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Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

Quark stood at the bar, making drinks when Kira came down the stairs. Kira was alone, having left Lenara to enjoy Vic's music. Quark had assumed this since Lenara wasn't with the major. It wasn't a stretch to believe that Lenara had a love for the older music, Vic was famous for singing. Otherwise, she wouldn't have remained in the holosuite. It was well over an hour before Lenara finally appeared. She'd spent sometime talking with Vic after his set was over. Lenara seemed to be very happy after leaving Vic's place, She could even be heard humming as she moved down the stairs. Quark quickly filled an order before Lenara reached the bottom of the steps.

" Commander!?.......Commander Singh!? " Quark called out to Lenara as he moved around the bar. He came over stopping her in the middle of the bar. " I didn't get the chance to welcome you back.........I had heard from Odo that you returned.......Would you care for a spin at the Dabo table?.......It's on the house for you. " Quark spoke while wearing his usual charming smile. " Any friend of Jadzia's I consider a friend of mine. " Quark added as he pulled a slip of latinum from his coat. The slip of latinum would be Lenara's beat at the Dabo wheel. If she decided to take Quark up on his offer. Dabo was a roulette style game of chance developed by the Ferengi, The wheel was often spun by a very attractive young woman. Spinning the wheel was Leeta, a very pretty Bajoran girl.
Lenara was caught up in her thoughts as she descended the spiral steps from the second floor of the bar, her hand lightly resting on the railing as she went down. She was humming the first song that Vic had sung for her. She was about halfway across the bar when Quark called out to her and she paused when he approached and stopped her in the middle of the bar. The woman looked at the Ferengi curiously as he began to speak, welcoming her back. "You heard from Odo, have you?" she asked softly, a slightly amused look on her face. She spoke without the same suspicion that many would talk to a Ferengi, though she did know of the reputation that they had.

When he offered her a spin at the Dabo table and said that it would be on the house, she glanced over at the Dabo table for a moment and then back at Quark, watching him pull a slip of latinum from his coat. For a long moment, she gazed at him before she shook her head with a smile. "Not today, Quark. I need to rest a little after my trip. However, if the offer still stands, I'll take you up on that spin the next time I come in." she told him. She told him that she was sure that she would be back in to the bar several times before she left the station.

With a gently farewell, she carefully stepped around Quark and she left the bar, heading out and returning to her room. There she unpacked her things and decided to rest up for the day. Lenara didn't return to Quarks the next day, instead spending time doing other things on the Promenade. It was the day after that she finally reappeared in Quarks. That afternoon, she was dressed in a very flattering dress that she had actually purchased at Garak's shop. It was made of a soft material that clung to her curvy body in all the right places and flowed in all the rest. Entering the establishment, Lenara approached the bar to order a drink.
Quark just smiled when Lenara turned his offer down. He wasn't sure if she was just brushing him off, or she really did have things to do. Quark would find out in time. If Lenara didn't come back to the bar. He would know her excuse was just a kind way of saying she wasn't interested in hanging around his place. Quark told Lenara she could have that spin anytime. He watched as she left, putting the slip of latinum back into his coat. Quark didn't see Lenara the next day. However, it seemed that Garak did. Lenara stopped and bought a dress from the Cardassian tailor. Starfleet officers don't normally care latinum with them. They buy things on credit. The shop or restaurant owner would then submit a bill to the nearest Starfleet facility. In this case, Major Kira would get the bills, then pass them onto Starfleet so the Federation Planetary Treasury could pay what was owed by it's officers.

By the second day. Quark had thought Lenara was just blowing him off and not in a good way. He thought she'd be more like Jadzia. More fun loving when off duty. Jadzia could be very professional, when it came to her duty. But, she knew how to enjoy herself after work was over. Quark spotted the sexy woman who walked into his bar. It took a moment before he recognized that woman was Lenara. The dress she wore looked amazing on her. It hugged her body in all the right places. Clearly, Garak had tailored the dress to fit Lenara's body. She certainly didn't but that off the rank. Quark was clearly surprised to see Lenara again. Obviously, he thought she wasn't coming back in. " Commander?......You look so different.......So sexy. " Quark spoke as his eyes moved over every inch of Lenara's figure. " What can I get for you? " Quark add after he realized he was staring at Lenara's body.
As the woman entered Quarks, several paused and stared at the sexy woman as she moved through the bar. Sure, plenty of beautiful and sexy females passed through on a normal basis, but there was something different about the human as she moved through towards the bar. When Quark spotted her and realized who it was, Lenara could see the surprise on his face. He wasn't very good at hiding it and she was very good at reading people. After stopping at the bar, Lenara watched Quark eye her up while she stood there. "Why Quark, you seem surprised to see me." she said. "Surely you didn't think I wasn't going to return, did you?"

