and ran her fingers through Ezri's short hair before leaning down and softly kissing her. "Quark proved to be a good friend." she told Ezri after breaking the kiss and then she stood up straight. "Now. I'm going to take a quick shower and I'll be right out. Why don't you bottle chilling so it'll be cold for us to enjoy with dinner? Kyle will be here within the hour." She told Ezri that when she got out she would help get things ready for dinner as well. With one last fleeting kiss, Lenara head started for her sonic shower before pausing and looking over her shoulder at Ezri. "Unless you want to join me that is?" she asked playfully and she disappeared into the bathroom.
Ezri listened and watched Lenara as she spoke. Lenara talked of Quark and how they became friends. She never came right out and said, but Ezri knew Lenara had sex with Quark. The Jadzia in her spotted that look Lenara wore when she'd done something sexual. Ezri teasing called Lenara "a dirty slut" for have had sex with Quark. She also added that Lenara must have enjoyed herself. Ezri said the grin was a dead giveaway. Ezri wanted more details, but Lenara didn't talk anymore about her and Quark. Ezri was expecting full details at some point. She wanted to know how good Quark was. Jadzia knew that Quark wanted her, but she never let herself try him. Though, had she not fell in love with Worf and married him. Jadzia would have had sex with Quark at some point in time. Jadzia was adventurous where sex was concerned. And she did play with herself while thinking of Quark.

Ezri enjoyed the kisses she shared with Lenara. She felt the love Jadzia had for her. Ezri wondered if Lenara would want a relationship with her? It was something Ezri would be interested in. She had such deep feelings for Lenara. Much of those feelings came from Jadzia, but Ezri found herself taken with Lenara. She could see herself and Lenara involved. Becoming a couple. There was a relationship if Lenara ever wanted one. Ezri wouldn't push the subject. If Lenara wanted a relationship with Ezri. She would need to start it. Ezri wouldn't make Lenara do anything she wasn't ready for. Though Ezri could see herself marrying Lenara. Any relationship would have to wait until Ezri had time to adjust to her new life as a joined Trill. But, it was possible in say a year.

Ezri smiled as Lenara spoke of chilling the bottle so it would be cold. Captain West was due in about an hour. Ezri continued to smile while Lenara spoke of the Trill joining her in the shower. She placed the bottle down, then stood up. Ezri pulled her tank top off. She then followed Lenara into the bathroom. Ezri pulled her panties off once she entered. " I'm sure Captain West won't mind if the maraltian seev-ale is a little warm. " Ezri spoke before joining Lenara in the shower. Being with Lenara was just what the young Trill needed. Few people could truly understand Ezri's needs at the moment. Lenara was one of those few. As the sonic shower was activated, the two women engaged in a deep, passionate kiss.
Ezri's comment about Lenara being a 'dirty slut' drew a short laugh from said woman and her eyes sparkled with amusement. "Quark is a good male. Despite some of his characteristic flaws." she said, a fondness of the Ferengi showing in her voice. Even though Quark was admittedly a greedy male and he indeed did have some flaws, what person didn't? And Lenara found she enjoyed Quark as he was. He was a good friend and an amazing lover who knew just how to please a woman. Ezri spoke of how Lenara must of enjoyed herself and that her grin was a dead giveaway. This just made Lenara chuckle softly and nod before telling her that she would give Ezri details about it later on.

The idea of a relationship wasn't currently on her mind and Lenara wouldn't pursue one right now because she wanted to get to know Ezri better. Right now, Ezri was still adjusting to this new change in her life as a joined Trill. But as long as things went well after this adjustment phase for Ezri, Lenara might consider it. After all, though she had just met Ezri, Lenara was quite fond of the petite woman already. They would see how things went as time went on. After she spoke of Ezri joining her in the shower, Ezri set the bottle aside and stood up, the young woman removing her top and Lenara looked back as Ezri joined her. She laughed as she mentioned Captain West not minding if the ale was a little warm. The two of them got into the shower together and Lenara pulled her close while activating the shower, pulling Ezri into a deep, passionate kiss.

