Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

Lenara listened to Tala and Karen's toasts without saying anything. She merely offered them a small smile and lifted her glass to them in a toast. She was taking another sip from her glass when a Romulan came over to their table. When he neared the table, Lenara glanced up through her eyelashes at the man before he spoke up and as he spoke of them being lucky to be in the presence of crew members of the Protector, she narrowed her eyes slightly as she nursed her drink. However, his next words caused the woman to tense. Lenara's mind was already in a very dark place, the weight of her grief over the loss of Jadzia still weighing extremely heavily upon her mind. When the Romulan continued to sling insults around about her ship and crew, her anger began to surge and her hand began to tighten upon the glass that she held.

However, if it wasn't bad enough that he was insulting the Protector and its crew, this Romulan dared to insinuate that Starfleet officers were trash. He even went to say that Kyle wasn't trash, but a tin plated dictator with delusions of Godhood. By this time, Lenara had to place her drink down or else she would of broken the glass. The Romulan was walking around the table and he came to stop next to her. Next he spoke of how Captain West had joined a Klingon House and he wasn't sure if Kyle or the Klingons should be pitied. This brought the woman to the end of her tether and she was barely hanging on.

Seeing movement next to her, Lenara saw Tala moving to stand and her hand shot out, grabbing the other womans arm in a firm but not harmful grip. Her gaze moved from the glass in front of her and she looked at Tala. When their gazes met, Tala would see the fury that was burning in the womans pale gaze. And it was more then just anger at what the Romulans were laughing about. It was so much more. Lenara was trying to hold onto her normally carefully restrained emotions. But like Doctor Boyd had warned Kyle, Lenara not dealing with her grief was going to be harmful and the Romulan was about to experience just was Boyd was worried about.

If the other Romulans hadn't of been laughing, Lenara might of been about to shake off her anger after a bit and nothing would of come from any of this. But the laughter. It just kept going and going. Loud, mocking and obnoxious. Tala would be able to see the First Officers eye twitch just a moment before all hell broke loose. One moment, Lenara was sitting there, a little tense but looking for the most part, as calm as she usually does. But the next it was like a demon had possessed her. The womans face twisted with anger as she launched herself at the Romulan next to her with a sound of anger. The chair she had been seated on toppled over behind her as she grabbed onto the Romulan, her hands grabbing a hold of his top. "You think you're funny, Romulan?" she hissed. "Go ahead and tell me another joke!" In a display of her extraordinary strength, Lenara lifted him with ease and actually threw the Romulan several feet, causing him to crash into a table.

But she didn't stop there. The first officer was following before he even hit the table and she straddled his body before one of her hands grabbing him firmly, even rather tightly, around the throat. Her fingers were digging into his flesh. "Your kind are nothing but honor less cowards." she said Anyone who had seen pictures of her father would be able to see him in her now as she threatened the man beneath her. Clearly the womans tightly restrained emotions had been let loose and it looked like the first one to be free was her rage and anger, both of which were overwhelming and violent at the moment. And it looked as if she might even be willing to kill the man beneath her, she was so overwhelmed.
Tala and the others were very surprised when Lenara lashed out. There was a gasp which came from Lesley as Lenara lifted the Romulan with ease. No one in the Protector crew, had seen Lenara lose control. It was like seeing a different version of their friend. Another Lenara from another universe. Lenara tossed the Romulan, as if the man had been a rag doll. She easily matched the strength of any Romulan. However, Lenara was fueled by rage. A rage which came from her augment DNA. This was a common sight back in the days during the eugenics war. Augments losing control and attacking with such force. This is why the augments were feared, and ultimately defeated. Lenara had attacked one Romulan, but he wasn't alone. His eight friends jumped to their feet, knocking their chairs down as they stood up. Moments after the Romulans stood. Tala and those who sat with her, also stood. The eight Romulans moved to attack Lenara, but they were intercepted by Lenara's friends.

A large fight broke out between the two groups. Tala, Karen and Jeff, were all members of Lenara's security force on the Protector. All Starfleet security officers were trained in hand to hand combat. However, Lenara wanted the best security force in the fleet. She had her people take extra combat training. They learned how to fight in different styles and how to mix different styles into one. Lesley was the only one in the group who wasn't apart of the security team. She was one of the communications officers aboard the Protector. But, Lesley was no daisy. All Starfleet officers knew how to fight, no matter what department they were apart of. Lesley leaped over the table, cutting one Romulan off. She put herself between him and where Lenara was. The Romulan took a swing at her, but missed. Lesley ducked the blow, then delivered several hard strikes before grabbing the man's arm and flipping him onto a table. As the others fought on. Two Romulans managed to get in behind Lenara. One grabbed her by the hair, pulling her to her feet. The second delivered a right cross to her jaw. This only served to make Lenara more enraged. She quickly engaged both men at the same time. Kick the one in front, doubling him over. She then delivered a sharp elbow to the man holding her hair.
The gasp from Lesley hadn't even registered with the enraged woman. All her attention was on the subject of her anger. It was like she had tunnel vision and couldn't focus on anything else as she attacked the man. After she began to attack him, hell seemed to break loose as the group of Romulans went to attack her, wanting to protect their comrade. But they were intercepted by her own companions. Lenara was there with members of her security force. A group that she had take extra combat training, all of them knowing different styles of fighting and how to mix them together into a unique style just their own. The only one of their group who wasn't trained like this was Lesley. However she did know how to fight and she was good enough.

Lenara was watching with satisfaction in watching the Romulan she was pinning down beginning to loose consciousness. That was, until one of the other Romulans grabbed her by her long hair and hauled her to her feet while another hit her across the jaw. This angered her even more and it was like a bull seeing red. Kicking the one in front of her, she caused him to double over before she elbowed the one holding her hair. Reaching up, she grabbed his wrist tightly, so tight that it caused him to yell in pain while releasing her hair before she twisted his arm and, grabbing him by the hair and she jerked sharply, pulling him down while bringing her knee up. She kneed him in the face before she introduced him to her fist, hitting him in the nose and then shoving him away. With him out of the way, she dove for the one she'd kicked and she tackled him to the ground with a snarl, beginning to hit him over and over again in the face. She began to alternate between punching him and shaking the Romulan. "They are not trash. He is not trash! She was not trash! She was not TRASH!" she yelled. The dark haired woman began repeating that phrase over and over while hitting the man, her words getting louder until she was screaming.

