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The Only Rules That Matter: Legacy (Corsair and Madam Mim)

Sam grunted, aching in places that didn't normally ache as she tried to locate her clothes. "Y'all done broke ne," she grumbled, snatching her jeans away and wincing as she pulled them on. It was a kind of pleasant ache, but an ache was an ache when you felt it when you walked. Shrugging her shirt on, she keaned firward and kissed Jackie lingeringky before sitting back up and butgoning up. "Guess Ah'll jes' have ta do thst more. Purely in th' interests of bettin' in better shape, you unnerstand.

Finally, grunting a little, she pulled on her socks and boots. Well, one sick to be honest. Apparently, she'd hed the other on all night. Another grunt sounded as she pulled herself to her feet and dragged on her dove grey duster. "Ah'll be back soon," she declared. "An' Ah exoect breakfast ta be waitin' fer me, woman!"

Her laughter didn't drown out Jackie's response as she headed upslope.

"Shee-it," she hissed, syaring down at the ranch. It was a big thing, maybe two or three hundred hands there from the number of barracks-like buildings she saw. More'n even a ranch that size really needed, even with... what? Five, six thousand head of cattle there? What the hell did he need so many hands fir? Was that why the Rangers...

She twisted and rolled as a shadow fell over her, narrowly avoiding a ham-like hand. "Thought Ah saw someone up here." He was big, stocky and greasy with dark stubble and unkempt black hair under a battered wide-brimmed hat. Sam didn't like the way he suddenly leered at her. "Yer a pretty littke fella," the man continued, grabbing for her again.

Sam scrambked and rolled away, drawing her knife as shecame to her feet. It was a bowie, twelve inches ofrazor steek that served as tool and weapon both. "Play nice, boy," he laughed, drawing his own knife, "and mebbe you walk away. Hell, mebbe you even enjoy it."

Shit, Sam swore to herself. He's gonna try an' rape me because he thinks Ah'm a guy? Indignation warred with rage and fear, and she settked it all by throwing her knife. He was too slow, and he went diwn with eight inches of steel in his throat. "Bastard," she snarled, yanking it loose. And then she stared in shock.

No blood. She'd stuck him in the neck! He should be bleeding like a...

Her skin crawled as he chuckled and started to rise. "Not nice," he growlee. "Ah'm gonna mess you up fer..."

Sam kicked him in the head, then stomped her boot heel down on his face a half-dozen times. By the time she finished, he was back down and she was breathing hard.

He started moving again. "Fuck this," she decided, spinning and racing down the slope. Behind her, distantly, she could hear the man lumber back to his feet and give chase.
"Oh yes of course," Jackie replied, rolling her eyes. "Just to get in shape. Not like you enjoy it or anything." When Sam demanded breakfast Jackie sat halfway up and threw a handful of loose dirt at her retreating legs, but smiled. "I ain't yer damned squaw, woman! Now git!" She laughed and fell back onto her back for a moment before working up the oomph to make breakfast.

Sausages and a fried tomato were ready, and Sam should have been back by now. Scowling, Jackie shielded her eyes and looked up toward the ridge. If she'd gotten herself caught...

That was when she came scrambling down the slope looking wild and panicked. Jackie stood, alarmed, and grabbed her gun before kicking dirt over the fire to put it out. If Sam was running there was a good reason for it. She saw that good reason only a few moments later as a big, meaty man came lumbering behind her. Jackie took aim and waited for Sam to get clear before squeezing the trigger. The big man's head jerked back as the bullet caught him in the forehead and he tumbled to the ground. Her eyes went wide--she'd never killed a man before--then wider when he got up and regained his momentum.

"Shit shit fucking fuckshit..." Jackie quickly grabbed whatever she could (fortunately they were mostly packed already) and a couple of sausages before swinging up onto her horse and bringing Sam's to meet her. "What the fuck?!" she demanded shrilly, waiting for Sam to mount before pressing her heels to Paint's flank and urging him into a gallop to get away from the man. "I shot him! I shot him!! What the actual fuck over?!?!"
Sam vaulted into Sikver's saddle, grateful that Jackie had kept her wits about her. Well, as much as could be exoected with a fucking unkillable man on her heels. But she was handling thatdiscovery as well as could be expected. "Ah don' fucking know!" she shouted back, unholstering her Winchester as she did.

Jackie was in the edge of hysteria, and Sam felt herself nearing that precipice herself. Cocking the rifke, she forced herself to take aim and squeeze the trugger. Her pursuer went down, knee shattered by a .45 slug. Not tge hip like she'd tried for, but she'd take it. Working the lever quickly she shot him twice more, once in the chest and once in the head.