In the shower, the two women shared several deep, passionate kisses. Lenara gently ran her hands over Ezri's body, washing her. They took turns bathing each other. Lenara would of loved for them to do a lot more then some touching, groping and kissing in the shower, but she knew that Kyle was coming in less then an hour and even if she was aroused, she wasn't one to make someone wait. Besides, part of her wanted Ezri excited for what was to come after dinner. So after a little fun in the shower and teasing her new lover a bit, they finished showering and got out to get ready for Kyles arrival.
The time in the shower was fun. Both women enjoyed themselves. It was playful and very erotic. A show many of Lenara's lovers on the ship would have loved to watch. Lenara knew how much the male M.A.C.O.'s loved watching the women making out. It made their cocks so hard and ready for fucking. Most men loved watching women together. Few things turned a man on quicker then seeing hot women having sex with each other. Lenara & Ezri worked each other up, but neither came. There was time for that later. Captain West was coming for dinner and some hot sex. Both women would get plenty of chances to cum with a man like Kyle West. Lenara knew he was a great lover. A man who made sure Lenara's needs were met. He even made her cum in his ready room several hours ago.

With time ticking away. The two women left the shower. Ezri got into her bag and pulled out a pair of white shorts and a black t-shirt. She would wear something simple and easy to remove while greeting Captain West. Ezri decided against any underwear. There was no need to wear such things, not when they'd be coming off later. Hell, she even thought of going nude for the dinner. It was no secret that sex would be happening. But, Ezri thought she should wear something for dinner. She planned on getting her clothing off quickly once the meal was over. After slipping into the shorts, and pulling the t-shirt on. Ezri grabbed the bottle of maraltian seev-ale. She went to Lenara's replicator, ordered a bucket of ice. The bottle was placed inside and placed on the table. Ezri then turned her attention towards the menu list on the replicator. She looked over the items, finally setting on one which she'd enjoyed while at Starfleet Academy. Ezri had the replicator make three Chicken curry entrees with sides of rice & carrots. She hoped Captain West & Lenara would like what she made for them. While the table was being set. The door buzzer went off. This made Ezri jump. She was so excited, the poor girl was on edge.
Lenara had fun in the shower with Ezri. They teased each other with their touches and kisses. The time was playful and erotic for the both of them, but they didn't bring each other to orgasms. This was more like an appetizer to what was coming soon enough. She knew that many of her lovers would of loved to watch the two of them. Two women bringing each other pleasure was a very hot and sexy thing to watch, Lenara having sat and watched some of the female M.A.C.O.'s do it as well as a couple of her female lovers on the ship. Of course, Lenara also thought it was a bit of a turn on to watch men together, but watching women together was a bigger turn on. Lenara knew that plenty of pleasure and fun was in the close future with Captain West soon to join them. He was a man who made sure his lovers were fulfilled when it came to their needs. He had even brought her to an orgasm earlier in his ready room with the use of just his fingers and mouth.

After getting out of the shower, Lenara brushed through her long hair, absently commenting about cutting it. She knew that Jadzia had liked it long, as did several other of her lovers. Several of the men liked to fuck her from behind and use her long, silky black locks as a handhold. She did prefer it long, but it was beginning to get to the point where it was almost too much to handle for her. The woman shook her head and smiled while looking over her shoulder at Ezri as the girl slipped into white shorts and a black t-shirt. Lenara wouldn't of complained if Ezri went nude, but it would of been quite distracting and not much consumption of food would of been done. With the Trill dressed, Ezri grabbed the bottle of alcohol that Lenara had and left the bedroom. Lenara slipped into a pair of simple black pants she usually wore around her quarters when alone and a fitted light blue sleeveless top. Like Ezri, she went without underwear as they were simply a needless layer of clothing that got in the way.

Once dressed, she left the bedroom and helped Ezri get things set. She noticed Ezri jump when the door buzzer went off and she chuckled before moving over to her and she kissed Ezri softly. "Calm down." she softly told her, a smile on her face as she traced a finger along the path of spots on Ezri's neck. With a fond chuckle, she pulled away and moved over to the door to answer it. Like Ezri, Lenara was quite excited and she briefly wondered if this was how Jadzia had felt that night that she had Lenara join her and Worf before the wedding. At the door, Lenara opened it and greeted Kyle, stepping back to let him enter.
Kyle was very eager to meet Ezri face to face. He'd looked up her Starfleet file, after returning to his quarters. Kyle learn that she was an assistant counselor with a promising career in that field of work. Ezri gained great marks from her time at the academy, and her captain on the Destiny spoke of the young woman as being very bright. Reading about Ezri's background, made Kyle wonder if the young woman was holding back? Being a ship's counselor may have been good enough for Ezri before the joining. However, she was a totally different person since the joining. After doing some research into past hosts of the Dax symbiont. Kyle thought the young Trill was capable of doing anything she wanted on board a starship. He knew she just needed the right situation to make her realize other possibilities.