The fight had drawn a lot of attention to the two groups, but Lenara's words had caused even more people to watch as the First Officer broke even further. Though her face had an expression of anger, tears were beginning to fill her eyes before they spilled over, running hotly down her cheeks.
By the time Lenara was sitting on the Romulans chest, pounding him, and screaming. Starbase security had arrived at the club. The fight had lasted only 5 minutes, yet it seemed longer to those who took part in it. The Romulans would claim Lenara and her friends beat them for 20 minutes or more. Starfleet Security would have the visual records from the club. They would know how long the fight was and how it started. As Starbase security started rushing in, Tala and the others surrendered. Only Lenara was left still fighting. She was grabbed by two Starbase security guards. Each man grabbing her by the arms. Lenara was in such a rage by this time. She easily tossed these man around the club. More security guards were also thrown around. Suddenly, a group of men & women managed to get a hold of Lenara's arms and legs. This made it difficult, even for her to move. Lesley rush up. She placed her hands onto Lenara's checks. Lesley stood in front of Lenara, so she would see only her friend and lover. " Lenara!.......Listen to me!........You have to stop now!......The fighting is over......We've won.......We've won.....It's all over. " Lesley's voice was raised at the beginning, then it lowered as she continued speaking. She hoped Lenara would recognize her and calm down. It took a few moments, but Lenara finally did respond to Lesley. She started calming down.

Normally such a fight would end with everyone arrested and charged. But, there was still a war on, and there was no end in sight. Plus, all the Starfleet officers came from one ship. It was decided that the Protector crew members, and the Romulans would be sent back to their ships for disciplinary actions from their commanding officer. For Lenara, Tala, Karen, Jeff and Lesley. This meant having to face Captain West. Once back on board, the group was told to get cleaned up, get a fresh uniform on and report to the captain's ready room. Lenara's orders were slightly different. She wouldn't report with the others. Captain West wanted to see her alone and last. Tala and the others would go ahead of her. Lenara would wait at her station until the captain called for her. She'd then be relieved and go into his ready room. Tala and the rest were already standing before the captain. Standing beside the captain, at his desk, was Commander Doctor Edwin Boyd, Chief Medical Officer. He wasn't here for those currently standing before the captain. Doctor Boyd was here for Lenara.

Captain West spoke to those before him of his disappointment. Lesley then spoke up and tried to explain. She was cut off by West saying he knew hat happened. " I read the reports filed by Starbase security and the reports filed by everyone who watch the fight!.......I even viewed the footage Lieutenant!.....I'm not interested in hearing excuses! " Captain West growled out as he stood, moved around his desk and faced his crew. " You four are damn lucky charges weren't files against you........You'd be stripped of your ranks and dropped back to Ensign.......Hell.....You could have faced some jail time......That wouldn't have helped your careers. " Captain West spoke as he walked from right to left. Looking each member of the Protector fight team in the eyes. " For the next four days when not on duty.......You four are restricted to quarters. " Captain West spoke. " Dismissed! " The group moved in a single file line out of the Captain's ready room. Tala, Jeff and Lesley left the bridge. They weren't on duty and were heading for their quarters. Karen would replace Lenara at tactical once the captain called for her. " The captain was upset.......But it could have been worse......We all got four days restricted to quarters when not on duty. " Karen said as she waited to replace Lenara.

Inside the ready room, Doctor Boyd was left with a smile on his face. " Only four days Kyle?......You could have given them two weeks or more. " Boyd asked. Kyle just returned the smile as he moved back around his desk. " They're good officers.....They don't need this on their records......Besides.......I was once where they stood. " Captain West spoke as he sat down. He then explained about taking part in a fight against a group Nausicaans. The fight started much the same as the one which happened at the officer's club on Starbase 133. The Nausicaans were aggressive and disliked everything Starfleet. The fight West took part in, wasn't the only fight which happened between Starfleet officers and Nausicaans. It wouldn't be the last either. Captain West spoke of his captain doing the same for him. " Commander Singh.......Report to my ready room. " Kyle spoke after he touched his communicator badge. Once the captain's voice was heard calling for her. Karen took over. " Good luck Lenara. " Karen softly spoke before Lenara left.
Leanara didn't even realize that security had arrived. When two of them grabbed onto her, she easily tossed them off her. In the end, it took a group of men and women to finally restrain her, but even then she still struggled. It was only when Lesley rushed forward and made her look at her that Lenara began to calm. Her eyes were wide and her face flushed, her cheeks wet with tears as she stared at her friend. The womans chest was rising and falling rapidly. Finally as her rage subsided, the woman went almost limp in the grasp of those holding her and her eyes looked around before landing on the man she'd been hitting. He wasn't dead, luckily, but he would need some medical attention. She could feel shock and horror building in her from what she had done. When they were all finally released and sent back to their ships for disciplinary action, Lenara left the bar.

She didn't say a thing to anyone as she walked except to softly apologize to her friends. That was the last thing she said before they got back to the ship. With orders to get cleaned up, Lenara retreated to her quarters where she cleaned up and got into a new uniform. As she was changing, pain in her hand was finally registering and she knew that she'd hurt herself during the fight. Finally, she returned to the bridge and stood at her station without looking at anyone. She was staring down at her station, not really doing anything, when the others came out of the captains ready room. Karen moved over to where Lenara was and stood next to her. Lenara was told that the captain was upset and they were given four days restricted to quarters when off duty.