Damned if he didn't starttrying to get up.

"Ride!" she shouted, wheeling Silver around and snapping his reins. "Ride!"

Nearly an hour later they were by a little spring. Sam hadn't wanted to stop, but the horses needed a rest and some water, or they'd die. And that would leave her and Jackie shit outta luck. "Ah think Ah broke his leg," sbe said, pouring some water over her head. "But tgen, Ah also thought Ah done killed him. Twice. So there's that."

Jackie looked shaken, and didn't respond. Screwing the cap back on her canteen, Sam hugged her. "Y'all all right?"
Jackie was already riding by the time Sam had wheeled Silver around. Aiming haphazardly over her shoulder she shot at their pursuer, catching him once in the shoulder and not slowing him down at all. By the time they eventually stopped Jackie was breathing nearly as hard as Paint. She stroked his neck absently, watching the flow of the creek and barely even registering that Sam was talking at all.

"Hmm?" She was brought out of her daze by Sam's hug. She kissed her forehead absently in a half-hearted attempt to show that she was okay. "I dunno. I just...That wasn't natural, Dahteste. If that was just a farm hand, what's Beckett himself like?"

She released Sam--she didn't realize that she'd hugged her back--and knelt to the stream to get a drink. She didn't know why the unkillable man had shaken her so badly, apart from the fact that he was unkillable. He hadn't hurt her or Sam or anything...but there was the possibility that he could have and that disturbed her almost more. He could have gotten to them and there was nothing they would have been able to do about it. But...that was why she'd come, wasn't it? To protect Sam from getting gotten by thugs like him? She couldn't just turn back home at the first sign of trouble, no matter how much she wanted to.

"We're takin' these ashes to the Rangers," she said after a long moment. "After that we're gonna do ourselves a little research before you go in there, guns blazing. Got it?" There was no arguing on this. Jackie wouldn't let her go in like that again, especially not alone.
"Yer right," Sam agreed as Jackie got herself a drink. "It weren't natural. Ah ain't never seen nuthin' like it before." When she insisted that they do some research before going back, Sam nodded agrreement. "Yeah. Ah'm game. Jes'..." She gestured back in the direction of the ranch. "How do you go an' research that? Cain't exactly walk into a library an get a book 'bout men what don't die."

She thought about that a second. "Well, Ah reckon you can. Jes' dunno how useful it'd be."

But now her brain was working. "Unless... cain't imagine folk at th' ranch talk, but they still gotta deal with folk? An'... people notice, when people get strange, right? So... yeah. We ask around. Careful, like."

Seizing Jackie's hand, she pulled her lover to her feet. "Horses done rested enough. Ah say we put as many more miles betwixt here an' there as we can."
Jackie nodded. "We ask around careful," she agreed. "But chances are not many folk've taken a shot at the hands they do business with. We need to do as much recon as we can. Unfortunately since that one fella's seen us we can't infiltrate, but we can spy."

Jackie moved to her feet and swung up onto Paint, glad to put as much space between herself and the ranch as she could. While riding she was quiet for a long time. Her dad had died when she was nine, but he'd passed down the family legends to her before he'd up and gotten himself shot by the law. He'd told her how she'd come from a long line of great pirates, but they weren't bad pirates. They were Robin Hood-type pirates who were good guys and took stands against the law for freedom and justice. There was a story about the very first pirate Sparrow however--the Sparrow after whom they'd both been named--that nagged at her for hours until she could remember it.

"Years ago and miles away," she finally said out of nowhere, starting the story the way her dad always had, "there was a pirate named Captain Jack Sparrow. He wasn't a bad pirate, but he fought the English crown for his freedom and his family, having all sorts of adventures along the way. Captain Jack had twelve kids and a stout wife who went on his adventures with him sometimes. She became so famous and rich a pirate the king of England himself even called her Red Jenny. But when their littlest daughter fell deathly sick Captain Jack went out looking for something to cure her while Red Jenny stayed behind to care for her, since even the crown jewels couldn't pay for a doctor good enough to cure her. (And they should know: Red Jenny stole them and Captain Jack fenced them to try to find one and pay him.) In his travels he came to hear tell of ancient Aztec gold. Cortez when he came to the New World had taken the gold from the peoples he conquered, and their high priest cursed it. He cursed whoever took the gold to live forever, and the curse could only be undone when all thousands of pieces of gold were put back in their chest along with a blood sacrifice by him who had taken it. Fearing this curse, Cortez left it on an island which couldn't be found except by those who had already been there and left to plunder other wealthy parts of his new world."