Since Kyle and Lenara had quarters on deck 2. He waited until the last minute to get ready. He took his own sonic shower, then dressed in a pair of black pants and grey t-shirt. Kyle left his quarters, went down a couple of doors, then pressed the door buzzer on Lenara's quarters. It was long till the doors slid open, Lenara greeting Kyle with a smile. She stepped back, allowing Kyle to enter. Ezri stood by the table, her arms crossed behind her back. She felt her heart beginning to race when Kyle stepped into the room. Jadzia had spoke several times to Lenara, on how handsome she thought Kyle West was. Ezri thought she was ready to meet this legendary Starfleet Captain face to face. She was surprised that Kyle was much more handsome then she thought. The young woman was starstruck. Her pretty blue eyes were wide as she stared longingly at Kyle. She watched as Kyle greeted Lenara with a long and passionate kiss. Ezri could feel her pussy becoming so wet. Lenara & Kyle held the kiss while they embraced each other. They then broke the kiss, and turned their attention towards Ezri.
Seeing Kyle made Lenara smile wider. She had become extremely fond of her captain and she was very loyal to him. Something she'd proven time and again since joining his crew. On top of that, she considered him a very good friend and a wonderful lover. That he was a very handsome man didn't escape her attention, but those who knew her, knew that she didn't care about the outwardly appearances. Once Kyle stepped into her quarters, Lenara let the door close before Kyle greeted her with a long and passionate kiss. As he pulled her into his arms, she wrapped her own low around his waist while kissing him back. She pressed herself firmly against him, her breasts pressing against his chest and she sighed happily into the kiss.

Finally the kiss broke and Lenara grinned up at her lover. Her attention then turned to Ezri who was standing near the table watching them and she slowly pulled back from Kyle. She didn't pull away from him completely. Just enough to put a little room between them before she introduced the two. "Ezri, this is Captain Kyle West." she softly said. "Kyle, this is Ezri." As she spoke, she led him over to the where Ezri stood watching them. At the table, Lenara finally pulled away from Kyle and moved to Ezri's side, kissing her briefly as well.
There was great affection between Lenara & Kyle. They also had great respect for each other. Lenara proved her loyalty to her captain and to the ship she served on. Kyle and the other members of the Protector were damn glad to have Lenara. She was an excellent first officer, and a fantastic lover. Those who knew her as a lover, counted themselves as being lucky. Not everyone aboard the Protector enjoyed sex with her. Only a select few. Most of the crew just saw Lenara as being the best damn first officer in the fleet. Kyle made sure everyone knew this. He always spoke highly of Lenara. His reports to Starfleet Command, his conversations with other Starfleet Officers. Kyle wanted everyone to know Lenara Singh was the best of the best. Kyle also made his affection for her shine, at the right times. There were those more risque times. Like in his ready room earlier that day. There was a chance they could have been caught. That made the encounter even sweeter, and made Lenara's orgasm much better. They also had alone times. Where their affection could be shown more openly. Lenara & Kyle didn't hide their affection as they kissed. It was very clear how much love they had for each other. Watching them together, made Ezri even wetter between her legs.