Quarks comment about how she looked made her chuckle and she smiled slightly, some of her long inky-black hair falling over her shoulder. "Thank you Quark. I had been warned you were a charmer." she told him, her gaze studying his face. After he asked her what he could get her, she tipped her head slightly before she answered him. "How about a Modela aperitif as a start?" she asked him, her fingers moving to her neck where a necklace rested. It was one of the few pieces that Lenara owned, much less wore. It was a very fine chain that had a ring hanging on it. She absently played with the chain before resting her hand upon the counter. While he got her drink, she watched him before asking if the offer of a spin at the Dabo table on the house was still open.
Quark laughed when Lenara asked her question. He acted like it was silly she asked it. Quark said he expected Lenara to return. However, he'd really thought she was just playing him when she turned him down a few days ago. Against someone like Lenara, someone who could read people very well. Quark couldn't hide anything from her. Despite what he said, it was clear that he doubted she would return, since she waited a few days. Once Lenara made her drink order. Quark jumped into action. He may not lie very well, but he was a great bartender. The drink Lenara ordered, was a multicolored, layered cocktail. Quark made a few of these drinks for Jadzia from time to time.

Quark served Lenara's drink, she then asked about the spin on the house for the Dabo wheel. " Of course Commander.......I did say you could have it. " Quark spoke while pulling the slip of latinum from his coat. He placed the slip onto the bar. Then wished her luck on her spin. The reason Lenara was getting so many looks. Mostly at the moment from Quark. She was a Starfleet officer, and in public, most Starfleet officers wore their uniforms. Even off duty. Other clothing was worn normally in their quarters. Unless something special was going on. Quark wasn't quite sure, but Lenara seemed to be acting differently. More relaxed and less the stern duty driven officer she always seemed to be. Lenara was more like Jadzia was when she wasn't on duty. This was a pleasant surprise for Quark. It made Lenara even more attractive.
After she asked about him thinking she wasn't going to return, she found him quite amusing as he acted like it was silly she asked. She remembered a number of stories she'd heard from Jadzia about the Ferengi and it seemed her friends stories were spot on about him. Even as he tried to act like it was silly, she could see through him, but she wasn't insulted in any manor. After all, Quark didn't know her and she didn't expect him to take her at her word. Upon ordering her drink, she watched him jump into action and she watched him make the drink for her. The one she ordered was a multicolored, layered cocktail that she and Jadzia both enjoyed quite a bit. The two women had discovered it when they went to a bar while back in the academy. It quickly became a favorite for Lenara.

As he served it to her, she smiled and thanked him before taking a sip of it. After she had asked about the spin on the house, she watched him pull a slip of latinum from his coat and place it upon the bar before her. "Thank you, Quark." she said. "It seems that what Jadzia said about you being a good host was true." She picked up the slip of latinum and her drink before she approached the Dabo table. The woman looked much different then how she normally did. She was out of uniform, something she very rarely ever did unless she was in her quarters. However, after her long talk with Vic the other day, she wanted to do her best to relax and she felt that to removed herself from her stern and serious mindset while on duty, it might help to dress differently.

Moving over to the Dabo table, Lenara watched a round before she joined in. It would seem that Lady Luck was looking down on her as with her free spin, Lenara won, her voice soon chiming out "Dabo!", much like the other players. Lenara proved to be a very good player when it came to Dabo. She was smart when it came to her winnings and after a couple of turns, both winning and loosing some, she finally moved away from the table and returned to the bar to order another drink. Lenara was proving to be quite a lot like Jadzia in her own way as she spent time both at the bar and at the Dabo table. However, her good mood was soon about to change.

After having returned to the Dabo table for a little while again, Lenara stepped away for good and her hand absently went to her neck where the ring had been hanging earlier to adjust it. However, her hand found nothing but air and she paused, her gaze quickly beginning to sweep the area that she'd been in and she felt her heart sink before she quickly moved over to the bar where Quark was and she mentioned the missing piece of jewelry that she had lost. "Please Quark, I need to find that ring." she told him. She didn't much care about the chain it hung on, but she wanted, no, needed to have the ring back.
Quark didn't know Lenara as well as others did. He'd only ever seen her in a Starfleet uniform before. even in her uniform, Lenara looked great. It was her cold outward appearance which made people think she was Vulcan. Lenara looked very sexy in the dress. More womanly and more relaxed. There was a lot of Jadzia shining through. Quark watched as Lenara left the bar, going over to the dabo table. Lenara showed she had plenty of luck on her side. She hit more numbers then she missed. Lenara had several slips and several more strips of latinum. All from that free slip Quark gave her. Quark was impressed with Lenara's play. She was a lot like Jadzia, who played dado very well. Jadzia also played Tongo well. She often beat Quark when they played.