"Well, living forever didn't sound like much of a curse to ol' Jack so of course he set out to find it. Of course he wouldn't be able to find the island--the Isla de Muerta it was called--if it weren't for this." She produced the compass from her pocket with a dramatic flourish the way her dad had always done. It had always made her goggle in wonder as a small child. "His heart's desire was to find the gold and give it to his daughter so that she would live forever instead of dying like the doctors said she would. After sailing for a year and a day he still hadn't found the island. His first mate came to him and said it was only fair that he give up their headings so that the crew had an idea where they were going and that it was just taking a long time, not that they were lost like they really were. So Captain Jack, being a fair captain, gives the first mate the headings. That night the crew mutinied, leaving him marooned on an island with nothing but the clothes on his back and a pistol with one shot in it." Jackie put two fingers against the roof of her mouth to indicate what the pistol was for. That was always the part her Ma had protested to when her dad was telling the story. Too gruesome for a child, she'd said, but Jackie had been too enthralled by that point to care.

"Captain Jack didn't panic though. He waded out into the sea and waited there for three days and nights until all the sea creatures had gotten used to his presence, then he lashed a couple of sea turtles together with a rope and made himself a raft, sailing to the next populated island then letting them go. Years passed and Captain Jack ran into his old mutinous crew. The second he saw the devious first mate he ran him through with his cutlass. Except the first mate didn't die. And neither did the rest of the crew. See, the gold worked but it was cursed. The crew would live forever, but they couldn't eat or drink, couldn't sleep, couldn't slake their lust...they would live forever but at the cost of ever feeling anything again. The crew had been collecting the gold they'd spent and putting it back into the chest and had tracked down the last piece to some island in the Caribbean. They stole it and killed the man carrying it, bottling up his blood for good measure. But Captain Jack was wiley, see, and followed them to the island that couldn't be found. As soon as the last piece of gold was in the chest he used the pistol he'd been given on the island that he'd been saving for years and years, and with the single shot in that pistol he killed his first mate just as he became mortal again. It all happened long ago and believe it or not it is all absolutely true." That was how all the stories about Captain Jack had always ended.

"That a story my dad used to tell me when I was a kid," Jackie said after a few minutes of silence. "Reminds me of this. Big fella couldn't be killed, didn't seem to feel pain. Even if you did break his leg he didn't seem to notice much did he?" She shrugged. "But I doubt many of my dad's old Captain Jack stories are actually true. In this one he said that when the moonlight shone on the bad pirates they turned into skeletons in ragged clothes." She snickered. "I think they were just stories he made up to cover up where he'd actually been and what he'd been doing. Still, it was a way to pass the time. And relevant."
"Mah Gawd," Sam laughed. "Yer great-great-great-granpappy was as badass as Pecos Bill. An', yeah. It's strange jes' how much that story sounds like what happened. Cept th' raggedy skeletons, most likely." She rubbed her chin. "Pity we didn't think ta lasso an' hogtie that hombre. Coulda checked."

She noticed Jackie's expression, and laughed again. "Naw, Jackie, Ah ain't figurin' yer pappy's stories are what's happenin'. But, like you said, it's rekevant. 'Cause there weren't nothin' natural 'bout that fellah gettin' shot an' gettin' back up wit'out a scratch in him. Most folk what get shot, they bleed." She made a wry face. "Got some experience wit' that."

The sun was red as blood and low in the western sky by the time they reached the nearest town, a sleepy little place with a weatherbeaten sign proclaiming "Welcome to Night Vale. Population 337." Built on a rail spur, it had the look of a community that temporarily swelled during the cattle drives, then ebbed back to normal the rest of the year.

"Let's hit th' hotel an' get checked in, then grab us a bite to eat," Sam suggested. "We kin make some plans 'bout the circuit we'll follow a-tryin' ta take th' ashes home, an' see if'n we wanna spring fer train tickets. Might have a decent bit o' ridin' yet if we don't."
When Sam suggested they could have checked to see whether the big guy turned into a ragged skeleton in the moonlight Jackie raised an eyebrow. She believed that only maybe a handful of the Captain Jack stories she'd grown up with were sort-of a little close to the truth. If Sam was buying into it, she needed her head checked.