Ezri was still staring at Kyle as if she was looking upon some great idol. Like people once looked at rock stars and other celebrities. The young woman stood with her mouth hanging open as Lenara introduced her to Kyle. " My God you're hot. " Ezri spoke. her words made Kyle smile then chuckle. " Thank you Ezri......You're very hot yourself. " Kyle's replay brought Ezri back to reality. She laughed nervously as a blush appeared on her cheeks. She then apologized for speaking so bluntly. Ezri said she was still dealing with recent joining. Kyle spoke of understanding. Ezri asked Kyle & Lenara to sit. She picked up the bucket with the bottle of maraltian seev-ale on ice. Ezri placed the bucket down. She asked Kyle to open the bottle and pour the drinks while she got their dinner. Kyle pulled the bottle from the bucket. He was surprised at what Lenara had on stock. " I haven't had maraltian seev-ale in years. " Kyle spoke with a smile on his face. " The last time I had some......Was on Deep Space Station K-7......On the border with Klingon space. " Kyle spoke while opening the bottle. Three glasses were quickly poured. He asked Lenara if she ever visited K-7 during her career with Starfleet? K-7 was one the oldest space station operated by the Federation. Most stations had been replaced or upgraded by this time. K-7 looked the same as it did when it first went into service during the 23rd century. While Kyle & Lenara were talking. Ezri had the replicator make her selection. As each plate was created. Ezri happily removed it from the replicator. and served it. " I hope you don't mind......I kinda got hooked on Chicken Curry while at the academy.......This one had rice and carrots as it's sides. " Ezri spoke while placing a plate down for Lenara, then getting one for Kyle. " I know this great place in New Delhi......It has the best curry......Maybe one day we can all go there? " Kyle's words brought a bright smile to Ezri's face. She spoke of her hope they could do that someday. Ezri got her plate, then joined Lenara & Kyle. " Have you ever been to New Delhi Lenara? " Ezri asked while she began eating.
The praise that Kyle gave her often made the woman a little sheepish. She had some of her superiors in the past speak highly of her occasionally, but coming Kyle it was different. As was those who worked under her command on the Protector. When she had joined the crew, Kyle hadn't liked her but she had proven herself to him. Because of this, his praise meant so much more to her because she knew he was sincere in what he said. She had no idea about his reports though to Starfleet, though she did know that he often told others that she was the best First Officer in the fleet. Knowing that he, and the others on the Protector, believed this, it made the woman more determined to make them proud of her. His affection for her was known as well. In public, it was rather restrained, though occasionally risqué. Such as the moment in the Ready Room. She normally would of never done such a thing, but she had been caught up in the moment. But the knowledge of the risk that they could of been caught had made it quite thrilling and it made her arousal even stronger. But here in private, they were able to be much more open and affectionate with each other.

After Lenara introduced her two lovers, she saw the look on Ezri's face before she spoke, the petite girls words making Lenara snort softly. The woman covered her mouth as she chuckled softly and looked down at the girl in affectionate amusement while Kyle responded, calling her hot in return. This caused Ezri to laugh nervously while blushing and apologizing for how bluntly she'd spoken. It wasn't long before Kyle and Lenara was asked to sit. The two of them moved to the table and sat down, Lenara watching Ezri bring over the bucket with the maraltian seev-ale. Kyle spoke of having not had it in years and the last time he'd had some was back on Deep Space Station K-7. "I had made a good friend on Deep Space 9 who gave it to me." she told Kyle as he opened and poured them glasses of it. "He owns a bar on the Station." When she was asked if she'd ever visited K-7 during her career with Starfleet, she shook her head and told him that she'd never been there.

As the replicator produced the food for them, Lenara smiled at Ezri as she said she hoped they didn't mind and explained that she'd kind of gotten hooked on Chicken Curry while at the Academy. "It looks great Ezri." she told the girl as she placed a plate down before Lenara and then went to get on for Kyle. Kyle told them about knowing a great place in New Delhi and he said that perhaps they could all go there. Seeing the smile on Ezri's face made her chuckle before she was asked if she'd ever been to New Delhi. "I've been there once, a long time ago." she said with a nod while she began eating. "My mother took me there once when I was a child." Lenara's father had Indian heritage and her mother wanted her to become better acquainted with that part of her, even if she never grew up to know her father. Though she deeply disliked her father, she did enjoy parts of her heritage, such as the cuisine of the Indian people. After speaking, Lenara began to eat as well, enjoying what Ezri had served them.
Ezri was pleased to hear that Lenara had visited New Delhi. She spoke of having visited the city as well. Ezri said she visited many of Earth's largest cities while at the academy. She said one of her favorites was Tokyo, though she also loved New York, London, Los Angeles, Cairo and San Francisco, where Starfleet Headquarters and Starfleet Academy were located. She said Earth had so many wonderful cities. Ezri said being a member of Starfleet gave her the chance to visit new places and see so many great things. The conversation continued as Lenara and Kyle took turns talking of the places they seen. Kyle had visited many Federation and non Federation planets. He spoke of Vulcan as being one of the hottest planets he'd ever been on. Temperature wise Kyle joked. Kyle said Andoria was cold, but strangely comfortable for being an ice planet. Kyle spoke of having visited Qo'noS several times. It was a very wild planet, much like the Klingons he said. Kyle then spoke of when he visited Ferenginar. The home world of the Ferengi. Kyle said it was the most humid planet he'd visited. He also spoke of how it seemed to rain all the time, or at least most of the time. Despite the humidity and the almost constant rain. Kyle said Ferenginar was beautiful in it's own way. He spoke of Risa as being the most beautiful planet he'd ever visited. Kyle said the Risan people were all about giving and pleasure. It was well known how sexually open the Risans were. Ezri said she'd never been there, but she said Curzon & Jadzia both loved visiting Risa.