Things turned when Lenara discovered her ring was gone. It had been around her neck, now it was missing. Normally, Quark wasn't responsible for missing items. He has a signing saying this. However, he liked Lenara and didn't want to see her upset by the loss. quark tried to calm Lenara down, saying he would look for her missing item. Quark then called for his brother Rom. He told Rom to start looking for the missing ring. When asked what it looked liked? Quark gave his brother a smack while saying it was a ring on a chain. Quark assured Lenara that they would find it, even if it took Rom all night long. The search wouldn't stop until every inch of the bar was searched. Rom began his search, no his hands and knees. Running his hands over the carpeting and peeking under the tables. Rom did get slapped a few times when a woman was seated at a table he searched under.
Lenara had truly been enjoying herself. This was the first time in a very, very long time that she had relaxed to such an extent without any dear friends with her. In the past, it had taken a lot of persuading on her friends parts to get her to relax like this. While normally she was very cold, calm and serious, much like a Vulcan, this was a very different Lenara that was showing through as she enjoyed her drinks and her time at the Dabo table. As she played, Lenara won a tidy sum. More times then not, she hit a number rather then missed. She proved to be quite good at it. Another game that she was good at, was Tongo, though she wasn't as good at it as Jadzia had been since Lenara never played it as much. Dabo was more her kind of game.

After she discovered that her necklace was gone, Lenara quickly became upset and approached Quark about it. It was clear that she was very upset over the item going missing. However, instead of acting as he might of normally done so with a missing personal item, Quark tried to calm the young woman and said that he would look for her missing item before he called for his brother and told Rom to begin looking for the missing item. She was quiet as she watched the interaction between the two brothers and Rom began searching the floor of the bar on his hands and knees while Quark assured her that they would find her ring.

Lenara sat at the bar, worried about her missing property. She would occasionally hear a slap and she had glanced over the first couple of times at the sound to see it was Rom getting slapped by a woman seated at a table he was searching under. However, after the first couple of times, she stopped looking.

By the time that Rom found it, Lenara had already decided to return to her room and had left. "If you do find it, I'll be in my quarters." she told him before she took her leave of the bar. She returned to her rooms. It took quite some time before Rom would find it. The ring had somehow gotten pretty far from where Lenara had been playing at the Dabo table. The chain it had been on must of broken and the ring fell to the floor and rolled or gotten kicked across the floor. It was sitting at the base of one of the tables. The ring was a simple ring with a design etched into one side of it that was similar to the markings that Trills had upon their skin and on the inside were the words, "To my Beloved Lenara, Love Jadzia."
Had Lenara been anyone else, she would have been shit out of luck. Unless, there was a reward offered for the lost item, in this case a ring which had been on a chain. Quark had a sign hanging in his bar which clearly stated, he was no responsible for lost property. And while this was true, Lenara was a special case. Quark would make sure his brother searched every inch of the bar's floor, all night long until the ring was found. Quark loved seeing Lenara in such a happy and open state. She reminded him of Jadzia in so many ways. Quark was always a good friend to the Trill. They often played Tongo late into the night time hours. Quark also loved Jadzia, beyond friendship. He wanted to have sex with her, but never got up the courage to close the deal. Jadzia never worried about how her lovers looked. That was clear when she dated Captain Boday, the Gallamite ship commander. It was more important for Jadzia, that her lovers were good people. Despite his lust for profit, Quark was a good person and would have been with Jadzia if she hadn't fallen in love with Worf.

Quark remained working the bar as Rom searched. The slaps continued on as Rom was looking everywhere. Lenara said she was returning to her quarters. Quark told her not to worry. They would find her missing rind and he would bring it to her. Lenara then left, not long after Rom banged his head on a table. He's just found a ring and was standing up. Rom was rubbing his head when he showed Quark the ring. Quark quickly took the ring, then looked it over. He read the names Lenara & Jadzia on it. Quark smiled as he told his brother, he'd be back later. A short time later, Quark stood outside Lenara's quarters. He shined the ring by rubbing it against his coat. Quark then pressed the door buzzer and announced that he's found Lenara's ring! He held the ring out, so it would be the first thing Lenara saw. Quark wanted to see that fun loving pretty human female again.
Before she left the bar, Quark told her not to worry and that they would find her missing ring and he would bring it to her. This made her pause and look back at him. "Very well." she said and then she left, leaving Quark and Rom to search for the jewelry. Returning to her quarters, Lenara asked the replicator for a drink before she sat down and rested with a sigh. She wasn't sure how long she rested before she heard the door buzzer go off and she stood up, her drink still in hand as she approached the door and opened it.

