Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Krystal smiled softly, ordering the steak. "So, I have an early wedding present for you whennwe get home." she replied, grinning.

JJ scratched his chin. "What kind of flowers would you like to have for the wedding, Cas?" he asked, Dean just looking around.
Krystal smiled and snuggled him as the fireworks started, happy to be with him. She was so glad to finally have someone to spend her life with again. Once they were over she gave him a kiss. "Okay. I want you to close your eyes until I say you can open them, okay?" She asked softly, waiting for him to close his eyes before popping them home, where a husky pup and a dire wolf pup wait with bows on their collars.

JJ ordered the flowers with a smile, paying with his credit card. Dean just looked around, finding a bouquet he knew cas would like and buying it for him.
Sam looked at her suspiciously but chuckled and nodded, closing his eyes and waiting for her permission to open them.

Castiel looked around, not noticing Dean buying a bouquet.
Krystal grinned, popping them home to their room in their mansion where the two pups waited excitedly. She gave Sam a light kiss. "Okay, open your eyes for your surprise, Sammy."

JJ's stomach growled. "Lunch anyone?" He asked, smiling sheepishly.

Dean hid the bouquet behind his back. "I could eat."
Sam smiled and kissed her back softly before opening his eyes and he gasped, his eyes widening in awe and joy as he saw the two puppies. "N-No way!" He exclaimed as he dropped to his knees and let the puppies climb all over him and kiss him, laughing happily and petting them as he held them close, tears in his eyes. "T-They're ours?" He asked hopefully.

Castiel nodded. "If you two are hungry." He replied. "Where shall we go?"
Krystal grinned watching Sam look so happy. It made her elated to see her fiancee so excited. She kneeled down, scratching the ears of the Husky. "Of course sweetheart. The husky's name is Dante, and the dire wolf is Remus." She explained softly, still scratching the puppy's ears.

JJ grinned softly. "I know just the place. Best burgers and pie in the state." He replied, smiling as he popped them to Gordon Ramsay's Burgr. Dean just whistled.
Sam laughed happily as tears filled his eyes and he held the puppies close as they wiggled excitedly. "They're so sweet." He said and kissed her deeply. "Thank you."

Castiel nodded and went to walk inside.
Krystal smiled, kissing him back just as deeply. "You're welcome, nin melethril. I remembered you saying you'd always wanted a dog, so I thought it would be appropriate to give you a dog to start our life together with" She replied, petting the dogs happily.

JJ and Dean followed, Dean wrapping a careful arm around Castiel.
Sam chuckled. "A dog?" He asked, gesturing to the multiple puppies but was smiling happily as he ruffled the husky's fur and let the direwolf lick his face.

Castiel blushed a little as Dean held him close and they sat down at a table.
Krystal chuckled. "Well, darling, You know I like even numbers much better than odd." She grinned, giving him a kiss.

A waitress cam over with water and menus. "Snything else to drink?"

Dean smiled. "Yes, Two beers and an iced sweetened tea?" he replied JJ nodding. Even Dean knew of JJ's tea addiction.
"So you like the gift, love?" She asked, Looking at him hopefully. She had wanted to see him smile, since he'd told her how hard his life had been.

JJ smiled. "I've only met the owner a couple of times, but gabe says he reminds him of baltazar. I've not met him. I'd likebto, Cas."

Dean chuckles. "Hes.. Tolerable.. Blue."
Krystal smiled back at him and kissed him lovingly and deeply. "I'm so glad. I still need a little blood though. for another wedding surprise and as I said, the traditional fae tattoo." she replied, smirking mischeiviously.

JJ smiled. "Will you introduce me sometime?" he asked, looking hopeful.
Krystal nodded. "Yeah." She replied simply, walking over to the closet where she grabs a sterile blood draw cart. "I happen to be a hemotologist. when you live 2,000 years. you tend to get bored. So I went to college. I've got 4 doctorates. Psychology, hemotology, pediatrics, and Biochemistry." She explains, Giving him a light kiss before cleaning herself up and sticking him, taking about 5 vials of blood. "That should do it!"

JJ smiled. "I'd love that Cas." He replied, squeezing his hand.

Dean handed Cas the flowers. "For you Cas."
Sam blinked in surprise and impressedness. He then watched as she drew blood and momentarily was amazed, usually if he needed blood, like for the angel repelling sigil, he'd just take a knife to himself, this was a relieving change.

Castiel smiled at JJ then blinked in surprise and blushed brightly as Dean presented him with the flowers, taking them tenderly. "D-Dean... you didn't have to..."
Krystal made a face. "please don't do that. cut yourself like that with a probably dirty knife.. You don't even wanna know what kind of diseases can come of that." She mumurred, gussing atbit by the scars she knew were on his palms.

Dean blushed softly. "I wanted to Cas. Thought you might like it."
Sam blinked in surprise and nodded softly. "I'll try love." He replied. "But you never know what you'll have to do on a hunt."

Castiel blushed brightly and looked at them, sniffing them softly. "I do..." He murmured.
Krystal smiled and gave him a kiss. "That is all I ask my love.The risk os alot lower now that you are a fae as I am, but I never know what kind of knives you might be using." she replied, kissing all over his face as the puppies played together.

Dean grinned widely. "I'm so glad!"
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