Once dinner was over, the table was cleared. Kyle, Lenara & Ezri moved over to the couch. They sat down, still enjoying their drinks. The conversation turned more sexual now that dinner was over. Kyle asked Ezri if she'd had many lovers. Ezri blushed while admitting that she only ever had one boyfriend. And their sexual encounters were limited. She then spoke of never having had sex with another woman until after she ran into Lenara. This brought a smile to Kyle's face. " Lenara made me cum before she went on duty......It was the most wonderful orgasm I ever had. " Ezri's admitted while the blush on her cheek grew redder. She wasn't used to talking so openly about sex in front of a man like Kyle. With Lenara it was easy. Ezri knew how open Jadzia & Lenara had always been with each other. The young woman knew she could tell Lenara anything. Kyle loved listening as Ezri spoke. The Trill was so very pretty and had such an innocents about her. " We can do anything you want this evening Ezri.......Lenara and I can show you many things. " Kyle spoke softly as his head moved closer to Ezri's. The young woman was sitting between Kyle & Lenara. Kyle was on her right, Lenara on her left. Kyle captured Ezri's lips in a passionate kiss. The kiss brought a long and deep moan from the Trill. Clearly she loved kissing Kyle. He did break the kiss, allowing Lenara to join in.
Lenara had visited a couple different places on earth other then New Delhi. Like Ezri, she had visited a couple of Earth's largest cities while studying at the academy. The cities she had visited were New York, London and Tokyo. She nodded slightly while taking a sip of her drink, agreeing that Earth had many wonderful cities. She softly chimed in that one of her favorite places to go was Paris. When she said this, a slight smile quirked the corners of her lips while she glanced at Ezri and then she took a bite of her food. After talking about their favorite places on earth, the conversation turned to different places they had seen. Lenara was fairly quiet while she listened to Kyle and Ezri talk about different planets they had visited. Lenara spoke of having visited Vulcan and she chuckled when he joked about it being temperature wise that it was one of the hottest planets he'd ever been on. However, when he spoke of Ferenginar, she smiled while listening. Ferenginar had been one of the things she had asked Quark to tell her about during some of her time with him and everything that Kyle had said, pretty much matched up with some of what her Ferengi lover had told her. She chimed in and told them that the planet of Bajor was a beautiful place as well. She told them that during her recent visit to Deep Space 9, she had visited the planet and she'd found it quite beautiful.

Once they had finished eating dinner, they cleared away the table and they moved over to the couch with their drinks. Lenara sat on one side of Ezri wile Kyle was on the other. Things began to turn more sexual as Kyle asked Ezri if she'd had many lovers. Lenara relaxed with her drink while watching the young woman blush while she spoke of having only ever had one boyfriend with whom she'd had limited sexual encounters but that she'd not had sex with a woman until after running into Lenara. After Ezri said this, Lenara saw the smile on Kyle's face. As Ezri admitted to how Lenara had made her cum before she went on duty, Lenara felt a slight blush crest her cheeks as well as the girl spoke of it being the most wonderful orgasm she'd ever had. After this, Kyle told Ezri that they could do anything that the pretty trill wanted that evening. That he and Lenara could show her many things. Sipping from her drink, Lenara watched as Kyle leaned in and kissed her, the man capturing Ezri's lips in a passionate kiss which drew a long, deep moan from her.

