It seems like the time spans between my posts here keep getting longer and longer. Urgh. But I am doing just fine! Really!
Seems like things have really changed, and if you'd have told me 4 months ago that things would be like this, with COVID, I'd have been pretty surprised. You'd think now, with most folks staying home, myself included, that I'd have all kinds of time on my hands. That's not quite right, and hell, even keeping Internet access has been difficult. Yet I'm back for the moment and starting up some writing again. Ok, only one roleplay as of this entry, but still... it's a start.
I'll only be picking up one or two, as I don't want to overburden myself and those creative juices sometimes don't flow as easily as they used to. Booo!
I am really excited for the FF7 Remake. Been avoiding spoilers like crazy because it seems everyone that got theirs is posting to YouTube with gameplay vids. I don't even have a PS4, but I plan to buy one just for this game. Sometime. Probably a used one. I just can't justify paying $300-400 for a console that came out almost 7 years ago.

I never even owned a PS3 at all. I love my console games, but just don't get to play too much. I play a few things on portables or my phone.
Everyone be kind to one another and please stay safe! As usual I'll try to close my post with a little bit of cute.