But then she laughed and Jackie relaxed. "Good," she confirmed. "Pretty sure my dad made up those stories to distract me from askin' where he'd been whenever he went out robbin' banks and trains and such. Even if any of his old stories were true, it sure as shit ain't that one."


The tiny town of Night Vale gave Jackie the creeps. It may have been the bloody sky, or the way the light hit a bank of clouds to make it look as though it was glowing ominously, but something just sort of...wasn't right. Sam suggested finding the hotel and Jackie looked around dubiously. "Think a town this small has a hotel?" she asked.

There was only one street with houses scattered here and there in an unidentifiable pattern around that street. Along the main street were Ralph's Country Store, RB's (which looked like a saloon of some sort, and the most likely place they would be able to find a bed), a pawn shop, and what appeared to be a restaurant called Big Rico's. Near the platform which served as a train station was a telegram booth, and Jackie imagined that booth likely served both as the community's way of getting news from the outside world as well as a ticket booth for the train to go to the outside world. After taking it all in for a moment, she pointed.

"Let's try RB's," she suggested. "Dunno what it is but it's two stories; that might mean we can find a room."
There weren't a whole lot of people in RB's but they all stared as the two women walked in. Sam tried not to let it worry her as she strode across the sawdust covered floor. They were just new, that's all. That kind of thing attracted nitice in small towns. All the same, she took a seat with herback to the wall, and slid out another so Jackie could as well. No sense taking chances, after all.

A woman in a faded gingham dress approached them. Kind of pretty, Sam decided, but not a patch in her Jackie. "Kin Ah help you..." she hesitated, eying Sam carefully. "Sir?"

"Uhm... yeah." Sam felt a little nonplussed. Being taken for a man had been a protection for her, but she wasn't sure she liked it anymore. Not after the past few months. "Yeah, y'all kin," she finally said. "We'll need two beers, an' whatever th' special is. An' kin you rent rooms, or recommend a place?"

"Special's roast beef an' flatbread," the waitress said, looking at both of them. "An' we got a coupla rooms fer rent."

"Jes' need th' one, thanks," Sam assured her, "an' stabkin'. An' th' beef sounds fine ta me. How 'bout you, Jackie?"
Jackie was used to folk staring. Whether it was because she was a two-spirit who deigned to walk among them or an Indian who'd dared to wander into town, people stared. They usually tried to hide it though. These people openly goggled as they walked past and Jackie thought she heard a whisper of "interloper," but she didn't know what the hell that was supposed to mean. Still, she ignored it just as she would any other sort of staring and took the seat Sam had pulled out for her. Her eyes flickered to Sam when she was called 'sir,' but she didn't say anything for now; that was her business, after all.

"Special's good," Jackie agreed quickly. She was starving and just about any sort of meat sounded incredible right about now. When the waitress left she leaned in. "Shoulda told her not to call you sir if you wanted," she mentioned quietly. Sam hadn't seemed to mind too much being mistaken for a man before but Jackie had seen the look in her eye. "Unless you wanna be a sir here, that is," she added. "Dunno how you want yer new reputation gettin' out, as a man or a woman."

She shrugged and leaned back again, taking in the sight of some of the citizenry. Although most were normal-looking folk it was surprisingly diverse for a place such as Texas. Most towns had been founded by one sort of person and the town mostly had the same sort of people, with very few of a different race occasionally speckling the cityscape. This town, however, appeared to have been founded as a refuge for those unwanted in the lily-white settlements mostly found around these parts. There were white folks, sure, but there were just as many black folks and Indians and...people whose skin was sort-of like hers but their faces were differently structured. Chinamen, she figured. There was a man who was not tall and a man who was not short, an old woman over whose features Jackie's eyes sort of slid no matter how hard she tried, and a man with glasses and short-cropped hair to whom Jackie took an instant dislike though she didn't know why. Her eyes narrowed when they fell on some Russian-looking fella wearing a giant Indian headdress and a suit of buckskin. She was used to racist assholes, but he really took it all.

"Queer little town," she murmured to Sam, quelling her temper just before their waitress came back with their meals. Jackie took one bite of the bread and looked at it, confused. "What sorta bread is this?"

"Oat bread," the waitress said as though it were obvious. "Ain't had wheat 'round these parts fer years."

After some consideration Jackie shrugged. It wasn't terrible, just...surprising. "Think the train even runs by here anymore?" she asked at length. "It looks to small to even merit a stop, at least for trains long enough to have a cattle car for Silver and Paint."
"Shoulda told her not to call you sir if you wanted," Jackie said quietly, leaning close. "Unless you wanna be a sir here, that is," she added. "Dunno how you want yer new reputation gettin' out, as a man or a woman."