When the door slid open, the first thing she saw was Quarks hand holding a ring and she paused before looking past the ring that he was holding out to her to look at the Ferengi himself. "You found it." she said, a pleased smile spreading across her face as she reached out and gentle removed it from his hand and she ran her fingers over the smooth surface. "You actually found it. Thank you." she told him before standing to the side. "Please Quark, come in. Perhaps you would like to join me for something to drink." After stepping back for him to enter, Lenara moved away from the door while finishing the drink in her hand. As she moved further into her quarters ahead of him, Quark would have a moment to watch how her dress clung to her backside.
Quark wore a smile while holding Lenara's ring out for her. He was pleased to see a smile return to her face. Lenara looked so pretty when she smiled. It was like her face lit up brightly from the inside. Quark said he knew it would be found. It was just a matter of looking hard for it. Lenara took her ring, then asked Quark inside. She spoke of him joining her for a drink. Quark gladly accepted the offer. He followed Lenara into her quarters. His eyes were watching her fine looking ass. That dress was a perfect fit for her. Quark would have to remember and complement Garak on such great work. Garak understood how to design dresses to show off a woman's natural gifts.

Quark pulled another item from his coat. It was a new chain for Lenara's ring. " I thought you should have a stronger chain to hold such an important item. " Quark held the chain out for Lenara to take. He said the chain was made of duranium. An extremely strong metal, used as the hull on many ships. Quark said it wouldn't break like her old one did. " I know it came from Jadzia........I read the inscription on the inside.......I would hate for you to lose something so important. " Quark spoke as he waited for Lenara to take the gift. " I cared for Jadzia.......So I understand how deep your love for her was. " Quark added. By now his eyes were no longer undressing Lenara. He didn't want her to be offend if she caught him checking her out.
Lenara moved over to her replicator and ordered another drink for herself before asking Quark what he would like and she ordered it. As she turned with the drinks in hand, she looked at Quark to see him removing a chain from his coat and he spoke of thinking she should have a stronger chain for such an important item. He held the chain out to her while explaining what it was made out of. She was a little surprised at the offer of the gift. She softly thanked him while setting the two drinks down on a table and she took the chain from Quark while he said that he knew it had come from Jadzia, having read the inscription on the inside.

She smiled a little wider as he told her that he had cared for Jadzia as well and so understood how deep her love for the Till was. "Your understanding and your gift mean a great deal to me Quark." she told him while she carefully slipped the ring onto the chain. A moment later she held it out to him. "Would you?" she asked, asking him to clasp it around her neck for her. While he did so, she softly told him about the ring. "I don't know if Jadzia told how much she had told anyone here, but back in the Academy, we were roommates." she told him. "The two of us became very close to each other and we would of even married if things had been different. This ring, was like a promise between the two of us, that we would always love each other. So that you found it for me and returned it, means a great deal."

The woman led him to the couch in her quarters, picking up their drinks again and handing him his. "I know that it's not something you normally would do." she told him, a faint chuckle escaping her. "I noticed the sign in your establishment." As she sat down, because the dress she wore wasn't a floor length one but a knee length one, it rode up a little and it perfectly displayed her long, beautiful legs.
Quark gladly helped Lenara put her necklace back on. The chain was stronger, and it would remain around Lenara's neck until she took it off. She could play with it all day and night without worry of losing her ring again. The duranium alloy had been used as hulls for ship, dating back well over several centuries. Lenara spoke to Quark of why the ring was so important. She spoke of how she and Jadzia were roommates at Starfleet Academy. How they became close, so close they could have been married. Quark could see Jadzia & Lenara being married. The two women were very much alike. Both women enjoyed many of the same things. Including such things as Klingon culture, Dabo, Tongo, music and dedication to Starfleet. The last one being the reason they didn't marry.

After Lenara was reunited and wearing her lost ring. She & Quark picked up their drinks from the table. They moved over to the couch and sat down. " Think nothing of it......I'm just happy you and your ring are together again. Quark spoke before taking a drink. " Jadzia was very proud of having been with you........She loved telling stories of your days at Starfleet Academy.......I remember Jadzia telling me of how you two would often sneak out of your dorm room and go to Paris or Rio just to dance and be together. " Quark was smiling as he spoke. His eyes never looked down below Lenara's chin. Not that he didn't want too. Quark didn't want to upset Lenara, not anymore then she had been this evening. Bring her ring back, brought the bright smile to Lenara's face once again. She was again like the woman who had been at the bar.
Quarks help with her necklace was much appreciated and with it clasped around her neck, she adjusted the chain a little and moved the ring before letting it settle upon her chest. The ring rested perfectly in the center of her chest. With her ring back where it belonged, Lenara could happily relax once again and she did so as the two of them picked up their drinks and moved to sit down on the couch together. She was told to think nothing of what he had done and that he was just happy that she had her ring. Lenara smiled into her drink as he told her that Jadzia was very proud of having been with her and of how she had loved to tell stories of their days at Starfleet Academy.