Shaking her head, Lenara softly told her it was because they weren't the ones who started the fight. "This is my fault." she softly said, her voice flat. "I should of been in better control." When she was finally called for by Captain West, Lenara stepped away from her station and Karen took over and wished her luck. She nodded before she moved towards the captains ready room. Entering, her gaze first went to Kyle then to Doctor Boyd as she moved to stand before his desk. The woman was still not back to herself. Her eyes were a little wider then normal and they were red rimmed from crying. Her shoulders weren't held back, nor her head held high like she normally would stand. Instead, she looked ashamed of herself. Across her jaw was a faint bruise from where the one Romulan had hit her and the knuckles of one hand were broken open. Though it couldn't be seen, she had also broken a finger with how hard she'd been hitting the Romulan. The woman looked broken.
Captain West, sat stone faced as Lenara came into his ready room. Doctor Boyd at his side. Both men showed no signs of what would happen next. " Commander......As you know a ship's captain is responsible for the actions of the crew under their command.......I have taken full responsibly for the incident at the officer's club.......Because of this......No official actions will be taken against you or the others by Starfleet Command.......However I won't accept a break in discipline from any member of my crew. " Captain West spoke while he looked up at Lenara. He could easily see how she'd been effected by what happened. She looked so different from how she normally looked. So sad and broken by the incident. " Doctor Boyd and I have talked this over.......We've come to a decision. " Captain West continued while Boyd studied the injuries he could see. " Effective now......You are ordered to take some leave time.......This is not a suggestion or a request.......We don't care where you go......Visit Risa......Visit Earth......But take sometime off and let yourself come to terms with Jadzia's death. " Captain West then rose to his feet. He moved around his desk and stood in front of Lenara. " You never allowed yourself the chance to morn Jadzia......You bottled it up inside until it almost ruined your career......Edwin and I only want what is best for you.......You need time to grieve properly.......Take the Runabout Congo and come back when you're ready for duty again. " Captain West spoke before giving Lenara a kiss on her lips.

Doctor Boyd then came forwards. Captain West moved aside, letting the doctor stand before Lenara. " Before you leave.....Stop by sickbay and have your injuries taken care of.......And that is an order Lenara. " Doctor Boyd finished by giving her another kiss on the lips. " You're dismissed Commander. " Captain West spoke while returning to sit behind his desk. Doctor Boyd broke the kiss, then moved away. Both men gave Lenara parting smiles, wishing her a good time where ever she decided to go. Lenara could go anywhere she wanted. Earth, Vulcan, Qo'noS, Risa. However, deep down she knew there was only one place for her to morn. A place she once visited and would be doing so again.
Lenara stood there swallowed hard as her Captain began to speak. She never offered any excuses nor explanations about what had happened, because she had none that mattered. There was no excuse nor a good reason for the way she'd acted. She was first officer for the Protector and she should of been able to control herself. Captain West spoke of him and Boyd having talked things over and they had decided that she was ordered to take some leave time. She was to take time off and come to terms with the death of Jadzia. As he rose to his feet and approached her, he would see her bottom lip beginning to quiver a little and her eyes were beginning to tear up a little as she looked up at him. As he told her that her bottling up her grief had almost ruined her career and that he and Edwin only wanted what was best for her, she nodded.

The woman understood and she could still feel the storm of her emotions in her chest. Captain West softly kissed her and she closed her eyes for a moment before he moved aside and Doctor Boyd came forward to stand before her. He told her to stop at sickbay and have her injuries taken care of. "Of course." she finally said before he kissed her as well. Finally Captain West dismissed her and after Boyd broke the kiss, Lenara softly cleared her throat. "Yes Captain." she softly said before she turned and left the ready room after they wished her a good time where ever she decided to go.

Part of Lenara didn't want to leave. Didn't want to face the truth about her best friend and lover. Here on the ship, she could at least push it aside for now and try to pretend it hadn't happened. But out there, she would have to face it. If she was honest, she was scared to face it. However, after what had happened that night, she knew she had to face it. She was currently on a road to self destruction and if she kept down it, she would ruin everything she'd fought so hard for. As she left the ready room, she thought of where she would go and there was only one place she could really think of going.

After stepping out of the ready room, Lenara looked around the bridge before she sighed. She glanced briefly at Lesley before she head down to her quarters. With her now ordered to take leave, she had to go and if she was going to leave, she wanted to do so as soon as possible. Down in her quarters, she gathered a couple of things together. As she was doing so, she glanced at a picture that she had of herself and Jadzia from back at the academy. The two women were smiling brightly with arms wrapped around each other. She felt like she'd let several people down with how she'd been acting. Shaking her head, she looked away before finishing to pack and she shouldered her bag. With her bag over her shoulder, she left her quarters and head to sickbay. After all, it was Doctors orders to have her injuries seen to before she left.

Lenara wasn't in sickbay for long, sitting calmly as her hand and cheek were seen to. Lenara had actually wanted to keep her injuries as a reminder of what her choices had caused, but she knew better then to not listen to Doctor Boyd. So with her injuries taken care of and nothing left for her to do on the Protector, Lenara head out on her leave. She wasn't sure when she would be back, but she would return to the Protector and when she did, she planned on apologizing to Kyle for her actions.
Kyle knew that Lenara wasn't responsible for her actions. Doctor Boyd had written up a report saying, Lenara was suffering from depression and stress brought on by death of a close friend and the ongoing war. The report Doctor Boyd wrote, gave Kyle the freedom to go easy on Lenara. She'd already suffered enough. Punishing her would only add to the problem. Lenara needed time away. Time for her to reflect and come to peace with her lose. Both Kyle & Doctor Boyd believed, Lenara would find the peace she needed. Had she stayed on the ship. She would have made matters worse for her. She might have blown up at someone on board the Protector. Despite his caring deeply for Lenara. Captain West couldn't let that happen. By sending her away on leave. He was helping her and keep the rest of his crew safe.