Sam nodded thoughtfully. "Y'know what?" she murmured back. "Ah don't rightly know what Ah want. Ain't never bothered me afore, bein' taken fer a man." A quick smile. "Hell, even now - after mah initiation an th' visions an' all - it don't feel wrong. It's jes'... Ah'm finally gettin' comfortable in mah own skin, y'know? Ah like bein' a man, sometimes. Ah jes' dunno if'n Ah wanna be one right now."

The waitress arrived with their food, and dropped a key on the table as well. "Room three, top of the stairs," she said, before going on to explain about the bread. "And we've got a hand takin' yer horses round to the stable. It's out back, if'n y'all wanna go check on 'em."

"May do that, after dinner," Sam said. "Make sure they're brushed down, an' all. An' thank y'all kindly, ma'am." With that she fell to eating, finding the beef rare and seasoned well and the oat bread to be oddly textured but flavorful. Silence reigned at the table for a time. "Think the train even runs by here anymore?" Jackie asked at length. "It looks to small to even merit a stop, at least for trains long enough to have a cattle car for Silver and Paint."

"Ah'd reckon so," Sam said, popping a piece of bread into her mouth. "Don't know Night Vale mahself, but that ain't surprisin'. Lotsa little towns in Texas, after all. But it's got th' look o' a cattle town, an' it seems ta be doin' all right fer itself." She finished off the last of the meat, and washed it down with the last of her beer. "Reckon we kin ask 'bout that in th' mornin', though. Gotta see to th' horses, first. An' we should probably get a good night's sleep." With a little wink, she gripped Jackie's knee below the table. "Someone kept me up, half th' night. Ah kin use th' rest."
Jackie shrugged at Sam's assessment of the town. She was more fond of riding horses than she was of trains, so she didn't pay much attention to where the trains ran and when. When Sam gripped her knee under the table and teased her about keeping her up she grinned.

"Who's ta say that same someone ain't gonna keep you up again?" she teased back, winking. Now that she knew that Sam was open to some toys, she could only imagine the nights they would have together. Once they'd seen to the horses Jackie led the way up the stairs to their room then tossed her pack carelessly on the floor.

"I was serious, y'know," she warned with a mischievous smile. "You may be the man sometimes, but we both know who wears the pants. And I didn't hear you complainin' about that last night." She leaned against the wall to take her boots off, trying to gauge Sam's mood. It had been a weird day, after all.
"Serious?" Sam grunted from the bed as she tugged her boots off and wiggled her toes. "Serious about what?" Damn, but it felt good to have them off after a hard day of riding.

"You may be the man sometimes, but we both know who wears the pants," Jackie answered. Sam looked up in time to catch a mischevious grin. "And I didn't hear you complainin' about that last night."

"Oh Ah didn't, did Ah?" Sam replied slowly, rising. Carefully, she unstrapped her gunbelt and hung it on the side of the bed she'd staked out as hers. "Well, lemme tell y'all somethin' Jackie." Half-turning, she gave her lover a mischevious little grin of her own. "Ah don't reckon Ah like yer tone, girl. Reckon Ah outta do somethin' 'bout it."

Slowly, she began to stalk across the room. "Seems like Ah otta put y'all over mah knee." With a sudden lunge she pressed Jackie into the wall, pinning her wrists abive her head as she kissed her. One knee pushed between Jackie's thighs, grinding against her crotch. "Put y'all over mah knee an' learn y'all some manners."
"Put me over your knee?" Jackie laughed, but stopped abruptly when Sam lunged at her, pinning her to the wall. She ground against the knee between her legs and pressed her chest out invitingly.

"Put y'all over mah knee an' learn y'all some manners."

"You ain't my daddy," Jackie murmured, attempting to nip at Sam's neck but missing. She moaned and wrapped one leg over Sam's hip and around her waist to pull her closer. "Mmmm and ain't I glad for it." Carefully she brought her other leg up, using her abs to stabilize herself, and crossed her ankles behind Sam's back before pulling her closer with her legs and grinding against her. "What I wouldn't give to be deep inside you...tease those pretty little tits while I take you from behind..." Despite being pinned Jackie was able to lean in to kiss her lover, though not as deeply or demanding as she would have liked. "Or are you gonna do what you promised and teach me a lesson?" She pouted prettily and tightened her legs around Sam's waist, waiting for a decision. She was all for letting Sam explore her sexuality, but damn if she didn't love the way that woman writhed and screamed under her.
"I ain't studyin' ta be yer daddy," Sam murmured back, gripping Jackie's ass and leaning into her to nip at her throat. "Ah'm talkin' bout..."