The mention of Jadzia having told Quark about how they would often sneak off to Paris or Rio just to dance and be together. This made her laugh, the sound soft and filled with delight at remembering. "Oh, yes. Before Jadzia, I wasn't much of a dancer. But she taught me. Jadzia had taught me a lot over the years and if it wasn't for her, I don't think I'd be the person I am today. She and Worf both helped to shape me into the woman I am today." she told Quark. She sipped at her drink while leaning back on the couch a bit.

For a little while, Lenara and Quark swapped stories about Jadzia before branching out into other topics before Lenara changed the subject. "I really am grateful that you came here tonight, Quark." she softly said after a while. "I have shared some of these stories with others before, but it's different telling them to you. You see things a little different then they do." She could of gone to Kira's quarters if she had that evening off and spent time with her, or she could of gone to Odo and reported the ring missing. However, Quark had come through in a way that she truly hadn't expected. "I know you told me to think nothing of you returning my ring. But I feel that I should do something for you." she slowly said. "I know that number 285 of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition states that no good deed goes unpunished. However, I like to say that no good deed should go unrewarded."

That she had some knowledge of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition meant that she had some interaction with the Ferengi race in the past, though no where near as much as Jadzia had. "So tell me Quark, is there something you would like as a reward?" she asked him.
Quark was surprised when Lenara said, Jadzia taught her how to dance. Lenara admitted that Jadzia did a lot for her. Making her into the woman she was today. Having memories from 7 past lives, gave Jadzia a lot of experience to share with those around her. Plus, Jadzia always did love a good party. And dancing was apart of any good party. Since Jadzia loved to dance, and she loved Lenara, it was only a matter of time before Lenara became as good at dancing as Jadzia. The two women had shared a lot during their time together. Each one brought something to their relationship and shared it with the other. Lenara & Quark spent time swapping stories about their friend, and several other subjects. The game Tongo came up, as did talk of the Ferengi home world, the Protector, Grand Nagus Zek who is dating Quark's mother and a short, but interesting game of what's your favorite.

During the conversation, Quark did notice how more relaxed and happy Lenara was. She had gone back to that new Lenara, who walked into the bar earlier that evening. It was a much warmer and freer Lenara then anyone outside her circle of close friends had ever seen. Lenara brought up the subject of a reward. She also quoted the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition. Quark wasn't as surprised by this, as he would have been a while ago. Since they started sharing stories of Jadzia. Quark learned a lot more about Lenara. He also knew Jadzia had knowledge of the Ferengi way of life. It only stood to reason that Lenara would be as knowledgeable. " Oh I don't.......I wasn't expect a reward.....I only wanted to make you happy again.......You seemed so different this evening......More flexible and less like a Vulcan. " Quark spoke with a chuckle. Lenara seemed so ridged when she was on DS9 for the wedding. " I'll take whatever you want to give me. " Quark said not knowing what Lenara would give him, or was willing to give him.
Quark wasn't the first one to be surprised to learn that Lenara was taught to dance by Jadzia. Lenara figured that it was the way she presented herself that surprised others when they learned she could dance and that surprise carried over when they learned who she learned to dance from. To her, it didn't matter. And she knew that Jadzia loved a good party. She always had and she was always dragging Lenara away from her studies back in the academy to attend one. While Lenara had fussed about it, she had always secretly loved spending the time with her friend. Stories spilled forth between the human and Ferengi, both of them enjoying each others conversation.

Plenty of laughter was shared between the two before she brought up a reward. Quark insisted that he wasn't expecting a reward and told her that he had only wanted to make her happy again. "I don't often relax like this." she admitted to him. "I take my roll as First Officer, very seriously. Too seriously, from what my Captain and some of my friends tell me. And after spending the afternoon with Vic the other day, even he told me that I needed to loosen up. So I'm trying to do so while I'm here."

