What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Dean looked over at him, blushing a little. "M-Morning..."

Lucifer sighed in happy relief then gasped in surprise and moaned a little in the kiss, holding Sam tight.
Dean blushed a little and nodded, though seemed unable to get up with both Gabriel and Cas clinging to him in their sleep.

Lucifer kissed Sam's head lovingly. "I missed you..." He murmured.
Dean blushed more at the whisper and kiss and looked down shyly as he remained trapped by the sleeping angels.

Lucifer blushed and looked up at Sam, his heart melting. "Really...?"
Dean blushed more as he was nuzzled and held close, feeling quite... filled with love at the moment.

Lucifer tilted his head curiously but nodded and followed his mate.
Michael made breakfast as his mates slept.

Sam zapped then to the northern lights. There, he had a table set up with candles and food he had cooked himself. "Come have dinner with me. Then you'll get your surprise." He kissed his mate softly."
Dean patiently waited for the others to wake.

Lucifer blinked in surprise and smiled a little as he saw the Northern Lights, he loved them. He then smiled and nodded, sitting down with Sam after kissing him back softly. "Alright." He murmured as he began to eat, letting out a happy 'mmm' at the taste.
Castiel and Gabriel woke up about half an hour later, smelling their older brother cooking. They each kissed Dean "morning."

Sam smiled and ate also. "I'm glad you like it, Luce. I made this all for you my soul. " when they were done eating, Sam gave Lucifer a kiss before getting down on one knee. "Lucifer, my darling, my heart my soul, my grace mate, will you marry me?" He showed him the ring and looked up hopefully.
Dean blushed brightly at the kisses and mumbled. "M-Morning..."

Lucifer smiled and blushed a little as Sam referred to him as his soul. He then finished eating and kissed back softly before his eyes widened and his heart nearly stopped, a blush appearing on his face as he was asked that. "S-Sam... Oh Sammy!" He exclaimed and practically dropped on Sam as he embraced him, kissing him deeply, speaking through the bond as they made out passionately. "Of course I will my heart, my love, my life."
Dean nodded and started to get up.

Lucifer sighed happily as he felt the ring on his finger and he nodded softly a they held each other. "Yes. Forever Sammy."
Dean shrugged. "Eat breakfast for one." He replied as he made his way to the dining room.

Lucifer sighed and hugged Sam close. "I love you too Sammy..."
Dean blushed a little at the nuzzling as he went to get himself some orange juice from the fridge before sitting down.

Lucifer sighed happily, under the aurora borialis, the beautiful Northern lights, in his love, his grace mate, his fiance's arms.
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