Jackie ground back against her, thighs and calves flexing sweetly as she did. "What I wouldn't give to be deep inside you...tease those pretty little tits while I take you from behind..." That produced a mental image that took Sam's breath away for a moment, and Jackie took advantage of that hesitation to kiss her. "Or are you gonna do what you promised and teach me a lesson?" she added with a little pout, tightening her legs again, and Sam felt her belly and pussy clench at the thought.

"You wanna try'n take me from behind?" Sam purred, biting Jackie's lips and then kissing her. "Y'all'r gonna have ta fight me fer that. Cause Ah aim ta have yeh beggin' fer mercy by th' time Ah'm done wit' y'all..." Straightening up, she tottered towards the bed with Jackie still wrapped around her, then tossed her onto the mattress. Springing after, she pinned Jackie's wrists to the mattress and kissed her long and hard as she straddled her. She grinned lasciviously, shifting her grip to hold both wrists with one hand as she pulled Jackie's blouse open with the other. "What's th' matter? Ain't y'all got more fight in yeh than that?"

Leaning in, she ground her hips against Jackie's as she tugged at a dark nipple with her lips. "Thought y'all was a scrapper," she taunted, holding her head so that Jackie could watch her slick tongue circle her dark aureole. "Seems like Ah might have won wit'out even tryin'."
Jackie moaned when Sam asked whether she wanted to take her from behind. Was she offering? She thrust her tongue into Sam's mouth, exploring her and promising pleasure with that tongue before Sam pulled away and, to Jackie's disappointment, declared that she was going to have to fight her. She clung to her girlfriend--girlfriend??--as she made their way toward the bed and tossed her onto the mattress. Jackie couldn't help but giggle, which grew into laughter when Sam tossed herself after to pin her to the bed. Jackie put up a token struggle, wriggling beneath her, but didn't bother fighting too much.

"I'm letting you win," she declared. Sam was most definitely stronger than her, but Jackie had her ways. Her nipples stiffened in the relatively cooler air of the room and Jackie groaned at the warm feeling of Sam's mouth pleasuring her. "See, thing is..." she said, allowing herself to be interrupted by noises of pleasure as Sam lavished attention on her body, "I know what I'm doing way more than you do. Chances are I get what I want from you...and then I get what I want to take from you." She grinned and wiggled her hips.

"Only think I ache for more than your tongue is that sweet pussy," she murmured, scooting down as if trying to reach Sam's fly but unable to due to being restrained. "Mmmm I get wet just thinking about it. You wet, baby?" she teased, biting her lower lip and smiling coquettishly up at her lover. "I can make it all better if you are..."
Jackie wriggled beneath her, insisting that she was letting her win. "See, mebbe y'all do know more 'bout what yer doin'," Sam grinned back, switching breasts and lavishing attention on a sorely neglected nipple. "Jes' means Ah outta be doin' more, don't yeh think? Cause Ah want y'all achin' fer me."

"Only think I ache for more than your tongue is that sweet pussy," Jackie murmured, sliding her body against Sam's. "Mmmm I get wet just thinking about it. You wet, baby?" she teased, biting her lower lip and smiling coquettishly up at her lover.

"Reckon' Ah am," Sam murmured back, nibbling on Jackie's lower lip. "Gonna do somethin' 'bout it?"

"I can make it all better if you are..." she replied, arching against Sam.

Sam released Jackie's hands and moved, unbuckling her belt and dragging her jeans off her lover's body. Then she unbuckled her belt and peeled of her own jeans, tossing them to the floor before straddling Jackie once more. "An' how y'all gonna do that?" she whispered, leaning down and kissing her lover once more. She still wore her shirt, and the flannel tickled her skin as she pressed herself against Jackie. "Gonna put that sweet tongue o' yers ta work?" As she spoke she pressed her bare thigh against Jackie's smooth slit, feeling her wet against her skin. "Gonna have ta make it convincin', 'cause Ah'm thinkin' 'bout gettin yer toys, and havin' y'all from behind. Jes' like y'all were gonna do ta me."
Jackie moaned, undulating her hips and grinding against Sam's thigh now that she was naked. "Just you wait," she promised, unbuttoning Sam's shirt and sliding it off of her shoulders. The feel of skin on skin was heaven. "Imma make you see Heaven," she promised, sliding down between Sam's legs, "then Imma make you beg me to take you there."