After Quark spoke of taking whatever she wanted to give him, she turned her head slightly with a thoughtful look on her face before she looked at him again, a slightly mischievous look in her eyes before she moved closer to him. Reaching out with her hand, she ran her fingertips from the top of Quarks ear all the way down to the lobes in a gentle, feather light touch. She made sure to be careful in her touch, knowing that the ears of a Ferengi were extremely sensitive. "I don't think I need to verbalize what I'm offering you." she said as her gentle fingertips continued to caress his earlobes, her eyes sparkling in the light of the room while a small smile played upon her lips.
Quark never doubted that Lenara took her job seriously. He knew that she was a dedicated Starfleet Officer. Jadzia often spoke of how devoted Lenara was to her work. Even Jadzia believed her friend and lover was to wrapped up in her career. The Trill would be so happy seeing Lenara showing a more relaxed side, in public. Dropping her walls, and letting everyone see just this hidden side. Quark certainly liked the new Lenara. He would like her even more once she showed him what the reward was. Quark was taken by surprised when Lenara moved closer. She suddenly started running her fingertips along his ear lobes. Quark gasped at first, a huge smile came upon his face. His breathing picked up as a moan of pleasure escaped his mouth.

It was obvious, Lenara knew what she was doing. How she knew Oo-mox, was unclear at the moment. " Oh I see!.........Well how could I pass up such a generous reward! " Quark spoke as he leaned a bit closer towards Lenara. He moved his left hand, placing it onto Lenara's leg. Quark's cock was growing hard, very quickly. There was a bulge inside his pants, showing how much he enjoyed Lenara's touch. " I've never had sex with a human female before. " Quark admitted. He'd had sex with females of other races. Barjoran, Cardassian and even Klingon. He had a chance with a human female named Vash, but she didn't mix pleasure with business. Being with a human female was something Quark always wondered about. He'd soon find out, and from a very passionate human female. " Oh Lenara.......You're really turning me on. " Quark's voice was a little shaky as he spoke.
Perhaps the loss of Jadzia had finally made Lenara see that she was too wrapped up in her career. Sure, she'd relaxed a bit and welcomed several lovers into her life, but she was still so tense and her life seemed driven by her work. The woman loved her work. But it had become too much. Instead of it just being work, her life had come to revolve around Starfleet. Lenara and Jadzia could of married and been happy if it wasn't for Lenara's need to do so good. But now that she had lost her best friend, Lenara wanted to finally drop her walls a bit more. In honor of Jadzia.

As Lenara moved closer, she watched Quark's face carefully as her fingers began to touch his ear. When they brushed over his lobes, she heard him gasp before a huge smile formed upon his face while he began to breath faster before a moan escaped his mouth. She continued this as he spoke up and leaned closer, his hand moving to rest upon her leg. While she touched him, she could see the bulge forming in his pants and she could hear the growing excitement in his voice. His admittance of having never been with a human female before made her chuckle and she turned her body a little more. "And I've never been with a Ferengi male before." she replied before she leaned closer to him while he told her that she was really turning him on. "If that's turning you on, just wait." she purred before leaning in closer, her cheek brushed against his before he would feel his warm breath against his lobe as she pressed a soft kiss against his ear before she pulled back just enough to gaze into his eyes for a moment before kissing him.

Her body brushed against his while she kissed Quark, her hand still caressing his earlobe. Her own body was beginning to respond to the sexual tension growing in the air.
It was possible that Lenara's troubles, came from her father's past. The things he'd done to earn himself fear and hatred from many other humans. Lenara would have learned from an early age to put up walls and keep people from getting close. Despite this being the 24 century and most people had forgotten about the man. There were enough people who still believed every story about Khan Noonien Singh, was true. Even though many current stories of the man's deeds were just made up. Still, Khan and his followers, did some terrible things while on Earth, at different points in the planet's past. Once in the academy. Lenara became like a bookworm. She first wrapped herself in academy work, then in work aboard starships or starbases. Where ever she was posted. Jadzia was always trying to get her love, to open up more and become more fun loving.

Quark would have expected a reward from anyone else. He may have even asked about a reward before getting his brother to search for the lost item. However, Lenara was a special case. Having been the former lover of someone Quark also cared about. Quark wanted to have sex with Jadzia. Their relationship never reached that point. But, it could have. If the Klingons hadn't become such a problem in 2372, there would have been no need to bring Worf to DS9. Jadzia would have remained free, and she had been thinking of giving Quark what he wanted from her. Until she married Worf that is. Then, as they say, all bets were off.