The Protector had been on the front lines for sometime. It was in need of some major hull repair work. The Protector went into space dock at Starbase 133. The ship would get an upgrade of ablative armor on it's hull. This would help keep the ship's hull safer during attack. Though, even armor couldn't save a ship from suicide attacks by the Jem'Hadar attack ships. But, the armor was another layer of protection against energy weapons and torpedoes. After Lenara left on the Runabout, USS Congo. The ship was pulled into space dock. The repair work started, under the watchful eye of LT. Commander Quinn.
Though some of her friends might be a little hurt that she didn't say goodbye, Lenara wanted to leave without all the farewells. She felt that if she said goodbye, it would just make it harder for herself. Besides, she was sure that Kyle would explain about her being sent on leave. With the okay from the doctor to go, Lenara head down to where the Runabout, USS Congo was docked and she boarded. In less then an hour after Kyle had spoken with her and placed her on leave, Lenara had boarded the Runabout and she was heading away from Starbase 133. She never told anyone where she was going, so no one would know, until she sent word from where she was. And on top of that, she didn't send word ahead of her to let them know.

As she got further away from her ship, Lenara began to feel a little better. The Runabout was taking her away from where all the ugliness with the Romulan happened. The runabout traveled quickly through space. It wasn't long before Lenara was closing in on her destination, DS9. She brought her runabout in and landed on landing pad "C". Landing, she remained in the piolets seat for a bit before she grabbed her bag and left her ship. When she was approaching DS9, Lenara had contacted them. She was sure that a number of those on the bridge who knew her or knew of her, were surprised to hear from the woman. Many of them had met her during her last stay and even if they hadn't spoken with her much, Jadzia had spoken about her to them a number of times in the past.
Jadzia's death had struck many on Deep Space Nine, very hard. Just as hard as it hit Lenara. Captain Sisko left the station, leaving Kira in command. He returned to Earth, in the hopes he could clear his mind and then continue fighting the war. Worf was also deeply troubled. However, Klingons deal with death differently then other races. Though he missed his wife badly. Worf's trouble with her passing was in another area. All would be explained to Lenara in time. Kira had been in the command center of Deep Space Nine when Lenara made contact. It had surprised her when Lenara's voice came over the com channel. Kira had hoped to see Lenara again. They had such a great time during her last visit. She never thought Lenara would show up. Not so soon after Jadzia had died. Kira gave permission for Lenara to place her Runabout down one landing pad "C".

Kira called Security Chief Odo, asking him to meet her at landing pad "C". Odo asked if there was some trouble? Kira said no, there was no trouble, just someone coming on board the station that Odo should be there to meet. Kira had no one else to greet Lenara with. Worf, Chief O'Brien, Doctor Bashir and Nog were currently away with the Defiant. They would be returning to the station in a couple of days. Kira assumed Lenara would be around that long. She doubted Lenara came all this way, just to turn around and leave before seeing at least Worf. Kira & Odo stood at the airlock waiting for the Congo to complete it's docking with the station. The airlock door rolled open, revealing Lenara standing there, a bag over her shoulder. Kira's face lit up with a huge and very bright smile. " Welcome Lenara.......It's great to see you again. " Kira spoke while giving Lenara a hug. " Welcome back Commander. " Odo waited until the hug broke. He then offered Lenara hsi hand to shake.
When she contacted Deep Space Nine, she couldn't help but smile to herself when she heard Kira's voice. Kira had become a friend and a lover during her first visit to DS9 for the wedding. It felt like it had been so long ago. Kira gave her permission to place her Runabout down on landing pad "C" and Lenara did so. With her bag over her shoulder, Lenara moved to get off and as she stood before the airlock door and it rolled open, she saw Kira standing there with a huge smile on her face. Kira was standing next to someone she'd seen before, but hadn't spoken to during her last visit on the ship. Odo, the chief of security on Deep Space 9.

Stepping through, Lenara offered Kira a small smile before she hugged her back. "Thank you, Kira." she replied. "It's great to see you again as well." After the hug split, Lenara turned and looked at Odo. She placed her hand into his and she shook his hand. "Thank you." Withdrawing her hand, she looked at the two before apologizing for her abrupt arrival. "It was a very... unexpected trip." She adjusted the bag on her shoulder and she told Kira that she would explain further later, knowing that Kira would want to know why it was unexpected. Lenara then asked about the whereabouts of Worf. He was one of the people she really wanted to see and he was part of the reason why she chose to come to Deep Space Nine.
Kira was very happy to see Lenara again. She would rather of had the visit during better times. Kira had a feeling why Lenara was here. However, she would wait until Lenara was ready to speak on that subject. Lenara then asked about Worf. He's been the reasons why she came here. Kira said Worf was currently away with the Defiant on convoy duty. She then said he'd be back in a few days. Lenara knew about convoy duty. The Protector had been on such missions at different times. Convoy duty never lasted more then a few days to a week. The Defiant had already been gone for a few days by this time. Convoy duty was important work, but it was hardly what Work needed at the moment.

Odo took Lenara's bag. Kira spoke of having quarters ready for Lenara. They left the docking ring of the station and headed for the habitat ring where the living quarters were. Once there, Odo placed Lenara's bag down, then excused himself. He needed to get back to work. Kira thanked Odo for coming with her. She then asked Lenara is she'd like some lunch? Kira had something special to share with Lenara. It was something which Jadzia wanted to share with Lenara, but couldn't during her last visit. Kira knew how badly Jadzia wanted to share it with her lover and dearest friend. To honor Jadzia, Kira would share this special piece of Jadzia's lige with Lenara.
Like Kira, Lenara would of rather this visit be during better times. After asking about Worf, Lenara was told that he was away at the moment with the Defiant on convoy duty. He was due to be back in a few days and she nodded. "I will be here for a while, so I will be here when he returns." she told Kira. She knew all about convoy duty, having been on missions like them before. Convoy duty rarely lasted more then a week. Usually it was just a couple days.

