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Tarak Tales -- Round Two -- OOC Thread

Into The Unknown is the second Tarak adventure, this one being somewhat more involved, plot-wise, and rather more character-driven in some areas. Yes, we're starting with Cersei, and sticking with her for the first few exchanges, so that we can get her character arc rolling. When the time is appropriate, she will recruit the others. But here is where we can talk OOC about all this kind of stuff. As per usual.

Oh, right, I was gonna get into the habit of posting some standard opening material. Here goes:

Most of you know the deal, but I'll reiterate it, just to be certain. This game is taking place in the world of Tarak, the Tower City, and all of you are residents of the city. It's a huge metropolis, but it's all fairly tightly packed inside this big mesa.

Nearly everyone in the world is pretty much average; they may get skilled, they may have heroism in them, but they're basically just normal folks. Some few are born to be heroes, though, or villains. In Tarak, that includes you people. That's why you have a lot of extra attribute dice, to start with. Now, there aren't such things as professional adventurers in this world; if there were, you'd be some. But every community has people that can be called upon to help out with unusual situations. For Tarak, that small group includes you.

You're part of a small group of movers and shakers; basically, you're the adventurers of the city, so whenever there''s a big job that has to be done, the people in the know can call upon you and your friends. It's a big town, but the group of people qualified to handle unusual situations is generally quite small, so you all know each other and have a working relationship; most of the time you have full-on friendships. Not every member of this group is available every time something comes up, but there's enough folks around, a mission group can usually be rounded up for any given task.

In game terms, the fact that you are PCs gives you an automatic advantage, and in this sort of relatively insular community, that advantage has not gone unnoticed. You're already experienced at working together and at dealing with unusual situations, so that's why you start off with an extra 10D in starting skill dice from the usual, and have gear and such that you likely wouldn't otherwise possess, given your day jobs. Further, although I like to keep my groups pretty small online, there is room for people to drop in and out as the situation warrants (between adventures, at least, or during stopping points within adventures if we have to). New PCs are just members of the group that haven't been called upon yet, "on camera" so to speak, so existing PCs have an excuse to treat the newcomers as friendly and trusted. I don't know if we'll get far enough for that to matter, but if we do, the dynamic is already in place to account for it.

This is the second OOC thread, and the second adventure. We've already had something of a "shake down" in general, so it's only a matter of bringing the new people up to speed (and they can accelerate the process by looking through the first adventure on their own, as well as the first OOC thread).

I do want to reiterate my comment about actions here and now: you can tell from the Example of Play I posted that certain things I let pass with description, but major activities require die rolls, particularly when the time is short and the consequences are potentially grievous. One of the things we'll be working on is all of us getting used to what is what and how to handle it in the text-only format. It would be a lot easier to figure that in face-to-face tabletop play, but the tendency in text is to describe a long thing, all your actions, and that gets tricky when I'm not able to interrupt to ask for a die roll or something. But not EVERYTHING is going to call for dice; when there's no consequence to trying again, and there's no effective time limit, we can assume some things are just attempted until they succeed, if it's possible for them to succeed at all. This should have the net result of saving time.

Suffice to say, I imagine we ought to be prepared to edit ourselves, when necessary. I have learned that lesson myself in other RPs, and this should be no exception. We can work out things here or in PMs if there's a conflict, and then edit as need be.

Oh, and post length is: whatever's required for the moment. If it's action, for example, doesn't have to be long: describe what you're doing, and maybe the intent behind it, if you're planning something or setting something up. But I'd rather not deal with extraneous padding if we don't have to, that just slows things down.

Also: pick a color and font that's comparatively easy to read. :lol: That's just a request from a guy with old eyes.

Other than that, thread is now open. Have at thee.
Just got done uploading relevant photos to internet and PMing myself the urls... was going to write the first "out on adventure" post, but dready, if you're going to be back regular-like? I could conceivably work you in. But I wouldn't enjoy having to play you for the last half of the adventure, like last time.

