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Tarak Tales -- Round Two -- OOC Thread

Into The Unknown is the second Tarak adventure, this one being somewhat more involved, plot-wise, and rather more character-driven in some areas. Yes, we're starting with Cersei, and sticking with her for the first few exchanges, so that we can get her character arc rolling. When the time is appropriate, she will recruit the others. But here is where we can talk OOC about all this kind of stuff. As per usual.

Oh, right, I was gonna get into the habit of posting some standard opening material. Here goes:

Most of you know the deal, but I'll reiterate it, just to be certain. This game is taking place in the world of Tarak, the Tower City, and all of you are residents of the city. It's a huge metropolis, but it's all fairly tightly packed inside this big mesa.

Nearly everyone in the world is pretty much average; they may get skilled, they may have heroism in them, but they're basically just normal folks. Some few are born to be heroes, though, or villains. In Tarak, that includes you people. That's why you have a lot of extra attribute dice, to start with. Now, there aren't such things as professional adventurers in this world; if there were, you'd be some. But every community has people that can be called upon to help out with unusual situations. For Tarak, that small group includes you.

You're part of a small group of movers and shakers; basically, you're the adventurers of the city, so whenever there''s a big job that has to be done, the people in the know can call upon you and your friends. It's a big town, but the group of people qualified to handle unusual situations is generally quite small, so you all know each other and have a working relationship; most of the time you have full-on friendships. Not every member of this group is available every time something comes up, but there's enough folks around, a mission group can usually be rounded up for any given task.

In game terms, the fact that you are PCs gives you an automatic advantage, and in this sort of relatively insular community, that advantage has not gone unnoticed. You're already experienced at working together and at dealing with unusual situations, so that's why you start off with an extra 10D in starting skill dice from the usual, and have gear and such that you likely wouldn't otherwise possess, given your day jobs. Further, although I like to keep my groups pretty small online, there is room for people to drop in and out as the situation warrants (between adventures, at least, or during stopping points within adventures if we have to). New PCs are just members of the group that haven't been called upon yet, "on camera" so to speak, so existing PCs have an excuse to treat the newcomers as friendly and trusted. I don't know if we'll get far enough for that to matter, but if we do, the dynamic is already in place to account for it.

This is the second OOC thread, and the second adventure. We've already had something of a "shake down" in general, so it's only a matter of bringing the new people up to speed (and they can accelerate the process by looking through the first adventure on their own, as well as the first OOC thread).

I do want to reiterate my comment about actions here and now: you can tell from the Example of Play I posted that certain things I let pass with description, but major activities require die rolls, particularly when the time is short and the consequences are potentially grievous. One of the things we'll be working on is all of us getting used to what is what and how to handle it in the text-only format. It would be a lot easier to figure that in face-to-face tabletop play, but the tendency in text is to describe a long thing, all your actions, and that gets tricky when I'm not able to interrupt to ask for a die roll or something. But not EVERYTHING is going to call for dice; when there's no consequence to trying again, and there's no effective time limit, we can assume some things are just attempted until they succeed, if it's possible for them to succeed at all. This should have the net result of saving time.

Suffice to say, I imagine we ought to be prepared to edit ourselves, when necessary. I have learned that lesson myself in other RPs, and this should be no exception. We can work out things here or in PMs if there's a conflict, and then edit as need be.

Oh, and post length is: whatever's required for the moment. If it's action, for example, doesn't have to be long: describe what you're doing, and maybe the intent behind it, if you're planning something or setting something up. But I'd rather not deal with extraneous padding if we don't have to, that just slows things down.

Also: pick a color and font that's comparatively easy to read. :lol: That's just a request from a guy with old eyes.

Other than that, thread is now open. Have at thee.
Gaz's stats are done, she has to approve them (I don't see a problem with that) and then I can post 'em by editing the existing post. She says she's going to create her own picture (which is only ethical as an artist, if you can pull it off; for the ungifted such as myself, cribbing from other sources is more understandable), and I'll plug that image in when she gives it to me.

She's combat-capable without being a combat-monster, and she has a variety of additional skills for personality and potential use. In fact, her highest skill isn't even for fighting, which I think is awesome.
-wiggly arms-

Aww! Now I really wanna' see her profile! D':
Awesome. She's the best gambler in Tarak.

I bet she has a hard time getting people to play with her though. At least, if they know who she is.
I was wondering when you were going to post in here.

I'm eager to see the art you did for your character.
Thing is, she's good enough to know when to lose a few. She wins, she loses, but when she leaves the table, she always takes a profit with her. It's part of her gambling judgment skills to know how much she can comfortably take her fellow players for. I figure she can easily make rent and expenses that way when the leg-breaking business is slow. Of course, if there's a high-stakes game, she's got no reason to hold back, then, does she? :lol:

Plus, if she plays in places around the River Gate, she'll be dealing with merchants and travelers more often than not. So no worries.
Misha, your avatar is like a train wreck; I don't want to see it, but at the same time, I can't look away.

Also, I <3 mai pickpocketing!
ugh... The only thing worse is the potato peeler story Ducky wrote in her journal.

It popped up in my head while I was trying to get to sleep last night. D:
I read that story she posted, I <3 potato peelers. I know i'm strange enough already, but dreams like that help me sleep.
I prefer to keep gore coupled with action, or horror, and I absolutely despise self mutilation.

So, naturally, that story about the potato peeler made me wanna' watch a gory action movie, play a zombie slaying game, and choke a bitch all at the same time.

Just like your avatar. D<
Okay, homies, I'll be on this coming Monday and Tuesday.

Be sure to report all lulzy drama to me.

Peace, and such.
Got a sketch done, but no time to scan it.
My mom is getting remarried today and I have to stay at her place to watch my sister during the honeymoon.
So, the upside is, faster internet connection readily available so I should be on more often.
Downside, I'm not taking my bamboo tablet to color my picture of Lucca.
Yes, Lucca, or 'Lulu' as some people call her.
I see it as being kind of misleading to some people of this world.
They hear Lucca and think guy, but when they see Lulu, double take.
Well, I think it's about time Kite and Loony got their posts in. >.> I need to know where you guys are before I can go find you.
Yeah, I'm still trying to building up enough confidence to write up something.
It's been a while since I've done forum roleplaying...
And the last time I did was on Gaia.
Two years ago....and that wasn't even at my best.
So have patience with me, Mish.​
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