As Odo took her bag, Lenara looked at him again before releasing it into his grasp, softly thanking him while Kira was telling her of having quarters ready for her. Together they left the docking ring of the station and head to the habitat ring where she was shown to some quarters. Once there, Odo set her bag down and excused himself. "Of course. Thank you again, Odo." she told him, watching him leave before Kira asked her if she'd like some lunch. "As a matter of fact, I could go for something to eat." she replied. She was feeling hungry already.
Kira nodded as Lenara spoke of being around and waiting for Worf. " You're welcome to stay as long as you'd like.......And since you were here before......You shouldn't have any troubles getting around. " Kira added. Lenara was on the same deck as she'd been the last time. Only a few doors down from where Worf's quarters were. Lenara also would remember where Kira's quarters were, she wouldn't have any trouble finding comfort, if needed. Once Lenara said she could go for lunch. Kira held out her arm for Lenara to take. Until she met Lenara. Kira never knew how great sex was with another woman. She'd had thoughts of being with Jadzia. However, the two women never acted on any feelings they had. Instead, Jadzia made sure Kira knew just how good Lenara was. Jadzia knew if she could get them together. Nature would take it's course and Lenara would be bedding the pretty Bajoran Major. It happened just as Jadzia had thought. The night of the wedding. Lenara & Kira ended up together, all night long.

The two women left Lenara's quarters, arm in arm. Kira spoke of knowing a place Lenara would like. They headed for the promenade, the area of the station where all shops, stores, restaurants, and Quark's bar were located. Kira took Lenara to the Celestial Cafe, a Bajoran restaurant on the second level of the promenade. After being seated, Kira ordered a argendi sandwich, on mapa bread and a side of moba fruit. To drink she ordered Jumja tea. The waiter then took Lenara's order. After he left Kira decided they should just get the difficult subject aside. " We all loved Jadzia......Her death hit each of us hard......So if anyone understands your pain......It's us Lenara. " Kira spoke as she reached out and took Lenara by the hand. Since having been together. Lenara & Kira stayed in contact and became good friends. " Julian was able to save the Dax symbiont........We sent it back to Trill on the USS Destiny........They left a few days ago...It was in pretty bad shape....." Kira's words trailed off as a worried look came over her face. Clearly, Lenara wasn't the only one who had troubles to work out.
Lenara was glad that the people of DS9 was so welcoming towards others. "Yes, I still remember my way around from last time I visited." she told Kira. The woman was aware that she was just a couple rooms away from where Worf's were. It was the same with Kira's. The Bajoran woman was a couple rooms away from the woman. After saying that she could go for lunch, Lenara was offered Kira's arm and she slipped her arm through, her hand resting against Kira's inner elbow. Together, they left Lenara's rooms and they made their way to the promenade. The last time she'd visited the stations, Lenara had been impressed with the many different shops and restaurants that were there. She had tried a couple of different places to eat during that first trip.

This time, Kira guided her to the second level of the promenade and they entered a Bajoran restaurant called the Celestial Café. They took a seat and Lenara listened to Kira order before Lenara ordered a Decapus salad with Asnor fish and Bajoran fizz. With their food ordered, it seemed Kira wanted to jump right into the difficult subject and she brought up Jadzia. This caused Lenara to make a face for a moment before she nodded, lowering her gaze to their hands as Kira took her hand into hers. Kira would be able to see the sadness and pain in her eyes. When she was told that Julian had been able to save the Dax symbiont, Lenara looked up, a little surprised before she nodded. "The Dax symbiont has always been strong. I'm sure it will make it through." she softly said.

The woman looked down again, gently gripping Kira's hand. "What happened?" she softly asked. "I had read about it, but I need to hear it from someone else."
It was a painful subject for everyone. Jadzia was loved by all, though not all in the same way. Kira nodded when Lenara asked about what happened. Lenara spoke of having read about it, but she needed to hear from someone about that day. Kira said most of the command crew were on the Defiant, away from the station. The Defiant was part of a combined fleet which attacked the Cardassian system called Chin'toka. The Klingons & Romulans joined the Federation in this battle. Kira the battle had been a rough one. The Cardassians were using orbital weapons platforms to defend Chin'toka. Many ships were lost, but the battle was won by the Federation Alliance. Kira said Jadzia stayed behind. The station needed one ranking officer to remain in command. Since Jadzia was a Lieutenant Commander, the job fell to her.

Kira wore a sad expression when she talked of what happened next. She said Jadzia was found near death in the Bajoran Temple on the lower level of the promenade. Kira said no one knew what happened to her. The station's sensors only picked up an unknown energy signature in the temple at the same time. It was believed this energy is what killed Jadzia. However, no one could tell where the energy came from or where it went afterwards. She said the energy was never detected again. Kira said that the wormhole collapsed around the same time. She said it wouldn't reopen. Kira then added that all the Orbs had gone dark. And that the Bajoran people could no longer contact their Prophets. The Prophets Kira spoke of, were aliens who lived inside the wormhole, which ran between the Alpha and Gamma Quadrants. Using the wormhole allowed one to travel seventy thousand light years in a few minutes. Kira kept holding Lenara's. As much for her own comfort, as for Lenara's. " We don't know what or who killed Jadzia.......But I know whatever killed her was also behind the wormholes collapse......Cutting my people off from the Prophets who guided us. " Kira was a strong woman, but she didn't hide her pain very well. There was a lot weighing on her mind. It was obvious, there was a lot linked to Jadzia's death. Kira said Sisko left the station to clear his mind. Sisko was the Emissary of the Prophets to the Bajoran people. He'd not only lost Jadzia, he also lost the Prophets.
Jadzia had been one of those kinds of people who everyone loved to know. She was such a kind, smart and beautiful woman, both inside and out. Many would miss her and many mourned her still. Sure, she would live on in the next host for the Dax Symbiont, but it wouldn't be the same because it would be a different person at the same time. After asking about what had happened, Lenara became quiet as Kira began to tell her the story of what had happened to Jadzia. It turned out that there had been a battle with the Cardassians the system called Chin'toka. It had been a battle between the Federation with their allies, the Romulons and Klingons, against the Cardassians. Because the station needed one ranking officer, Jadzia stayed behind to command the ship.