After he broke the kiss, Lenara reached out with her hand and gently turned Ezri's head towards her, her fingertips resting just beneath her chin before she leaned in and captured her lips in her own kiss. Lenara's kiss was long, slow and passionate. It was one that promised plenty of pleasure to come in the near future.
Ezri became quickly lost in passion. She loved the way Kyle kissed her. There was some force, but plenty of passion and lust went along with the force. Kyle never asked to kiss Ezri. He just did it. Ezri felt Kyle pull away. She then felt Lenara turn her head. The young woman already knew what a great kisser Lenara was. Lenara also kissed the pretty Trill, just how she loved being kissed. There was no doubt, Lenara held control over the innocent Ezri Dax. Kyle watched as Ezri placed her right hand onto Lenara's neck, and started kissing her back. The captain liked what he saw. Kyle knew about Lenara's group of lovers. He knew she fucked the male & female members of her M.A.C.O. team. Kyle knew Lenara had been with Doctor Boyd & Lieutenant Lesley Wong. He even knew she had lovers with her security force. All of which Kyle was fine with. Lenara was break no rules by fucking the M.A.C.O.'s. They were soldiers and not part of Starfleet. She was also free to engage in sexual activity with other officers on board the ship. Kyle was very happy when Lenara started bringing people closer to her. He was even happier since her return from DS9. Lenara still did her job better then anyone. She was just more bold and daring where sex was concerned. Freer and more open for sexual adventure, where ever it may happen.

While the kiss Lenara shared with Ezri, became deeper. Kyle slipped his right hand up under Ezri's t-shirt. He quickly found one of her perky little breasts. Kyle began roughly squeezing it. His fingers tormenting her tiny nipple. This made Ezri moan and whimper into the kiss. Ezri sounded so needy. She really wanted Lenara & Kyle to use her as they wanted. Kyle would suggest that Lenara introduce Ezri to Doctor Boyd, Lieutenant Tala and Lieutenant Wong. Adding those three into the mix would make one hell of a party. Kyle thought it was something they could do once their upcoming mission was over. It would be a great way to send Ezri off before she left for Earth. Kyle just smiled as he watched the love Lenara & Ezri had for each other. They made such a wonderful couple. Kyle continued roughly handling Ezri's breast during the kiss.
Lenara felt Ezri's hand come to rest on her neck as they kissed, the two women enjoying the kiss between them while Kyle watched. While Lenara was still a private person when it came to her sex life, she didn't keep things secret from her lovers. Those that she spent a lot of time with knew that she had a number of lovers both on the Protector and off. Several of them even joined her at the same time. Such as her M.A.C.O. team. Usually when she was with them, it was just them, while when she was with her lovers from the Protector's crew, she was sometimes with just one person at a time or sometimes she would have a couple of her lovers at the same time depending on the situation. But she never kept the fact that she had multiple partners a secret.

As the kiss with Ezri became deeper, Lenara's hand left Ezri's chin and began to move lower, her fingertips moving down over the swell of her breasts before dropping down to Ezri's lap where she began to stroke the smooth skin of her thigh. Her fingers teased the edge of Ezri's shorts while they kissed. It wasn't long before Lenara heard Ezri's moans and whimper, the needy sound making Lenara break the kiss for a moment. When she saw that Kyle was fondling Ezri's breast, Lenara smiled and began kissing her again. She heard Kyle suggest introducing Ezri to Doctor Boyd, Lieutenant Tala and Lieutenant Wong. This made her chuckle softly and she slowly began kissing her way along Ezri's neck. "Would you like that Ezri?" she softly asked the Trill. "To just have a group of people giving you unending pleasure?" She nipped at Ezri's jaw while her hand slipped further up between her legs and she pressed her palm against Ezri's pussy through her shorts. She could feel how hot her pussy was and as her fingers began to stroke her through her shorts, she could feel the cloth beginning to get wet.
Ezri was under the control of the pleasure she was getting from Lenara & Kyle. The way they touched her, the way she was kissed. Made her pleasure grow into something Ezri never experienced before. Having one boyfriend in the past didn't prepare the young woman for people like Lenara & Kyle. Ezri wanted to be used, she wanted to be taken and made to do things. Lenara & Kyle were the kind of people who could do that. Ezri's body was trembling from the touch of Lenara & Kyle. Her ears did perk up when Lenara spoke. Asking the Trill if she wanted a group of people giving her unending pleasure. Ezri's body shuttered when Lenara spoke. The playful nipping, along with how roughly Kyle handled her breast, almost made the young woman cum. " Yessss........I wanna be used.......I want you to share me with your friends.......Please Lenara? " Ezri's voice carried that same needy, pleading sound. Just like her whimpers. Lenara was her mistress, and she wanted her mistress to whore her out. Hell, Lenara could tell Ezri to bark like a dog and Ezri would do it.