What do the rest of you think? His character, Chay, has some shady bits in his past; he's a Guardsman, so that kind of makes him hard for Lulu to be open around, but they're still friends (due to them both being in the "unusual persons" club in Tarak), and because of the aforementioned shady bits, he might be willing to take a shadowy job. He's also one of the top swordsmen in the entire city, so that's an advantage, too. There's this one opportunity for him to slip in just before they leave the city, but if he's going to do it, he needs to do it now.

So, I need to know 2 things:

1) does dready want to get in on this adventure, and can he be on regularly?

2) does the group feel there's room for him? I personally think I can swing 4 PCs in this format, but that's an outer limit for a message board game, for me, right now. But you guys are settling your dynamic as this session's group, so you have a say in it as well. The conception was a group without a Guardsman, and much as we like dready and he's still a part of the player pool for future adventures, it's possible his character just won't fit this particular adventure. So I'd put it to a vote, assuming the answer to question 1 is yes/yes.

Dready, the question is to you. Answer fast-like, please.
I would think there's place for him. Not that I know how exactly to get him in, but I'm sure you can find a way in your vast near-encyclopedic knowledge of this world.
Mr Master said:
1) does dready want to get in on this adventure, and can he be on regularly?
honestly, i don't know when i'll be on a computer that doesn't put %Pr at the end of every posting i make... effing apples. -.- there's a few computers here and there that are windows so i might be able to manage on those, but it's not often when those are open. i can at least promise to be on once or (possibly) twice per week, mostly since i'm almost done with the quarter. :3

note: i'm a really good swordsman? o_O?
Misha: encyclopedic knowledge is easy when you've made up the world almost entirely out of your own head.

dready: sounds like your frequency is a bit iffy; are you motivated, though? Do you WANT to be on this adventure?

And according to your stats, you have 7D with both long sword and dagger, and that makes you among the best on the continent with both weapons, at least among humans. I believe we covered this last time, too.
I don't see why it would be a problem for you to post, Lunatic.
I was going to but the conversation between Misha and MM got me all I figured a quick cut scene would do since I have really nothing more Lucca can say or do to the two....for now.​
Mr Master said:
dready: sounds like your frequency is a bit iffy; are you motivated, though? Do you WANT to be on this adventure?

And according to your stats, you have 7D with both long sword and dagger, and that makes you among the best on the continent with both weapons, at least among humans. I believe we covered this last time, too.
indeed i do, and damn... i should stab things more often. >.>
Your die codes mean you can stabby-stabby with the best of 'em. The best thing that high codes give you is the chance at multiple actions. If you're up against someone with unusually high parrying or dodge abilities, you need all the strike numbers you can get, but if you're fighting regular opponents, it's good to be able to hit, like, three times for their one.

And if you're motivated, yeah, I'll work you in tonight, then. You'll chance by, and when you see Cersei, since you know what's going on with her, you'll know something's up. You may not realize what it is, but you know she's a friend, and you'll see some of you other friends in tow, so you know there's a mission of some sort on. And then it's a matter of loyalty to your friends, particularly Cersei, if you want to help. That's what I'm relying on, but it'll be a role playing thing, I would think.

Sound decent?
sounds within reason, and i'll be able to be on the computer all weekend, till sunday night. ^^
Of course.

And good on you to disguise yourself. The populace doesn't discriminate against you much at all (you've got a half-troll running a popular bar, some horns and a tail isn't much), but your appearance is distinctive, and people might remember seeing you pass on your way out.

Shall I just presume you're all gathered and good to go?

Misha: the tracking device shows the blip is downriver, and probably on the far bank. Would you be willing to take a raft part of the way? It's in the bounds of the assistance the Council is giving you.
on my part, yes.

oh, and is my blade always working it's magic or is it the same as the goggles and i need to activate it with a word or phrase? if it's a phrase then i want it to be "Strike them down." :3
Mnh, I did rush it a bit though...
Told myself I'd get it done before the night was out.
But still, I think it looks alright.
- nod nod -​
Edit: So, I was going to try and fix the little face thing when I noticed on my bank statement that someone made a $100 purchase using my check card.​
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