Lenara watched as a sad expression formed on Kira's face and she knew what was coming next. She was told that Jadzia had been found near death in the Bajoran Temple on the lower level of the promenade. No one knew exactly what had happened, nor who had attacked Jadzia. All that was known was that there was a signature of an unknown energy. It was unknown where it came from and it hadn't been detected since. Kira also told her that the wormhole had collapsed, not to reopen. At the same time, all the Orbs and gone dark. This caused Lenara to frown to herself as she listened to Kira tell her about how he Bajorans were now cut off from their Prophets. Though she wasn't overly familiar with all of the beliefs of the Bajoran peoples, she understood about the prophets. Hearing that Kira's people were cut off from their prophets, Lenara squeezed her friends hand, offering her mutual comfort.

"Who ever did it, has made a great deal of enemies and they will pay for this terrible act." she softly said. She could see the pain that Kira was in, both at the loss of her friend but also the loss of the Prophets. Lifting Kira's hand, Lenara brushed a soft kiss against the back of her knuckles. "It isn't forever Kira." she told her. "I'm sure that the Prophets will return to your people." Lenara had a lot to think about with everything that Kira had told her. She slowly nodded with a sigh before thanking Kira for telling her. "How is everyone holding up?" she finally asked Kira. She knew that Jadzia had many good friends on the station and she had to remember that they were deeply hurt as well.
The waiter brought the food over. He placed everything down in front of the two women, then left. Kira waited until the man had gone before answering Lenara's question. She spoke of Captain Sisko being very effected by the lose of Jadzia, the prophets and the wormhole. Sisko was an old friend of the host the Dax symbiont had before Jadzia. His name was Curzon. He become a mentor to a young Ben Sisko. Jadzia was often called "Old Man" by Captain Sisko. This was his nickname for Curzon, and she didn't mind a bit. Kira said Worf accepted Jadzia's death like a Klingon. She then said that there was something bothering him. She couldn't get any answers from him though. " The rest of us are doing alright......We all miss Jadzia.......I miss her so much......She was a dear friend.......Someone I could talk and have fun with. " Kira spoke.

The pair began to eat while talking. Kira asked Lenara how she was doing? She knew how much Jadzia & Lenara cared for each other. Jadzia had spoken of how they almost married each other. This story made it clear how close the two women had been, and always would be. Kira understood how the news must have hurt Lenara. She cared for Lenara herself. Kira knew how she would feel if something terrible happened to her pretty friend. The conversation went on until lunch was over. Kira then spoke of having something special for Lenara. She said it was something Jadzia wanted Lenara to see. Since Jadzia could no longer share it, Kira said she'd like to share it with her friend. Kira said they needed to go to Quark's and use one of his holosuites. It was a holoprogram Jadzia just loved.
When the waiter approached with the food, Lenara quieted while he set their food down before them. She thanked him and watched him leave before Kira spoke once again, telling her about how the others were doing. She was told of how Captain Sisko had been very effected by what had happened and she nodded in understanding. She understood that Sisko had been friends with the previous host of the Dax symbiont before it had gone to Jadzia. The trill before Jadzia had been Curzon and he was a good friend to Captain Sisko. Lenara believed it would be like loosing a dear friend a second time. She was told that Worf accepted Jadzia's death like a Klingon, but something was bothering him. "I will speak with him in private when he returns." she told Kira. "Worf is very dear to me. He is like family to me."

While talking, they began eating and Kira asked Lenara how she was doing and Lenara shook her head. "I wish I could say I'm holding up well." she honestly told her friend. "The Protector was on the front lines when I got word of Jadzia's passing. I didn't feel like I could take time off. So... I buried myself in my work." She shook her head again and told Kira that she hadn't been able to face it and this path had taken its toll on her. She explained the nightmares and lack of sleep, before telling her about why she was on leave. "I haven't been doing well at all. I... I attacked a Romulan." she told Kira. "Because of pushing down my grief and trying to ignore it, I couldn't handle it any more." She told the story about that night. Of how the Romulan had been making insults against her ship, her crew and her captain. But ontop of that, making insults against all Starfleet officers. That night, it was as if he had been saying that Jadzia was trash while his friends laughed about it.

"I couldn't control myself, Kira. It was something gave." she explained. "Part of me wanted to kill him and I fear I would of if I hadn't been pulled away by two of his companions. However, this just caused me to switch my anger to one of them." As she spoke, she ran her thumb over her knuckles, remembering the pain she'd felt in them after her anger had passed. Kira was told about how she had began to take out her anger on another Romulan and she couldn't stop, even after he'd been beaten unconscious. "My captain forced me to go on leave, for my own good." Lenara did agree with Kyles choice. If she didn't go, she could of possibly injured one of her crew mates and that was something she didn't ever want to do. Most of them have come to respect and care for her.

The two of them continued eating until their meals were finished and then Kira announced having something special for Lenara and the other woman raised an eyebrow at her friend before she was told that this was something that Jadzia had wanted her to see. And since Jadzia could no longer share it, Kira would do it for her. "One of Quarks holosuites?" she echoed. If it had been anyone else talking about taking her to a holosuite, Lenara would of turned them down, but this was Kira and she said that it was something that Jadzia wanted to share with her. "Very well." she said while finishing her drink. "I should like to see what Jadzia wanted to share with me."
Kira sat, eating while Lenara spoke of why she came for a visit. Lenara talked of being on the front lines when she heard about Jadzia. How she had to push her feelings down, bury them because of being in the thick of battle everyday. This was something Kira understood. During her time fighting the Cardassians, when Cardassia called Bajor. Kira lost friends and family members without being able to see them or say goodbye. Like Lenara, she had to bury her feelings. However, Kira did find time to mourn, when she could. Lenara just let her feelings eat away at her. Until she lost control on those Romulans. A couple of those Romulan paid dearly for the insults. Kira believed the Romulans got what they deserved. Yet, she knew Lenara couldn't go on without mourning for Jadzia properly. Kira hoped what she wanted to share with Lenara would help. It was Jadzia's favorite holoprogram.

