Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

It was less than a week later that Sam was getting ready for bed. "Tomorrow is it huh?" He asked with a smile.

Castiel shrugged. "I don't need to." He replied. (skip ahead to same night)
Krystal smiled softly. "Yeah. tomorrow. "I'll be in bed soon. I just have to do a few last minute things" She replied, giving him a loving kiss before she disappeared into her Spell casting room.

Krystal got the supplies she needed and then started on the spell, chanting the incantation as she spilt sams blood into the mix. "Blood of my blood, I implore the to invoke the spirit of Mary winchester!" sparks flew around and a beautiful blonde woman appeared.

Krystal smiled at her. "Welcome, mrs. Winchester. I'm Krystal. Sam's fiancee. I summoned you so that you could see your sons get married." She smiled softly, handing the now temporarily tangible woman her clothes for tomorrow. "Sam and I wed tomorrow. You'll meet Dean's fiancee tomorrow." She added, smiling.

JJ smiled. "Mom and sam get married tomorrow, Cas. can you believe it?"

Dean smiles. "I'm happy for my baby brother.."
Krystal smiled at the woman before her. "Now, Mrs. Winchester, How about I get you to bed, and We can surprise sam with you in the morning, hmm?" She asked softly, smiling softly.

JJ and Dean both smile. "Yeah, it will be. Sammy deserves this." Dean murmured, smiling.
Krystal smiled softly. "Think nothing of it. This is my little wedding gift to the man I love." she explained softly, showing the woman out and to a nearbye bedroom in her mansion. "Everything you'll need for tomorrow is in the box." she added, closing the door as she exited and popped back to bed, wrapping her arms around Sam.

JJ and Dean both snuggled into Castiel, none of them knowing just what krystal had planned for Sam and Dean tomorrow.
Krystal snuggled into him, falling asleep quickly.

JJ and Dean were soon asleep.

The next morning, Sam would be awoken by a soft voice he'd only heard in heaven. "Sammy, sweetheart, its time to get up. You're getting married today." she muttered, running a hand through his shaggy hair.
Mary winchester wore a pretty dark blue dress and matching heels, clearly ready for her son's wedding. She smiled softly at him. "That's right sweetheart. Now, get up so I can really look at you, then we'll go surprise your brother. How does that sound?" She asked, his tux already laid out for him, and his bride to be nowhere to be found. She was already getting ready in another part of the mansion.
Mary smiled softly, pulling him into a hug. "I'm real." she murmured, stroking his cheek softly as that was as far as she could reach. "Now, lets get you in your tux, and we'll go find your brother."

Dean groaned as he awoke to the sound of JJ cooking breakfast in his room. He puppoed on his clothes for the Day, stretching. "Sammy's getting married.. Wish mom was here to see.." If only he knew.
Sam felt tears fill his eyes as he hugged her back firmly. "H-How are you here...?" He asked as he gazed at her face.

Castiel smiled at Dean sympathetically and hugged him as he stood and went to the kitchen.
Mary chuckled softly. "Your fiancée. You did good, Sammy. She really loves you." she mumured, smiling up at him.

Dean hugged him back, burying his face in castiel's hair a moment before pulling away and following him to the kitchen.

JJ smiled at them. "Oh Dee! morning! mom said she had a surprise for you and sammy. Should be here with sam in a few." Dean looked confused but nodded.
Sam's eyes were wide and tearful as he nodded. "She's perfect in my eyes..." He murmured softly as he hugged his mother tightly again before snapping into his wedding attire.

Castiel was also curious but waited for them to finish eating.
Sam blushed a little. "K-Krystal kinda... turned me into a fae..." He said, worried about his mother rejecting him for being a 'monster' now.

Castiel waited for them to eat.
Mary made an interested face. "Which court? used to have a friend in the dark court. well.. we dated a little.. James I believe his name was. Your grandfather never knew. Taught me alot. Come to think of it, he kinda looked like your fiancee.." she explained, not really that phased. it was the rest of the courts you had to watch out for.

Dean ate happily, JJ eating too.
Mary smiled. "Then I know you've done good. I bet JJ is gonna be shocked to see me. Bet he looks the same too. Fae don't age." She replied, smiling to herself fondly. She had missed her friend, though she had no idea that her older son was marrying him. "Lets go find your brother." she added, excitedly grinning.
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