Jackie pulled eagerly at Sam's hips, encouraging her to meet her the rest of the way before running her tongue along her wet slit. She moaned into Sam's pussy, licking her clit before driving her tongue deep into her core. Her hands grabbed Sam's rear, pulling her more firmly against Jackie's face as she ate her out enthusiastically. Two fingers slipped inside her while Jackie focused at sucking on her, moaning like a starved woman devouring a delicious meal. Gently Jackie pressed her perineum, paying close attention to how Sam reacted before moving that finger in small circles while she sucked and licked her clit. She knew Sam well enough by now to have an idea of when she was getting close, and that was when she suddenly stopped. She stimulated her perineum, her finger moving slowly, but otherwise refused to continue.

"Beg me," she said, a teasing smile in her voice. She leaned into kiss those wet, delicious lips before lifting her face out from between Sam's thighs. "I'm soooo wet baby, all I want is to fuck you. I just...I can't until you beg." She grinned and licked her lips, her chin dripping with Sam's desire. "I neeeed you to beg me to take you. God I want you so badly..."
All right, so Jackie was cheating. The way Sam had set up the game, sliding beneath her and encouraging her to straddle Jackie's face wasn't orecisely what she was supposed to do. But as Jackie's hands gripped her ass and her tingue filled and caressed her cunt, Sam dicided she dudn't care. Instead she braced herself ine ine arm, cupping and playing with her breast and hanging her head down to watch Jackue eat her out. Which was tough, given how all she wanted to do was arch her back and grind against her lover's hot mouth - especially when she felt Jackie's fingers playing with her ass.

"Beg... y'all..?" Sam moaned, trying and failing to sound like she wasn't right there on the edge of orgasm. "What? Y'all.. y'all think Ah'm... Ah'm gonna..." She gasped as Jackie's played over her and her pussy spasmed with need, back arching a little. "Ah... Ah ain't... ain't beggin'..." Her legs spread wider, lowering her hips towards Jackie's mouth and opening herself more for her lover. "Gonna... gonna have... have ta..."

Another spasm and Sam collapsed onto the bed, pinching her nipple and moaning into the mattress. "Have ta... ta fuck me..." she moaned, reaching under and behind herself to spread her lips with her fingers. She shuddered at her own touch, feeling her juices drip over her fingers. "Fuck... me..."
Jackie couldn't help but chuckle when Sam declared she wasn't begging. It sounded an awful lot like begging to her. Her lover's cunt spasmed and Jackie had mercy if only because her own body ached for turnaround. Sam lowered her hips and spread her thighs wider then braced herself on the bed and Jackie took her happily, greedily lapping at her cunt. One by one her fingers filled Sam, making sure they were all well coated until two fingers slipped out, leaving Jackie's index and middle fingers pumping in and out of Sam, curling at just the right moments. Slowly, carefully, paying attention to any sign of discomfort, Jackie slipped her pinkie into Sam's tight ass before carefully following with her ring finger then pumping in and out with the fingers buried in her pussy.

"Scream," Jackie moaned against her clit. Her free hand wandered up to her breast to play with her nipple and her mouth devoured her. "Scream for me baby...mmm...fuck my face and scream my name." It was going to be a disappointment if she had to finish herself even if she offered to let Sam use the strapon, but if her lover was too tired then it would all be worth it.
Sam gasped as Jackie's fingers thrust into her aching cunt, and then all sense of games went away as another finger pushed slowly into her ass. "Gawd..." she groaned, grinding her pussy against Jackie's fingers and tongue. "Gawd... Jackie... Gawd, fuck me!" She writhed, body pressing into the mattress before arching upwards, thighs tightening around Jackie's head as she closed her eyes and threw her head back. "Gawd... fuck yeah1 Gawd, like that! Jackie... fuck..." One hand cupped her own small breast and played with her erect nipple as the other slid down her body and tangled in Jackie's long hair, pulling her mouth tighter against her. "Fuck... yeah... Gawd, yeah.... fuck me... Jackie..."

Her whole body spasmed, and a hoarse cry escaped her throat. "Gawd... fuck me... fuckin' fuck me, Jackie!" She tried to open her thighs, tried to spread herself so Jackie's fingers and tongue could push deeper into her, but the mounting pleasure made her just want to grip her lover's head harder and grind harder into her. "Fuckin' use that mouth, Jackie! Fuckin'... fuck..." Every muscle in her body was tensing as she felt her orgasm building, and her cries turned into a high keening sound as she rode her lover's face. "Fuck! Ah'm... Ah'm... Jackie! Ah... Ah... GAWD! JACKIE!"