" All you need is some rest......Time away from combat......And people you can talk with about Jadzia.......It seems Captain West and Doctor Boyd care very much for you......Giving you leave time and allowing you to come here.......That's just what you need.......You'll be surrounded with people who will help deal with Jadzia's passing. " Kira spoke before giving Lenara's hand a kiss. " Now come on.......There's someone Jadzia always wanted you to meet. " Kira said while holding Lenara's hand and leading the way. They left the restaurant, the left the second level. They traveled down to the first level, then headed for Quark's bar. The bar was alive with activity. Bajor officers, Starfleet officers, Klingons, and many others all seated or standing around talking & drinking. Quark stood behind the bar as Major Kira & Lenara walked in. Quark hadn't really met Lenara during her first visit. But, he did remember who she was. A former lover of Jadzia's. Quark watched as the two women went upstairs, he nodded his head. He knew where they were going. The holosuite were Jadzia's favorite program was running all the time. Quark left Jadzia's favorite program run, so anyone could visit it whenever they wanted, No matter what time it was.

Kira & Lenara reached the holosuite doors. " Jadzia always said she hoped you'd like this place. " Kira spoke before stepping forward. The holosuite door opened, revealing what looked like an old Earth nightclub. A bar, tables, chairs and a stage with the name Vic Fontaine spelled out on the back wall. Suddenly a man appeared from the backstage area. He was dressed in a tux, with grey hair and a huge smile on his face. " Major Kira.......It's always great to see you how's my old pal Odo? " The man asked Kira. He was odd for a hologram. He knew Kira was a major, and asked about Odo. Holo characters are never this familiar. Kira said Odo was fine, working hard as usual. This made the man laugh. Kira was then ready to introduce Lenara. However, the man snapped his fingers while saying to let him guess. " You must be Commander Lenara Singh of the USS Protector.......You look just as Jadzia described you. " The man said with a laugh. " I'm Vic Fontaine.......Welcome to my place. " Vic spoke while holding his hand out. Kira knew this would be confusing for Lenara. Most holograms don't know who real people are, and Vic should know anything about Lenara. Yet, he did because Jadzia spoke with Vic about Lenara. And, Jadzia only talked about her lover with someone she really like and trusted.
What Kira told Lenara next was true. Lenara needed time away from duty to just relax, let everything finally sink in and she needed to spend time and talk with people who had known Jadzia as well. It would take a while for the woman, but Lenara would recover from this. She watched Kira kiss her hand before telling her that there was someone that Jadzia had always wanted her to meet. "To meet?" she echoed. "I don't understand." Kira was taking her to a holosuite to introduce her to someone? It was a little puzzling for Lenara. However, she stood and let Kira lead her out of the restaurant and down to the first level where Quark's bar was located.

Entering, Lenara could hear plenty of activity going on. There were Bajor and Starfleet officers alike in the bar, along with Klingons and many other lifeforms, all seated or standing while they talked and drank. Some were even eating or playing games. Looking around, Lenara thought about how different the bar looked from the last time she'd been there. After a quick looked around her, Lenara walked with Kira through the bar, the two women heading to the holosuite. At the doors, Kira told Lenara that Jadzia had hoped she'd like this place and she tilted her head before Kira stepped forward, causing the doors to open and it revealed what looked like an old Earth nightclub. She followed Kira inside, looking around the club curiously. She'd seen old pictures of Old Earth things such as this, remembering how Jadzia had been curious about them when they were in the academy.

Suddenly a man appeared from the backstage area. He was dressed in a tux with grey hair and a big smile as he greeted Kira. That he knew not just her name, but her rank and that he was familiar with Odo was surprising. Lenara glanced at her friend, a little unsure before the man looked at her and snapped his fingers, saying to let him guess. A moment later he spoke, correctly guessing who she was before saying she looked just as Jadzia described her. Finally he introduced himself as Vic Fontaine and he welcomed her to his place while holding out his hand. Lenara glanced at Kira once more before looking at Vic again and she placed her hand into his. "Yes. You're correct." she softly said. While normally it was extremely hard to read Lenara, with circumstances what they were, she was much like an open book, and it was clear that her mind was working quickly, wondering how this was possible. "How?" she softly said, her attention turning to Kira for a moment before it was drawn back to the man before her.
How Vic knew what he did, was a questions often asked. Kira said Vic was a self aware hologram. Like the emergency medical hologram most starships had in the sickbays. However, Vic was better dressed and had more charm, plus he could sing. Vic studied Lenara as Kira spoke with her. Many of the DS9 staff came to Vic with their troubles. Vic had become like a all knowing Guru for the command crew of the station. " Lenara.......Please don't get upset......But you need to loosen up.....I know you've suffered a lot in your life.......All the hatred because of your father......The pain from losing Jadzia.......But honey you ain't no Vulcan.......You're a beautiful and sexy woman......And you're not on duty here.......You're among friends and can loosen up some.....Enjoy yourself. " Vic was pretty forward with what he said, but he was right. Lenara spoke to him as if she were on duty. Lenara wrapped herself in her career after splitting with Jadzia. She put up walls and closed most everyone out. Only a few managed to get passed her walls and see the real woman behind the uniform.

