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Synchronic (2019). Just very okay. Disappointed. I adore the work of Moorehead and Benson but despite this film having some bigger named actors in it and at least a moderate SFX budget, the film itself was kind of low-tier and boring. It's an interesting concept, having a drug that moves you through time. But it felt very paint by numbers once this mechanic was discovered in the story.
Godzilla vs. Kong and story-wise it was mediocre.

Only good if you want CGI monsters battling it out. Shame it pretends the big rivalry between the monsters was a lot closer than it was. Think I threw in the towel on giving them a chance when the writers had a character say "Round 2 goes to X" when that's not true, the fighting isn't over yet.
Mortal Kombat

I enjoyed it and I think if my brother was still alive, he’d have enjoyed it as well. I’d like to think he was watching with me. We were big fans of the original and we played the games together. I personally liked the lore that they incorporated into this one and frankly I can’t wait for the second one.
I recently just wanted Mortal Kombat and got a few things to say. Note there will be no spoiler!

-The fighting was soooo cool!!!
-I wasn’t too happy about all the lore changes but the fighting made it worth it.
-I feel like nothing was really accomplished in the movie. Though I heard there is going to be three in total?

It was okay but I don’t think I would watch it again anytime soon. What did you guys think?
Unhinged (2020)

It wasn't as scary as I expected after seeing the trailer. Could've been better and the acting was at best average.
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