The force of her orgasm hit like a hammer, taking the wind out of her for a moment. All she could do was whimper at the exquisite sensation as she clenched against Jackie's tongue. And then she was stuffing a hand in her mouth, muffling the hoarse scream "JACKIE!" as she writhed and bucked on her lover's mouth and tongue until she finally fell forward, barely catching herself on her forearms as she hit the mattress. "Oh... fuck...." she gasped, shuddering with the aftershocks of her pleasure. "Fuckin' hell, Jackie... y'all were... damn."

She sagged to one side, feeling herself clench again at the sight of Jackie's face and hands drenched with her juices. "Jes'... jes' lemme catch... catch mah breath," she managed. "An'... an' then Ah'm... gonna have... y'all."
Jackie squirmed beneath Sam as she fucked her face, not out of discomfort but out of want. Her inner thighs were slick with need and her walls clenched in desire when Sam finally came, screaming her name and spasming around her tongue and fingers. Carefully she extracted her fingers when Sam sagged to one side, cleaning off two with a nearby rag and licking her juices off of all the others, moaning and watching Sam's reaction as she did so. Finally she licked her lips before wiping her mouth and chin with her arm and grinning.

"Better catch your breath quick," she warned, one hand slipping down between her thighs while the other played with her breast. "I'm in awful bad shape baby. Need a good woman for a good fuckin'..." She moaned and pressed her hips up as she rubbed her clit with two fingers and tweaked her own hard nipple. Her legs were spread for Sam to have a good view but she ached to have her between her legs. "Mmm...please baby..." she moaned, writhing on the bed as she played with herself. "I need you so bad..."
Sam still felt like jelly, all relaxed and muscles soft and quivering after her orgasm. But goddamn if Jackie didn't look really fucking hot like that, playing with her tits and fingering herself and begging - demanding - to get off. "Y'all don't need me bad," she grinned, rolling over and crawling towards her lover. She kissed Jackie's damp thighs, trailing her tongue over the brown skin to taste her arousal as she neared her cunt. "Y'all need me ta be good." Cupping her ass with both hands, Sam covered her lips with her mouth, tracing her folds with her tongue. "An' fer a woman in awful bad shape, y'all taste fuckin' good."

Grinning and sighing into Jackie's pussy, she circled her clit with her tongue, flicking it intermittently. Then she pressed her face tighter in, thrusting her tongue deep into Jackie as she reached up. Her hands groped blindly over Jackie's belly and ribs before cupping her soft breasts and pinching the hard nipples on the peak. "Like that?" she mumbled, taking Jackie's clit between her lips as she tugged at her nipples. "That what y'wanted?" She ran her tongue over her lover's slit, savoring her flavor. "Mah tongue fuckin' y'good an' hard?" With that she shoved her shoulders against Jackie's thighs, pushing her legs up into the air as she thrust her tongue deep into Jackie once more.
Jackie moaned when Sam finally brought her mouth to her pussy, tracing her tongue along her folds. She threaded her fingers through her hair as Sam slid her hands up her body to grope her breasts. Jackie bit her lip and arched her back at the feeling of the vibrations from Sam's voice against her clit.

"You talk too much," she mumbled, gripping her hair and pulling her face harder against her slit. She gasped and cried out when Sam pushed her legs into the hair and thrust her tongue deep inside her. "Fuck me...with anything you want, baby..." she panted, tugging at her hair again.
Sam wasn't going to argue with Jackie as she insisted she talked too much. The pleading demand to "fuck me... with anything you want, baby..." was just too pleasant to ignore. So she went to work, exploring her lover with her lips and tongue as she cupped and squeezed her lover with her hands. Just Jackie's breasts at first, but soon she was caressing her sides and stomach, gently trailing her short nails over Jackie's brown skin. Despite just having had a powerful orgasm, the feeling of Jackie moving beneath her mouth and hands sent a thrill of desire through her nerves that pooled in her belly, and she groaned pleasurably into Jackie's pussy.

"Anytime..." Sam murmured, lapping at Jackie's clit. "Anytime... y'all want... baby..." She caught the sensitive flesh in her lips and sucked, then ran her tongue over Jackie's lips. "Lemme... taste you, Jackie. Cum fer me, baby."
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