Ezri's body shuttered even more once Lenara touched her pussy. The wetness between her legs grew quickly. Since she wasn't wearing any panties. The shorts Ezri wore socked up the wetness very fast. Ezri's mind was lost in pleasure. But, she was able to reach back, find Kyle's cock and begin rubbing his already hard shaft through his pants. Kyle said she was a very eager girl. " Maybe you should call Doctor Boyd and Lesley......Tell them to hurry over and join in on the fun. " Kyle spoke while Ezri's hand was now working to free his cock. Ezri wanted whatever Lenara would give her. This evening was all about having a good time and adding more people would only make the evening better for everyone.
The last Dax host, Jadzia, had been more dominant in personality then Ezri was, though she and Lenara took turns being in charge when they had sex. Ezri on the other hand seemed to like being controlled and as Lenara spoke while nipping and kissing the young woman's skin. Lenara could hear how heavily she breathed and Lenara could feel how wet she was as she rubbed her pussy. With how Lenara was nipping at the girls skin and how roughly Kyle was fondling her breast, Ezri's shorts were soaked with her wetness. After asking if she wanted to be used by a group of people giving her unending pleasure, Ezris pleaded with Lenara for her to share her with her friends. With the way she pleaded, Lenara grinned and removed her hand from between Ezri's thighs. "You plead so prettily, Ezri." she breathed, running one of her wet fingertips over Ezri's bottom lip.

Kyle speaking up made Lenara look up at him while Ezri searched out his cock, rubbing him through his pants while he said she was a very eager girl. After being told she should call Doctor Boyd and Lesley, Lenara nodded while she sucked her fingers clean with a soft moan. "I think that's a great idea." she told him before she stood up and moved over to where her communicator sat. Using it, she contacted Doctor Boyd and Lesley, telling them that they were needed in her quarters right away. Of course, she didn't tell them why they were needed. Instead, she planned to surprise them. However, from the tone of her voice as she spoke over the communicator, they would know that something was up and it wasn't an emergency.

After she contacted them, she returned to the couch, watching as Ezri worked to free Kyles cock. Lenara sat on the edge of the table that sat in front of couch and watched. Her eyes were hooded and dark with her arousal, much like they were when she and Kyle had been in the Ready Room together. While she sat there watching them, she slowly peeled off her top. With her top off, she was completely bare with her breasts exposed. She could of worn something but didn't want to waste time removing more clothes then was needed.
Ezri tasted her own wetness after Lenara brushed some on her lower lip. The young woman let her tongue lick the wetness off. She then watched Lenara while Kyle spoke. He spoke of having Doctor Boyd and Lesley Wong joining them. It was an idea which Lenara loved. It also made Ezri even more excited. She was very submissive, and wanted Lenara to share her with others. People who were friends and lovers of Lenara's. By the time Lenara went to contact her two friends. Ezri finally freed Kyle's cock from his pants. She loved the feel of his hard cock in her hand. Ezri was slowly stroking Kyle while Lenara contacted Doctor Boyd & Lieutenant Wong. Lenara didn't say why she wanted them to visit her, but clearly it wasn't an emergency. Both Lesley & Edwin were surprised by the call. They'd be even more surprise after arriving at Lenara's quarters.

