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What happens on an Airship... (Sheena-Tiger x MessedupRp)

Mila nodded "yes, you may walk dear" there was an obvious catch in her voice

((I'm.sorry in advance for this heavy god moding I'm about to do))

Eniola left the bathroom and dressed in fine shity and trousers. Well fitted, the shirt was a dark blue and the trousers were tan, accentuating her bright hair. From inside the bathroom soft crying could be heard.

As she explored the airship the few crew it had, played her absolutely no mind, some glancing at her but only nodding and smiling. The automaton guards strode along the corridors, keeping their watch.

As she explored the cargo bay, filled with boxes. She heard two raucous voices. She his behind a box and peered out st them. One was a tall man with dark, long hair and a goatee. He had been the man to take her to the ship from the slave market. The other was a short stocky man, he was bald with a thick black beard. It was the slaver who had taken her.

They were in the middle of a heated argument, the slaver said "it won't work. I'm telling you" the other man chuckled "it will. You're already onboard. It will be easy, you can take Lady Mila as your slave. She'll fetch you a hefty price on market" the slaver chuckled "she won't be on market. She'll be my personal slave for me to fuck and hurt as I see fit" the man shrugged "suit yourself. Come on, she's alone now. We can take her easily" they walked out of sight.

Eniola was left with two options, escape to save herself or warn Mila about the slavers.

Eniola tried to ignore the change in her owner's voice as she left the bathtub and the whole room. It was not as easy as she would have thought but dressed in the clothes she found in silence. The walk through the ship itself was rather relaxing with no one bothering her. She was not sure if they all knew who she was... for sure at least the one girl who had taken the blindfold and later brought the food but how much other people had seen her or heard about her was unknown to the young redhead.

When she heard the familiar voice who were almost whispering, hiding came easy to her. There was no reason for anyone on this ship to whisper, especially down here, she was pretty sure about that, so it caught her interest. With wide open eyes, completely shocked, she followed the short discussion and had her mind running instantly. There were no real choices. Either she tried to run away, having nothing, not even knowing where exactly they were right now and with this dreaded slaver around. The other option was to get back to the bathroom, maybe not even that far, and warn Mila.

After everything Mila had done for her and how the white haired beauty had treated her, there was only one real option left for Eniola. Knowing the way back to where Mila was, without having to avoid detection like these 2 men, Eniola rushed back. Of course she was not running, the interior of the ship would barely allow for it and risking to literally run into an automaton was to big, but she could walk with fast and long steps.

"Mistress! I need to talk with you!" she spoke aloud once she reached Mila's chambers, ready to tell her what she just had overheard, sure that Mila could use her automatons to get rid of these 2 evil guys.
Mila turned with a wide, wary smile, "oh made your mind up have you? Well what have you decided?" She speaks as she dresses, in a semi-shrt crimson dress. Not limiting her motion but still looking good. On her hip is something new, a leather belt with what appears to be a holster for a handgun on her left hip.

The young redhead stopped in her tracks and looked at Mila, shaking her head. "No that... not yet." she looked around, definitely worried as she stepped closer to Mila. "The people who enslaved and sold me are on the ship. I heard them talking in the cargo bay and... and they want to kidnap you." Eniola pointed at the handgun, not daring to get anywhere near it, fearing that might send the wrong signal. "I hope this is not just a decorative one, please Mila... they are dangerous."
Mila nodded solemnly as Eniola spoke and rubbed her chin. She sat down in a chair facing the only door going in or out of the airship. She pointed the gun at the door and looked at Eniola "get behind me and keep quiet dear. I'll handle this"

Eniola looked very concerned but she followed the order and stepped around the chair and stood behind it. Being more of the peaceful kind of human, she hoped there would be no bloodshed, especially not the blood of her owner.
As a light tapping could be heard on the door, Mila gently pushed Eniola down to the ground, behind the chair. She stood and the door burst inward.

There were two district gunshots and the sound of two bodies falling to the floor. Mila walked around the chair and called the guards "we have mutineers. I want them taken to the authorities." She hung up and turns her attention to Eniola. Scooping her up gently "you were very brave my dear. So very brave" she strategically kept her from looking at the doorway.

Eniola got down behind the chair as she was ordered, clearly frightened from all of this. She flinched at each of the shots and audibly whimpered. Even without witnessing it, the violence scared the young woman even more in addition to what she had already felt prior to the shots. When Mila scooped the shorter girl up, she wrapped her arms instantly around the white haired woman and buried her face at the others shoulder while Mila could feel her girl trembling.

"T...they are not dead... are they?" she asked, voice shaking and not even thinking for a second to look at the doorway. That Mila was showing that much strength was helping her to calm down, even if it was hardly having a visible effect.
Mila cooed and comforted Eniola, petting her head and stroking her hair "you're safe baby girl. No no, I shot stun rounds, the automatons will be here to take them away to the jail. I wouldn't let them hurt you Eniola. My Eniola... I love you Eniola"

Eniola rubbed her face into the shoulder, enjoying soothing petting of her long red hair. She nodded lightly in response to the stun rounds. somewhere deep down she had wondered why they had been silent so fast. She heard Mila and spoke up. "But... they wanted you. I... I wanted to protect you... Mila."
Mila smiled and stroked her hair again "Yes Eniola dear, they did want me... It's because of you that I'm still here dear. It's all because of you" she didn't let Eniola go for a while. Holding her as the automatons entered and scooped up the men, who groaned softly.

