How to woo a Winchester: A guide by Baltazar and Gabriel (Krystal x Katizakat)

Dean chuckled."Its true though. I maybe be dence but I aint that dence. Balthy loves you." He stepped through after his brother, and into their motel room.

Gabriel grinned when he saw Dean. "Dee!" He exclaimed excitedly, pulling him into a passionate kiss. "I didn't think I would ever see you again, Deano!" He nuzzled the taller man's chest. Boybwould dean be greatful he'd already told Sam.
Gabriel nuzzled his boyfriend. "I missed you! You're all I thought about.. When I was dead.. Dad brought me back!" He exclaimed excitedly, jumping up and kissing him again. Castiel's eyes darkened in jealousy.

Baltazar sauntered into the room. "Might I have a word privately, Samuel?" he asked, tilting his head.
Dean blushed more at the kiss and glanced over at Castiel, looking at him apologetically, mouthing 'we'll talk later' to him.

Sam blinked in surprise and blushed a little, swallowing nervously. "I-I uh... I actually need to..." He couldn't think of an excuse not to.
Castiel only nodded curtly, still looking so very jealous as Gabriel climbed all over Dean, kissing him anywhere he could reach.

Balthazar smiled in a soft, uncharacteristic way, holding out his hand for sam. "Take my hand then, Sam." When he fid, he would be whisked away to Bathazar's hidden mansion in the himalayas
Dean continued to blush and chuckled a little as Gabriel kissed him all over and pushed him down a bit. "Whoa, down boy. I actually uh... I need to talk to Cas..."

Sam swallowed nervously and hesitated, his heart hammering nervously as he awkwardly took Balthazar's hand.
Gabriel pouted. "What? You wanna add Cassie to sexy times?" He tilted his head, and saw the red handprint he hadn't before. "You claimed him!?" Gabriel's eyes went darker.

Castiel shuffled. "It is from when I pulled him from hell, brother." Gabriel deflated at that.

Baltazar frowned. "So you found your way back.. Why didn't you stay where it was safe, Mon couer?! Why?" He honestly looked worried about Sam.
Dean blinked in surprise and blushed a little, hesitating. "I-I need to... confirm a few things with Cas so.. maybe..." He muttered to Gabriel's question.

Sam blinked in surprise at Balthazar's worry and stammered. "T-That's not my home... I wouldn't have been happy there. Plus, Sebastian needed his 'Jared' back..."
Gabriel nodded, and Castiel tilted hid head. "What is it Dean?" the younger angel asked, looking confused.

Balthazar looked taken aback. "You met my counterpart?"c" He asked, looking a mix of worried and intruiged as he blushed.
Dean hesitated. "Well... I was told a few things in that other dimension and... Cas...?" He asked, looking at the angel. "Do you... like me?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah? In that dimension my counterpart is his husband. What did you expect?"
Dean blushed a little and nodded softly and glanced at Gabriel. "I... I like you too Cas but... I also like Gabriel..."

Sam nodded and looked away a little in embarrassment.
Gabriel raised his hand in a dramatic fashion. "I have a suggestion. We share him."

Castiel nodded softly. "a good suggestion. Dean, how do you feel about that?" he asked, head tilted.

Balthazar blushed. "What did.. Sebastian.. say about me?"
Dean blinked in surprise and blushed madly. "W-What!? Y-You're... you're serious...?"

Sam glanced away a little, blushing brightly. "H-He uh... said that... you like me..."
Gabriel and Castiel both nodded. "Of course Dean."

Balthazar chuckled, though he blushed, reaching out to stroke Sams cheek. "Amour de ma vie, toujours dans mon cœur, Toi et nul autre. À toi, pour toujours" And he blushed even brighter.
Dean's eyes were wide in shock and he managed to stammer. "I-I guess I... don't mind..."

Sam blinked in surprise and blushed brightly, frozen to the spot a bit as Balthazar stroked his cheek and looked confused as he didn't understand the man's words.
Gabriel smirked. "then you should seal it with a kiss, Cassie" he chuckled, and the younger angel kissed Dean square on the lips.

Balthazar blushed, guessing that Sam didn't understand french. "I told you... " love of my life, always in my heart, you and you alone. Forever yours." His face got redder as he continued. "I'm not sure when it started.. it just.. happened.."
Dean blinked in surprise and gasped a little, blushing brightly as he awkwardly kissed back.

Sam's eyes widened in shock and he blushed madly, his heart skipping nervously as he looked down a little. "I-I... Um..."
Castiel smiled into the kiss, and he stroked Dean's cheek a little before breaking the kiss. "That.. was... nice..." Gabriel just smirked.

Balthazar blushed. "I wanted to keep you safe.. but knew you wouldn't go without Dean, so Cas and I devised a plan. The key was a decoy. We needed time to devise a plan to destroy Raphael. dDo you have anything?"
Dean was blushing brightly and let out a soft whimper in the kiss before blushing more and looking down shyly at Cas's words.

Sam frowned a little at being tricked. "What do you mean 'do I have anything? I have a brother about to have a threesome and a useless key." He said frustratedly.
Castiel tilted Dean's head back up. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?"

Balthazar shook his head. "You didn't learn anything ftom the scripts? I thought about asking the fae for help.. but.. admittedly I'm still a little sore at the summer court.."
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