Once Lenara sat down the table, and removed her shirt. Kyle helped Ezri off with her shirt. She was now just as bare as Lenara. The door buzzer went off. Lesley was standing outside. She'd been in her quarters, relaxing when Lenara called her. Lesley sipped on a pair of shorts and a tank top before taking off. She was off duty and always dressed in something comfortable. Lesley, like most of the women, only wore underwear when she was on duty, or when she had a special reason to look sexy. This was normally something romantic. For those encounters which would be more wild & raw. There was no need for underwear. Deck 2 had no foot traffic at this time of the day. Only Captain West & Lenara had quarters on this deck. Lenara also had an office, connected to her quarters. Since she was off duty. No one would be needing her for anything. If they did, they would call her by using their communicator.
With her shirt on, Lenara placed one hand upon the table she perched herself upon, leaning slightly while she watched Ezri and Kyle. Ezri had freed Kyle's cock from his pants while she was contacting Lesley and Doctor Boyd. So when she returned to them, Ezri was already stroking his cock, her hand wrapped around his hard shaft. After Lenara had removed her shirt, Kyle moved to help Ezri with her own so now both women were shirtless. Reaching out, Lenara picked up her drink and she sipped it while watching as Kyle and Ezri touched each other. Things were only disturbed when the door buzzer went off and Lenara smile before standing once again. "You two stay right there." she said playfully. "I'll get the door."

Without even putting her shirt on, Lenara moved over to the door and opened it, not caring that if there had been anyone other then Lesley or Boyd in the hall, they would of seen her topless. Upon opening her door, she saw Lesley there and was momentarily reminded of her the first time she had been with Lesley. She had been scantily clad when Lenara had joined her that first night. Now it seemed things were flipped. "Thank you for coming so quickly." she told Lesley. "Please, come in." She was grinning at her lover as she reached out and grabbed Lesley's hand, gently pulling her into her quarters and closing the door behind them.
After Lenara first joined the Protector. She was asked by Lieutenant Tala & Lieutenant Wong to visit Tala's quarters. The two women had hoped Lenara would visit that night, and she did. Once Lenara was off duty and had changed. She showed up at Tala's quarters. It was no secret that sex would happen that evening. Tala made that perfectly clear to Lenara. That was before Lenara gave her virginity to Captain West. She was eager for some female company. Lenara had been into women for many years. Her ex had made it difficult for any man to get more then a blowjob from her. Lenara gave out blowjobs and hand jobs to select men. No man soiled her pussy or ass, with his cum until Lenara met Kyle West. He was the first man to take Lenara in both places. And she willingly gave her body to him. After surviving the brutal wound from the Jem'Hadar soldier on Quintar IV. A wound she received by saving Kyle's life. The night Lenara joined Tala & Lesley. Lenara was met at the door by the pretty Andorian. She wore a sexy pink undershirt and matching pair of boyshorts. Lesley was dressed in a black bra, black panties and a black sheer robe. This robe was very see thru.

Lesley smiled when the doors slid open. She was surprised to see Lenara greeting her with no shirt on. " If I had known you were in the mood for some fun......I would have brought some toys. " Lesley spoke before Lenara welcomed her inside. The pretty Asian was guided inside by Lenara. As the doors closed, Lesley saw two more people were already inside. One was Captain West, the other Lesley didn't know, but she did guess this was Lenara's friend. Being one of the communications officers for the Protector. Not much slips past Lesley. She was aware that Lenara had a female guest on board. " I see you already have some fun going on. " Lesley spoke as her smile turned very sly. She could see a young Trill woman sitting on the couch, with no shirt on and stroking Kyle's fine cock. Lesley had never been with the captain before. She thought about it many times. Lesley even pleasured herself with thoughts of Captain West. However, she never let her thoughts become reality. Lesley pulled her tank top off as she approached where Kyle & Ezri sat. The sight made Kyle grin. He loved looking at Lesley while she was on the bridge. She was so pretty and had such a sexy body. Lesley wasted no time in removing her shorts. She thought everyone was over dressed at the moment. " Let's get this party started. " Lesley said while pulling her shorts off. Exposing her well trimmed pussy hair. She turned, gave Lenara a quick kiss on the lips. Lesley then took Lenara's waistband and started pulling her pants down. " You shouldn't be hiding that sexy body. " Lesley spoke while she lowered herself down with Lenara's pants.
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