Mila eventually layer Eniola down on the bed "Eniola... This may not be the best time, but now is as good as any time... I need to know your decision. If you want to stay, I can arrange you an apprenticeship with a tailor I know. You'll be fed, you'll have a house... You'll have a new life" she had an obvious catch in her throat as she spoke, tears slipping down her cheeks. "Or... You can stay here... With me... You'll be mine and I'll be yours and we can be happy; together"

She took Eniola's hand in her own "I only want you to be happy"

The redhead leaned into Mila, still trembling but she was calming down from the attention, especially as the 2 men were brought away. Hearing Mila giving her more information about the possible options did not make it any more easy now. Gently Eniola pressed the hand of her mistress, by the look in her eyes she was torn apart. There was this call for freedom like she knew it, but then she had felt really good, protected and somehow free, especially with her hands bound, while Mila had been using her.

"I choose you, mistress." she finally replied but her voice was shaking, knowing this would be a decision that would define her life for several years at the least.
Mila's eyes were watering. Sparse tears rolling down her cheeks. She smiled and wiped her eyes "I love you Eniola. I will not keep you shackled to me by this" she ranna finger along her collar "You are my lover. If you choose to wear the collar you may. But you will live here. With me as my woman. My Eniola"

Eniola looked at the tears and leaned in. She was pretty sure they were tears of joy, unlike when she had left the room to go exploring. Gently she tried to kiss each single one away while still leaning into her mistress.

"I will try to please you as much as possible." she whispered in response, not really knowing what to say. The redhead was very torn on the inside, the training, short as it was, had been rather successful in having the basics taking deep roots inside of her, overwriting a good part of herself. Nevertheless it was stirring deep inside of her, confusing her with feelings not covered but buried with the training, leaving her cuddling and nuzzling with her owner as best expression she had for the moment.
Mila kissed her head and held her close "I'm going to hire someone... Someone who can get what those slavers did you you out of your Head. I want you to be you as you were meant to be. Not some sex toy for them to play with"

Eniola looked looked up at Mila, giving her a weak smile. "I am only yours, Mila." she said, meaning it going by the light in her eyes, only to nuzzle back into the white haired woman, feeling safe, protected and owned in a special way she could not explain... not owned like some goods or a pet, but still owned.
Mila smiled and slid something onto Eniola's finger, a brass and gold ring "this is yours Eniola... A sign not that you're a slave to me... But you are more than that... If you would Like I can keep your collar on or take it off and leave you the ring... It is your choice" she kissed Eniola and held the redhead's face to her neck "I'm just glad you're safe. With me"

The redhead looked down at her hand. By the expression on her face she had to think about it for several seconds but the change in her expression showed that she understood the message, looking wide eyed on the ring. She barely registered the kiss in her thoughts but cuddled into Mila while she reached up and ran her fingers over her collar.

After several seconds, Eniola spoke up. "The collar should stay. It's... my" sh trailed off while cuddling and rubbing her head into her owner, loving to be that close to her.
Mila nodded and kissed Eniola again "right then... How about we get dressed for today. It's a big day" Mila smiled again and stood up. Holding Eniola "are you ready?"

Eniola returned the kiss and slowly stood up. She still wore the clothes from when she had explored the ship. "I don't know... I learned it is not proper for most slaves to wear clothes when in public... well... at least not... clothes worthy of a free person." the redhead said, not sure about things. Everything was developing rather quickly and it was hard for her to keep up with all the changes Mila threw at her but she felt safe with the white haired woman.
Mila smiled and nodded, she took some clothes from.a closet and slowly dressed Eniola. They were a cropped piece of red cloth. It covered her breasts but leftost of her under-boob and a small pair of brown trousers that showed off her long, nice legs.

Mila smiled and kissed her "this will do for now"

Eniola watched as Mila picked the new clothes and helped her with the undressing of her slave. She could not see how much the top covered but could feel the slightly cooler skin of her free under-boob, which made her blush. She had been seen naked during her training by many others, but this was quite different. And worst, they would visit places with her dressed like this, but Eniola knew, she would do nearly anything for Mila. Not because it was expect of her but because of this feeling in her stomach.

The redhead returned the kiss and smiled shyly, nodding. While Mila was dressing herself, Eniola looked around the room and once the white haired woman was finished, she would find her slave on her knees. Eniola had her hands on her lower back and lifted her head ever so lightly to one side so the leash which she had placed on the table next to her could be attached with ease. Nervously the young woman was playing with the ring on her finger, even though her hands were hidden from Mila.
Mila smiled sweetly and layer the leash in Eniola's hands. She kissed her cheek "I will dress you like this until you are used to it then I will dress you in normal clothes. You do not have to wear the leash but if you are more comfortable with it. I will gladly lead you by a leash"

Eniola froze and stopped playing with the ring as Mila walked around her, before the taller, standing white haired woman could see the hands and kneel down to place the leash in those hands resting on the lower back of her slave and bowed down over her to place the kiss.

The young woman was confused, she had thought her owner would instantly leash her so they could leave. Mila's whole behavior was troubling for Eniola, it simply did not match a lot of her training, which was a bad thing, but at the same thing, something about it was good about all of it.

Looking up, the confusion showing in her eyes above her flushed cheeks she spoke up, after all she was allowed while they were alone. "Yes... please. I think it... gives me some security, Mis... Mila." There was a soft smile around her lips, reaching up to her eyes. After her life had been so utterly ripped apart during the last 2 months, what she had learned during that time gave her some kind of comfort and security. It was not the same as when she was held by Mila, but it was something she could hold onto.
Mila clipped the leash on and helped her up, she pulled her into her embrace and kissed her, holding her there by the leash "come on Eniola dear" she turned and led her out, holding the leash.

She took her through parts of the airship she had never seen. Rooms with walls of windows showing the city around them. They made their way onto the gangway as their eyes adjust to the brighter lights.
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