Jadzia would be very happy seeing Lenara and Quark together. She cared deeply for Lenara, and Quark had a good heart, despite his greed, which never really over shadowed how compassionate he could be. At the moment, Lenara had Quark in heaven. She was the only thing he could think of. Lenara's touch was so soft and loving. Quark thought he would cum in his pants. His cock was straining against the fabric of his pants. Lenara said she'd never been with a Ferengi male before. This meant their night would truly be special. Each would get the chance to be with someone totally new and different from past lovers. Quark gasped again, his body started to tremble when Lenara came closer. Her warm breath caressed over his lobes. Lenara then pulled back, smiling, she then kissed Quark. Her lips pressed against his. Quark managed to slip his hand under Lenara's dress. His fingers moved upwards, towards her pussy. Quark was surprised to find out, Lenara wasn't wearing any panties. Her soft folds were exposed for him. As the kiss grew deeper. Quark's fingers started rubbing over Lenara's sweet pussy. Working on her clit, then moving down where Quark pushed two fingers inside Lenara's dripping hole.
Many of Lenara's troubles came from her father's past and she had learned from a very early age that many people couldn't be trusted and that many would hate her, not for herself, but because of who her father was. It was taught to her that it wouldn't matter how good she did in school or how nice she was to others. Instead, many would always look at her, hear her name and think of her father. They would compare her to him and see her as some kind of monster. So she had begun to put up walls even as a child to keep others out. But when she moved on to the Academy, she met Jadzia and she began to slowly let others in. She had been engaged when she started the Academy, but that had ended pretty badly.

Lenara was gentle and careful about her touches, not wanting to cause Quark pain as they sought pleasure with each other. She heard him gasp and she felt him tremble as she moved closer to him. The two of them kissed, Lenara's hand continuing to touch his ear. She felt his hand moving up beneath her dress and she softly moaned when he began to touch her pussy. As his fingers rubbed over her pussy and worked her clit, Lenara softly gasped into their kiss and she parted her legs a little more for him while she moaned. It wasn't long before she felt two of his fingers push inside of her and she broke their kiss while she moved her free hand down to Quarks coat and she began to open it, slipping her hand inside.
Quark had thought of what being with a human female was like. He came close to findig out a few times in the past. His business venture with Vash was one of those times. Vash was a very attractive archaeologist who wasn't interested in gaining knowledge from ancient cultures, but to sell their artifacts for a profit. This made her someone Quark could deal with. Quark didn't mind mixing business and pleasure, but Vash didn't see things as he did. She wasn't a person who thought pleasure and business went together. This alone, kept Quark from being with her, since he was involved in a business deal with her. There were a few human female Starfleet Officers, aboard the station that Quark found attractive. Some where posted here, others like Lenara, were here visiting in one form or another. Quark always thought Lenara was very sexy. However, he was never brave enough to approach her about sex.

Lenara was very skillful with her hand. Her touch was so gentle, Quark could barely keep himself from cumming. He'd met a few women who had such a touch. But, Lenara's touch was so much better. She wasn't doing this as part of a deal, or because she owned Quark, or even to get something from him. Lenara was doing this because she wanted too. She wanted to know Quark on another level. She wanted him to join her circle of lovers. Quark began working his fingers into and out of Lenara's pussy. She parted her legs, giving him more room to finger fuck her pussy. Quark loved how wet Lenara was. Her pussy also felt amazingly warm, and her muscles gripped around his fingers. As if she were trying to make his fingers cum. Their kiss grew hungrier as their hands explored each other's bodies. Lenara quickly got Quark's coat open, her then slipped inside. This made Quark squirm a bit, he was ticklish in certain spots.
In the past, Lenara had never really entertained the idea of being with a Ferengi. After all, in the past, she had only ever thought that she would be with a single person in the end. But now she had a number of lovers, both men and women. And now it looked like Quark was about to join that list. Paying close attention to Quarks breathing, Lenara soon removed her fingers from his ear, playfully telling him she didn't want him to finish too soon. "Perhaps some other time we'll see how long you can go with me doing that before you cum." she said with a chuckle before gasping and moaning as his fingers moved in and out of her, once again kissing him hungrily.

Her pussy was tight around his moving fingers, her wetness coating his fingers as her arousal got stronger. As she slipped her hand into Quarks coat, she felt him squirm a bit and she chuckled into their kiss as her hand moved over his side before she began to tug his shirt out of his pants. Lenara was beginning to get a bit impatient as both of her hands began opening his pants, her fingers brushing over the bulge that his hardened cock had formed. Finally she broke their kiss as she opened his pants, the woman just slightly breathless. "I'm beginning to get a little impatient." she breathed, finally freeing his cock and she wrapped her fingers around him and started to stroke his hardened flesh.
As races go. The Ferengi weren't the worst looking bunch. In fact, some like Quark, weren't that bad looking. Not when there were races like the Nausicaans, a race which had a face only their mothers could love. If Nausicaan mothers were capable of love. No one was really sure about that since Nausicaan females had never been seen outside their home world. Still some people called the Ferengi, "Trolls". The term had been used by Major Kira a few times. Once after making a comment about Captain Boday's looks. Jadzia, who was dating the Gallamite, told Major Kira that she put to much into looks. Jadzia said Kira shouldn't judge possible lovers based on looks. Adding, she might miss something good because she was swayed by what was on the outside. Jadzia was a lover of passion and pleasure. She knew some of the best sex could be found from races others put down. Jadzia never had sex with Quark, but she would have if things worked out differently. It was one of those things Jadzia never got to do during her life.