Vic invited Lenara & Kira to sit. He spoke of doing a couple of songs for them. One he said, was Jadzia's favorite. Vic poured them a couple of glasses of champagne. His band came out on stage and took their places. Vic then joined his band on stage. He took the microphone as the band started to play a song which Lenara would remember. It suddenly hit her why this song was Jadzia's favorite. It was their song. Vic began singing All The Way. His voice would be familiar, it was the same voice Lenara & Jadzia heard way back when they first heard the song. This was a holographic recreation of the real Vic Fontaine, a singer from back in the 1960's. Vic sang his heart out for Lenara. He knew Jadzia would want her to enjoy herself, and not give in to sadness over the lose. Once the song was over, Vic's band started another one. The song was Come Fly With Me. A more upbeat tune.
It never occurred to Lenara that Vic could be like the emergency medical holograms that starships had in the sickbays. When Kira told her that was what he was, she glanced at her before Vic spoke up again, telling her not to get upset but she needed to loosen up. This made her look at him, a little surprised at his comment. Sure she'd been told this several times in the past, but never by a hologram. Vic told her that he knew she'd suffered a lot in her life, from the hatred caused by her father to loosing Jadzia. "You had been talking to her." she muttered before he told her that she wasn't a Vulcan. Instead, she was a beautiful and sexy woman. And she wasn't on duty. Instead she was among friends and she could enjoy herself. She was a little surprised at how forward he was with his words, but she couldn't deny that he was right.

After her break up with her ex and then splitting with Jadzia, Lenara had tried to close everyone out. Her entire life had become so consumed by her job and career, that even when off duty, she naturally acted as if she were on duty. It was how others had come to believe she was part Vulcan. She and Kira were both invited to sit and Lenara slowly moved over to a seat and she sat down while Vic spoke of doing a couple of songs for them. Once which he said was Jadzia's favorite. Vic poured the two women a couple glasses of champagne before he joined the band on stage. When the band began to play, Lenara softly gasped as she gazed up at the stage. As Vic began to sing, Lenara smiled gently while watching him and listening. She felt a lump grow in her throat before she swallowed hard and she closed her eyes while listening.

She could still remember the first time that she and Jadzia had heard this song. They had been at a party when it came on and they both and instantly fallen in love with it. It had spoken to the both of them of the love they had for each other. The expression on Lenara's face as she sat there with her eyes closed while listening, made it clear she was remembering a moment in the past. A soft shaky breath escaped her as she opened her eyes and looked up at Vic again. A tear slowly rolled down her cheek, but there was a smile upon her lips. While loosing Jadzia hurt like nothing Lenara had ever felt before, remembering her lover and the wonderful times she shared with her made her smile. Next was a much more upbeat song and she chuckled softly at some of the lyrics the man sung, wiping away the tears in her eyes before she picked up her glass of champagne and took a sip, a relaxed expression forming on her face as she smiled gently.
Kira sat there, listening as Vic sang. She watched Lenara, and knew that her friend was now on the road to recovery. Kira knew Jadzia would expect Lenara to mourn for her. However, she wouldn't want Lenara to destroy her career over not coming to terms with what happened. That wouldn't do Lenara any good, and it would tarnish the memory of love Jadzia & Lenara shared. After the second song was over, Kira finished her drink. She spoke of having to return to duty. Since Sisko was gone, Kira was the commanding officer now. There was still many things she needed to do today. Kira only took time away from her work because Lenara needed her. At the moment, Lenara was doing much better. Kira told Lenara to contact her if she wanted to do something later. She also said, Lenara could stay here as long as she wanted. Kira said Quark let's Vic's program run all the time now. That way, people could visit anytime they wanted.

Kira gave Lenara a kiss. She then stood and left the holosuite. Vic continued on with his set of songs. Lenara seemed to really like his music. It touched her in ways no other music had before. It was once said. Music is the best medicine. Vic was no doctor, but he knew how to help people. His advice was sought out by many on the station. Lenara was now getting his help. Once Vic's set was done, he joined Lenara at the table. They talked more about love, life and Lenara's career. Lenara spoke of her shipmates. How they were each special to her. Vic spoke of Lenara having so much love in her life. So many friends who needed her. Vic said that was something she should never forget. He told her to always remember what she had with Jadzia. Vic then told her, she could move on without being tied down to sadness and grief. Lenara & Vic talked for quite a while. She then thanked him, spoke of coming back to see him again. Vic said his place was always open, thanks to Quark.
Lenara enjoyed the music that Vic sang, relaxing as she sat there, occasionally sipping on her drink. When the second song was over, Kira finished drinking and she spoke up, telling her that she had to return to duty. This made Lenara look at her friend and she nodded in understanding. "You go ahead Kira." she told her friend. "Don't worry about me. I believe I'll be fine here. Afterwards, I'll be returning to my quarters to rest from my trip." She was told that if Lenara wanted to do something later, to contact Kira. She was also told that she could stay here as long as she wanted since Quark let the program run all the time now, this way people could visit anytime they wanted.

The two women shared a kiss before she watched Kira leave the holosuite. After Kira left, Vic continued singing his set of songs and Lenara returned her attention to him. Vic's voice and the songs he sang touched her deeply, making her remember times with Jadzia and it helped to ease the pain in her heart. By the time Vic finished his set, he joined her at the table she was sitting at and they began speaking. They spoke about love, life and her career. She also told him about her shipmates and how they've become special to her in their own way. She was told that she had so much love in her life and she smiled at him. "I suppose I do. It's just hard to believe at times." she told him.

He also told her to never forget that she did have many friends who needed her and to always remember what she had with Jadzia. She would indeed remember Jadzia, always, and she told Vic so. "It's just going to take some time before it's not as painful as it is now. Not because it hurts to remember, but because it hurts to know that I won't have moments like that with her again." She was told that she could move on without being tied down to sadness and grief. The two spoke for some time, the woman enjoying her time with Vic as they also shared stories about Jadzia. Finally she thanked him and told Vic that she would come to see him again. After Vic said that his place was always open thanks to Quark, she nodded before she stood and left the holosuite.

As she head down to the first floor of the club, there was a small smile upon her lips and she softly hummed to herself. Lenara had truly enjoyed herself and she would be sure to thank Kira when she saw her later. Glancing around the club, Lenara moved through. After her long trip, she actually felt she needed a rest. However, she did have plans to return to the Promenade later for a walk, perhaps visit some of the shops that were located there as well.
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