Lenara was doing what her best friend and lover never got the chance to do. She was making out with Quark, and they would soon be having sex. Lenara showed how passionate she could be. Her kisses. her touch, everything she did was full of passion. Quark could see a lot of Jadzia's passionate side in Lenara. Clearly, that rubbed off on Lenara while the two women were together. One of those things Lenara learned from her former roommate and lover. Quark was just minutes away from cumming in his pants, when Lenara stopped stroking his lobes. She spoke of anytime when they could see how long Quark would last while she played with his ears. It didn't matter to Quark at the moment. Lenara had him very stimulated and ready for some hot sex. Quark could tell Lenara was getting impatient, but there was nothing he could do. Another set of hands would only get in the way. And, Quark had one of his hands busy playing with her pussy. Stimulating her for the hot sex which laid ahead. Lenara got Quark's cock free from his pants. She held the robbing shaft in her hand. The head of Quark's cock was large, just like the head on his shoulders. This was something Lenara could enjoy. She liked having such unique lovers. People who could offer something different then what she could get anywhere else. Quark had lust in his eyes, as he looked at Lenara stroking his cock. This was such a hot image. Seeing the pretty Starfleet Commander looking so aroused while her hand worked over Quark's cock. Lenara was the type of girl Quark could use in his business. She was beautiful, sexy and passionate. He knew many males who would pay a lot of latinum to be with a woman like her. " Take off that dress Lenara.......Show me how sexy your body is before we fuck. " Quark spoke with a sly grin on his face.
Like Jadzia, Lenara wasn't the type to judge others by how they looked on the outside. She'd met plenty of beautiful people who were extremely ugly on the inside and she'd met a number of people who weren't so attractive to the eye, who were really wonderfully nice people. So she knew that a persons looks told you nothing about who a person was. So while some thought that the Ferengi were an unattractive race, Lenara was able to look past that. Sure, some of them weren't attractive, but not all of them were like that. Though it had taken Lenara a bit longer to get there, she was much like Jadzia was, both of them being lovers of passion and pleasure.

She was showing just how passionate she could be as she kissed and touched Quark. After she had his cock free, she could see that the head of his cock was large and she caressed her fingers over the tip. She wanted to be fucked and soon. It showed in how her face was flushed with her arousal and her breathing had picked up. Her nipples were already hard and from how easily they could be seen through her dress, it was clear that she wasn't wearing a bra either. All she was wearing was her dress and her shoes. Finally Quark told her to take her dress off and she nodded. Once he removed his hand from between her legs, Lenara stood up off the couch and stood before the horny Ferengi before she ran her hands down to the hem of her dress and she slowly pulled it up, exposing the rest of her long, smooth legs to him before it was peeled up over her head before dropping it onto the arm of the couch. With her dress off, the woman toed off her shoes and then stood there before Quark completely naked. Her body was pretty much perfect and she was extremely sexy, her curvy body showing all the signs of being ready to be fucked.
Quark loved watching hot & sexy women remove their clothing. On his world, women weren't allowed to wear clothing. They weren't allowed to do much beyond have children, care for those children and tend to the needs of the home. Things were changing however. Zek was influenced by Quark's mother. He was already changing the role of women in Ferengi society. They would soon be free and allowed to do whatever they wanted. Much to Quark's surprise and disgust. Quark saw women from other worlds differently form those on his world. He was very attracted to Bajoran, Trill and human females. Lenara would be his first human female. And she was a great first to have. Lenara was so sexy. Quark watched as she pealed the dress from her body. The sight of Lenara's naked body made that sly grin, grow wider on Quark's face. Everything was perfect about Lenara. Her face, her breasts, her hips, her ass, legs and pussy. But, she came from a genetically altered father. Lenara got everything which made the augments perfect, but not as much of what made them dangerous.

" You are beautiful Lenara.......So very sexy. " Quark spoke while his hard cock waited for her. " Now.......Come and lay down on the couch.......Spread your legs and tell me how badly you want me to fuck you. " Quark added as he moved from a seated position, to sitting on his knees. He was now at the other end of the couch. Waiting for Lenara to join him again. Quark loved hearing women beg for sexy. Hearing Lenara beg, even just a little would make this evening even better, for both of them. Quark would make sure Lenara was rewarded with a good hard fucking after she begged for him.
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